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Righteous women are for...
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I never think about this before, but isn’t there another Saber already waiting/sleeping Avalon during the event of the fate route?
It is also implied that Merlin was watching the whole thing since he wanted to find out what happened
Wrong white woman, Shiki
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...watching the MC find his true soulmate.
Sakura cuck i...
In the world line of staynight, no there is not. The throne exists outside of time, but it can't interact with thrones from other world lines. FGO ignores this to make as many gacha servants as possible for the paypigs, like its throne being totally fucked up is a major plot point to justify its shitty existence, but it doesn't matter to staynight.

Under normal conditions there should never be a king arthur in the throne of any world line, because he is supposed to always go to avalon instead. It's why the world was willing to entertain saber's deal of giving up her paradise in exchange for the grail, because king arthur would be a really good fucking hammer for an emergency. That's also why the saber of staynight shouldn't technically be able to exist in FGO at all without wild mental gymnastics that break the character's established development.

Merlin is an inhuman abomination and a well-meaning asshole. He's immortal and is stuck in avalon forever, partially as self punishment, and he can watch the real world from his tower. I can't remember if avalon is also outside of time like the throne is since they are both in the reverse side, but I doubt Nasu ever bothered to have that make sense even if it was.

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Please remember that when you give your jellyfish to someone, it is for life.
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I miss the fanservice.
Nice. Now I can edit pink's shirt off.
I think there's some uniqueness to them but I can still see a lot of tropes going there, even then I'm enjoying this a lot.
I miss Mei's ginger hair
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They could beat most dangerous enemies just by fusing into Gogeta/Vegito but they don't.
Why is that? Because muh pride. The stronger they become, the fusions grow with it.
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He's not Goku he can't win.
Fusions are fanservice.
Deez nuts.
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>Dobson out of NOWHERE

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Why are lolidols so cute?
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Thanks anon, the contrast definitely makes Rika even cuter!
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She's a very cute lolidol, such a shame she didn't make it into U149.
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They're way too stimulating, how is this allowed?
What did Tachibana-san meant by this

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>SO anime director quotes a horse video telling Jojo fans to wait for more news and then deletes it, immediately tweeting a cover up https://twitter.com/nwMQYt7JLqtBOdo/status/1784306134893076545
>Leaker that has known Jojo information in the past confirmed that it's happening https://oecuf.xyz/2024/04/27/jojos-bizarre-adventure-steel-ball-run-part-7-will-receive-an-anime-adaptation/
Hang in there bros.
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The only instance I would allow one of the old tracks to be used is when Alternate Diego is revealed with The World
Because they were actually trying to make a good adaptation and respected the series, back then.
I'll allow it for very small exceptions like Alternate Diego or maybe a redone Sono Chino Sadame, but they'd be hacks otherwise.
Why is he flashing with speedlines if he's standing still.
Why is he flying.
Why was there no thought put into how this stand was animated, or rather that it wasn't animated is the issue to begin with.
It wasn’t this bad in the other parts, right?

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Yoshida and Asa's reunion is going to be awkward. How are they gonna react to eachother? Has Asa forgiven him?
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Would I?! Y-yes! If that's what she wants, of course!
Would you have sex with Asa?

Kiss Asa.
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I just want to see both of them smiling together again. Even if it's just 1 more time...
I wantt powa choke me.
She want u kiss her. Asa.
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>Would you have sex with Asa?
S-Sex?! Asa?!?! ME?!?!? YES!

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What was /a/ like during the early years? I joined in 2018 and want to know what I missed out on.
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It was the exact same except with slightly more discussion of non seasonal anime and more users telling each other to kill themselves and lurk more.
We were cringe but free
I also remember a LOT of image dumps and shitty spam
I think you still get banned when you rag on Violet Evergarden desu.
>It was the exact same except with slightly more discussion of non seasonal anime and more users telling each other to kill themselves and lurk more.

so it was better, is what you're saying
Naruto threads were banned, back then I didn't understand why, but 16 years later I finally understand.

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>Naturally gifted
Exactly what about this dyke is meant to be sympathetic or relatable again? This shit has no substance or quality whatsoever. Literally the weeb equivalent of a despicable me minion.
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using Evolved Human Thinking (industrial distractions) to justify Ldar or whatever
The point was that the boys were there from the beginning. They didn't suddenly introduce them or the girls' crushes on them in the final chapter.

>go ask the mangaka when she introduces the band's fanboys.
Bocchi has two fangirls are already. Are they going to be her girlfriend's in the final chapter now?

>they're not even a couple in the final chapter
This is insane denalism. They literally had sex and she went looking for Majime afterwards. I also never said that the plot was focused on or only about the yuri, merely that some of the girls entered a romantic relationship by the end. Obviously those stories are focused on the CGDCT aspect first and the yuri second.

Hey, theres nothing wrong with that.
I'm not naturally gifted, except I tried playing the guitar for 2 years and it went nowhere.
Seems like Bocchi is naturally gifted to be able to play for so long!
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I see Bocc
I post Bocc
Simple as

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My waifu who hates women
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he will scratch you
There isn't a single part of the episode that's badly animated and if you think so you're a worm, you don't have eyes, and nobody loves you.
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Just write your will before you do.
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>1 things lasts 10 seconds in the anime
"wtf padding!"
>7 things happen in 8 seconds
"wtf overanimation, I can't tell whats going on"

so would the right balance be 1 thing happening for ever 4 seconds? or some people are just never happy?

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>she never found a man and was just kinda forgotten by the village, lurking around here and there

How is this a happy ending for a Hokage?
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Well Kage isn't a level.
>He was trained by both Sasuke and "cooler Jiraiya"
Evidently orochimaru as well
Nobody cares about Sakura waifufag
Because Ichigo's hair is thought to be dyed which is a sign of a delinquent in Japan.
How so?

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Why is she angry?
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Tats’ onahole
Yes, hatesex is a thing
Can someone explain what does she mean by the second revenge
Shippou gets to plap THESE?
If Miyuki dies, Tatsuya blows up the planet and Maya is happy because all her enemies are dead.

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Which one?
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i'm a gentleman with refined taste, to be sure
one of my greatest desires it's a layer cake with two friends ;)
Daily facesitting cunnilingus
We know, Yukari
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Have you ever wanted to self-insert as a young beautiful woman yearning for an overworked office worker and bonding with him by smoking together?
Anyway, this might be the manga for you.

Dumping chapter 31

Previous chapters:
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Don't worry I also made the same mistake when I got to that page. Your tl is still better than the one I was making.
>Anon went on to die alone
What did he mean by this?
TL threw me off, it was worded like they had a market meeting, not that they reunited. Maybe hold off the edits before this is done, >>265955164?
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It's Yuyuesday already?!
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Goodnight 4545s
That's what they'll call season 2.
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me on the left
literally /yys/ on saturday nights

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Would this be the accurate mount rushmore of shonen?
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No, it didn't. The consensus is that it tanked during the Ten Tails and Kaguya arcs. That's even reflected in its manga sales.
The fucking HR lady at my company has seen Death Note.
She doesn't even know what shonen jump is.

That should tell you something about it.
Bleach has by way the hottest babe catalog out of those 4.
Once upon a time it was. Now there's nothing. Jjk, hero aka, and chainsaw fags wish they had that kind of staying power or character recognition.
I'm not interested in the consensus you have with the voices in your schizo head. Everything after the Pain arc was hot garbage.

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