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How do I stop fearing nuclear war?
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I suppose it depends what you fear about nuclear war. I believe there are scarier weapons out there, such as large scare mass radiation weapons, that could eliminate whole countries. We're way past nuclear weapons, they just haven't showed off the new toys yet.
If it's the nuclear part you fear, why? Do you fear extinction of human race? Nuclear winter? Radiation disease? Most of these things aren't as scary as you think. Radiation poisoning isn't even the most painful way to die.
Look up the maps and move to a primary target zone in a limited warhead scenario (<500), get as close to the likely primary blast zone as possible. That way, you will be atomized before you even knew what happened, so there's nothing to fear. What would be fearful would be surviving the aftermath, or ending up in the outer edges of the secondary burn zone, where instead of total and instant incineration, you're left deformed with burns all over your body, and unable to be treated in the aftermath of such a strike, or living within a radius of dangerous infrastructure like a Nuclear power plant, where your demise is just as inevitable but more drawn out.

Rank things by the actual liklihood of killing you using real data and statistics

Allocate these fears towards things based on their ranking.

Feel silly about yourself when you literally won't go near cars (driving, riding in one, nor as a pedestrian) because of how high on the list motor vehicle accident is for untimely death.
Understand and internalize even though our example above (or other high killers) is a leading cause of accidental death, it's *still* lottery odds of it actually happening to you.

Realize your fears are based in emotions that are evolved into you and are designed to he extremely hyper aware tigers are a daily concern, and without tigers, tour brains gotta find some other thing to worry about.

Realize your fears are not based on any real statistic or experience, but entirely a random emotional thing of what struck you the wrong way.
It is horrifying to you you can be snuffed out in a second, and this is a way you think can plausibly (in your mind) cause that.

And when were done totally invalidating your feelings into the ground in terms of sense and liklihood, understand nuclear arms are really more of a deterrent than anything. A "don't you dare attack us". And that the actual consequences even for the country *launching* the missile are way too high to ever warrant actually doing it. No one ever actually is going to pull that trigger in this modern globalized world. Especially since war was always more about energy and infleluence and with modern technology, there are cheaper easier more efficient ways of asserting influence and controlling energy than military conflict.

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Start fearing something real like Covid.
>Invisible (over half of infections come from asymp or presymp)
>Unpredictable (tests are unreliable and massively underused
>Everywhere (conservative estimates put the States at millions of infections a day)
>Debilitating (one in ten infections leads to permanent disability with risk and effects accumulating every time you get sick whether it's symptomatic or not)
Why ever go outside again when your life is on the line for sharing air, compared to completely imaginary nuclear war?
Leaving this world isn't as scary as it seems.

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What exactly is confidence?

If you don't get 7/10s and 8/10s consistently, please refrain from giving stupid opinions.

I don't even care about 9s and 10s because those are in a differebt mindset towards rich/famous guys and top 1% chads, but if you somehow pull those, please chime in

Context before answering:

I am 33 male been single for 6 years.

While I've faced challenges, I'm actively working on bettering myself and my interactions with others.

Most comments to me feel dismissive of my experiences and struggles, and I'd appreciate it if you could all refrain from making assumptions about me.

Also here is a story from my 20s which proves it isnt all in my head:

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I think confidence mostly comes from core personality traits like industriousness and having a very high, innate drive towards optimism.

The two big lies is that it doesn’t wax and wane, which it does. Especially if you’re going through a shitty time in your life, you’re not at all going to Mr. Charisma. And the second is that is can’t be changed, which is most certainly can, but like IQ, there’s only so much you can do.

Like if you’re introverted and have a ‘glass-half-empty’ mindset at heart. Being good-looking is also an important variable especially if you had a grow-up, where you had to rely on personality and so you have higher confidence than you otherwise would if that at all makes sense.
It's reliably scientifically reproducible
It's more well founded than myers briggs, freud, and all psych.
No thanks, I prefer a priori truth and deductions derived from my lived experience. Also that's not a research paper that's a fucking twitter screen cap.
Having a big ego, being very loud, talking all the time and bragging a lot

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How do I go about getting a side chick?

prossibly the 4th post i posted on /adv/ because im a stubborn husk
did i miss out on some of lifes formative years? ik this board is full of boomers that are like oh if youre 17-18 how are you complaining but that doesnt solve anything, i spent 10-15 as a hiki pretty much then i dropped out and became a full one, i dont like this life and my brain feels too fucked for me to do anything, everytime i try to think about it my brain circles back to suicide since its easier, ive spent 24/7 of supposedly my last bluepilled years as a neet incel begging to god to die in my sleep and doing nothing else, its not time waste since i wouldnt be able to do anything else, this notion that im old now fucks with my head because it feels like i never got to be young, maybe picrel is stupid shit that kids wanna relate to but still, im too old it feels like and i have brainholes, and the neuroticism about my past just makes me rot 24/7, also im from some shithole so dont treat me like im priveleged or nothing, idk studying seems insane to me now i was caged indoors by what, thoughts? insecurities? retarded parents? i feel like its a nuisance if i talk to someone irl so i dont because my mind berates me all the time, i get times where i just want to escape my flesh ig, but yea im retarded brains not the same cant live life etc etc, cant believe im such a clown with such low iq i wasted like years on ocd and retarded 4chan posts trying to solve a nothing problem
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all that shit
i aint reading it
but put that feed on my tip
yeah im sneeding it
pooh shiesty and spottem gottem linking up?
yeah im needing it
>run-on sentance
I'm pointing out an error in his sentence structure, not his spelling, that isn't irony.
Do you want me to explain what irony actually is?
ironic you're trying to point out mistakes while committing them, maybe that's just /adv/, the blind leading the blind.
thanks for making me laugh through your combined efforts, anons (whether they were accidental or not)

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What the fuck can I Even do to help a depressed significant other? She's thinking of killing herself, antidepressants arent doing shit, her studies are down the drain and won't give them up to free up her mind at least. I'm fucking fuming every time i think i can't Even do anything to help her other than listen and be with her. I'm increasingly more afraid of leaving her alone because she might actually do it one of these days when she gets in a bad situation. Should i call the suicide hotline on her behalf?
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Tie her up and keep her your sex slave until she's not gonna kill herself anymore and then you can untie her
Dont let the suicide hotline cuck you they'd do the same thing except professionally and instead of sex she'd probably meet someone in her asylum
If you legitimately believe that she's a risk to herself, yes, she should be committed
>She'd just sit next to me crying, and for some reason it turned me on. She enjoyed it while I was fucking her, then we'd finish, and within 20 minutes she'd be crying again.
Did she ever say what she was crying about? Or she wouldn't tell you?
At this point the best thing you can do is set boundaries, make her go to the therapy, tell her how shit would you feel if she'd leave you by killing herself.
Fuck maybe get her a fucking pet, the best thing you can get a depressed person is something to care for, maybe even a plant or get her to workout.
Still I don't understand why women don't ever want solutions and they are so much harder to deal with, keep listening and agree with her.

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I just want to cheat on my wife once, maybe twice, with an asian whore. Is that so wrong? Just one sordid raceplay encounter with a tiny gook choking on my cock, and then back to being a loving husband to my wife. Dammit why can't I stop thinking about using asian women's faces as cum receptacles.
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this is such bad cope from moid
Don't do it. Just get her to dress like an Asian lady. Asians have nice styles sometimes
lol. no she hasn't. She's fucking obsessed with me and treats me like her king.
I’m married to a cute petite maid outfit wearing South Korean. Jelly?
How does a petite maid outfit wear South Korean

Haven't spoken to her in over a year. She came up to me while I was dancing with my new girlfriend. I looked over to her and said 'hi' but then looked away, making the interaction only like 1-2 seconds. Was I rude to just say 'hi' and not ask how they are or anything?
no you have no obligation to do that....she could have done the same
maybe she wanted to talk more, seeing as she approached me. but because I looked away after saying hi maybe she decided not to. just weird because she was the one who broke it off
Nah, she's a stranger now. Your girlfriend's feelings are what matter now.
>Nah, she's a stranger now
This is one of the saddest fucking statements.
My brother told me the same thing about my ex. We were together for 8 and a half years and shared some of the most special moments of our lives together, now I have to forget all of them so I can move on for my own sanity. She's already dating someone else.
It still hurts like holy hell on earth. I wish I didn't fuck up so badly.
king shit man, you showed her what she was missing.

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Speaks for itself really, there’s this really cute girl I was thinking about asking out on a date that sort of looks like pic, just a lot more feminine and she’s really sweet.

The only issue is that she isn’t really that intelligent. I wouldn’t exactly say she’s especially stupid or anything, but trying to talk to her about anything of substance like politics, art, etc can sort of a pain. As in, you can tell most of what I talk about goes over her head, but she tries to keep up. Not to say I’m Mr. Brilliant or anything, which I’m definitely not.

But she really doesn’t even have anything in the way of hobbies and the couple that she does have I can’t relate to. That and she sort of consumes whatever’s trendy, like lowest-hanging fruit, not to sound like a goober. Why, one time I saw her with this baby yoda plush that she brought to work with her and I started to tease her over it, but she didn’t really understand and it made me feel pretty bad. But it helps stresses the issue I guess.

I don’t know anons, should I bite the bullet and ask her out?
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But there’s also this other girl I like from school that’s really quirky and fun. She’s aiming for a PhD in Entomology (essentially study of bugs)

She’s from up north and has this Fargo accent that I teased her over and she looks a lot like pic, with glasses and everything. But a lot of our hobbies and interests really align. Like, I’ll make a reference to some obscure movie and she’ll immediately sharply reply with “Is that a reference to The Day the Earth Stood Still? Hahah-“ it’s really cool. Like, last week we basically spent all night watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 and I think she really loved it because I’m the only person she knows that grew up watching it.

I thought about asking her out, but my fear would be that we’ll eventually be too busy for each other, especially going into grad school and all. But I would genuinely marry her in a heartbeat.

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Is there anything more cucked than going to your ex's wedding? I haven't even talked to her bitch ass in 7+ years and she thought it would be a good idea to invite me? Obviously I'm not going but should I politely reject or tell her to eat shit? Or just ignore the invite?
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I'd go, hit on her, see if I could fuck her at the reception, or after
depends on how you broke up, and what baggage you still share

think about how it sounds to a future partner

can range from total cuckoldry to totally legit and understandable

e.g. she cheated on you and is marrying her affair partner vs she came out as a lesbian after you had kids with her and is marrying a woman
inviting exes to a wedding is sure the weirdest shit to me. Like why would you want someone you have had history with to go to your wedding. It only works if your friends with your ex and are on good terms with them
this, she wants one last ride OP.
it's like >>31139445 said.
she invited you as a “courtesy” to let you know she’s happily married to rub it in. just ignore and pretend you didn’t see it.

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>she blocked my number
>but she accepted my ig follow request today
What should I say to her? Do I let her know I still think about her?

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yeah shits pretty bleak. in the same boat, we'll make it fren
just find a hobby my guy
Naw man. I'm sort of in the same boat, but different. My wife and I haven't had sex in about a year, and when we did, it was awful. My wife is anxious and social awkward as fuck (Literally getting her tested for autism in a few weeks.) But I still love her and am not planning on leaving her. Other than the sex, I really like our relationship and the dynamics of our household.

So, I've been buying sex toys online like autostrokers and fleshlights. And honestly we've both been happy with it. She understands that I have needs and I understand that she just basically has the opposite of a need. She needs to not have sex... (I'm kind of good anyway because I'm 33, I spent my teens and twenties fucking any girl that walked, so maybe it was time to put a cap on it anyway.)
I don't trust criminals, degenerates, single moms, or party skanks. They're bad for societal values, sorry.
man i think i fucked up every relation i couldve had. i wasnt a good son, nephew, cousin, uncle, grandson, partner, or friend. i dont even know if i regret it. i grew up alone not being able to trust anybody around me and plagued by depression. its hard to not be self-absorbed when you're the only one around. it wouldve been nice to be good to all those people but i dont need to have been that person. i dont say that to be an asshole but i just acknowledge that i could never adequately motivate myself to be able to have reliably been that person for others. ive been too busy drowning in my own problems.

how do I approach this guy

he looks the same age as me, I’d say 19-23, has a steampunk goth style (im also goth just on the hippie side) and I’ve seen him in the plaza playing violin

I’m not so good at first impressions with people my age (only grandmas like me) so I’m not what should I do/say
as for appearance I’m not ugly, but I look way younger (east asian)

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Aside from avoiding ovulation days, what's the safest way of doing it raw?
Sex with a condom is miserable for me
Practice your pull-out game.
>Her legs are closed
What are they doing

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i'm planning to buy a 9mm pistol but what is exactly a good one that is under $450 preferably and is good for beginners with small hands.
Don't kill yourself anon, life will get better if you make it better.

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I think I hit a new low because I'm starting to get feelings for a hot Asian escort that I've been fucking. She's the only female that's been super nice and flirty with me. How do I snap myself out of it. I feel so much happier every time I have sex with her.
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>Why didn't you take the advice last time you posted this?

Why do some people repetitively post the same threads, supposedly seeking advice, but never acting on any they receive?
Do you think you are special? She sells her cunt and her warmth for money. She is just better at it than most. As soon as you are done taking up her, she cleans her cunt (hopefully), and goes to see the next lonely man. You must never love a whore. They are business owners and you are the customer. Nothing more.
The only way this works is if she's the one initiating dating outside of work and she has the ability to get a different career or you're rich enough to keep her as a pet
Threads like this make me feel better about myself.
Just imagine the hundreds of cocks she sucked over the course of a month. Imagine the dirty beaners and niggers she sucked off. Just think about that when you are kissing her and cuddling with her. Just think about it.

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