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Step 1: Post your image along with ALL information about what it is you're requesting. Once this has been done..

Step 2: Scan though the rest of the messages in /r/ and see if there is anyone that YOU can help out. This is where most fagboats fail.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till someone fills your request.

Step 4: Thank the user that filled your request!

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Hey wizards, I have a request I hope you can help with! I want to turn these two college sorority sluts into bimbos, but I do not have the photoshop skills myself. I was hoping you could:
- enhance the image if possible bc it’s meh quality
- give both sluts much bigger tits and showing a good amount of cleavage
- making their lips bigger/giving them both thick blowjob lips
- giving them blonde hair or highlights
- jewelry or whatever else you think adds to turning them into dick crazed bimbos

Would love any wizard able to bimbo these sluts up!! Thank you!

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I've been doing this for years n' out of the roads for a while so u mostly don't know or remember me, if anyone wants a specific edit well done in ps instead of (just bad) AI edits Just make your requests
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Great edits! Little weird one but would love if you could nudify her and give her a nice tranny cock?
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Good enough?
Hmm, i liked
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Better quality
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can you make both of them have bigger tits and more prominent cleavage please? would also really appreciate it if you made both of them more “bimbo-like” with thicker blowjob lips! thank you!

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anyone have the source or at least a version with sound?

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I'll trib anyone and anything.
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tribute her please?
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Does anyone know of a porn video from a few years ago that was a young Russian couple?
The video was filmed in a bedroom, there was a bicycle hanging on the wall. I remember that the chick had a perfect set of tits, two bowtie tattoos on both lower thighs and blonde hair. The guy was short military cut hair. I remember that the chick seemed to want foreplay but the guy wanted to fuck immediately. She was a bit shy from the camera and teased the guy by not opening her legs immediately.
I also remember that the cartoon movie Aladdin dubbed in Russian was playing in the background.
I don't know if they were camming because the guy kept using his computer but no sounds of chaturbate donations were heard.
The chick laid in missionary through out most of the video and wasn't that into the guy because he didn't warm her up. The guy fucked her raw but nutted on her tits if I'm not mistaken.
I remember seeing that both first on pornhub and later on xvideos, although I can't seem to find it on either website. The thumbnail of the video was similar to what I drew on paint.
If you know anything about this video and can redirect me to it you are the GOAT.

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please translate
Translate for what?
who is the character. is this innuendo humor strip. or a parody of some established cartoon.

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Step one: Upscale
Step two: deep fake
Step three: Receive my gratitude
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xray or nudify for the love of god

Looking for more nudes of this Maryland Slut
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I remember that pic.
Guy on kik MDFINDER had a whole mega and she was in it but I think he got busted and shut everything down
I was in that group. He did not get busted. He got tired of people complaining about being banned and removed. Plus he said maintaining the MEGA of 7000 pics and vid’s was a lot of work.
Good to know. I was in it for a bit. Saw 2 people from Cc I knew
MDFINDER is now 1972MD

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Long shot request. I have had this saved of a reddit girl from a while back and just found it again. Checked the profile and it seems abandoned. Do any anons have more or know if there is another account? Account name is on the pic.

post pics of traps or fembois and i will imitate them

tell me to show face or not for every pic

make me famous !
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like this
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show face

Can anyone cover her face?
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Bumping while taking a shit ah
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sauce on this or the complete video?
Wanted to post the video but the shit i downloaded is too big.
cum on bros, do your magic, i believe in you. Been searching too but for some reason, this shit is hard to find. Feels like just a normal porn with some thicc colombiana. Makes my penis happy but my heart broken cause I can't find the complete video or just the name
Ms Marvel's really getting the business!
that's ain't miss marvel bra. Miss Marvel is a white chick dawg

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