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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Nosferatu edition

>Previous Thread
>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega
>STV content folders

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NTA, but apparently it is:
The Eater of Names is in Dark Eras 1.
oh yeah and it can kill you even if you do it right

"Even when successful, allowing oneself to be a direct conduit for the Abyss comes with dire risk. After using this power, roll a number of dice equal to the Mystic’s Road rating, difficulty 4. Each success allows the Mystic to retain two dots of her Road rating for Mystics on the Road of the Abyss, one dot for Mystics not on the Road of the Abyss. If the Mystic’s Road is reduced to 0 in this fashion, the Abyss utterly annihilates her existence." fucking abyss mystics...

interestingly the dav20 version does not have the memory thing despite it being a major plot point in jürgens story that the only guy who ever used it in 1230 forgot about it as price of the ritual
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>abyss can't stop raping dumb mystics
what's up

So I've been writing a Chronicle largely based around Philadelphia and I noticed that there's a lot of Hunter: The Vigil books based in that area,

so far I've found content in:

>HtV: The Main Book
>HtV: Spirit Slayers
>HtV: The Hunter Recognition Guide

I noticed on the White Wolf Wikia there's talks of some vampire sects and a Vampire named The Curator. I would appreciate anyone who knows some more books that have some good blurbs about the city.

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gif edition
Previously: >>92619645

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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Evil West is fucking good, I hope it was that
>I am not a fan of the Tarmagoyf theme
this is because you have bad taste.
tarmogoyf was in the game a decade before you were born. people will remember what it does long after they've forgotten about you.
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why are weenies so fiddly and boring
why doesn't monastery mentor make human monk tokens
how can I make selesnya burn work
I don't know. How do I make Gruul counterspells work?

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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I love Zanpakuto and getting one is usually a highly anticipated event in chains where I decide to go to Bleach. The Sacred Spear from Seven Deadly Sins is likewise super cool.
Chainbutt you have to use SB jumps for your first 10 and every other jump after that until 100. Post what 10 jumps you start with.
Do blade jumps count as sb jumps?
It really doesn't matter, because I'll achieve omnipotence within the first one, and after that I'm contractually required to stay in my warehouse at all times and not interact with the world. That's the SB methodology.
Recently, the Lost Bastion item from Songless's Icewind Dale jump. It's just a neat thing, and a good way to justify being able to reverse engineer ancient lost magics

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Realistically, how likely is religion to still exist in any influential or even recognizable capacity in far-future settings?
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The bible asserts answers without logic evidence. Scientists and philosophers use logic and evidence to assert their answers.

An ethical hedonist might have to assert on faith that it is good to maximize happiness, but at least the rest of their arguments flow logically from their and the present several scenarios to examine why it is good to maximize happiness.

A priest says you're not allowed to fuck up the butt because the bible says so.

The two are clearly not of the same kind.
>nooooooooooooooooo my fanfic is better written than yours

Time for you to post on your phone and your notebook too since you always post three times under three different personas at the same time.
>Your life is as meaningless and devoid of logic as the life of any bible thumper.
Again, axioms are a prerequisite for ANY reasoning. Not being able to give an all-encompassing non-self-referential logical construction without any priors does not entail that the meaning is bullshit.

Epistemological skepticism is utterly fucking useless, science is rooted in the Empirical school of epistemological thought, and you are an obnoxious retard for trying to shoehorn the former into a discussion of the latter.
Not a counterargument.

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Velma S2 Edition

Previous Thread: >>92501762
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Velma S2 Trailer

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection

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Soon as they said that dudes species was a mystery I knew it was gonna be something dumb.
Had to look that up. That is pretty damn bad but I guess it solves the mystery of why nobody has seen their face even when stealing their uniforms. They drip.
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Same, it’s not even worth pirating.
A better TQ: your player character accidentally wins an indentured Hupyrian servant in a lottery who has sworn it’s undying servitude to you, what do you do?

Oh sweet merciful God what have they done to the Breen?
>what do you do?
This is /tg/, you know exactly what, "Indentured Hupyrian servant, wut do?" means.
>Oh sweet merciful God what have they done to the Breen?
They aren't as cool but they have drip.

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Battle Armour edition

Last Thread: >>92619693

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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7D. Thing fucks hard. You just point it towards the meanest thing on the board, march towards it while firing, and it dies. TC means you don't have to pay for gunnery 3, and the weapons mean you can effectively engage at almost any range. Only weakness it has is no case, and even then there is a decent chance you'll survive it.
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You'd think, but no.

I'd do it like this.
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I could a see a wobbie successor coming into existence, but I can't imagine them being any larger than the neo Wobbies from shadows of Obadiah without creating a problem that player characters would sort out
My hope is it's some of the NeoBlakists like the Blessed Order units that were pretending to be mercs in the periphery when the wall went up. Buhl specifically got the data files on the Celestials to get their homegrown Kheper and Uraeus running.

>has Alaric (or someone) seeing "The last Archangel in the inner sphere" in a museum on Terra.
That was Tucker Harwell in one of the old DA books back in the 3130's. It was as far as he understood it, until Bonfire where his sister kidnapped him and he realized everybody was building stuff back in bulk.

This reminds me, another situation when he should have just given her the dick. How many plot points could we have fixed with that?
Having read canticle, there are far less techno-monks than I was hoping for going in
Also RIP my nigga Gerard

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>guns are OP in my world and magic is weak
>guns are weak (Expect swords lol) in my world as magic is strong

which side are you?
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subtlest of* straight lines and angles
>something nature wouldn’t artistically create
OK, let me get it straight. Are you arguing that nature doesn't produce flashy things because they are too artsy? The nature? The same nature that literally sent multiple species, like peacocks, into an evolutionary arms races of flashy visual appeal? Dude, that's just too dumb.

>It doesn’t, outside of survival or adaption, because again, nature/evolution wouldn’t naturally produce pic related. It just fucking wouldn’t.
Both convergent evolution and mimicry are known things.

Frankly, you keep on saying "it doesn't, it can't, it won't" but you never explain why. Like your example of eye beam eel. Why is it impossible for nature to do so? Especially with different set of physics (AKA magic) changing what's achievable for an organism?

Nature doesn't give a flying fuck about what humans consider artistic. It cares about what works.

Also, your statue formation idea is irrelevant to most magic systems. OK? Spells are artificial. They are tools. Claiming that a magic system is too neat and artsy to be natural is like claiming that a computer system is to be natural. It debunks a statement that's already so obviously false people are wondering if you even understood the question in a first place.

Also, there are plenty of systems where magic isn't alive at fundamental level. Or at least isn't alive in same sense as a bunch of silica rocks aren't alive just because we made a computer out of them.
But the real question is (from an in universe perspective), why would they? Seems like it's just some bullshit game devs and lore writers come up with to justify the gameplay limitations they need to put on players to keep the game balanced.
NTA, but Mystra's case was basically her declaring that making repeatable magic formulas on a scale of mass reality warping and letting mortals have them was just too dangerous for the world at large. She just didn't want some idiot deciding to raze the world to the ground being able to do this with a formula spell.
>Are you arguing that nature doesn't produce flashy things because they are too artsy?
I’m saying the way the magic works and is constructed, or just came about, implies a sort of intellect behind it. I don’t care if it’s the gods, some alien AI, or the author itself. It’s just the way it is. All magic in real life myth and folklore is like this too. It’s all like a game.
>The same nature that literally sent multiple species, like peacocks, into an evolutionary arms races of flashy visual appeal?
There’s an evolutionary, selective advantage to that. Like literally anything else in nature. Outside of survival or adaption? There’d be no justification.

>Both convergent evolution and mimicry are known things
Because of convergent adaption, yes, like in Australia. The shape of the crab is *efficient*.

>Frankly, you keep on saying "it doesn't, it can't, it won't" but you never explain why
>Like your example of eye beam eel. Why is it impossible for nature to do so?
>Nature doesn't give a flying fuck about what humans consider artistic. It cares about what works.
You say that, and yet you think physics would just naturally, childishly, produce x-men superpowers for you? It doesn’t give a fuck about a childish monkey’s imagination.

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When the escorts arrive at -4GMT but you had planned for -3GMT, we've got you. It's the intimate edition of the Board Games General!

Previous Thread: >>92570707

>Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8


Nominate the sexiest board game.

What game needs to be improved upon by a different designer? What exactly would they change?
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>sex expansion
for fucking Root??
the war game about animals? and not like cute girls with cat ears, like actual moles and shit?
>he doesnt know
Wilson, run the tape!
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I just had a game of Istanbul end in kingmaking. Not even the allegedly multiplayer solitaire euros are safe from it. Every 3p+ game with even the tiniest bit of interaction is prone to it so next time I see someone complain about X game being kingmakey I swear I am gonna choke a bitch.
>he lacks the critical infirmation

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What is your stance on the “power gamer” archetype?
As a self admitted one I want my character to be good at their job, and if a game system interests me I’ll plan tactics and combos that complement my build in order to be as effective as possible. I do roleplay still and interact with the game and all that, but I REFUSE to play in a way that would make me useless or on the backfoot
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I was doing something IRL you fucking turbo sperg, not everyone spends every waking moment here
The problem with all these well considered things you said that I only sorta read is that there's a lot of people who very genuinely approach the topic like this >>92635100 and that's just the end of it with them, they cannot be dissuaded or worked with
I think people only consider it power gaming when it's annoying. Someone who just likes to be good at the game but still acts social is fine. But someone who acts anti-social is just annoying.
Like most things it depends on the group. One powergamer can easily unbalance a group making everyone but him worthless as he either blows through encounters or the entire party gets slaughtered as the GM tries to give him a challenge. However a party of powergamers can be very fun as the GM has to think of ways to challenge them without being too bullshit “lmao you didn’t find this trap because I didn’t describe the room well enough so you die.” Some of my most fun games were PCs being bullshit murder machines who were fighting shit well above their sipposed capability, for example an Dark Heresy party who managed to take down an entire squad of Chaos Space Marines. A hell of a fight that they barely survived but it required clever tactics and them pulling out all the bullshit to win.
I'm currently dealing with a powergamer and even tho he's OP who roleplays and help other players, he starts nagging everytime something doesn't go the way his combo dictates to work or when put in a spot that exploits his tertiary abilities.

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'Miring Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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Battlesmith Artificer + Sharpshooter was the most powerful build when it came out.
You really don't need to minmax it that hard, just do the stuff that seems fun instead.
My old character was a wis sling based ranger but there were two other players that picked up sharpshooter and GWM and was outdamaging me by a lot
My initial idea was to use crusher with light hammer to move enemies into aoe effects but artificers dont have that many and the most important one I wanted, cloud of daggers, isn't even on the list
That'll happen. Especially with something like a sling you absolutely should have picked up sharpshooter, it has very low base damage so it benefits greatly from it, plus it extends the range by a lot.
In the case of Artificer, what made it the most broken build at the time (I'm not sure now) was
>has extra action economy and board presence and utility through their pet (they seem limited at first but the amount of shit they can do is revealed when you play a game with it)
>if they build sharpshooter then, either with CBE or their pet's bonus attacks, they have some of the highest DPR in the game on par with martials, though their burst is far more limited than a fighter's
>they get to have more AC than martials while doing this
>SAD, just pump INT to max, very easy to do and still get feats if rolled stats are in play, not a problem if you have standard array though
>then they also get spells, including healing spells and a healing ability that doesn't even require an action to get allies up from downed, or spells that do all sorts of other neat things off of half-casting
>including Shield, as if their high AC wasn't enough
>furthermore, Flash of Genius is better than Paladin's Aura of Protection by quite a margin, just don't be retarded with it
and more little things than I can ever list in one post or remember for one post (I'm assuming magic items go towards the DPR but they can do other useful things, too)
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Alright, I choose
>Sylvari Fighter; Master-at-Arms
>Merfolk Warlock; Taoist Patron
>Arachnae Artificer; Necrotanner
>Hypedorae Fighter; Bridgeburner
>Yuki Onna Monk; Way of Simplicity

Pretty heavy on melee, but guaranteed to be entertaining in combat.
We are at level 9 now but the campaign might be wrapping up so I doubt I will be able to get to 11 but if I do it will be even better
>+10 level 1 or level 2 spellcasts per day
>you can load up any powerful spell depending on what you are planning to do that day
>invisibility can be passed around with each person holding their own concentration on it
>vortex warp can be given to your pet and it can ready its action (it is reading the use object interaction so if the trigger doesnt happen, the spell isnt lost like a normal spell would) to teleport you if an enemy drops a fireball or similar spell making you ignore all of the damage
>web, heat metal, faerie fire etc can be used by the pet allowing you two different concentration spells in a combat
>steel defender can cast warding bond through the spellcasting item giving you +1 to ac and saving throws and resistance to all damage giving you doubled health pool for 1 hour and you could even cast heroism at second level on yourself and the steel defender to remove 10 damage every round
I think sharpshooter is my play then, it does use up one of my infusions for repeating shot so I can still use a shield but maybe my DM can allow me a repeating light xbow to free up that infusion for spell refueling ring for emergency revivify, lets hope

>When a DM throws an overleveled monster at the party
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Having only read about half the manga, I'm going to say arrogance. He wants to be the important person in the room.
NTA. I do actually agree that too much modern western media does suffer from the issue of the over-sanitation of the violence. It gives people this weird notion of the violence being something clean and gleaming. At least this scene, especially if you want a full scene instead of a death montage, shows a proper ambush. Filled with chaos, people freezing in panic or confusion where things don't go as planned and of course blood and injuries. Serious violence deserves being treated seriously and that means showing its consequences.
Yes, I do agree with that observation. To describe faults of main groups we see:
Inexperienced, lacking team cohesion and lacking knowledge about dungeon.
Too stiff due to being literally a feudal retinue protecting their lord's son. Almost everyone of them was too focused on Toshiro to act efficiently in chaos of a dungeon battle.
The best guys outside Laios's party, mostly due to being dungeon delving pros. Still, they do suffer a lot from having 2/3rds of their force composed of essentially penal battalion prisoners.
>Elf and human whose names I forget
I mean, their party is too small and they are too much of noobs to even judge them properly
Yeah, and some people are so offended by that 0.2% that they will argue to end that Marcille must be 100% sterile. Crazy I know.
Weird then that anime takes the time to demonstrate the chick's fat thighs after she gets slammed through a wall and that other one that gets smashed has overly animated tits for a frame or two. Quite curious indeed! You're a midwit.
Didn't even notice the thighs.
And the titties is a tension break, plus calling out that something in her is still human. Pay less attention to the bounce and more to her face, she's excited to see Laois.
You're the midwit making all or nothing generalizations.

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People claim that flying races are "overpowered" because they can bypass obstacles, especially overland obstacles. What about the rest of the party, you know the ones that are landbound? The same is said about tiny races like fairies, well yeah they can pass through the bars on doors, so what about the rest of the party?

It's funny how almost every strategy game to ever exist has some kind of flying unit, yet when it's a tabletop RPG it's suddenly a "problem".
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yeah the opponent voluntarily gave up an advantage for no reason lol
>they can pass through the bars on doors
wait, you don't put tiny PCs in birdcages instead of man-sized prison cells specifically so they don't slip out between the bars?
also, interesting you bring up flyers in strategy games, since a lot of the time flying rules there are a colossal headache or are otherwise rage-inducing, like 40k fliers turning any ground unit that isn't entirely dedicated to hunting them down into a BS 6 shitter (for comparison, dumb shitter guardsman who can't even tie their own shoes are BS 4, and orks who literally only hit because they shoot a billion times still get BS 5)
Dunno about races, but in the 40KRPGs, flying reduces your actions by half, fuel is typically limited and everyone has ranged weapons by default, making it much less overpowered while still being immensely useful in many situations.
>(for comparison, dumb shitter guardsman who can't even tie their own shoes are BS 4, and orks who literally only hit because they shoot a billion times still get BS 5)
Did they reverse what BS numbers mean for some reason?
Flying races (in the context of D&D and similar) are a pain in the ass. Either their ability does nothing (you're indoors, it's too windy, etc) or it does everything. The satisfying middle ground is much smaller than the other two categories. So, you either have to run a very narrow set of scenarios, deal with the flying character not being challenged a significant chunk of the time, or deal with the player bitching because they never get to use their flight.

This is because (low-level) D&D is not based around players being able to fly. Many lower-level monsters don't have access to ranged weapons or flight. It's less an issue in games that are built around the assumption that flight is always on the table. There are games that give shit like incorporeality as a starting option that are fine, because they work with it.

BS in 40k is the minimum number you need to roll (on a d6) to hit. A lower BS is thus better; a 2+ is better than a 4+.

Rule of Cool aka "Arquitens Rule" edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92578614

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Just download the essential atlas and extract the picture from it, it's on libgen.
It certainly is a bobble head.
Honestly, I find this one the least offensive of those atrocities
First time FFG player, if I'm playing a force sensitive am I able to get extra starting XP both from my morality and my obligation?
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>Star Wars and forests just don't mix.
What a bizarre opinion, it’s not the worst I’ve ever seen but it is very odd.

I’d like to be a detective on Coruscant during the Clone Wars. On one of the lower levels where I have to watch my back 24/7 to make sure I don’t get vibroknifed by Separatist terrorist cells who think I’m getting too close. It would be based.

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