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Fucking hate these shits
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I carry around the utensils that came with my bento box.
POV: you didn't go get jabbed for the 13th time within 24 hours of being notified about it
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at this point, just take the asian-pill and bow to asian superiority lmaoooo
At least they make an effort to keep society decently safe. American cops would just shoot you.
American cops routinely shoot those who make society "unsafe" though...

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>Pakistani sushi

Looks very not good
I'd rather not
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go back
Gross? It's the same shit, just with a more slapdash presentation.

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>no boomers allowed
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Starbucks has Tajin flavored promo drinks now and spic zoomers think it's a sign that their lowest tier crap is taking over the world
All they really sell here is the Fuego and Blue Heat. I never even knew there was an 'original' version until I saw this picture lol. I thought Fuego was the original and standard? Anyways I sure as hell am not eating a blue corn chip because it's fucking weird. I'll just take the Red 40 since that's what my body is used to. I don't want to introduce my biome to Blue 40 or whatever the hell too.
>Can someone explain why you like this shit?
>Super sour. Nothing tasty.

Yeah the Fuego's are very sour but I think it blends nicely with the spice. I think it's geared more to the hispanic audience that already enjoys similar shit in their diet. Stuff like chester's hot fries or andy capp's tastes nothing like Taki's. I could definitely finish a whole bag of Taki's but I don't really crave that shit. HEB store has their own brand of the Fuego flavor and it's called 'Lokitos', mind you HEB is based in Texas so it's mainly hispanics eating this sour shit. Also in Mexico they eat limes with every meal so that probably explains it.
From what I’ve had
fuego >= nitro > blue heat = zombie > sweet chili > guacamole >>> buffalo > cheese

Cheese was a big disappointment, for a non-spicy flavor to get that little cheese taste is sad. Buffalo had a similar problem which is why it’s gone
They were definitely a bit too sour for me when I first tried them but now no other chip can even compete

Personally I take a sip of water with each bite, I can take them without it but it’s much more enjoyable to me

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American Cheese isn't cheese at all, is it?
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Dumb anime poster
Roll for another tranny like last night somebody committed suicide
>like last night
Just a few watch words to be aware of when it comes to American cheese:

Pasteurized process cheese: Cheese and emulsifiers with no more than 43% moisture content. Moisture level of the finished product must fall within the acceptable average of the included cheeses.

Pasteurized process cheese food: Cheese, milk, and emulsifiers. The final solid form must be less than 44% moisture and have a fat content greater than 23%. These tend to be the cheaper products using as little cheese and as much milk as possible to cut costs.
no, it's made of cheese. it's just cheddar cheese with a bunch of water and some chemicals to stabilize it. at least that's the idea, but who knows what else is in there

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Do it
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Wait, was that a cup of mayo with a layer of ice cream as the shake?
Calm down anon, it's not that bad
>The lengths Americans will go to in order to not buy a kettle
>>I want to grow up and touch the sky...
>>...by working at McDonalds


Low IQ people are a hot commodoity.

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Othe ways to elevate bland food?
why put pasta on a hot dog?

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>see a recipe online that calls for the addition of a teaspoon or tablespoon of sugar in a savory recipe
>inevitably there is a comment complaining about adding sugar, and indicating THAT person does not consume refined sugar, removed it from the recipe, and also made other changes to the recipe to make it healthier like substituting chickpea fusilli for the real thing

>go to 4chan
>list recipe for savory anything
>btw add some sugar
>dozens of angry comments

you really cannot escape these people
It's not like people are saying to add a whole cup of sugar to your pasta sauce or something, it's just a little bit. people performatively over-react so much
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who cares? they clearly think that it tastes worse with the sugar. some people just don't like too much sweetness
no, they don't think it tastes worse, they are irrationally paranoid about adding sugar to their food and felt compelled to share their moral high ground like a vegan would
>but i am not a fan of sweet
sounds like she doesn't like sweet
Brown lentils are a good substitute for ground beef imo. No meat can be subbed by asparagus
Brown fingers covered in curry powder typed this

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>paying a subscription fee for groceries
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Prices ending in “.97”: These prices have been marked down. According to Costco, prices ending in “.97” are usually discounted, but not always.
Asterisk (*) on the upper right side of the price tag: This symbol indicates that the item won’t be reordered once it sells out. This means you should stock up on the item if you need it, as it may not be available again.
Odd pricing, such as 79¢, 49¢, or 89¢: These prices indicate specially priced items that Costco got a deal from the manufacturer. These prices can be better deals than at other stores, but not always better than the 97¢ markdown.
Sorry for the AI sloppa, but I think that is a pretty good QRD on Costco pricing.
I had no clue they had a system like that in place
It doesn't mean you are using their Healthcare plan dingus
Jesus dude. You spend a lot of money at Costco
It is worth it

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EU finds that food products from India are all filled with carcinogenic chemicals, even products labeled "organic"

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>You couldn't pay me to eat anything from India period
We’re probably consuming a lot of it since food and hygiene products don’t require a listing of ingredient country of origin.
>I like dying of cancer
Eh, I already beat lymphoma once and we eat the pickles fairly infrequently. Last time was the eclipse and the time before that was years and years earlier.

Yet at the same time

Capitalism exploiting them for short term profits make them a highly in demand product.

Low hassle low paid wagies.

Except of course don't employ them in Boeing.

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>cooking board
>all they talk about it is precooked, frozen, goyslop that they either microwaved themselves, or paid $19.99 for a jeet to microwave it in store
Why are mutts like this? Why do the (((jannies))) let mutts shit up this board with their low effort zogchow threads?
goyim are inferior cattle
they eat goyslop because they are the lesser kind
white people are being replaced so we can inch towards a communist one world government controlled by BASED jews
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>expecting any better from corngolems
how foolish
europoops cook even less because they live in pods that don't have any room for a proper kitchen

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Has he gone too far?
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Funny channel the first sixty times
idd, men need proper stims like amphetamine
hope next will be melatonin/doxylamine/benzodiazepine sausage

This is any YouTuber when they get a few hundred k subs. Women are attracted to the potential social status being with someone semi famous can bring.

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What did going meat-based do to your sexdrive?
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My friends on Reddit said it looked ok.
>boil it in a plastic bag
This is the most redditcore cooking "technique" in existence by a mile. Maybe half a mile, air frying in second place.
I'd say my regimen is essentially rice-based now because my bf is asian: I also eat lots of soy sauce, fish, spicy veggies, bamboo (and even bugs occasionally): idk if it's related, but we fuck A LOT, for hours, each time we met
just sayin
does his 3 inch cock satisfy you
he has a 6.3in cock (a bit bigger and ticker than mine desu), soo in a way, my diet is still meat-based I guess

Do yourself a flavor and try these.

Thank me later.
too many sesame, shit gets everywhere
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you didn't post the potato rolls tho
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For me it's Dave's Killer Bread. Lovingly prepared by Oregon sex offenders.
do they make any normal bread or is it all covered in bird food

I like freezing my cola, the cooler temperatures make it spicier and I like breaking up the shards of ice. Does anybody else freeze their soda like this?

I may have overdone it this time cause I overslept.

What are some cheap and good food chains around Tokyo and South? Anything I should really try when I am over there for a month coming up?
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>travel 6000 miles across the atlantic
>first thing american does when he lands is eat a mcchicken
Go to a japanese Hooters.
Marugame udon is based. Green chilli one will be back soon. Cheap tempura.
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I like Sushi zanmai and Midori sushi.
Those are some fucky lookin sooshers. Jiro would be unimpressed

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