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Current limits for WebM files on 4chan are:
Maximum file size is 6144KB.
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File: falling kots.webm (2.99 MB, 480x854)
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Previous: >>5509791
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1.00 US Dollar = 155 yen
Let's go to the playground of the 4th biggest economy.
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I saw this constantly in Japan, creepy looking jap dudes just following women left and right and the girls either making sure they walk by an officer so he can stop the obvious creep (like in this webm) or walk up to some random guy and ask for help. After being there I completely understand why so many of both genders are virgins into their 30s and why their country's birth rate has completely tumbled, AND the fact that almost 50% of japanese women reported being groped at least once on trains. Still a very enjoyable country as a short term tourist though
File: Gundam.webm (248 KB, 720x540)
248 KB
Some men need to be locked up
ooooh I'm hungry
>raw fish
>fermented basedbeans
>noodles in oily water
japanese food is disgusting
for me it's
>karaage chicken
>shabu shabu

File: hyperborea.webm (3.61 MB, 402x360)
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3.61 MB WEBM
Is it me or are the captions that are political usally really obnoxious and unfunny? Shit like this is one of the few exceptions because it's so fuckin dumb it's funny
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that's Marlin
painfully unfunny
he's orange AND he's a clownfish!!!
File: 1.gif (5.76 MB, 498x713)
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5.76 MB GIF

Bible study with creepy pastors
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I guess they didn't read the part where Jesus says "sell all your possessions" and "blessed be the poor"

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Fuck crabs.
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They sometimes punch a crack in aqarium glass. Its like a 22. caliber bullet
what? what tracking
now im fucking starving
well you'll never know who thought of that, what matters is anon probably just heard that and picked it up somewhere and added it to his repertoire of thoughts and beliefs that fit his biases or just enjoys, as normals do, and never thought too hard about it. conversely, deconstructing stuff rationally is considered 'autistic' and everyone hates such people

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3 MB
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an old man tried to fix his car for years but he died and car got towed and scrapped
car was his waifu
>man lives in car in same spot for years
>man leaves with car
it implies that the man found a new home
Organic patterns observed on the smaller scale repeat on the larger scale.
Evil, good or bad. These are all relative to the individual being. To you it might be good to eat a bacon sandwich because you are hungry. It is bad for you to be denied it when you are hungry. It is evil to deny it to you when you are starving. But what of the pig. For the pig it is bad to be slaughtered and for it, it is evil for it to be raised as a farm animal meant for consumption. For one tribe to prosper another must suffer. This is the law of nature. A law that you might foolishly think to have overcome, only to find out that your timeframe for your point of view was too short. We live in a finite space. Is it evil that we don’t have infinite resources and land? The moment you step away from the human experience and later from the biological experience all these terms like good or bad become meaningless. They can only be used in a world of competition. For a singular indestructible being in an infinite world they would have no meaning at all. There is no absolute good or absolute evil in this world only competition between biological processes for resources until exhaustion.
The law of nature shall never break. From the virus, bacteria and fungi to the plants in the forest and the critters living within. It is a constant battle between one organism and another. No matter how much you upscale or downscale. Organics either take or fight for resources or they stop existing. One side will win and split with mutations into multiple organisms who will once again compete. No matter if they are aware of it like humans or if they are unaware like the lower life forms. The law of nature is un-breakable. It is the immovable, indestructible and undying god of the universe.

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3.75 MB WEBM
Russians are putting thanks on sheet metal after losing 4,000 tanks
301 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
the scientists and people who monitor the nuclear powerplant there. the surveillance video posted on the internet. for the exact amount of people who died? talk to russia.

the scientist who were interviewed after the orcs left the area reported that russian troops repeatedly ignored their warnings. ignored signs. did not even have radiation detectors and apparently thought that if they went to some area and did not immediately die then everything was ok.

as far as I'm concerned I don't care if that's not enough you can do your own research.

no I am not going to look it up for you. I have seen enough evidence that it happened. either way the truth WILL be known.

when one hears hoof beats think horses, not unicorns.
>This doesn't even make any sense why they would since they were attackers.
because that's what troops do they build fortifications and camps. they entrench.

everything was clearly marked and they ignored every warning.
>the surveillance video posted on the internet.
May we see this surveillance video which surely exists?
>because that's what troops do they build fortifications and camps. they entrench.
Yeah, that's what invading armies do when they're racing to take the enemy's capital... build fortifications in a radioactive area close to the border which they never once use.
thanks sheet metal
>thanks sheet metal
Sheet metal is pretty damn cheap, but it works. It causes the explosives to prematurely detonate several feet away from the tank itself (plus the sheet metal itself also provides a little big of protection in its own right).

People will laugh at this, but Ukraine will likely copy this in their own tanks, just like they did with the similarly mocked "cope cages" which have also proven effective. This shed thing is just a much more effective version of the "cope cage", but not a whole lot more expensive or difficult to implement. Who gives af how it looks? The point of it is that it saves the tank and the lives of the crew inside. They could put on a coat of paint to make it look a little better I guess, but how it looks is really irrelevant.

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Anything related to Israel
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i hate jews but my contempt for muslims is even bigger. You dont even kill each other you just make whiney propaganda threats on my favorite mongolian basket weaving forum
faggot capital of the entire world con fucking grats

File: siri.webm (1.32 MB, 1280x720)
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1.32 MB WEBM
72 replies and 33 images omitted. Click here to view.
Kinda cruel to make fun of a fat tranny, but he's also either in on it or retarded for putting himself in that situation
this bitch has the nerve to make a speech like this then let's more immigrants into the country during her term than any italian ruler since literally the fall of rome
>calls itself a 10
>but not your typical 10
needed to be taken down a notch, his reaction was appropriate
holy shit she walked almost 20 minutes??

File: rabu rabu rabu rabu.webm (5.85 MB, 532x300)
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74 >>5495484
73 >>5479944

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
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File: Kaiji 19.webm (5.92 MB, 1024x576)
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5.92 MB WEBM
It's okay, Hachiware! You can buy two cookies and both have ribbons!
File: Zoa_Appears.webm (3.22 MB, 640x480)
3.22 MB
3.22 MB WEBM

File: Vito Scaletta Edit.webm (3.4 MB, 636x360)
3.4 MB
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3.34 MB WEBM
GosT - "Behemoth (Perturbator remix)
File: I AM JERUSALEM.webm (5.46 MB, 576x746)
5.46 MB
5.46 MB WEBM
>science didn't get us to space, engineering did
engineering is a scientific based field.
eazy-e said "i gotta get drunk / before the day begins / before my mother starts bitching / about my friends".
this dude is doing the same.
i wonder if this is why blacks are the way they are.
he legit feels the need to drink just to deal with his day because his mom bitches.
yes, and? blacks didnt invent booze anon

File: RETVRN.webm (5.85 MB, 640x640)
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5.85 MB WEBM
A call to all Aryan.

280 replies and 127 images omitted. Click here to view.
As conditions worsen more noticers will be converted from the normie population. Noticers can be through red and black pills educated to the position of druid/teacher. To become a teacher one has to produce content for noticers and to help others. For that you have to have a desire to make a change in the world. That is why I consider it a different level in terms of a persons state of conscious. While druids/teachers can be through research and discussion elevated to the point that they can start teaching and guiding druids/teachers. Evolution has created a system with multiple tiers per social role and multiple roles because of the efficiency of this system. Propaganda and psyops are the corruption of this natural system by the social parasites.

I think that every noticer has the potential to become a druid/teacher/researcher as long as they go through worldly experience while every druid has the potential to become an ascendant. All it takes is research, study and trauma for the final push. Trauma/worldly experience can take many forms from the degeneration of society, rejection from society, starvation, poverty and depression.
If you experience enough worldly experience and encouragement from your peers. Given enough time. You should be able to become passionate about saving your people from genocide. We are fulfilling our roles within the meta just like the immune system in our bodies. If an individual cannot fulfil a role that is encoded in their dna. They might be ill or disabled in some form.
To become a Druid one must reach the 5th stage as a noticer and become the teacher and researcher. You start to look into the world to understand it and you begin to guide noticers on the path of ascension. You create content to red pill and enlighten your people and you begin to yearn for change. You begin to develop intense feelings and emotions that drive you forward.
The next stage would be 1st circle Druid - 5th circle Druid at this point you start to contribute and guide the mind refinement and noticer newbies.
1st circle druids go out and dismantle all the psyops they encounter while teaching noticers of their existence.
2nd circle druids create content used to enlighten the noticers.

1st star ascendant - 5th star ascendant
The ascendant gains awareness of the meta and the greater meta. The equivalent of opening the 3rd eye in Buddhism.
The ascendant guides the druids.

1st stage immortal - 5th stage immortal, this is an individual that is seen or remembered as a saint, great teacher, national meta level hero, they create religions/lead the people to a great victory.
If the military can have ranks, freemasons can have ranks and religions have ranks, why can’t we?
Hitler danced around the subject not to offend his Christian readers but still addressed the Jewish nature of Christianity.

>Christianity was not content with erecting an altar of its own. It had first to destroy the pagan altars. It was only in virtue of this passionate intolerance that an apodictic faith could grow up. And intolerance is an indispensable condition for the growth of such a faith. It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality. That may be a thousandfold true; and it is a fact deeply to be regretted. The appearance of intolerance and fanaticism in the history of mankind may be deeply regrettable, and it may be looked upon as foreign to human nature, but the fact does not change conditions as they exist to-day. The men who wish to liberate our German nation from the conditions in which it now exists cannot cudgel their brains with thinking how excellent it would be if this or that had never arisen. They must strive to find ways and means of abolishing what actually exists. A philosophy of life which is inspired by an infernal spirit of intolerance can only be set aside by a doctrine that is advanced in an equally ardent spirit and fought for with as determined a will and which is itself a new idea, pure and absolutely true. Each one of us to-day may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world, but the fact cannot be denied that ever since then the world is pervaded and dominated by this kind of coercion and that violence is broken only by violence and terror by terror. Only then can a new regime be created by means of constructive work.
Mein Kampf, Chapter 5: Worldview and Organization

>join us and thrive
>we the insect people
no thanks
File: race_evola.webm (5.83 MB, 720x576)
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Yes, all the christians ITT imo are probably nonwhites who want to be part of a movement (spic fuentes). Hitler himself was NOT antichristian (he was raised catholic), but he knew the negative effects it has on the german psyche, however he couldn't remove/overhaul it completely due to its historic and current influence over germany. It seems like a figures like bowden and evola understood this too, chritsianity can't be out right rejected at this stage. It does need a massive reform though and must address the importance of race first and out right rejection to all alien influence.. especially jewish influence.
Maybe after a few hundred years it can be dropped all together and a return back to the mean.

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21 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
The title also said American folk and old time music so I just went with it.
fascinating song. In any theory class they will hammer home that european peoples are simply incapable of any kind of song like this, that only blacks can sing in this "field holler" style. Presumably in an attempt to perpetuate this stereotype that whites have no "culture."
nice thread, got nothing similar but the least I can do is bump
I recall reading that this style of singing by the Old Regular Baptists was a carryover from Europe, from a time where literacy was poor and hymn books were pointless. The hymn leader would sing it out line by line so that everyone else in the congregation could sing along.
I think a lot of people forget that whites lived just as shitty lives as blacks in that region of America.

File: Russian childhood.webm (2.91 MB, 324x240)
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Post Russia
141 replies and 68 images omitted. Click here to view.
good i want a copy
>having more weapons and ammunition means your enemies win
File: SacredWar.webm (2.74 MB, 720x480)
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2.74 MB WEBM
More civilized than average russians
They aren't your enemies. They are your friends, liberating you from ultraneoliberal zognik fagverment

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