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The Avengers and the X-Men are faced with a common foe that becomes their greatest threat: Wanda Maximoff!
Avengers Disassembled
House of M
Secret War

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Why do people keep denying Batman is Jewish and bisexual?
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Who drew this gay shit?
You can be atheist and Jewish
This! Why do GL fags throw a fit over what they did with Alan?
Batman was always a shit character. You people can not evolve, and like the same dogshit over and over again. I’m so happy to see America finally collapse and see all these faggot idols and batloser fags go with it.
Go to bed Shlomo

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Scrappy Doo was hated not for his catchphrase or design or anything.
He was hated because he replaced Fred, Daphne, and Velma, and because the stories changed into strange shorts with Shaggy and Scooby meeting real monsters.
What fans REALLY resented was that the show lost the dynamic that fans actually liked.

It's peak unintentional comedy that the Velma show would use him as its ultimate villain while again losing the dynamic that fans actually liked. Congrats, you repeated history.
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No, the Scrappy cartoons just suck quality wise. Hated them then, hate them now.
I ain't reading that but Fred in the velma show is great. That's my input.
If you identify with the guy getting angry at cartoon characters to the point of yelling at the tv then you're the autistic one, anon.
>Like, the South will rise again, man
>that part in Zombie Island where the confederate ghost salutes Shaggy
>Boo Brothers where he inherits a plantation that's got secret tunnels with confederate weapons stashed in them and ends up giving it to the Boo Brothers just to be rid of it
>yfw the reason he became a hippy bumming around in a car and taking the name Shaggy instead of Norville is because he's ashamed of the fact that his family's money 100% came from slavery up until the very end and Norville is a family name
It makes total sense why he wouldn't flaunt his money like Daphne does and only call up his parents if they're in a real dire situation, she isn't ashamed of her family's money like he is with his family's history. Once his parents die he'll probably end up donating all of it to a black culinary school.

Trailer for the second half of Helluva Boss season 2 just dropped.
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wow, the nose adds 300% more individuality there
I'd argue she's the poster child for Vivzie's real trouble with edginess. Pilot Loona was an enjoyably edgy character, yet she's the most notably sanded down when the show actually starts, going from a psycho bitch with a goth aesthetic into just... a regular goth chick who hides how she really feels and is actually really wholesome underneath
It feels almost like Ricepirate wrote the pilot before handing the series off to Vivzie. The pilot kills off a child as a joke while the literal assassins of IMP are supposedly "good but damaged poor little meow meows" after this
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loona converted me to be a furry
>Cucking Moxxie as he does paperwork in the same room

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I wish I didn't have to go to school in person and my parents would work from home
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I wish that Vicky, Mr. Crocker and Francis all had taste buds in their assholes.
I get it, the joke is Corona, right?
No it's Timmy shot up the school
I did not get it, American School Shooter lore is too complex for me, i only know the basic ones. Colombine, Elliot Rodger and i think there was like one relatively recent one where the shooter was furry who accidentally showed his /co/ waifu in his recorded manifesto?
the joke is that if Timmy wished that, he would not have any problem in his life

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I also couldn't help but notice the parallels. But then why do I, as a guy who loves both "Invader Zim" with "Superjail!" and "My Little Pony" (pre-Haber), experience bouts of uncontrollable cringe every time I watch a new Viv cartoon? What went wrong?
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there are artists who spend their lives on a craft, then when they master the discipline and traditions of that art they branch out and bring their own interpretation and contribute to the way the art is seen by others, influencing, conveying deeper meanings, and helping people to think about surprising things.

then there are 'artists' that stumble on stage, smear themselves with their own shit, smugly prance insufferably with zero grace or purpose, and then demand applause.
Alastor is a really cool character, but when he starts saying "FUCK" for no reason it ruins the whole image for me...
some writers just don't understand theming, they just can't seem to write characters behaving differently from one another, speaking differently or having a different overall feel to them
everyone is the same person but with different clothes
I remember in the pilot when Angeldust said "I can suck your dick" and Alastor censored him like a radio host, I thought that was a neat bit of characterization, both of his character and of his themes and motif.
Guess that meant nothing.
Where does MLP come into either?

What Mahvel have you guys been reading recently?

What are the best Mahvel comics of all time?
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Making my way through the Danny Ketch Ghost Rider run
Reading Spider-Man, just finished Secret Wars now moving into the Alien Costume Saga.
Miller Daredevil
Ennis Punisher Max
Simonson Thor
Besides the usual suspects, i have been reading the Predator stuff coming out right now. Dunno if that's counts. Must say it's decent enough but i don't get most of the references since besides the movies i have never read any of the "expanded universe" Predator stuff prior to this.
spiderman comics
the most recent Marvel book i re-read was Werewolf By Night #32. i also recently read (and storytimed) Marvel Team-Up #53 and #54

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Jess is disappointed in you anon...
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You recycled.

But you didn't separate your recycling.
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tried to do an evil kara thing the other day, a little rough. Maybe you'll think it's interesting

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>watching some dexter lab
>this thing shows up
It was some writter fetish, isn't it?
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They also rhymed a made up phrase with another made up phrase

Remember when Billy and Mandy predicted Horse Show?
>Remember when Billy and Mandy predicted Horse Show?
When was that?
I only recall them shitting on Harry Potter in style over the course of, like, four episodes.
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Something about the early seasons made Dexter's laboratory feel grand. Anyone else has that feeling, everything looks impossibly big and the Lab expands forever.
Grimm is too old be be watching this shows.
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What is it about this character that causes so much division in the Sonic fandon?
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The moment Sonic Adventure was released, any hope of the FF getting in a Sonic game were stillborn
Even before that desu. Circa Sonic Jam.
You know how in the MCU the guys are off being charming or silly rogues and fighting evil and the women are there to be the serious no fun allowed Strong Female Character™ type that exists almost solely to raise a sarcastic eyebrow at the manchild protagonist?
Sally is kind of a precursor to that.
And the thing is, since Sonic is basically the only character in the cartoon with legitimate superpowers, a lot of the time some of her detractors get the sense that Sally is there to pad the run time by being a naysaying school marm or getting into trouble so that Sonic can't just solve the problems instantly.

And on the other side, there's waifu warriors that want their half naked furry and seem to really, REALLY hate the Japanese and the video game canon.
She’s a bitch
You're not canon.

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Realistically, who had the justification here?
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anon wtf
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yeah the show had a nasty habit of just dropping the ball on potential plotlines. like remember lapis' flashback where they showed bismuth cracking her gem and they just did NOTHING with it
Cute Megadot, although her robot was even bigger. I wish they went somewhere with that, it even had missiles
Checked, I like this manager Peridot. Sketchabee's artstyle is what really sells it

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>there are "people" who think that current Marvel/DC comics are not only good or worth reading but better than the classic stuff
why? pic not related
They're PR shills working for the companies trying to promote the books.
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how hot is the human torch? How does he not burn up all the oxygen in any enclosed space?
it's not every single one of them, surely.

Since the series has been blowing up recently thanks to a tweet (https://twitter.com/aeni_characters/status/1783792065987654009) can we have another thread about it please?
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Thankfully, there's a Youtube channel out there that covered the major points around Yellow and Indigo which might be confusing. At this point, it's more wanting full context on everything going on. Stuff like:

Does Indigo (or everyone) think that Dia killed the Umbra kingdom, or know that she just turned everybody into blobfish?
What exactly was Indigo being promised for the Bubblegem?
What exactly was going on with Dia and the crown and Alex the human?
What was the excuse for dressing Leo up as a girl rather than just showing up as a guy?

It's just stuff which would be clearer if it has a translation. You can get a pretty good understanding just by watching it untranslated, but there's still bits and pieces of information which slip through the cracks.
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>What was the excuse for dressing Leo up as a girl rather than just showing up as a guy?

I didn’t understand this either, unless I missed something. Pink star says the seven kingdoms only have princesses around Purple’s age, but later on Purple introduces femLeo as coming from a made up kingdom anyway. It sort of implies there are no mermaid princes. Felt like a flimsy excuse to have a crossdressing episode
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>Does Indigo (or everyone) think that Dia killed the Umbra kingdom, or know that she just turned everybody into blobfish?
Everyone thought the Umbra Kingdom was genocided. No one knew the blobs were the citizens until Dia revealed it to Indigo
>What exactly was Indigo being promised for the Bubblegem?
I may have to rewatch for this one. I don’t remember Indigo being promised anything different from the other girls.
> What exactly was going on with Dia and the crown and Alex the human?
It’s pretty straightforward. Dia likes to spy on humans, one day she reveals herself to Alex. She and Alex start to form a bond. On her coronation day, she leaves to tell Alex the good news. Turns out Alex was waiting for her to become a queen so she would be more valuable, then he gets some fishermen to try and catch or kill her.
Seems that simon stopped doing the fanart at this point (pic related), probably because of getting tired, so maybe he'll continue later today on piczel or off-screen.
Anyways, art is looking good so far
I was concerned a bit with his pose choices for the mermaid princesses, because it may be out of character for some of them, like Orange pose for example.
This could be because of him only seeing them in promotional arts and not watching the clips available on youtube.
Hopefully someone giving references of them in his stream yesterday might help him to give an idea of what are their personalities.
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Anyway innocent Dia is a CUTE

>kills Spider-Man after 133 issues
>brings him back and renumbers the series
>MJ breaks up with Peter for literally no reason just so Bendis can do a pornhub step sister plot
>kills Spider-Man again after 25 issues
lol what the fuck, why didn't Bendis just wrap everything up with Ultimatum?
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Heh. Every time.
Is he? I didn't found it on his wikipedia, but I want it to be true to lols
It was the style at the time.
No way. In fact they realized it was a mistake which is why one of the issues started with a scene where Gwen and MJ drag him into the bathroom so they could give him a haircut.
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>they just don't mention the fact that she's a clone
Because she's not a clone - she's Ultimate Carnage and simply remembers Gwen's life and thinks it's Gwen

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>flashback ahsoka didnt wear her season one outfit during the flashback scene where she first met anakin
Uh, talk about being out of continuity
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>Disney bought Star Wars because they wanted another Marvel to milk.
Kek well that went well. Why the fuck did they let it go to shit so badly anyways?
It was like a porno luke
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This may be pointing out the obvious, but it probably wouldn't have been well received considering both:
- How revealing it is.
- The age of the girl wearing it.
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This. Holy shit, what a terrible casting. Ahsoka in S7 was a young adult, almost 18 y.o. extremely fit, athletic warrior. This one has baby fat all over her. She was like 16 IRL, too. Too short. No muscles whatsoever. Big ass nose. Terrible lekku and montrals, terrible headband. Costume looks cheap as fuck. What they did to Ahsoka in live-action just makes me want to vomit, I feel physical repulsion just by looking at it.

Everything about that live-action series was abhorrent, save for Ray Stevenson, the blonde Ukie girl, the Inquisitor and that Stormtrooper with golden face.
Asoka tight puss

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