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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Has anyone played this before?
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I found the story very charming but the gameplay a grind
>gameplay a grind
Feel that way too, my dudes are always way underleveled when the game gives me the main quest, it's as if the exp is balanced with only 2-3 parties to power level and stack permanent traits, then the dev added morale and injury mechanics later to pad shit out. And it's weird to have quest with recommended level 6-8 when the power spike between level 7 and 8 is huge because you unlock better skills/spells at 8.
Also dex classes are shit unless your dudes have good strength growth from traits because fire emblem stat bullshit of physical damage tied to your STR.
>stat bullshit of physical damage tied to your STR.
I think it is pretty widespread, dnd has this too.
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dnd has finesse weapons that scaled damage dealt based on the user's dexterity. This game has classes locked to one type of weapon, and both dexterity based classes are based on STR to calculate damage as opposed to DEX. Add to the fact that both DEX classes only has 50% strength growth, and you have one hell of a pair of shitty classes that only crit for shit damage at range, while STR classes can take hits with their heavy armor, deal good amount of damage in area, can spend resources to increase their accuracy on lvl 1 eliminating their lack of DEX to hit shit, and can charge to enemies on lvl 4, and INT classes deal better damage with magic and has utilities on the top of that too e.g. buffing resistance, debuffing enemies so they can't attack and move at the same time, bypassing resistance by using different spell elements, etc.

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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avoid disappointment! pay the tryout tax today!
>tryouts can't determine if he's got talent with a sword
>but hey at least you know he's paranoid (??)
seems pretty sus famalam
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not as lame as being cucked out of thousands of crowns for some fop with 3 stars in ranged defense

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Song of Syx thread since last one archived.


It's a low fantasy city builder in the vein of Caeser or Pharaoh series. Oh and for whatever reason, the creator decided to over reach and bolt on a total war component so you can micro like an RTS while taking over the world. City builder is pretty much done and the latter has the foundations in but still unbalanced.

Demo is free-forever and is only a few versions behind the latest stable, good to try so you know whether you will like to core gameplay.

Fantasy means many races with their strengths and weaknesses like Vegetarian pigmen, tall dwarves twice the size of humans, cannibal elves lizards and bugmen. Oh so you want to min-max with all these races don't you? Well, too bad they are all Racists as fuck and prone to murder each other without careful planning. Good thing there's a very robust slavery system for you to prosecute and exploit the undesirables yes?
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What's up with gridlosers? Just build shit wherever you need it next, stop planning your cities you nerd.
By embracing roundness-loving races.
It's almost impossible to plan with those, so your cities become organic.
do I just ignore noise
I have played 44 hours and only just now realized that militia have a deterrent effect on raids, so even if you can't fight you should have a military.
No one who likes videogames cares about stupid /pol/cel drama.

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I enjoy the remaster
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>No barbarian empires
>or chiv
>or one of the EB1 submods
shit taste
Bit pathetic.
give it a rest you fucking loser
get help
I'm so glad the game is a success and you're nothing but a sore loser hehe

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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Ladder anxiety is so gay if you thing about it, we all suck ass anyways
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I can finally say I boom like Daut and better than the every member of the china team
It's over. The lord of the west have fallen
>What's the best offense as a flank on TG arena?
Depends the civ match up, there's no solid definitive answer.
The bugs won't be fixed before 2030

No matter what I do, I lose.
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Grim. This is the future liberals want for Japan.
Couldn't you have made the borders prettier?
I'm baffled how you were able to persevere double the length of the original campaign, considering the performance went to shit 20 years in. Also, isn't unemployment a huge problem?
Victoria has always been niche among Paradox titles. It takes a certain kind of autism to find an economy simulator fun to play.
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It would be an ethnostate if there was a genocide button that I could press. Alas no such feature is in the base game and I couldn't be bothered to find a mod for it, if there even is any.
I was in the middle of that when I got fucking sick of playing and stopped. Ideally I would have something like this image, but the shit state borders and it being impossible to take certain parts of a state and leave the rest makes it very hard to get something that looks good. Kamchatka used to look very sexy before I colonized the remaining bits.
I played for like 6-8 hours a day for five days straight or something. The last time that I actually touched this save was 15 days ago, I thought that I would take a short break and then drag the thing to 1936 before posting about it, but I can't find the motivation.
>Also, isn't unemployment a huge problem?
A mere 10 million people are unemployed, that's all. About 13m are peasants and 90m are employed, by the way. I don't think there's a single peasant in my empire that isn't Chinese.

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Post your realms, The west has risen edition
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Huh, turns out that releasing everything in Greece just makes the pope pick another crusade target, who knew
and tbqh Judea/Jerusalem makes more sense for a first crusade rather than Greece
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And even Africa joined lmao
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Yeah, turns out fighting half of the known world at once doesn't end well
why don't you fucking do it?
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Current status of my Suomenusko run. Things are looking pretty good. I was thinking of finally absorbing my northern brothers in Finland proper, but I wanna push east as well. I am worried about my western vassals holy warring their way into Europe, because if they do too well I'll have a crusade aimed down my throat in no time once the other threats to Christendom are dealt with.
Those threats being the now staunchly Cathar/Lollard British isles and the Rafiqid empire that holds half of Italy. So I probably have two crusades worth of time.
Also the Mongols haven't appeared yet and I'm kinda holding my breath for that.

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>be europoor dev
>need shekels
>have Unreal 4 license
>make assets and ui
>hire artist?sound design? programmers?, easier just to market as total war killer to big youtubers
>almost a decade goes by, close to launch
>tell fans to lower expectations and gaslight them by saying it was always intended to purely be a city builder

So it takes almost a decade to half a half made EA title with no point in playing.

>Look how many apples i harvested
>look how big my city and pop is!
>now i just have to wait 5 years for it ever actually mean anything ingame!

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>I enjoy syx more than this desu
Give up Robbie, manor lords WON
syx has way more content at this stage and is more of a game
I mean it's looks nice and it feels good to play but the fact food doesn't go bad makes it feel wonky
this is a big L for my nigga robert. manor lords, kingdom come, Johan's redemption arc.... VGH

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BTA3062 or Roguetech?
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Maybe, depends on how the evasion changes got added. If they use something like permanent evasion as a separate mod it's easy because you can either change the settings in the mod folder or outright remove it.
Might fuck with other shit though.
I'd check but I don't really want to bother installing the mod.
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For me, it's MechCommander
>evasion is actually viable and in fact critical in a game about robots running around the place and sniping each other
Lmao. If you refuse to fire because you have low to-hit then HBS has fucked up your approach to BT.
Base HBS is so fucking easy it's insane. Just get behind and aim shot to the rear torso anon. If you're frightened of a world where shots are 100% and you can't just land them wherever then good. You're growing.
We really need more Mecha RTS.. Or 4X.. Or Grand Strategy.. We need more Mecha on the ground!

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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>before it is too late
do you not know how git works?
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It's impossible to argue the situation in Escann is not caused by orcish actions when the new Vrorenmarch looks like this now.
>Black Orcs: Entire Serpentspine wiped out. Barely more than roaming bands of savages. By victoria 3 don't achieve anything of worth.

>Green Orcs: Entire Escann wiped out. By victoria 3, barely remaining alive in Unguldavor (read: Orcish Escanni Perservation Centre) and utterly at the mercy of the neighboring Escanni powers.

>Grey (White) Orcs: Integrates into local Reachmen culture, intermarries, settles and creates an orcish kingdom that thrives up until victoria 3, known and feared as a Great Power world-wide.

What did the Anbennar devs mean by this?
Snow makes people comfy
How does AI deal with Hoardcurse?

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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"Don't" you fag

But yes.
Hello ESL.
Hello :)
>Did Pink Panzer learn anything?
He trooned out so if anything he regressed.

Thinking about thos necromancers
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Skeletons are great but skeleton mages less so than archers
Skeleton mages are based, they just like Liches which are the coolest fantasy creatures
I love the dead… frequently
>Substitute your cranium for deer skull.
>Twin empty rolls of paper for horns
>Keep the beard.

PEak necro Aesthetic
>get huge buffs over the course of several patches
>STILL garbage
>#1 player in the world attempts to use them multiple times during a tournament, loses every single game he tries

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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last update on the fort before bed, we have breached the caverns and immediately started slaughtering the local tribes, no dirty frog people yet though
Is the steam version downgrade? I went throught reviews and noted some people said it lacks something from the original game before steam.
Yes, for at least a month/a few more months/a year or so, then it will be at parity content wise with pre-steam.
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I switched to it a few days ago, ill try to list everything ive encountered so far off the top of my head:
>stair designations seem improved but actually are completely fucked up, you can only build/carve 1 z-level stairs with dfhack and if you for example build an upstair construction and wish to carve a downstair into the ceiling above it, miners will refuse to path there. you have to either carve or construct the whole thing, no inbetween
>Hospitals are a location instead of their own zone for some reason
>No more mass tombs, you have to put a 1x1 tomb zone over every fucking coffin haha
>Everything can go through your doors now, pet-passability can no longer be set because it was causing performance issues i guess. you can still forbid doors to everyone
>Stocks screen was very close to being improved but toady had to fuck it up by making every item category expanded by default so you have to manually click each one with your mouse to see lets say how much charcoal you have
>Same for merchant menu, but now you can't search through it to mark stuff you wanna buy/sell fast. Also in the move goods menu the stuff currently at the Trade Depot isn't at the top of the list anymore so you can't quickly tell your haulers to move everything back, dfhack provides improved menus for both that fixes these issues
>Creating squad uniforms is really weird now, you can only access the uniform menu after you make a squad and you can't update uniforms except by making a new one
>Ordering your squads to train has the opposite effect, I'm not sure why that button is there since you're supposed to set their schedule instead of issuing an order
theres probably more but thats all I can think of for now. theres a lot of improvements as well and im beginning to get used to the fancy new UI

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This technically counts as a strategy game right?
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Takin' a Ride (on Heavy Metal)
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you are an example of the dunning kruger effect

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