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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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With few exceptions academia wholeheartedly refuses to talk about this subject and racial supremacists aren't exactly objective. Obviously we can be diverse in physical size and appearance. I'm more interested in IQ and temperament which have been proven to be at least partly influenced by genes.
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>We have finite resources.
we're on the verge of creating AGI and you're worried resource depletion? Resources are literally a non issue
I'm worried about subhuman population increase, and consumerism to follow.
Resource scarcity rumors play into the hidden emotional life of the savior complex crowd, particularly their greed and selfishness. They believe those rumors no matter how absurd or disproved because because their first thought it "what if theres not enough for me?" outweights all their other concerns
How do you know you're not part of the subhuman population?
Easy. It's color coded.

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I think they are a great pain relieving method because they make you forget about everything else, even more so than watching videos/TV because you're somehow active in them even if it's a very slow paced strategy game but your concentration is destroyed for anything else. I have not found a better replacement to them and am wondering if there's really an alternative? This is purely scientific thread because it focuses on the way our brain works and probably the dopamine reward system that gets abused by video games. You can't just force someone with actually a damaged brain to just study and study, they will always relapse to video games and they wouldn't be able to play them sparingly because that's the only way the brain can manage to relieve the stress and perhaps the overwhelming amount of commands or resources to be focused.
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they're only addicting when you're young. when you get older and grow up you hate them.
Then why are there so many 30+ gamers?
Doesn't sound very scientific.
videos games are orders of magnitude better for you than porn/forums/netflix etc
it's not the best hobby but it's not a bad way to spend an hour or two per day if you spend the rest of your time exercising/socialising/workng

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Soience now says basic hygiene is bad for you. Does anyone here trust this latest new soience?
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Repulsive narcissistic nerds who already presume they're special snowflakes that are too good to exercise are now intellectualizing reasons why they're also excused from basic hygienic practices.
Not even slightly surprising
>I want to be hideously repulsive and offensive to all of the senses
>No, why is everyone rejecting me!!?!??!
>Must be a problem with them
Tranny logic.
I lift or do cardio daily
I get sweaty
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this, they need to be bullied until they learn how to behave properly because their parents didn't raise them right
This is old European tradition. After the fall of the Roman Empire, many civilized practices, like regular bathing was abandoned. Even the royalty didn't do it, preferring to douse themselves with perfumes instead. It wasn't until the 19th century when the modern bathtub was invented that Western people started bathing regularly again.
Regular bathing is wasteful and not only stresses the water supply (the vast majority of the planet is currently suffering from near constant drought as a result of Human caused climate change) but also introduces toxic chemicals into the water for no other reason than Humans have a strange compulsion to be 'clean', a concept which has no basis in reality.
t. Microbiologist

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"Up to 50% of patients with cannabis-related psychotic symptoms presenting to the ED requiring hospitalization will go on to develop schizophrenia. "
"Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases"
"In one recent study that followed nearly 2,000 teenagers as they became young adults, young people who smoked marijuana at least five times were twice as likely to have developed psychosis over the next 10 years as those who didn’t smoke pot."
"One of the best-known studies followed nearly 50,000 young Swedish soldiers for 15 years. Those who had smoked marijuana at least once were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who had never smoked pot. The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were 6x as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers."
"1/5th of cases of schizophrenia among young males might be prevented by averting [Cannabis Use Disorder]"
Daily weed use was associated with increased odds of psychotic disorder compared with never users, increasing to nearly 5x increased odds for daily use of high-potency types of cannabis. The PAFs calculated indicated that if high-potency cannabis were no longer available, 12% of cases of first-episode psychosis could be prevented across the 11 sites, rising to 30% in London and 50% in Amsterdam
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IMO people under drug and commit crimes should receive heavier sentences than normal, not less.
Except we already know what happened when alcohol was made illegal, it's called prohibition. It remains unrestricted because the surrounding criminal activity prohibition generates is worse than the toll alcohol takes on society when it is legal. As for cigarettes, well that's just lobbying.

Again, nobody's trying to sell you an alcohol enema or nicotine patch as the cure for cancer. Companies can get in a lot of trouble for claiming products can treat disease, that's why that herbal "medicine" you buy explicitly says "This product is not intended to treat any disease".

We already know marijuana has limited medical use thanks to factors such as tolerance, ingestion route, etc. MAYBE I would support legalization if it were completely illegal to make medical claims on mj products, legal limits on CBD/THC content of such products, legal driving intoxication limits and warnings for the carcinogenic effects of smoke inhalation.
you're a schizo drug addict, your "reasoning" is motivated solely by your drug addiction
High IQ people use LSD

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Anon is a incel. Probably has suppressed homosexual tendencies and instead of him coming to grips with that, he finds it easier to blame women being smarter as to why he insinuates dislike for smart women.
Textbook shit really

WhatAh Hahaha
I don't have to because the reality is the exact opposite.
I speak english, not teenager.
Can you translate what you said into ‘adult’ for me kid? Thanks
Do You have webbed toes?

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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Do you have a degree in business?
Do you even have a degree in anything?
Ohhh, so you one of them “Never been to college, owned a degree or had a job in STEM or runs your own business?
>Fuck you! I am right!
Got cha
whats truly trash is this thread
>Get a degree in business.
Fuck off low iq peasent
If you can't even take responsibility for being a drug addict, then you won't be able to take responsibility for anything. It's ridiculous that modern western society coddles the dregs of society, absolving them of all faults, thereby preventing them from improving their situation, instead of helping those that are truly in need. Most homeless people worry about getting their next hit of drugs, not the next meal. You obviously never had the experience of having someone parasitizing off of you.
perhaps he should have spent money on accomodation instead of drugs
you don't just "become an addict" lol

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How the fuck does a body like this form naturally? How is this physically possible?
OP look up go look up hotentot women
Hair extensions.
why does she look so jiggly like she is skinnyfat with no muscle tone. must have had fat transfer surgery
nawww /sci/ really be gooning to black queens fr

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the 3 limitations are uncertainty, volatility or lack of sane reward or safety for work done or asset acquired, and chaos or competition or understood and known evils and problems

there isn't a good word because the distinctions are pretty complicated between the three still pretty unique tiers of limitations

basically this is why da Jews are actually kind of based and redpilled and not just malicious because whatever for no good reason and christianity is kind of like building towers instead of studying earthquakes and stuff first

generally eastern cultures don't do stuff just because they could and there are like 3 archetypes of the dumb white guys that have no idea wtf they're doing and lots of names for people who filled those roles

basically this is post enlightenment hellenism and it should be taught alongside english grammer in like 6th grade then they let people choose to stop going to school after that

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I guess you could suppose there's a celestial world health organization?
But why do fish stay around when they are afraid of fishermen?
I still do not understand this because it creates a back and forth that is not healthy.
hunger or just because the conditions of ocean dwelling preference a boredom and simple stubborness

to put it easily dynamite or electrocution wouldn't exactly be unwelcome to something that's just a fich

rather have waters full of jellies honestly and I really don't get why people still have animal farms after the invention of engines

but if you mean people it's because they actually like what they are and as for the fishermen as in some space boogieman or like a squid I think they would be the fech
the nobody is the new christianity is like the idea of not getting the point at all and being everything you were supposed to learn to not do except as satire and so basically the same thing as christianity too such as like they tried their best to just use a dead language so people wouldn't even try, but that didn't last, something about like the story of uh faust or something

but jannies I'm saying this is a confusing topic about trying to keep people from doing science that is actually /x/ or plilosophy that is actually /x/ and I myself am too stupid to really get it so there are examples of /x/ ing maybe call it uh fuck idk cringe? but ...

>>37785989 (OP)
10 concurrent posters spamming hundreds of nonsense posts, anime girls, and youtube links isn't exactly a religion.

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>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Whats the absorption limit of CO2, how does that work? Does anyone here know?
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What's the absorption limit for CO2?
Take your meds.
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>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Now they're saying 500ppm will change it that much.
What changed in fundamental understandings of physics since 1972 to make NASA change their estimates so much?
2.5ºC @ 3500ppm
So, adding more CO2 would change nothing?

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Does diversity make teams work better?
Apparently not!
A new, comprehensive preregistered meta-analysis found that, whether the diversity was demographic, cognitive, or occupational, its relationship with performance was near-zero.
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>what is your solution to getting minority Americans out of their cycle of poverty?

The first thing to understand is that US is not and never was "sincere" about the collective welfare of blacks. Centuries of history proves this, if they actually cared about them they wouldn't have psyop their family structure into oblivion with welfare and feminism. If you or the US want to see an immediate reduction of the poverty cycle then squash the feminism bullshit that encourages contempt for their men and stop incentivizing women with government subsidies via single motherhood and divorce/family court child custody battles.

With regard to school, the answer has already been known. Americans are just too cowardly to do it since it means admitting the Chinese/ South Koreans were right. Increase the school hours each day and push for secondary school programs to keep children studying and off the streets. The schools aren't shit, the people who overlord the entire education system locally and nationally are just money hungry heathens.

The job situation is probably the most straightforward. Keep the hiring process impartial racially but place more emphasis on hiring men in general since they are still going to be the main ones expected to provide. Even working class women who are well off want men who make more than them despite the equality mantra. Even society itself want men to make more otherwise they are lambasted in media as losers. So WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is the US doing by not making sure every able bodied male regardless of race isn't employed in a job that can provide a living for a family?

Not him but black americans realised IQ is 88-90. Pic related basically shows them in the same performance sphere of Greece, Chile, Ukraine and Bosnia. As well as outperforming Mexico, Mongolia and Uruguay who themselves average higher than 85IQ. So your basic analysis is outdated.
so you're just going to completely ignore reality and blame "oppression" got it

adoption studies consistently show iqs much closer to the birth parent iq than the adoptive parent
If the relationship with diversity and performance is near-zero, doesn’t that mean that diversity doesn’t ruin workplace productivity?
Look into "stakeholder capitalism". That is what the people who think of themselves as elites are trying to implement. A system that appears democratic on the surface, but in reality it creates a culture where everyone is at odds with each other and thus easily exploited by higher powers.

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Tell me why this isn't newsworthy. Is it as simple as something innate being capable of producing dimethyl sulphide other than us?
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you're a gullible idiot who will believe anything
They said the same thing about phosphenes on Venus
>reporting on a year old nothingburger

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Are environmental toxins the reason there is no one as smart as Euler alive today?
Tetraethyl lead, yes
the cause of many blanket statement disorders, autism, adhd, schizo, you name it
All I heard was a list of super powers.
There are many people as smart as Euler alive today, and smarter.
What if I told you I'm the next Confucius and buddha or hitler

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What kinds of genes are currently being selected for in humanity? I notice that none of the educated professionals in their mid-30s around me have more than 1 child. From surveys, the more educated and higher income have less kids. The poorest and less educated have the most kids. Religious groups have a lot of kids, my neighbors growing up were some weird Christian sect and they had 11 kids. The most technologically advanced people, Japanese and South Koreans are having no kids and their population will collapse soon.

I'm evolutionary terms what's happening to the species?
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found a copy though I never read it only a summary
read it and share with us what you find anon
From the guy I remember talking about it supposedly they ran huge brothels and bought up temples and turned those into brothels
lol is any of that is real?

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Why is it controversial to say that human races have mental differences between them? It just doesn't make any sense. Yes, humans have a genetic bottleneck but humans have diverged since coming out of Africa that their physical features can be wildly different. We have the blacks, the pinks, the yellows, the abos. All look very different from each other physically.

There are differences in Race when it comes to medicine. White People are more prone to skin cancer than any other race due to a lack of melanin in their skin. Black people are at higher risks for high blood pressure, certain types of cancers and diabetes. Asians are at higher risks for liver disease than other races. Mixed race individuals are more likely to have these risks offset due to being biracial or multiracial but in some cases their risks of diseases prevalent in their heritage might be higher. Just like there are differences in biological sexes for treatment. Some humans like the Badjao or the Tibetans have evolved higher lung capacity compared to the average human.

So we have all these physical differences, affecting even diseases and medical treatment but somehow mentally we are all the same? That's kinda fishy no?
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45 chromosomes among 46
they act like an alien species.
a chink male is more likely to act like you than a white woman if you're a white man.
It’s also a solution. If we turned all the Muslims gay they’d stop breeding like highly aggressive rabbits.

And yet the racial gap in crime is in some cases as large as the gender gap in crime. Genetic differences don't translate directly into phenotypic differences.

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