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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

Every girl I find attractive is out of my league. What do I do?
Improve your self esteem
improve yourself
Lower your standards or raise yourself to meet their standards
Get TOPPED on Grinder
most guys end up with girls out of their league because girls care less about physical attractiveness and more about other characteristics a guy has. yes, the whores pick who they want to fuck based on attractiveness, but when a girl wants an actual relationship attractiveness matters way less. as long as you're not downright ugly, you'll be fine.

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previous: >>74134089
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hmm yes if only she drank water instead she'd still be thin.
Does anyone have the vid with the humorous voiceover? Youtube deleted it ages ago. Also, checked.
no I'm sure your clothes are quite tight now. same with that dried up pussy.
phoar look at those biceps
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There is nothing out there for us in the world anymore. We have no power, all we can do is shitpost here until very end.

It's over
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yep. i sure love existing to shitpost and bait others on /fit/. truly what a life we live.
>he thinks there isnt a radical extremist young men group planning a revolution rn

picrel is what you are
you can't permaban reality
it will knock at your door sooner or later
Then stop doing it you fucking retard
>just two more weeks guys and le boogaloo will happen guys just two more weeks

>Step 1: don't be fat

That's it
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Don't argue with incels anon just tell them to kys
>man if only the fat fetish guy didn’t show up in the hijacked fat fetish thread and ruin it with his fat fetish
Kill yourself or take it to /gif
Just treat them like a pet or a child, that was the point. Rights aren't given to you by any government, they are god-given unchangeable, the government is only there to enforce your rights. If the government fails, you have to do it yourself. Change has to start somewhere Anon, so why not you?
She was better on the right (fat)

If you disagree you are an NPC bugman
so much this

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Muscle growth cannot occur on a calorie deficit, under any circumstances,
Your body is physiologically incapable of synthesizing muscle during a cut.
There's no such thing as "recomp". You're not getting "noob gains" while cutting. You are actively losing muscle mass each day you are at a deficit.
This is scientific fact.
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You're a stupid fucking cat who knows nothing of fitness
Khajiit has wares?
Dubs confirmed
They hated him for speaking the truth
Incorrect. I've been in a deficit for months and my lifts are going up. Why are you lying?
you fucking nigger. starting the bulk now.

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I am already 24 years old, never had a job and been a NEET ever since I left high-school. I feel like my life is over and I will never become a normal human, probably going to suicide.
The only thing I got going for me is my /fit/ physique because I work out regularly.

If you can’t achieve this natty in a year just quit lol
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middle looks like a power bottom right looks great
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This is proof guy is blasting like maniac.
Nobody claimed he wasnt
Calves are genetic

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very impressive if you didn't weigh 60kg soaking wet
i don't understand how do i have an alien hand
Want bigger hands/stronger crush grip while shaking them?

Exercise 1: Spearhand Air Claws.
As the name implies, claw the air with your hand in a spear hand position, all fingers together in a straight manner, thumb resting against index finger tip joint, palm towards ground do for 3x8 counts.

Exercise 2: Spearhand Stretch.
Same posture as the last exercise, but hands are sideways, just stretch outward with your fingers for 8 reps and repeat back to back with the exercise #1.

Exercise 3: Finger curls, pick a weight with a handle and curl for 3 counts and squeeze for 3 counts, curl back open for 3 counts, rince and repeat until you feel sore. (Start with light weights.)

Try them, works pretty well so far, have noticed a lot of strength gains in my arms.
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My left hand brachidactilia makes it thick af
fapper hands

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Post height and weight with a current image of your body
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2 months in...still fat af but at my lowest weight for years. Lost about 7kg in the last 8 weeks and aim for low 80s/high70s before thinking about bulking or anything else.
I think I can see changes in the hip area and the arms/shoulders...still dyel though
Hopefully gonna make it.
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5'7", 155lbs, 29yo, goal is bulk to 165lbs.
Get a job kam
Great progress anon
Likewise. OHP is your friend!
Beautiful. Well done anon.
You don't. You look great.
I still saw a twink in the mirror until I went out the other night and had this roastie all over me telling me that it was impressive that I didn't look like a lanklet at 6'7". Would not stop touching my arms. Disgusting bitch, but felt good anyways.
We idealists are built to be self critical, it's a blessing and a curse. Never stop reaching!
Solid physique
Great definition. Agree with the other anon, check your strategy a bit so you don't expend that much energy for 5 lbs

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hey kam, still fat?

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Post your current body, but wearing only briefs, or a jockstrap, so I can COOM, please!
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cant see the legs
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8 months lifting brodie
Cutting soon don’t ask
the whole point is to wear briefs so you don't have to awkwardly roll your shorts up
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>8 months lifting
>still skinny fat

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74131324
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Rate my programming.

Doug Hepburn power and pump add one rep progression + some accessories.
>Upper 1
Push press, 6 x 2 -> 6 x 3
Strict press, 3 x 6 -> 3 x 8
Upright row 3 x 8-12, Barbell LTE 5 x 8-12, DB curl 6 x 8-12

Deadlift, 6 x 2 -> 6 x 3
Front squat, 3 x 6 -> 3 x 8
Hip thrusts, leg extensions & ham curls 3 x 8-12

>Upper 2
Bench, 6 x 2 -> 6 x 3

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ITT: shit lifts, shit bodies and a shit OP made of pure AI
>even a regional mid-level super heavyweight receives more respect than average skinny guys in the gym
Powerlifters proper (not fat fucks) Re NOT average skinny guys. The fact you think anyone who isn't a powerfat is a skinny dyel demonstrates you're a volem at best and a noob at worst.
It's a winner mentality. You wouldn't understand, loser.
All the weight classes are dominated by fat manlets.
Having an aesthetic, healthy body is NOT average. See above.
Now I know how to hurt them (even more)
You're learning
He doesn't post here anymore
tell to married man literally one reason to care about abs or aesthethics

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Damn... she's right!
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Nah she's delusional. All her videos are just weak minded cope because "waaaahhh but I want a burgerrrr". She used to be much leaner then hopped on the healthy at any size train, claims she had eating disorder (she didn't, she just moderated calories), and tries to justify why she's a fat cow now. Propaganda for other weak people looking for an excuse
I always like to think that if civilization breaks down and we revert to a state of nature, I would hunt these land whales like hunter gatherers. Me and my /fit/ tribe would be in loin clothes and spears, stalking her in the post-industrial wilderness. When the moment’s right we would chase her down and harpoon her like 19th century whalers.
cant be eaten though,her meat is tainted by a lifestyle of complete gluttony,just burn it along with the memory of such ''people'' and be done with it.
Yet she is still more sexually desirable than you

You are an adult male and still play videogames

You aren't hunting anything lmfao. Sit down

How do white frat bros stay so fit despite their lifestyles?
As someone who used to party a lot, it's forgetting to eat from all the partying
just be young theory
frat life is low calorie because being a fatass at a party and never getting laid is suicide fuel.
>go to practice
>go train for sport (usually weightlifting, required)
>walk all over campus
>train on your on time with swimming
>go to party, dont really eat, just kind of drink every now and then
>fuck your girlfriend, fuck other women
>caloric intake is usually -500 to -1000 a day
>lose weight.
>no muscle but dont matter because not skinny fat.
what happens with 90% of dudes is they go
>Ur when i was a teenager
>ur dur when i was 25 in university

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I'm gonna go with Max Euceda
>is only 22 years young
>just finished his degree
>has a large following on youtube and tiktok (1+ mil subs), making good money
>owns a car
>still lives with his parents in their mega house, doesn't pay any rent, they're cool and supportive, he hangs out with them sometimes
>has a $1000+ basement homegym that is cleaned and maintained
>has a big kitchen all to himself always cleaned and maintained
>has a comfy bedroom with posters and neon lights and shit
>has a modest social life, doesn't do anything crazy
>natty and doesn't try to shill out his own brand or tries to keep up with appearances like many do in this industry
>very low stress lifestyle
>seems like a good kid with a good head on his shoulders
>says he mostly just stays home and watches anime on his free time
My nigga you can’t be operating like you didn’t just post this yesterday
I don't believe he is natty. But his advices are really good
Looks like a giant faggot, why would you watch Youtube at all, let alone a giant faggot ON Youtube
proof that only indians give a shit about random faggot influencers
I only know this guy because he had some really nice and very short videos on tricep and deltoid exercises.
Was a good help and that's about all there is to it. Glad life worked out well for him.

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