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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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The rich are finally going to have to pay their fair share. Huge W for the people. Fat cats absolutely seething.
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nothing like telling rich people they will immediately start taking 57% of their wealth per year.
(25% wealth tax + you need to sell enough to pay for the 44% capital gains tax as well on however much you are selling)
i have no idea how the math works but anyway you run the numbers its fucking nuts
my numbers were i might be wrong but
you have 100,000,000 in wealth (the minimum for it to apply to people)
that means you need pay 25,000,000 in the wealth tax.
to sell enough to have 25,000,000 left over capital gains you'd need to sell 56.8 million.
58.8 - (56.8 * .44 ) = 25.
So this is effectively taking 56.8% of the wealth of everyone with > 100 million dollar net worth every year.
what did "back and to the left" mean??? I never understood that
Right, a few problems there:
> you have 100,000,000 in wealth, that means you need pay 25,000,000 in the wealth tax.
That's only true if the cost basis on that $100M was zero. This is an unlikely scenario.
> to sell enough to have 25,000,000 left over capital gains you'd need to sell 56.8 million.
It's not nearly that bad. If you sold to cover in the fiscal year you're being taxed, your unrealized gains would be commensurably lower. If you sold in the next fiscal year, your cost basis would have been adjusted already and the realized gains on that sale would be nearly zero.
> this is effectively taking 56.8% of the wealth of everyone with > 100 million dollar net worth every year.
Not every year no. The next year, the cost basis of the assets has been reset and the unrealized capital gains would only start from there.

In practice, the first year this goes into effect would feel pretty weird to the hundred millionaires and the billionaires because of the "catch up" effect of paying tax on unrealized gains all at once. The years after that however would be a fairly mild inconvenience of paying taxes earlier than you would prefer, but getting a lower tax rate (25%) on those gains rather than the standard income tax rate (higher%) that'd otherwise apply.

If this goes past the weeping and gnashing of teeth of wealthy bastards explaining that raising their taxes will literally kill America, we'll end up in a situation where Warren Buffet's secretary no longer pays a higher tax rate than her boss.

For me personally, I've "made it", meaning my spending money now comes 100% from long term cap gains, so this would raise my effective tax rate from "lower than most wagies" to "about the same as wagies making the same kind of money." The horror.
True, but greedy oligarchs like Elon Musk don’t deserve to live even.

Stock market fare edition - have you learnt the moves?:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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its simply over
The biggest analysts all agreed a manic market before a final freefall
Is it worth getting SOFI? I guess thats the twitter trend with it's calls coming up. But with my experience from following the trend on reddit, I've been constantly dissapointed. Any Anons also joining the SOFI train?
Lots of buzz on IBRX. Managed to get some calls on Friday, hopefully it's not a fakeout.

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ticker: 赵长鹏 / CZ (Solana)

$4k mc

narrative play: CZ's trial on the 30th of april. This is the OG cz coing on Sol. The other CZ coins are scams as they dont pay homage to the correct nomenclature in mainland china 赵长鹏.

Also, 赵长鹏 attracts chinese liquidity on solana.

Let's be honest, CZ was hand picked by the cartels and mafia in China and will most likely serve maximum jail time. This is going to make major news headlines and 赵长鹏 is going to pump like crazy.
Also, investing in 赵长鹏 will help our social credit scores when china inevitably dominates the world post ww3
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Free CZ, so he can pump our Lunc!

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weekend pumps are a good litmus test

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Noob here, this shit is doing my head in.

>Check top traders on sol coin
>Check wallet and tokens they hold
>Can't find their token (doge trump) with Phantom wallet


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Would it help I make them "compete" with ads showing cheaper but better houses?
Shit is fucked up in the area I'm buying. Like, interests rates are really high, houses are being occupied illegally and so on. Would this be a good argument for a big drop in the price of a house?
Assume I'm looking at houses of price = the cash I have or like 50% more at most, but also I'm looking for sellers to drop prices like 25% or more if possible.
Also, how do I do research on this? I have a bunch of databases of housing ads, and I know where to get records for a given house, but I want to get records for the overall market (not just statistics) and other stuff like security in a particular area.

Pic unrelated.
Sometimes agents/real-estate companies prefer having a buyer have cash on hand, on-site. I witnessed it with my stepdad. Sometimes they prefer it easier because it's quicker and easier, then on the other hand they'll try to fuck with you by making credit payments.

It's exactly how they do with vehicles. When you do payments in "installments for credit" how they like to put it, you'll end up paying WAY more for the vehicle in the end, and also the house.

To make it easier on both ends, have cash. But the issue is the agent/seller will act happy, but be pissed off because they don't get that sweet, succulent, higher-profit margin/fat loan check.
I mean, sure. I've seen it too. but it's not that much faster. otoh mortgage means banks might have further restrictions and stuff, so I guess that's the issue.
But, beyond that, what are some other advantages for the seller, and how do I trick them into giving me a MUCH lower price?

airbnb landlord asked me to contact someone and "CC me" but I have no idea what that means.
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don't listen to these retards, CC obviously means 'Credit Card', you can google it
your landlord wants you to send him your credit card data over email so he can charge you for rent
CC stands for carbon credits. Get a new landlord. Carbon credits are made in china to kill us by design
How the fuck do you people have jobs? I thought sub-75 IQ people were unemployable.
The government forces employers to hire these retards
It means 'closed captioning', he wants the audio from your phone call with the contact transcribed into text so that he can read it.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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did you not post the image?
I have just enough hope left in me for one last squeeze
If the hedgies break down the wedgie again im out
not out of gme mind you, ill keep all the gme, im out of this universe
I have hope, but there has been countless triangles here, from the one that is hyped to end december 2021 to the flatzone one to now. Some on log charts some on normal charts
Everytime it follws the lines exactly until the end, except instead of moassing pirce just breaks the pattern and crators instead
This is the last time im trusting a triangle
Hope it works
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RIP Bitcoin
sorry frens didn't mean to complain
just i saw this post say its been 2 years
and i remembered being in the thread where the video was originally posted
made me realize how long it's been
guess I'll buy more shares on monday

Hey frens. I've always been poor. Never had money. Through being lucky on Solana I've managed to build up a portfolio of almost 500k. Problem is that I get extremely mentally exhausted by the daily swings, sometimes I can be down 50k, up 70k the next. What are some good ways to relieve/fix this?
Look at the memes you post most. Buy the top 3 shitcoins associated with them. IMHO it's frog season. I had taken just 10% of my SOL/AVAX gains and put it into Pepe/Apu/Toad. So far I'm up 4000%.
(2 of 1 autists will mad...) Also know your long-term holds. Derisk your large bags into your idea of what your grandkids will be using.
Maybe on Dexview you'll able to find something bullish idk lurk it
how can someone who never had a dime tolerate 50k daily swings wtf
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i am doug demuro

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>how mad are you
Very! Get some AVAX, you scumbag!
i just bought 5 more avax. i think that should drive the price up a bit.
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1 Billion for sure
3 billion target
10 billion bull case scenario
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their ERC-20 license was revoked after Vitalik heard about the Turkish consulate scandal

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The dog with bat is still here and will not die.
That's basically it
hi fren
former d0b.o baggot here
glad to see it doing well

You aren’t buying vaporware projects are you anon?
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>how it feels to be fucking retarded and not getting reverse psychology
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>now states the obvious without including himself
oh the fucking irony

fall for what, turbo dipshit?
it's all open source code
Good luck anon
What will the argument be when ICP reclaims a triple digit price? Don't forget king jew SBF manipulated the launch selling IOUs

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Once you hit millions in crypto. Is it worth it to wash the money somehow and buy things from then on with crypto, or is it really not worth the hassle? Most of what I've got falls under short-term gains (35% tax in USA)
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We'll never get what we want if we keep doing what they tell us. They keep making things worse and worse. The only way to push back is to a massive tax strike
You can move to Puerto Rico and keep your US citizenship and get taxed 0% on all capital gains you made while living in PR. You gotta live there for for at least 183 days out of the year to qualify for 0% tax though, on top of donating 10k to charity each year
All capital gains made before moving to Puerto Rico will still get taxed the same way they would in the mainland US. It only works for capital gains you made while living in PR. If you do move there then go to a gentrified area like Dorado, it's where all the Americans avoiding taxes live. Crime is lower there and you'll get to be around more white people
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I really do prefer to stick on this chinese memecoin BIAO and see what happens, maybe I'll get some social credits
What if I don't sell my crypto until I'm a resident of Puerto Rico? Say you swapped 6 figs of eth to an alt on uniswap a month ago and now it's worth 7 figs? I'm ok holding until after I'm a PR resident, but idk if my efforts would be futile, or if I should just wait a whole year for long-term capital gains tax

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Got rugged although the guy promised me a pizza. Even promised a collab with GMC
There is still liquidity locked and good contract.
I think the project has still normie appeal and a atypical cool vibe. I kept all the picture, font and all.
I'm highly motivated to take over the thing and I may have the technical skills. But I'm lost with how to do the whole thing.

Have you been here before?
Is it a stupid idea? Why?
Beside, the website/tg what should I do?
I'm a newbie but have the autistic power to do a lot

Jannies pls don't nuke me, I'm not shilling, just asking for frens advice
>still liquidity locked
If the LP is locked, how did they rug? Did they just dump their bags?

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>browsing coingecko
>random memecoins worth hundreds of millions of marketcap
this retarded economy is going to crash 90%
Alternatively you can browse for hours on coingecko, suddendly you see some random token you've never heard of doing a x200 and now all of biz is talking about it. Happened with apu, happened with orbs and i still can't figure out how you guys get these coins before everyone else
Peepo is next
>meme coins worth hundreads of millions
If you can’t get the money out without trashing the valuation it’s not really worth that
>browsing coingecko
I found $fkbiden in a TG group with a bunch of folks who started it, and it's run to $1.7M in like 30 hours... I think it's all about making connections and being genuine. Opens you up to opportunities

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>Browsing coingecko/coinmarketcap.
>Looking at random shitcoins and memecoins.
>Random coins I have seen recently that weren't worth shit.
>Suddenly they skyrocket to the goddamn moon and someone is a multimillionaire from 20 fucking dollars.

Like what the fuck is going on.
it's the shitcoin casino

tbqh I think there is FAR FAR more market manipulation going on than even the most cynical of us believe

I have always filtered them because I hate them but lately I wonder if its worth it. I've seen them in excellent locations, well built, and brand new and pretty cheap
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who the fuck is rich enoguh to buy these things
I lived in a townhouse, now it's an investment property. About to buy another for investment. They're great because it reduces the desire to do large renovations and they have little maintenance required.
They're superior to an apartment as you have exclusive rights to the land and indirect land ownership.

As more people can't afford homes, the demand for townhouses will increase as they're a great alternative without living in a highrise box.
software engineers
Better than a condo, but you're usually cramped, close to your neighbors and the hobos in the street depending on the location. If you're in a good location, it can be a great investment property, but I wouldn't live in one. I need a yard for my dog to run and a proper garage.
Don't share walls with people.

All it takes is sharing a wall with one stoner and your place is inhabitable.

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t dot me/BasedRayquaza. Won’t rug, just pump. Get in at ground floor for once, everyone knows Rayquaza is basically dragon pepe.
why didn't you call it shenron?
Good idea but Rayquaza is cooler. ‘Everybody loves Rayquaza’
I like me a mega rayquayquay

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