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Previous Thread: >>22600046

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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Its funny you say that cause that what they said on the blog too.

>The other reason is the "respect for past Rider series". Director Tasaki and Producer Minato did a magazine interview about Gotchard, and there, Tasaki spoke about his time as director on Kamen Rider Agito by saying "at the time, it was still an era where hero works were underestimated, so we wanted to overturn that". Hearing that, Minato replied "Hero shows are beloved today thanks to the Heisei Kamen Riders, and since I grew up watching them, I have an unwavering respect for them. Rather than wanting to overturn them, I hope to create works with the intent to inherit that respect and with the hopes of surpassing them". Meaning that for Minato, respect for the past Riders was always an important theme for Gotchard from the very beginning. Even during meetings, the staff would talk about how they want to recreate x development they saw in a past Kamen Rider series. Some people might say that it's not original or boring. But the mission for those who come after the ones who paved the road (early Heisei Kamen Rider works) is not to find another wasteland to make move paved roads, but to drive even further on that road, reaching speeds never seen before (= originality). Also, we also live in a world where past Riders are accessible in the present, new versions of 20-year-old Drivers are released today, so in a sense, for the viewers, there is no past or new work. The moment you start watching a show, it becomes the "latest" show. All of this to say that this is the reason why even though it is not an anniversary, Minato wanted to provide the best entertainment possible using his love for past Riders. And that idea is even properly portrayed in the show. There was no way Houtarou's respect for Chemies and Kaguya's respect for past Kamen Riders would ever lose to Hundred, who have no respect for past Dark Riders, using imitations of their powers.
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>insults Hundred for using imitations of dark riders
Legend and Decade’s entire shtick is copying past riders.
Hammer would've been more apt, that's even why communism uses sickle and hammer for their symbols, because hammer represents the industrial workers.
Kiva can't, lore says it was made to be a nerfed but more stable version of Dark Kiva precisely because the armors' creators were afraid of the collateral damage one of the previous Kings made when he used Wake Up 3.
In Legend's case he said the other riders gave them their powers.
Hundred basically use pirated copies.

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ITT: We post unrelated pictures and others guess the /m/ character.
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Try to guess this one.

Gonna go with Smith as well.
Nadesico isn't /m/?
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>implying duel would even know what nadesico is

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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
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Scale comparison between Moderoid and Riobot's Shin Getter Dragons.
Best part of the Go anime
>Look at the guy's other animations
>He has a skullkiller one
Fuck, I really want the Kyomu Senki Void Chronicles to be translated


Gee Godzilla, why does Toho let you have TWO gigabash collaborations?
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Gamera’s moveset is literally perfect for a fighting game how are they this dumb.
Same with his rogues, can you imagine getting to play as Rebirth Guiron
I hope pacific rim, especially Cherno Alpha got in.
Gamera was quite literally number 7 on their list of most influential shit, only outdone by shit like Overlord or Konosuba
Like, imagine not using the character with more named attacks than Godzilla
Anon that's not influential. That just means they've put out enough Gamera since 1965 that it managed to hold on during Kadokawa's deluge of nonstop isekai shit making way too much money. They've got the little asterisk there telling you that list is comprised of all titles since release year.

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Previous Thread: >>22593344


>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

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They aren’t. Female toys always sell poorly
>Boonboom is just a pun of the word vroom
I feel like a retard for just figuring it out
Honestly it feels like the writers didn't really know what to do with him
writers knew exactly what to do with him and it was exactly one arc no more no less

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>Anon, pitch me your /m/ anime/toku idea
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>tfw just want a new knights and magic season, or a sequel to gun x sword
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Sorry Gaijin.
Giant combat mechs secretly develop a plot to use humans as pollen and create gunpla that are really baby robots that grow under the power of the sun's light.
Reboot C.E verse with the same characters but with improved writing and world building
Found this I'd written years ago

This is the best mecha show ever produced and it will probably never be surpassed. Deal with it.
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It is good, but far from the best. The concept is incredible, but the pacing is too compressed and too many of the in-universe mechanics are unexplained in-work, requiring you to watch side content to really follow along. Remember that one character who showed up for one episode, was a massive part of Noriko's growth, and then died off screen? That should have more time to develop, the start at mecha girls highschool and the bully character felt unimportant and could have been cut in order to spend more time fleshing out Noriko's growth at a more important juncture. The last few episodes are pristine, if you know what is going on. The problem is, they lack the time to truly inform the viewer in a diagetic manner. It still works, but to a lesser degree.

It is inconsistent, it reaches 10/10 status at moments but is hampered by fundamental flaws which make it a solid 8.5/10 as a whole.
>Gunbuster in 4K with Noriko's pubes uncensored never ever
Let's see what it is!
Kill yourself duel.
When are they going to permaban this nigger?

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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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This is what happens when you stop teaching classics.
>for incels, by incels
Damn, I gotta buy one now
Nobody talks about Xi, the letter after Nu in the Iliad or the Odyssey
Did you forget the part where Polyphemus asks Odysseus' name and Odysseus says it's "The letter after Nu" And when Polyphemus starts shouting that "Xi" injured him, every other cyclops just thinks Polyphemus is having trouble learning alphabet?

I love the mass produced EVAs
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There's a twink (mentally) in each of them
Your mom has the better head bar none.
So the reason they got so feral on Asuka was due to her being homophobic
Its because they knew how shitty she was to him.
>I wish they were less iconic
Shut the fuck up.

Previous thread: >>22577763
SEED (now featuring Cross Ange) HATE GENERAL
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>Tell that to Mwu
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>Kira's lost Strike
You mean repaired Strike that has been pass down to Mwu
>Also how is Orb described as so technically advanced when every other country has better tech and weapons?
Orb literally improved Strike Freedom, IJ, and Destiny to spec/type II there's no way there's behind in technological aspect they just lack manpower to compete against EA's multiple countries
They could make a new movie or series focusing on new characters after the old ones are long gone but they won't.

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Where's my stompy mecha thread?
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Mechassault 1 sold very well. 2 not so much. Microsoft didn't have any fucking idea what to do with 2. So they launched it a month after Halo 2 during the Christmas season. So naturally MA2 fucking died at launch. Sold less than half the amount of copies MA1.

From a lore standpoint Mechassault is so fucking weird. It deserves to be touched on again.
>From a lore standpoint Mechassault is so fucking weird. It deserves to be touched on again.
Mechassault 3 was mediocre.
After playing MW5 for so long and then trying to get into the hbs battletech game, man the mechs look like absolute dogshit in battletech. Something about them just looks like 'we have mechs at home' versions of the same designs.
[X] Doubt
They're the same designs for the most part. Just based on older rips of the MWO mechs. Battletech just has really ugly lighting and really rudimentary animations. It was a kickstarter game with basically no money dont forget.

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Anyone here read the manga?
So far I definitely prefer it over the TV series.
>Action scenes that don't consist of the same drawn-out attack animations, featuring some surprisingly visceral violence at times (Umi getting spiked, Hikaru's dog biting her in the throat)
>More confident in it's sense of humor, Hikaru's spontaneous cat ears and the super-deformed characters never coming across as an afterthought
>Story is more concise than the TV series, though I still appreciate Nova and a couple of the MOTW capers
Between this and the Sega Saturn game I've found a new appreciation for the characters and their interactions, a prime example of how a good cast can turn a fairly banal or juvenile work into something truly special.
>Hikaru is both a fierce warrior and the friendliest person you'll ever meet
>Fuu is wise, but too dense to understand jokes or hyperbole
>Umi is a snotty rich girl thrust into a world of monsters and warlocks
It's been a couple years since I watched the anime adaptations and I've still got about 3,5 volumes left to go, but I will probably stand by most of these words long after I've finished.
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My favorite Mashin
Rayearth's third opening is so good.

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New edition.
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>Kristen Noemi
Literally who?
There's something about 80's girls that I can't help but love them.
The governor of South Dakota and likely Trump's soon to be running mate. T Guardian got an early copy of her autobiography where she admits to shooting a 14 month year old hunting dog out of spite.
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Picking up chicks edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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70K+ young people's death is too much. Whatever prior experienes there were, will not cover up the big massacre that happened. The public won't care about the prior success rate. Those concert designs are a death trap as well. Suspended high in over the ocean with no emergency exits or plans for even noise. Tsubasa knew the government was using the audience in their relic experiments as well as being spied on. Tsubasa would have to be messed up to risk the deaths of so many people again, many of them younger than she is. Her dream is not worth risking their lives. That's likely one of many reasons why the premise of Shirabe Meshi has everyone revived again. If the fans are alive again, then people will accept going to her concerts like we see in some chapters. That's why Tsubasa can ignore Fudo and Millaarc being free and not in jail or dead.
>70K+ young people's death is too much
apparently not, considering nobody seemed to care about it past episode 2 of XV
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new theory; Abe's teachings were too strong leading to overpopulation, so now society encourages homosexuality to prevent breeding and 70k deaths aren't seen as much of a tragedy
>direct sales don't matter
No. It would require finding a competent all-female cast with enough chemistry not to tear each others' throats out *AND* be able to actually have the requisite training to sing songs in very specific genres.

The costs to assemble a cast capable of that without there being any vendettas between cast members that would lead to the whole thing imploding in key story scenes as well as in musical duets, would price the entire idea straight out of the market.

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