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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.

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how do we stop them?
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>muh weapons

is that your only cope rn ?
we started making our own weapons only after 91 and just rn we sold our hypersonic missiles to philippines
soon once indigenousation takes over we shall start exporting other products like we did with armenia
meanwhile your technologies are dependent on ameikkka
we culture mogged half the world so much so that the only other major world religions other than abrahamic religions are indic religions

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Do this
We need to form a temporary alliance with Russia and China to contain the Jeet problem before they become too powerful to stop.

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reading edition
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the plugin gave very inconsistent results, i can't trust
i needed to go to two even, main one keeps not having gnocchi
Could always manually measure and calculate.
Lol. You can make, it's not that hard.
yeah probably have to. also effort
from scratch? can't even

His name is Apu Apustaja, he's a happy go lucky little helper who loves to mingle with other people.
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You wish to be him?
You probaby have more apu than him. Give him a slap for me if you see him
He's just so likeable and funny, that's all

Consent is out, Rape is in.
Are you ready for the Rape New World Order?
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rape never made sense to me. how can you enjoy sex if the other person doesn't want it? is it a power thing? a humiliation thing? ok, but there's probably better ways to humiliate someone than to shove your cock in them.
>there's probably better ways to humiliate someone
A girl once told me she would rather die than be raped
I don't think there are any.
>rapes you

Seems like after 25 most women wont give any consideration for you if you arent looking for something serious. What gives? Why is sexuality so complicated for them if everyone is watching porn?
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Be 6’2” and good looking.
you're a faggot.
t. wet hole

>sport cars
>big bucks
>paid whores
>nigger dogs
>alpha male
>top G
>escape the matrix
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he recently tweeted it's gay to fuck women for pleasure kek
>Seething brokies itt
What color is your bugatti?
i would rather have a chin than a bugatti ngl

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people are starting to exit the pool
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>the cuckolds of crypto...
Kek, thought that was cardano
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Total chainshit death
You seem awfully concerned about something you don't care about

Donbas Coal Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Nickel, Zinc

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That's pretty nifty stuff. I should have been a coal geologist -- and still can (would just have to take a few undergrad courses in order to be eligible for a master's program in geology, and would have to go to a school like Alabama or West Virginia that has geologists who know coal).
Coal is just so fascinating to me. Thin seams can even be gasified underground and used like natural gas.


There is also research ongoing into the chemistry of lower ranking coals like subbituminous, or bituminous with lots of sulfur and ash, to improve their caking properties (i.e. their suitability to forming into coke with heat treatments) and make them into proper steelmaking coals. China, of course, is doing a lot of research on this -- of course! They're the real head of coal geochemistry and coal mining engineering nowadays.

Weird I watch the video, but I don't remember Quinton referring to the deal as a "highway robbery"

So this is the place eh boyz
Never once gave my email to 4chan and never will
The second you have to do that then it defeats the entire purpose of this anonymous site
Anyone on /biz/ currently is NOT a 4chan user.
Also I forgot this characters name can anyone tell me who it is?
Yeah when you think about it implementing flags like here would have been better than asking for an e-mail address.
or just rangeban india and israel
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>just verify your email broski, it's no big deal

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Do you want money edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:

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Commercial loans can have a fixed rate at most 5 years but a lot adjust before. With that said, the latest is five years after covid zirp, but likely sooner.
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Fuck I forgot it was FOMC week.
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you may take one (1) pickle
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thats a jar full of snakes
you did it great job
let me get my glasses

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>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:

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globohomo wants everyone to think they have the sole right to print currency and manipulate us with it and the system it is input into, xrp signifies our non-reliance on their systems so of course they are going to make our freedom look unappealing.
Their comments on ADA is that it has a cult like following, not that it’s a vaporware chain that’s barely faster than Ethereum and needlessly hard to develop on.
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The USA is being intentionally dismantled and destroyed. It is obvious to anyone with open eyes and a working brain (not many here in the States-people are talented in their professions but never want to look beyond their immediate life; a psychological defense mechanism). The Program to turn the first world into the 2nd/3rd World in their mission to reduce global population and natural resource consumption. Still can’t figure out why they keep up with Welfare, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing and ObamaCare…perhaps to sow social disunity and anger? Anyways, USA is fucked and I plan on going in the woods ASAP. Was going to go this Fall if XRP breaks $10…Will have to wait 14 more days or so to find out.

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Doodle: niggertine foxe lady..
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You’re of a few words. I thought of it as you being intentionally rude but if you’re genuinely like that…I apologize for taking such large leaps in logic. Perhaps you have difficulty expressing yourself.
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It’s endearing in a way, even if it comes off as rude. You’ll have no problems being accepted and liked even with your wierd speech impediment…

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at some point they sub consciously realize "wtf i dont have a personality" and then pick some random shit to based their entire identity on


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