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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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I'm currently downloading and throwing games into a 1TB SSD for my fat PS2. Hit me with all your suggestions, I wanna fill this shit up so I don't have to do this again. I've already got most of the obvious stuff and some HIDDEN GEMS but I'm sure there's a lot I'm missing.
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Delete all that other shit and get this
>Nightmare of Druaga
Wtf you don't have timesplitters or black
On your list?

Played nes>ps2>genesis>ps1 more than anything else sorta in that order

I'm sure xbox original and 360 aren't bad either (sorry to nintendo fans but fzero is only so fun while the other consoles have all the best stuff. Plus that weird ass epstein creep rogen ruined nintendo being in that movie)
Shinibido basically tenchu
Tennchu wrath of heaven
Samurai Western
Way of the Samurai 1-2
timesplitters 1-3
Dark cloud 1-2
Rouge galaxy
Shadow of the colossus
Simpsons hit and run
Red ninja

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I should mention opl builds with ntfs popstarter the ps1 emulator won't work. Also exfat only allows up to 2tb ntfs allows up to 10tb I think

Name a cuter console than Sega Dreamcast Sakura Wars
Protip: you can't >:3
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It's a pretty mild war where the villains are all massive fans of theatrics. GPM was the same kind of story with more of a war slant, and Muv Luv was GPM but with more sex and suffering.
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I have one. Kind of reminds me of a marshmallow
I would be ashamed to own these
That's more like it

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What if we put a cathode into a vacuum tube haha
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The 970 is the last HD trinny released in America and honestly its not outstanding by any means. Paying 200 dollars for something like this that weighs >200 pounds is unironically a humiliation ritual. You can find any generic HD CRT for a better price than that (ideally none at all because the owner should be desperate for someone to take it from them)
Probably right. I looked and found even larger HD CRTs for less money since they are too big to move out.
This is fucked, it's going to die soon
Full recaps are a reddit meme for bored boomers. Don't fix things that are not broken
What are my options for a budget scart switch?

Why is she so sassy?
Soulless filter that takes away the dithering

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Not enough sisterfucking
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You can play like that in most of them. The first game was designed around that kind of playstyle and a lot of the later games are still easy enough to beat even if you let a unit die every map.

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>Heavier focus on action/combat
>Bad enemy design
>More reliant on jumpscares
>Repetitive dungeons
>Weaker atmosphere
>Hastly put together non-sensical plot
>Too hamfisted, subtlety and deeper themes from previous games are gone
People give Silent Hill 4 alot of shit, but 3 isnt too far behind
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>QTP2T protag
All is forgiven.
He wasn't even born back then, you bloated clown.
>everything is about muh /pol/troon controversies, please engage
seek a cliff any time
This is truly the perspective of someone who doesn't interact with women.
Justin Bieber is like 30 now lmao

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Since playing this on the PS1 as a kid that i don't truly know when you do have to press the buttons. Now i'm replaying it and i still don't know.
Try pressing them when the icon overlaps the button, don't work. try to press it slightly after, don't work. Try to do it slightly before but only sometimes works. What's the correct way to play this game? Also no, i'm not emulating, i'm playing on real hardware the psp version
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Pay more attention to the dots on the line than the suggested hitpoint, hit your shit wherever but hit it at the right rhythm and you'll get cool. Also consider just ignoring the screen entirely and using your ears.
As said the PSP version is fucked though, always has been, you're better off emulating it through Duckstation. Whatever amount of display lag you get off there is gonna be far better than how busted the PSP version is.
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>psp isn't retro
This game was for adhd retards that couldn't play play actual rhythm games, just ignore it OP.
Get some rhythm

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which 3d party gpu vendor was the go to for pc gamers in terms of hardware and software features back then?
Depends on the time entirely, 3DFX, ATI, Nvidia all had their moments.
ATI was ok for bare minimum 2D/3D desktop stuff back in the day, but 3DFX was 1337 for DOS games.
I had a Gigabyte 6600 GT back in the day. I remember it positively.
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Obviously the time is some time after kiddos started calling graphics cards "GPUs". So around the time OP was born. Early 2010s, and not retro.

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in one of the double dragon games the last level is saving the girl but doesn't conclude until you beat up the friend you played the game with
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Based game is based
>We can never leave this place

God damn those are some weak-ass willed cyborgs. Have they no true sentience?

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10877520

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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So, I just started to play Sunlust. Is that's it? Trap after trap after trap after trap after trap after trap after trap, spawn(open door) hitscanner right in your face(back), spawn multiple hitscanners right in your face(back), spawn multiple hitscanners around you, spawn archvile right in your face(back), spawn revenant right in your face(back).
It's a nice challenge, it's really cool to see how flexible and dynamic Doom combat can be, and it's kinda "creative" with it's traps, but it got old before it even started. I admit I'm not a big fan of ambush-oriented combat in Doom, yet I still wanted to play it. Hope it has more to it when the maps get bigger and less claustrophobic.
for christs sake shove your git gud up your arse if you have nothing to say, thanks
What map are you in? prepare to drop it ASAP because if you didn't like the traps then you won't like the huge slaughters and the various more crazy traps
I for one appreciate the design, but it's not fun playing it
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>Trap after trap after trap after trap after trap after trap after trap, spawn(open door) hitscanner right in your face(back), spawn multiple hitscanners right in your face(back), spawn multiple hitscanners around you, spawn archvile right in your face(back), spawn revenant right in your face(back).
>archvile, revenant, chaingunner
this is why Doom 1 wads are simply superior
Just finished map03. Still going to play it further and cry about it here. Dropping wad is the easiest thing to do.


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For Gamecube games, is there a difference between playing on a GC or a Wii?
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Regardless I am glad I kept my Gamecube, it saved me tons of headaches I would have with a Wii.
the difference is noticeable, and i don't regret getting the custom component ones a single bit

regarding the SCART RGB - the difference is less noticeable between that and composite, but my composite ports for my CRT are fucky anyways, so it's either those or a TV repairman

catpcha: MAGAYY
>"decked out"
>poorfag setup
I have the black Wii with custom dark menu. Shit is slick. Even got a GC to SNES adapter for using an actual SNES controller with the emulators
I use USBLoader GX and always, always keep the flicker filter on. Turning it off just makes things too aliased and really exposes a lot of dithering in certain games. RE4 Wii is night and day in terms of how much dithering the flicker filter blocks out.

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Do you remember the original Resident Evil 4 being letterboxed in a 4:3 aspect ratio? Was it criticized for it?

Wii version is like GameCube version. 640x360... and the widescreen just zoom it.
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>Was it criticized for it?
No, because everyone at the time used a 4:3 tv anyways.
>I used a code like that for Skyward Sword to remove the letterboxing on an actual Wii.
Couldn't find it on google
Yeah, it's definitely not true widescreen like that other guy said, just anamorphic.
The other big downside with the PS2 release is how graphically inferior it is to Gamecube.
Indeed, but it's worse than that, as unlike most games with anamorphic widescreen, it doesn't actually add any extra visual information on the sides. It just stretches the existing image vertically, without any increase in internal resolution. It just results in a worse picture. On those versions, unless you had a widescreen CRT that had a Zoom mode, it really was just better to keep it on 4:3.
Why not just play the PC version at that point?

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Undumped beta build of Legend of Zelda rescued from dead hoarder, cracked out of plastic tomb and dumped.

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It's bad in here but not as bad /v/ or /vg/
>>10888082 eureka! Brother we are getting paid...
Should have stuck to female sperm.
>words REALLY do have only one meaning
Hard to tell if the level of butthurt exceeds the retardation here

This. Itt.
I get the interest in having a new toy like this but not the inflated sense of entitlement to it.

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Well /vr/, are you a real gamer or just a little poser?

Reminder that "beat" means one credit, no continues, and no cheats or rewind/save states or anything like that. Stuff like emulation and autofire is fine of course.
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>Reminder that "beat" means one credit, no continues, and no cheats or rewind/save states or anything like that.

I know you're probably just pretending to be retarded, besides it's at least the second time you posted this thread. That's not what "beat" means, that's what 1CC means. If they meant the same thing there wouldn't be two different words for it and the word "1CC" wouldn't even exist.
Beat just means getting to the ending on the game's terms, with continues but without cheats. This is why most arcade games are the easiest to beat, the challenge comes from improving yourself, not from "beating" the game.

Anyway I beat at least 15-16 of those and 1CC'd about 7 of those.
what's the game in the top left corner?
I beat ninja gaiden and castlevania 3 with about 500 continues.
sorry I should say the image is probably referring to the english version of Elnard, The 7th Saga, which is much harder than the original Japanese version.

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