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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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Absolute state of vidya
Thank you for this review and breakdown!
Deeply appreciate this.

>We're never shown character designs or story drafts that are problematic or not.
You want to interact with items around them or on their respective table for examples. There's a tablet on the character designer's table that shows an example of her design being changed.
Why are gaymergaters so autistic. This is absolutely terrible.
then he's literally me frfr and i must play his games
Epic false flag discord xister

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-75% on Steam
What im in for? Big Fallout1 and Fallout2 fan here
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The robot commune was funny but most of the humor is snooze inducing at the best of times. The robot mascot characters are enjoyable at least
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Picture related.
>W3 is onions-tier stinking garbage
It's obvious even to the most fat and retarded of apes that the post refers to an early prototype of WD40 oil in a can called W3. The oil was said to resemble onion juice, and was therefore used by Indians as a form of deodorant. "Stinking garbage" is obviously a VERY subjective opinion, because a billion Indians can't be wrong, right?
In Wasteland 3:
Should I make custom characters or chose one of the premade?
Picking custom character might mean I miss dialogue and stuff for the premade characters, unless ther eare none.
Bump and answers

No custom made characters. RPGs that force you to play as a woman.
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Don't be such a mean boy.
>so what was main plot of this game
The Chosen Tribe (heh) tries to bring about the apocalypse as written in their holy book (heh heh). Poor people living in the desert try to stop the God's Chosen. Traveling across the world they recruit medieval Europeans, cripples, robots and a treasonous God's Chosen whore (literally) and after many failings, they eventually win because the main villain is down bad in the final fight. The moral lesson is to never let go of your hoe on your mad quest for power, because it will come back to bite you in the end.
I wish there was a mod that fixed the endlessly respawning encounters
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Fuck Estelle and fuck that "we're gonna spend hours talking only about food" slop

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Should Obsidian be trusted with Baldur's Gate 4?
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All that text only to spout gibberish. Your presumption that the now defunct Bioware gets to call dibs on that whole region of the setting, which they don't own and never did, is just incomprehensible.
Even so, BG3 did feature the Dead Three which are the true core of the not so concluded story.
>Your presumption that the now defunct Bioware gets to call dibs on that whole region of the setting, which they don't own and never did, is just incomprehensible
No one has argued this, I certainly haven't. No one is saying "there can't be games set on the Sword Coast" or even "there can't be games that feature the city of Baldur's Gate". The point is that the game series, "Baldur's Gate", was the story of one character, and it's over and done. Move on and make a new series and a new franchise. Everything else has just been riding the coattails of the name for brand recognition and marketing purposes, which is what is objected to.
>BG3 did feature the Dead Three which are the true core of the not so concluded story
Everything about BG3 was monumentally retarded, except for the production values. The story was complete trash.
Legit the only downside was that it was too short.

More enemy variety would have been nice tho.
It does seem to end rather suddenly. It hyped up gathering allies and building an army, and then when it finally comes to the moment you might use them, the game is over.
Short isn't always bad, but a sudden wall for an ending definitely is.
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Agreed. Baldur's Gate 3 implies a continuation of the other two.
Simple solution would be calling it "Baldur's Gate: The Cult of the Absolute." That way it's just set in the same area. BG1 and 2 + TOB are basically "Baldur's Gate: The Bhaalspawn Saga".

which alice is your alice, anon?
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Black Souls lore experts, is there any connection between the Red King and Azathoth? This little exchange is interesting.
I don't know why the image is sideways. I hate phones.
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Yeah I liked Leiden scenes too but I didn't like the floppy 200 pound gigantic titty bags but other than that her scenes and character is very good but I still yearn for the femcel
As much as I love coping about these characters coming back Its still unlikely unless bs3 ending is gonna turn out to be the dragonball wising for everyone come back from the dead kinda scenario which would be a shame desu
Mabel didn't necessarily die, her vessel was only destroyed. Like Yog-Sothoth was described to have power near Azathoth at times so we might see her again in bs3 either in a different vessel or just as Mabel
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How are you liking the game so far, any discoveries from NG+ runs?
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eeeyup that's me
I've been condition by an MMOVN to complete all sidequest so I do the blue quests first when I can.
I wouldn't let that weigh on you. It's a resource like anything else in what you're trading to use it, is your LP.

I touch the reds a few times per area to stock up on monsters I'll likely throw away via unleash on the boss.
Letting myself accept throwing away hard fight souls has vastly improved my fun. And also opened up some strategies. As alpha striking an enemy with a counter that will nearly one shot them if not just one shot them outright hasn't stopped getting old.

I still feel slightly sad that I threw away cyclone squeeze
I need to get over hoarding monster abilities as well lol
god im so glad i dont have to clear the game multiple times just to unlock a proper carry over on new playthroughs
Finished first playthrough as Tsunanori just now and probably will finish each character once before replaying any scenario.
This seems like the best of every SaGa combined and more, the battle system is like crack. I appreciate the game telling you straight up what your choices are at any time and where to go for them. I don't get what people are criticizing about the graphics either, it looks nice enough to me. The only thing I'm wishing for is that the menus get made snappier.

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What are some of the worst rpgs ever made?
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The game is a 6/10. Not even close to the worst on the console. Merely the most mediocre game people remember for it.
I had a PTSD episode as a little d from this. Fuck that pyramid bullshit.
chrono trigger, earthbound, super mario rpg, ff7, ff4, golden sun
it's slow and tedious, the story sucks, the music is forgettable, the characters suck ass, the battle system is retarded
But it was by the Golden Sun devs. IT HAS TO BE GOOD.

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There's an option to not carry over levels into NG+
so what kind o new content is even in the remake? to admit my own failings i am too much of a pixelfag to have looked into it much after seeing the cutscenes and just couldn't get over what aesthetically to me was pure 3d dogshit. is it improved enough over the original that i should just swallow that and tough it out to enjoy the gameplay?
The moment I discovered you couldn't take all characters in your party in one playthrough, the game became unplayable to me. Instant quit and uninstall.

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is this really shit? i got it for free from Epic so i'm wasn't hugely invested in it. the beginning is very fun the first time, the open world, gunplay and quests are so much better than people give it credit for and the companions while not super deep are pretty funny,
this just feels like the perfect mix of action and rpg.

The only bad thing i can say is the last main quest is too cinematic.
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Super Mutants are cringe, them being on the East Coast also breaks the lore. Giant ants are cringe. Bunch of quests involving children are cringe. Over the top vault experiments are cringe. Building a town around a bomb is cringe. A "bad" guy wanting to blow up that town, for bothering his view from his tower is cringe. Ghouls crying about bad treatment is cringe. Troonquality Lane is emasculating. Little fucking Lamplight. Retarded Ant-agonizer quest. Retarded emo quest. Not one fucking good quest in the entire game. Not to mention the retarded Add-Ons, one about aliens, and other is the worst anti-white propaganda I have ever seen in a video game, you'll know it when you see it (also that add on is so broken, than unarmored swamp rednecks can tank a full clip of ammo, aimed at their heads, beucause they level with the player).
New Vegas is just a better setting, that actually fits into the lore. Start out with a killing spree against criminal niggers is a blast, but the mood gradually is ruined with all the talking, which is basicly most missions. Killing fiends is also a blast, killing druggies is public service. But aside from that, once inside New Vegas, that game becamse cringe and tiresome too. Also giant insects are cringe, tunnelers are lame, robots are lame, the enemies in the casino add on are lame, killing tribals was fun though. All factions are flawed and shitty, so you might as well help House, or go your own way. Also the map is so fucking tiny, main quest literally baits you to go in a large circle, and it's still tiny that way. And that 200 quests are stacked into a few locations, for example the agricultural Vault 22: BOS quest, Veronica personal quest, The Thorn Creature quest, NCR quest, ED-E memory trigger, all in one. Most of those quest are single click discussion options, like "fix Snuffles leg", and "repair generator", "give radscorpion fang to Ruby", "give X to Y", "talk to Z", not real quests.
What's so great about shotguns? (one of the add-on packs give you one at game start)
In my most recent run, I used cowboy repeater, outside of vats, as a sniper, it's pretty good at range. And used service rifle, also without vats, which is good at mid to close range. Shotguns are basicly anti insect weapons, except against Giant Radscorpion, which have armor tier shell.
So you ran into end game monsters on the coast, without gear, without being leveled up, and complain about why the game so hard. Unless you meant run for Reno, in which case it's not that hard that direction either.
>open world
>"You must use the tunnels!"
>"B-b-but I could just climb over that"
>"The tunnels, you must use them"
>"B-b-but places like that are scalable in other places"
It fucking sucked, it wasn't open world. Also no artistic merit in hearing a fucking nigger in the radio all the time. "SHieeet it's 3dog, waoooooo" fucking trash.

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>RPG rewards you for clearing it the wrong way
What are more games for this feel?
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Also Alain being the unicorn explains why he's the only one that has the right to absolve the Zenoirans of their sins and release them from their punishment because he, or rather his prior incarnation, was their victim. This is also why the marriage ritual Alain performs to unbind the ring's power is described as the "unicorn and maiden" and not the "man, maiden and unicorn".
>race do something very veery bad against God
>God kill everyone except one guy so that the race can be "redeemed"
>God reincarnate into the descendant of the survivor
>God redeem the race that he cursed with his actions, with his actions
What the fuck. Is God retarded or evil?

unironically kino lore
Well I don't know how things would've gone had everything happened as planned but the very ending of the game has Alain calling out to the Zenoiran ghosts that were being used as a power source by the evil necromancer that betrayed them at the last second, maybe their cooperation with Alain was the redemption the unicorn planned for them. Hard to tell with omnipotent and omniscient gods, everything might be part of their machinations.
To give me easy access to their cocks.

Protip, elven 'men' love being overpowered by human men.
Wish there were gunpowder units in this game.

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>Xenoblade 1/X
>FF 12/13
>White Knight Chronicles 2
Are there really no other SP focused games out there? You know, the ones that capture aspects of autobattling and the love or hate hotbar wankery?
Everything I look at is either a Diablo clone or a CRPG
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>I couldn't really find anything on an offline single player version of Final Fantasy XI that "just works". XI (classic) is consantly being called a predecessor of XII and has a large world so natuarlly it intrigued me. There is a CatseyemodXI server that looks interesting for solo play.
Oh, yeah there's a bunch of servers but they all run off of landsandboat https://github.com/LandSandBoat/server between that and guides you can setup a single player offline environment for XI & CoP.
Unless you really want to be offline or tweak yourself into a god retail is on level with it but like private servers aren't going to be offline. Rhapsodies of Vana'diel and trusts have changed the game substantially, RoV provides access to more trusts early, makes things cheaper/easier, accelerated levelling and trusts are your AI companions you'll rely on. Once you get into the quests/challenge system you'll boost yourself through but still require help from some other players.
One example you may need help is one of the first missions in the base game/zilart expansions, there's a gate you need to pass through but it's reliant on getting a drop from timed monsters so you can spend upwards of around 2-3 hours and not see it. On LSB I guess you'd give yourself the items to complete it the intended way but on retail etc you'd ask a linkshell/some people to help you get through the door to sync to the home point and beat the boss.

Retails main downside is it's price, it'll go on sale sometime between now and June for £10/$USD instead of it's usual price but it also costs £10~ per month to sub to; more expensive than XIV.
>Why Nier?
Because it fits on what he asked. Both games are open world RPGs with auto combat that play like the other games I mentioned and to be really honest with you there's isn't much more than what I said as it's a very niche sub-genre. Almost everything else mentioned in this thread is either a normal rpg or game with no auto combat.
>>Xenoblade 2 and 3 (you didn't mention those but both have auto battle options)
not OP but 2 and 3 are way worse at that than 1 and X.
They have their merit, but generally not similar enough.
I think main issue is worse world design, worse sidequests, more focus on story and lack of equipment.
Which is a huge shame, but it takes a bit more than autobattle to scratch that it. (And overall battle redesign in 2 and 3 makes auto attack almost worthless further into the game)
I'm a huge DoD & NieR simp and when you talk about auto combat I get the feeling you're talking about remakelipicant instead of rawdog Gestant/Replicant 1.0.
Also when I think of MMO lites in the sense of actual MMO structure or games like WKC or Xeno I really gotta say that NieR sits at the back of my mind. It's a weird one to throw out.
Offline XI when?

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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I think that method is good, it's what I immediately thought to do. Don't worry about it rendering twice, I'm almost certain that's not how it works. It's more like it renders the game world once into a frame, then it renders that frame (NOT any of the game objects, the literal frame itself) into the texturerect. From my experience, the performance penalty is negligible even on very low end machines.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to poll mouse clicks inside that texturerect (for that you need a subviewport as mentioned in >>3468227), but since UT doesn't use the mouse at all, it shouldn't be a problem.

I was gonna send a reply to that guy basically saying "i dunno man i don't see it either besides Hotland/LOHAC", but after you pointed all this out, I see what you mean.
I noticed you had an image of Rose's planet in your other post, what do you think that influenced in Undertale? I also can't think of any analogous Homestuck settings for the Ruins and Core, notwithstanding what you said about Home/Derse.

I agree that Undertale is almost like a distilled Homestuck that avoids the same shortcomings, but I personally enjoyed Homestuck more because I found it to be more creative and interesting. Mind you, I never fully finished act 6 and don't like act 5 very much, I just liked 1-4 enough to consider it more memorable than UT.
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>Mind you, I never fully finished act 6 and don't like act 5 very much
yeah. uh. yeah I'm glad you didn't!
But I have Homestuck deep into my heart and I even like Act 5, but Act 6 and every drama that happened since the kickstarter began is a book of "shit you shouldn't do ever" for any piece of media
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DRYanon2 here, the process is probably a bit different but i cant imagine that the core concept here is too much different between engines:
>render space doesnt upscale with the screenspace, nor does the engine crop the scene to maintain a perfect aspect ratio
>instead you have the viewport set to windowed mode's resolution, and then the game is allowed to render outside of that viewport
>so if you have a 1280x980 viewport on fullscreen, and then remove the cropping, the scale will stay the same while rendering at the monitor's screen size.
>the fullscreen borders are part of the UI.
>it will naturally be hidden while out of fullscreen, but upon entering fullscreen the borders become visible
here's a rough and quick example using DRY2.
>inital black borders: the engine cropping whats visible to the player
>full view: deactivating the engine's cropping, showing the full scene.
>the ruins border: activating a UI overlay, creating a textured border
>what do you think that influenced in Undertale?
I was just wishing Toby/some fangame dev would draw inspiration from some of the other homestuck locales. Would be cool if we got a DR world theme'd loosely after Rose's planet
I kind of feel like deltarune chapter 4 (or whatever the church chapter ends up being) will look like this

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Write Japanese...
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Nothing. There's nothing we can do for Square Enix now.
If they want to learn a efficient language they would just learn german. English only good for cause me bad english still understand.
Fucking kill yourself necrobumper. What threads could you even be trying to kick off the board with your no life shitposting?
And you're necrobumper too.
I don't think necrobumping is the issue, there's been multiple posts that have been deleted by mods and subsequently reappeared. I think the mods may be at war with each other over this thread.

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>"Gotta Love That Bethesda Polish"
Fallout 76 abomination, then Starfield disaster, now the Fallout 4 "Next Gen" bugfest.

Todd is RIP isnt he?
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Fallout is so bad that the LotR show is pretty good and non-sloppy in comparison.
>the LotR
the one with young eminem playing Sauron?
Obligatory video
Why does he always make ugly ass female characters.

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