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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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I'm female
W is male
What did he think about the dream?
Was it a warning?
Yeah but even so. They just hide what the guy found out and do literally nothing. I dont get it

I hate that mainstream Egyptologists make fun of or refuse to consider alternative views on how the Egyptians built the pyramids on the Giza Platu, despite there being no written record, blue print, or even a wall painting depicting the Egyptians cutting perfectly smooth edges and surfaces of rectangular blocks of granite. Almost all the hypotheses about how they built it have more holes and only beg for more questions. Ans yes, this has paranormal implications.
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They did build a lot more but most has not survived. Alexandria used to make Rome look like a peasant's village
I can tell you why: around 11k years ago a massive Cataclysmic event wiped out all evidence of any existing civilization. There is data on this. The whole earth literally opened up
>Who built the pyramids
Us, humans. Who else? )))
One of our previous civilizations.
Pyramids are massive free energy generators.
You build one, it generates you a bunch of electrical / electromagnetic energy from the planet.
Then you build others using the existing power.

> combination of slaves and magicians: the stones were levitated, and cut by vibrating quartz crystals,
Slaves - no. Magicians - no.
Regular people - yes. Stones were levitated via sounds and vibrations , likely including crystals - yes.
>Regular people - yes. Stones were levitated via sounds and vibrations , likely including crystals - yes.
Me again.
Literally you can create different frequencies that can levitate specific materials, reduce its weight, or make it ...... softer I guess? so you can work on it easier.

That's why sounds and frequencies are banned from research currently.

> and cut by vibrating quartz crystals
Likely giant humans created / grown crystals were used as sources of energy . Look at eye of the Sahara. Possibly tops of the pyramids were crystals etc.
Unknown as brits , current oil/gas + Vatican mafia hid all ancient tech.
lost technology that's the easiest explanation, we know how to build a damn pyramid with those materials. We don't know how the Egyptians did it because there isn't any written record.

And where can i read about it on a starter level? Pls no kikestians, i already know I'm going to hell yadda yadda.
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Why do you post a book on the subject and then go on asking?
Because this book seems too fucking deep for a dude who knows nothing about the fucking subject, what part of starter level dont you get you dense fuck?

The left-hand path is the crooked and pathless path, for which there is and can be no map. We do what we want, and there are no rules or restrictions.

All of the "starter" books are terrible, deceptive, and predatory, and should really only be read as entertainment or your own edification or interest. They're not guides in any sense, and can't be.

Get through the Thelema reading lists and you'll have a much better idea of where you stand.
S.Connolly - Demonolatry, David Thompson - Daemons of High Magick
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Also, fair warning: you're starting off with black magick. This can get very, very scary, really quickly. You were warned.

Yes I read that long post awhile back about how MK ultra succeeded and I agree with it in a lot of ways, especially in regards to the concept of how modern media is used to highly warp the sexual development of almost everyone living in the western world. I would like to discuss how MK ultra has influenced western sexuality as well as hear what you guys have on the subject.

My primary concern is that if I have kids, how in the world am I going to be able to let them develop properly in any social context when TPTB have ruined basically everything. I do not wish to socially isolate them as this is not good for their development, or turn them into prudes, however it is abundantly clear that unless I screen nearly every piece of media going back to almost the start of Hollywood that they will be exposed to some form of media which will could result in paraphilias. Star Wars, for example, has blatant references to incest, BDSM, and sexual slavery, on top of portraying all of these themes in an extremely nonchalant manner, and a lot of OG science fiction seems to have extremely ingrained fetish aspects baked into the lore.

However, as we all know, sexuality has been ingrained into most forms of media since art became a concept, and many cultures had art forms which routinely portrayed sexuality in a manner that would not be tolerated in the modern day. How does one tell if a piece of media is in fact portraying a correct interpretation of sexuality or is GloboHomo fetish propaganda?
Parental behavior like this grows a fetish more effectively than near anything else. Your children are gonna be weird lol
Its not that I have an issue with them being exposed to sexual content, I do not ascribe to an Abrahamic religion so I am not into purity culture, but because of how fucked up the world is right now you're stuck between abrahamic prudism and degeneracy.
fetishes aren't formed by media consumption, they're formed by experiences, the nature of these experiences then make them predisposed to certain things. Then, media related to their experiences and predispositions is presented to them, and the fetish is born, either due to the way their wires became crossed, or as a coping method, if it was quite horrific. The nature of the media doesn't really matter, they could be shown pictures of a forest, and the imprints upon le child's mind from what they experienced will make itself known somehow. Like: If a child's being tickled by their parent, and it's gone on for too long and their uncomfortable and ask their parent to stop, but the parent refuses and keeps going and breaking the child's barriers, that child now has developed either: Issues with physical intimacy, or the basis for a fetish relating to their physical barriers being crossed. Years down the line in their development, they see a scene that's completely benign, and would have no effect on a child that didn't have that experience. It's just two characters in the midst of a fight, one begins choking the other to death, the other struggles, boom, fetish developed. Let's say, in another instance, the scene's also incorporates a hot lady being choked out instead of some random. Was it the scene's fault? No.
Instead, the actual issues sexuality in media can cause, is: It can show children (espescially boys) msigoynistic or harmful ways to view or treat women, unhealthy expectations for their body that can lead to self hatred, if their predisposed to certain things, a child -may- incorporate unhealthy coping mechanisms they see in media (like physical self harm) if they aren't tought healthier ways general trauma depending on a child's disposition (some children handle gore or violence or spooky imagery more than others, a spooky scene with spiders can have no effect on one, or give another life long arachnophobia, I can personally attest to this)

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we're alive we're conscious and aware
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so what should we do now?
Accept Jesus Christ ans join the Catholic Church that He left to you
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so you now that you're consciously aware you can start to you think what you'd rather see than all the other bullshit they try to con into believing to be reality
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I saw a picture of an asteroid the other day and had a bit of an existential meltdown. Was just like what the hell is this shit, why does this even exist at all, it's just a blob of atoms floating in a void, a void, why, can't someone just tell us what the fuck is going on. Kind of random thing to spaz out about because I look at space stuff all the time
I was talking about activities, like boardgames

I cant wait to see your face when the Catholic Church endorses and secedes its power to me, havent you heard, a reinterpretation of Christianity is inevitable, the Church is literally just holding my power until I decide to poke my head a bit more

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I've tried to convince a friend to go to church with me, but he refuses. He says he's tired of his parents making him live in a Christian lifestyle and he has been practicing Buddism. Have I failed as a friend? What can I do to help him find the light?
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Hahahaha. You love to see it. Good job gang.
bitch I literally just pointed out a shitload of reasons right from the old testament that directly refute jesus being the messiah and pointed out that whatever otherside occultists are reaching they quickly drop the connection and just make a handpuppet of it to spew whatever saccharine rainbows and sunshine nonsense they really want to hear


What kind of psychopath tries to force someone to adhere to their own ideology?
I be stroggan my beef till she stroganoff
Wow. Lindsay Lohan looks great. Maybe Islam really is the answer.

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I'm becoming closer to whatever positive force is helping me

>come in contact with Golden, blond like goddess/angel/deity on shrooms. She's jokes around and reassures me
>see angel numbers a lot, mainly 111, 222, 444, and 777, especially in moments of importance to me or someone I'm with
>get told by people I have angels and "forces" protecting me
>survive several near death experiences, even stronger than before
>keep hearing the phrase "ophanim" in my head
>look it up, read up on it and the merkabah chariot
>see 12:12 time today
>look it up, leads me to merkabah
>look up amgewomon on a whim because I'm excited and I always liked her since childhood
>digi volves into ophanimon on the wiki
>day goes great today
>feel confident, even GF feels great

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oh noooo! now I am not glad you faggot

no no ahahahah just kidding, still happy for you, take care of your anal muscles
>Guardian angel watching over me, feels good
Had a similar experience, only for it to realize that I don't respond to divinity or divine theatrics whatsoever. Now it dresses normally and doesn't do the act anymore. Better to just sit somewhere and have a discussion instead.
You should post this somewhere as a digimon fanfic instead of stinking up our fucking board with this shit

How to decalcify and activate the Pineal Gland (A.K.A The Third Eye)?

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Why the fuck this thread keeps getting deleted Edition

Anyways yada yada this is a thread where we talk about astral projection and Lucid dreaming, Any question or inquiries ask them here and someone shall answer, So yeah both threads are mixed, Keep bumping so we don't lose this precious only real thread we have in this board

But what happned to me last night is that when i tried to sleep knowing full well about the etheric and real body double, I saw something in my eyes even tho i fucking closed them they opened by themselves and i saw some thin lines moving fast and when i opened my eyes i also saw them, I felt like i really reached it but got too scared and stopped it. Did i like finally come close to it ?
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I cannot fucking exit for fuck sake, Can someone help without the same shitty advice
chill out
and try hemisync

Did not realize what you were asking at first. Myself and most will tell you to LeBron James Just do It, ignorantly and assuming, anger etc. There are other ways.

Put on an old ipod or whatever pc audio detail you need to Admonish yourself on repeat for hours at a low volume so you can sleep. Breath. If you believe in prayer, do it and don't be discouraged by those who cannot. Don't forget that you want peace, and that your knowing has disrupted your faith, even made it 1000x more difficult.
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>only wake back to bed seems to work
>have a few good (nonlucid) sex dreams recently
>now trying to fall back asleep makes me too horny to fall asleep
what's a good lucid dreaming thing i should think about instead?

Well /x/, here is the deal, I really need a miracle, and I need it ASAP.

I have studied countless traditions, all around the world, and I have yet to experience anything that any of them promise.

I am beginning to lose all hope that my life might improve, and there is no way I can endure 50-60 more years of this.

I need the actual secrets to shaping reality /x/ or anything, anything at all, that might be able to point me in that direction.

Thanks for reading. Any help is appreciated.
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Meant to type orgasmic

What never really made sense to me about the Abrahamic faiths is; why would a perfect, all powerful, all knowing, and all loving being, create imperfect beings, and then torture them into being better? It just doesn't make sense to me.
You're looking at the picture wrong. God made a perfect world, then we ruined it. Free will is there because God didn't want automatons.
God doesn't torture us. We suffer the consequences of our actions. Not just my action for me our yours for you. But, all.
Some guy wants to save money in disposal procedures, so he dumps chemicals into the local water source. That gets mixed in some 10 part-per-million and someone manages to get cancer from the water supply.
We are created because God is an ever-flowing outpouring of Love.

Ok, so why did God create cancer?

I don't think that cancer existing has anything to do with free will...

Additionally, Christians say that we have free will, but what EXACTLY does that mean? Does it mean that we are free to do whatever we want to do? Because I am certainly not free to fly using my arms or the force of my farts, except maybe in a cartoon. Why are we allowed to hurt each other but we are not allowed to teleport to Pluto? Will must be free and that is why we have evil; but that doesn't sound free, so if we aren't truly free, why do we have evil? If we have to have SOME evil to know good, why do we have so much evil?

There are a lot of things that just don't make sense unfortunately.

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haven't had one in a bit. let's beat the archons with funies
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Completely erase the internet.
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LMAO you pathetic schizos never fail to make me laugh with your "x humor" threads. Face it, most normies will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad tulpamancers will ever be. You are on the wrong side of philosophy, get over it losers!
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Is anybody high on psilocybin and can confirm this photo is pure evil?

I had a moment..
checked and

nah It just looks really bad cuz the camera flash has given bilzerian white eyes
What deal do you make with devil?

He's probably gay.

I had one yesterday call me a pussy with a vid I saw with captions saying “you died like a pussy” immediately after thinking of offing myself.

These little fuckers are just around us at our most miserable states aren’t they? have you had experiences with them? I’m starting to believe they’re trying to harvest our energy and help make us miserable to do it
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>pretend to be a vampire
>live rent free in schizos heads
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Plot twist it’s you’re not special and it’s your subconscious. Quite frankly deeply deep inside you hate yourself and you should.
>draw light from your body through their nostrils
You mean "imagine the smell" wasn't just a meme?
I use a kris to help me focus. I visualize it going through the dagger and up my arm but yeah I always do this slow drag with my nose when I'm pulling energy toward me. I don't know why, it's just how it works.
Rats and cockroaches killing themselves, I didn't even ask for it.

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General,
*"The dogs bark Sancho, it is a sign that we’re moving forward"* edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

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As you wish.
That pic made me stop penis enlargement exercises. Im on SR currently a month I think and can proudly say that post cured my insecurity of my penis size. Porn is so destructive in more ways than one. Thank you so much for posting that.
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What helped me was to lean my triggers and plan accordinly. In my case my trigger was "being horny in the bedroom with my phone". Now my phone no longer enters my room.

If you live with people, perhaps its enough with "always leaving the door of your bedroom open" or "never brigning your phone to the barthroom"
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enough is enough.
Lmao. Screenshot this tripcode fag everyone. We got a live glowie. Hello to Tel Aviv.

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