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gender dysphoria is caused, solely, by gender roles
no gender roles, no dysphoria
it is really that simple
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I also don't get how trannies claim to not be influenced at all by other people.
don't get me wrong, I used to be. I'm just not anymore, yet even still I'm trans.
is everything you do to appeal to others? sounds like a miserable life
but like ALL trannies claim that they have never been influenced by others and it's ridiculous
everything you say is so generalized
>nothing others say or do has ever affected me
yeah ok sure
black-and-white thinking
its not an all or nothing situation
social influence is powerful, and it affects everyone, even if it doesn't affect every single thing you do

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Pure Unabashed Joy edition

qott: what makes you happiest? :3 :D

previous: >>35553140
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What do you think Terje said to Elliot while showing him who’s boss?
who cares?
Has terg shown his anus yet?
"On your knees"
if i post a pic with my hand in my pants will i get banned jannies ):
ikr i love having a tdick

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prev: >>35558126

qott: do you think you have the ability to notice when someone is flirting with you?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup

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Is kat not still pretending to be broke? What happened to that larp laspica?
yeah didn't kat say she had to sell her house or smth
hey lilyfren is your eye doing better
if you say so but yeh what a great angle
dm me if u do
She's on the verge of homelessness every 2 weeks but then she's bragging about being laguna's rich paypig again. Maybe she can't remember.

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How do I smoke weed without getting munchies? It's just a pain in the ass sometimes I already ate enough that day and I don't wanna turn into gloves or I just plain don't have any snacks in the house
LGBT related becsuse im ftm and everyone on this board smokes pot
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I workout a bit I'm too much of a lazy stoner to be a buff Chad though. Why can't I just stop getting munchies it's so annoying

Hang a punching bag in the woods and start hitting it angrily while listening to this and yelling "I HATE YOU DAD"
You'll be way too brolic to feel munchies
Frozen grapes are the ultimate high anti dry mouth snack, they’re healthy, sweet, and the perfect texture to rehydrate your mouth. Its like natures popsicles.
That sounds amazing, will try
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i go for popsicles myself, usually the cheapest low-cal version possible but sometimes i'll splurge for the kind from whole foods. they're also good for throat burn but that might be a skill issue on my end
i should try this, probably healthier

It's Saturday night, and you're on /lgbt/. Eh? Whys that? Is it because you dismiss all fun, and remain watchful through the hours, waiting for the New Society to be built, where homosexuality is the norm and straight sex is shunned, almost outlawed? What a noble task we do, browsing this board! Because one day the society will arrive, but not without the homosexual's rising up (and rising down). So join me in the struggle. We may die, but our survival entails that you and I will have party i.d. Numbers in the low digits. Mine will be number 7. What will yours be? Will it be 79? And we would make apocalyptic love atop a Stuka's wings
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i dont like the outside
I'm just browsing because I have the itis rn.
The savior will come from there. You must be there and observe it.
its fun its fun its fun its fun its fun
I was done using /gif/ and making my way over to /tv/ to see if I could find any discussions on The Whale, starring Brendan Frasier and I mis-clicked during scroll and ended up here.

What do you guys think of the movie considering he’s afflicted with the same things you guys got going on?

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https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/27/us/joe-biden-approves-restrictions-for-lgbt-citizens-in new-regulation...
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/27/us/joe-biden-approves-restrictions-for-lgbt-citizens-in new-regulation...
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/27/us/joe-biden-approves-restrictions-for-lgbt-citizens-in new-regulation...
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link doesn't work pal
Looks like some idiot misread and wrote a wrong article and they deleted. The opposite happened in reality:
for those who want to read for free use https://12ft.io/
ok but apart from possibly affecting prisons, this has no actual effect on the real world. It's purely symbolic. If they want to discriminate they can because there's no federal law banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and the courts are conservative-controlled and reluctant to enforce such a law regardless, and republicans control the house, preventing passage of such a law regardless.
why can you people never just accept a W holy shit

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omg this is exactly what I want on terms of religion
if they werent homophobic they would be the perfect denomination for me
>against jews
>against trannies and any type of cross-dressing
>against men having long hair
>wear suits to the church (I have a fetish for suits)
omg so based sisters, we should found a pro-gay evangelical church
Buddhists believe that trannies are evil woman of a past life, who are punished by being re-incarnated to live as trannies. That's why ladyboys are more or less integrated in Thailand -- they feel sorry for them having been "cursed".

so what is the reason of being re-incarnated as a gay man?
It's normal sis. Keep your white dick away from our brown girls.
I don't even go to church unless there's free food sis.

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...Do we really look like that?
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Oh, how much I wish that were true
>t. chaser who hates blacks and jews
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What is the logic behind a transgender nazi? Most nazi doctrine looks down upon such people and modern skin head group will mostly likely skin you alive for being trans. Unless its just a LARP to piss of the left and right then sure whatever no harm in that.
me on the left
trannyism is white culture, and browns hate us
Need this

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qott: why are you on 4chan instead of getting laid, anon?
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what's that?
Are you dating Jade?
She already told me about her last relationship being about two years ago. She is more focused on doing career than rather being a stay at home mom. Yes I am looking for a house wife or looking for the other half that when I do get home food is ready and the house is tidy and clean, but mainly just someone to come back home to honestly. I don't know what could have offended her or not taken lightly by her. But no interaction face to face since February.
i don't think she wants me :(
Why would you even want a stay-at-home mom, at least in this day and age where everything is expensive? Another person working and earning money could help a lot.

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i dont like my flat butt and skinnyfat body but i hate exercising
how do i fix
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i mean i know i have to exercise but idk how to not hate it and i cant make myself do something i hate that much
it just feels agonizing idk
i have adhd and the time it takes to change and start exercising and shower or drive to the gym and back feels like it takes up 50% of the day and all my energy and then i have to wake right back up and do it again
coolsculpting + fat transfers
>I cant make myself do something i hate that much
Jesus did your parent ever fucking teach you that sometimes you have to do the things you don’t like because those things are good for you?
no my dad only taught me about how to cheat on my taxes and how to manipulate people

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in my studying of reppers, i have observed there has always been an inevitable grey area in the disparities between agp rapehons and yurifag twinksters; on a surface level , there is an obvious difference between what you would describe as a stereotypical transbian and a demasculated andro male, but looking deeper through an individual's history i think gives a much better idea of their nature.

for example, crowbar enjoyer is commonly memed on as an agp twinkhon, clearly supported by her (semi)documented behaviour of transbian degenerate debauchery, but of course not preceding her era of troonhood. this is an example of THE "transbian incarnate"; she was never a genuine rapehon and so people's accusations of autogynephilia fall flat when they are faced with the fact that she doesn't fit into any box of "ugly man ooger booger let me in women's bathrooms".

however, i think a similarly speculative case can be seen in the instance of fye; her online presence is well-documented enough to the point where i have thoroughly observed her repper times long before i was even suspicious of her troonhood. she checks almost zero of the commonly associated boxes of defining agp characteristics- because she is a true repper.

there is no real hope for the agp fakereps going on schizo tangents in the depths of /repgen/ with a porn addiction more crippling than cerebral palsy, twinkish innocence is the one true dividing point between the harrowing existence of repressed gender dysphoria that plagues the earth deeper than twitter newfags could ever comprehend.
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you'll get out of it eventually, and i know you're misato in spirit femanon.
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I also call myself a mix of kobeni and himeno at this point depending on my moods
fye is such an adorable angel she gives off aunt who is going through a "mutual" divorce vibes I'd hug her and be her fren
Imagine opening a board to see someone making a fucking schizo thread about you... this is the cost of fame and part of why I can't post myself on here
i don't understand. you need to LOOK like shinji, be LIKE shinji or both?

Try new things Edition
previous: >>35286117

Goal of the thread: Try something new that is good for you. A dish, a form of exercise, a new activity.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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I think nothing can really beat Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. It's the fear of long words.
That's pretty darn low, anon. Anything below 19BMI is usually considered underweight, though there naturally is a bit of wiggle room. Is it okay to ask what motivates you to go that low, and what your strategy is?
GBA! I am happy to see you. I had a restful weekend thus far, tomorrow is gonna suck a bit but it will be fine. And yes, there is a way. And I am glad you keep fighting.
Glad to hear, angel. Yeah, one thing at a time.
A shame, but you have found your way back every time so far. I have faith in you.
Still, I hope you forgive me bonking you with a newspaper roll for
>i welcome that.
I know how you mean it, but.. at the same time, we must not indulge too much on the front of self loathing, as easy as it gets. It's a tough balance to strike, I want people to be sincere after all about their feelings. But "we all have worth, no exceptions, and that sadly means me as well" can be a cope to get you through the day.
And yes it might be 140 is your record but either way, I hope you keep on keeping on on other fronts and make sure not to overwhelm yourself.
Different people have different coping mechanisms on that front so it WILL be trial and error, and if an approach does not work for you we will need to rethink our approach, so I hope you don't mind being patient with throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. What you need, on paper at least, is a well-defined schedule. You need non-negotiable free time you can look forward to. "This hour is free time. No guilt, no exceptions." Having work and free time somehow phyically separated and control over your monitor hours would be optimal. But the catch is: having a hyperautismo time table can be exhausting, and too much of this is unsustainable. You'll sometimes break rules esp initially but if you find yourself adhering to a rhythm steadily with occasional fails that would be good enough. Also habit forming can help, want more on that?
Goodness, 5 am.. bedtime for real now.
What a shitshow, sorry to hear anon. Do keep us posted on that front.
> This is normal, imo. I like being a nerd, but not everyone else is the kind of nerd I enjoy talking to and not everyone cares about my interests
> I want people who will push me to go outside my comfort zone a little.
> I need social interaction and I need more diverse interests.
All super sensible, all perfectly healthy! Admirable, even! You want to step out of your comfort zone to self actualize. Guess I misinterpreted what you said, all of this is absolutely wonderful, and it sounds like you are generally going about it with a level headed plan. You generally got the right idea I think, making friends is a great deal about mutually enjoying company and investing time into each other.
> before i honk shooo mimimimi
what an absolutely precious way to put it, hope it's not rude to say, it just made me smile.
And I appreciate you, tomoko. Could you try to verbalize the thought processes holding you back from engaging with people? Is it something tangible you can put into words?

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i just need someone to notice that i'm struggling i just need someone to say something
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>Would it be enough if you had a community to share these things with, or would you prefer your friend group in its entirety to be in the know?
I think that's part of the reason I came here. I need somewhere to put it out into, but I can't do so publically. Doing so while anonymous obscures who I am or what I've gotten myself stuck on this time. It's not like I'm getting trapped on thoughts that are not morally sound - no, I follow a rigid code of conduct to prevent this, which is in itself a sign of the disorder - but the implication that it might be morally un-sound is what keeps me from talking my head out of it to someone who can rationalize it.
Though, I do wonder if my specific behavioral patterns would keep me from being able to form a bond with a community of people with OCD. I am both equally attempting to fix the issue and never leave the compulsions, since they have not "lead me astray" (in that they have not allowed the obsessions to win.)
I am simply delusional at the core, I guess. The stupidest thing I get stuck on is "if I hear specific songs from 1978-1981 in public, I will suddenly stop being a gay male and become a straight man," which I hope illustrates how stupid it is.
I'm about to go to bed, but know that I've seen this. If the thread survives until morning, I expect to see you here too.

I'm horny because of progesterone and want his attention but he's too busy playing NBA 2k and told me to fuck off
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cos youre in the fucking way and making me sell the game
You could be having the best head of your life but choose to be locked in
The mission comes before you. I need to concentrate
I really wanna fuck a black girl
Better learn the priorities, stupid. Winning the game will ALWAYS come before getting head.

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bpd anon here, I really love meeting other cluster B trans people, especially ASPD'ers, or bpd'ers. (Not really interacted much with hpd or npd though I would love to meet an npd'er, I think it'd be a lot of fun to build up your ego). I don't really know of a particular place to find people with aspd, much less trans and with aspd, so I thought I'd make this post here and try to get your attention. if you're interested in chatting more than just say so and I'll reply with my discord for you, otherwise just share about being cluster b and trans and how that affects you :)
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How can I tell if someone is mirroring me?
if the connection at the start seems way too strong and special to be true. unfortunately being mirrored feels very good but they will show their true colors when given the chance
why is it always cluster b...
never cluster c...
Lets be real a lot of people on here are probably both
is that even possible?
i feel like a lot of cluster c/b conflict with each other
like i have 1-2 bpd like thought processes (like fear of abandonment) but its very clear those are moreso avpd,
everything is incredibly internalized and never brought external, and from my understanding, externalizing is integral to bpd

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Anyone got her Halloween selfie?
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this is not twitter or /twitter/ you gringler
isn’t that the weirdo with the BNWO tattoo who draws comics of her getting fucked by blacks?

and then she realized people thought that was cringe and retarded so she tried to pretend it never happened?
from based to cringe
yeah it is

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