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edizione tutta orecchie
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spero che queste ragazze siano maggiorenni
a me va bene se fate post transfobici, il problema è che siete noiosi
spalanca il culo che ci piscio dentro
porco dio che filo di merda

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edycja samoobrony
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>n-nie jestem podwiekiem bo nie mam kompleksów przez picie syfu marketowanego pod dosłowne dzieci wśród moich internetowych pseudokolegów, koleżków na /int/+/polska/
a kurwa powinieneś, jak ja się takimi jak ty BRZYDZĘ, kurwa BRZYDZĘ
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ja też
Stosowane są różne podziały pedofilii. Klasyfikacja wprowadzona przez A.N. Grotha, W.F. Hodsona i T. Gary’ego wyróżnia dwa typy pedofilii[3]:

>Pedofil fiksacyjny, osoba która od młodości za najbardziej atrakcyjny obiekt seksualny uznaje dziecko;

>Pedofil regresyjny, osoba które kieruje swoje zainteresowania seksualne na dzieci w sytuacji gdy nie może znaleźć dorosłego partnera seksualnego.
głęboki oddech weź
>widzi post lekko związany z jakimś gównosyfem
zachowanie 'dorosłego' człowieka czy kogoś kto udaje że nim jest?

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kurva anyátok
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nem, ez a mitacsán se volt még
A svajci nyomorultnak leirom megegyszer, ha szerinted nem fer ossze, hogy elkoltesz par milliot kurvakra eletedben eloszor, es hogy panaszkodsz, hogy szegeny vagy akkor nem tudok mit irni.

Nem larom eselyet, hogy kilabaljak ebbol a szarbol, szoval akkor amit csak lehet felelek.
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Ha sok penzem lenne, lehet megprobalnek 1000 rizst megdugni. Harom ev alatt siman lehoznam.
annak kár leírni bármit is mert egy agyatlan rosszindulatú zsidó parazita
javaslom hogy ne válaszolj neki egyáltalán

>Giuseppe Ferlini was an Italian soldier turned treasure hunter, who robbed and desecrated the pyramids of Meroë.
>He started to raid and demolish – even using explosives – several pyramids, which were found "in good conditions" by Frédéric Cailliaud just a few years earlier.
>At Wad ban Naqa, he leveled the pyramid N6 of the kandake (Queen Mother) Amanishakheto starting from the top, finding treasure composed of dozens of gold and silver jewelry pieces. Overall, he was responsible for the destruction of over 40 pyramids
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>looks like an arab
>blows up stuff
checks out
>the two greatest pre-columbian civilizations exploited neighbouring people as well.
But that's not the same. Often ruling elites were left in place while the locals paid tribute. Shitalians and other Whites however weren't content with that and exterminated many peoples while destroying everything they could get their hands on
>you're just angry that you lost and someone else won while playing the same game
And you're angry that Whites are being called out for doing something that supposedly only "barbarians" do
>ottoman turks came from central asia.
Ottoman Turks were white and had Europenized themselves by the 19th century
>that wasted his time sacrificing people to the gods instead of innovating, the better
Whites refuse to accept that they greatly benefitted from being able to steal from other civilizations in Eurasia. Reminder, Whites did not invent: Agriculture, writing, the wheel, paper, gunpowder, metallurgy, etcetera but Whites like to pretend they did it all by themselves. Meanwhile in the Americas there was really only two areas of high population density and complex civilization but Whites will refuse to acknowledge this and go back to claiming Natives just sat on their asses doing nothing.
I have no issue with people deciding what to do with their own heritage but foreigners should have no say in it
It's just a manly beard you puny twink.
tf ngubu gon do?
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>Agriculture started in Mesoamerica like 9-8,000 years ago and THEY invented all by themselves, including domesticating THE most important crop in the modern world. You on the other hand stole it from Mesopotamians. Whoops.
That's just not true if you're going to critize shitalians at least don't lie. There's already enough embarassing material on them.

wo wo wo wo äh wosch äh wosch hän ääh wosch HEN
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ich benötige faules obst

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Is there any religious reason that Jewish people love doctors so much? As a med student I'm surprised how well Jews treat doctors.
Her clothing is awful
>Is there any religious reason that Jewish people love doctors so much? As a med student I'm surprised how well Jews treat doctors.
when your european compatriots were chimping out and wiping out an entire village of jews in poland because little pydor fell down a well, the people who were spared were doctors
I am not *uropean, I am a proud finn
zainichi detected
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פגעה בקיר, קורה לכולן

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Why do black men not want black women?

Black women are queens and extremely feminine.
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>extremely feminine

Israel edish
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Happens all the time mate
in that case virtual content depicting violence should be illegal etc
you are drawing an arbitrary line because its too offensive for your meagre normgroid brain
>screenshotting your own post after replying to yourself a dozen times
absolute state of this paki cope lmao
Yeah, you support their testicles as they fuck goats.

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Is it true that Indian people have bad genetics for building muscle/strength?

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Edition samedi soir
ancien : >>196545717
FWG une reine.
On m'a dit que si j'étais un chien, je serais un carlin. C'était une insulte, on est d'accord ?
Ce serait mieux un berger allemand ou un golden retriever ?
nobody tell him
C'est mignon
>Ce serait mieux un berger allemand ou un golden retriever ?
le premier est un fasciste, le deuxième aussi car c'est l'image utilisée par les blancs pour se représenter dans les espèces canines, tu n'es pas fasciste tout de même ?

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>we are simply people, no speak english
är det här en referens till något?
Det är en referens till att vi är ett enkelt folk som inte talar engelska
nej det vill du inte
jag producerar 99% av breven i tråden
Jag var inte den första att breva
>we are simply people, no speak english
Men jag var den första som kopierade originalbrevet och återbrevade det.
Jag var inte heller den som gjorde vattenmärkena, men det var jag som frågade sonyvegaspedofilen om han kunde göra dom.

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So pretty much almost the same as here. I've mainly seen MANs and Scanias in my area.
>I’m stuck with a cucked freightliner cascadia thoughbeit.
All I know about the Freightliner is that it supposedly has a greater availability of spare parts. So companies love buying them up.
Is that a children's car seat
Freightliners are fine in all honesty. My company tunes the engine way down to save fuel so that’s why it’s cucked. Here’s a snap of the private bathroom I just took because I’m getting ready to shit lol.
3 points of contact goy!
Amerimutt education
That does look really clean. Thanks for the posts. Have a good journey, truckanon.

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Do you play guitar in your country and if not then why aren't you learning?
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That's impressive, even I still struggle a bit with that song. I'm terrible at arpeggios. Ignore the solo for now and keep practicing the rhythm section until you can play the entire song.
Let's be honest, is it anymore of a time waster than posting here?
Post you're music. Not a fan of death metal, but I'm down to hear some original stuff.
All you have to do is try to play a song there are no written records of.
I developed my ear in 1 day when I wanted to play this, but the album was so new nobody had written tabs or chords yet:
I have absolutely no idea what you just said, but that song is pretty damn good, post more. The vocal style sounds very familiar
I did try several times, but I think I would actually need to pick up a book and learn some theory. 4th grade music class permanently made me hate music by having to learn dry music theory that just didn't make any sense.

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Es ist Sommer und ich will Sex.
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>Aber klar musst du für die Anglo-Sklavenrassen und deren jiddische Meister sein sonst.. ja sonst hast du keinen Verstand okay?!
wasn ditte
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Hat mir ihre Nummer auf den Bon geschrieben und mich dann angezwinkert ütz
Ich fickend LIEBE Radler

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