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Why does restaurant-based media always depict a state of constant chaos and misery? Is cooking really that hard? Or are they just trying to make their profession seem more respectable?
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They want to be seen as a cool rebel badass like their cucked hero Tony Boringanddead.
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first day alive?
My friend worked at Applebees for a year and said everyone was on cocaine. Like it was their preshift ritual to all do a line before they got to work.

Why do cooks do so much cocaine.
cooking is some sort of ancient black magic and the most arcane cryptic knowledge to the average millennial and younger.

It's the most retarded job ever, but for young people these chefs might as well be wizards.
This. Consider that the reason why cooking was given to woman was because it's such a stupid job that even women cannot fuck it up.

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How do you respond to them without sounding mad?
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Cool, I will now watch your show.
what they would actually say if they were real people and not just obnoxious heavy handed social messaging
>oh, i run a medical tech company i started
>and i'm a physicist at imperial college
as in, say what they do without trying to make him immediately feel inferior to them by bamboozling him with big words. like human beings
are screenwriters now just literal twitter trannies?
Yes the leftist multicultural gay lgbtia+ pink haired overweight millennials of unknown gender have successfully annexed hollywood by outplaying the jews in their own games.

There is literally nothing that can be done about this because liberal women have taken over all steps of hiring, production and writing and anyone who tries to touch this issue will be cancelled and lose their job and future job prospects.

It is literally and figuratively OVER.
Giving women rights has led to the downfall of the west within 100 years lmfao.
I don't remember this scene from the book.

Anyway I'd probably just respond something like:
>damn you're pretty smart. Wanna join my trivia team?

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>A bunny can call another bunny cute, but when other animals do it, it's a little...
How do you respond to this without sounding like a bigot?
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Allowing any species to impose speech restrictions only keeps those outside from any honest analysis regarding whether co-existence is rewarding enough to warrant its regular and disproportional tithing.
>In a conventional monoculture setting, the soil moisture is unstable. This pushes the need for enormous amounts of water to irrigate crops, which results in lopsided draining of water sources such as rivers and reservoirs. Ultimately depleting and polluting natural resources and aquatic life.
Homogeneity always ends in disaster.
People aren't plants, dummy.

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>movie is titled "Good Time"
>characters have a very not good time
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I, the viewer, did not have a very good time either.
Pattison looks cute with bleached hair tho.
Nah its Benny Safdie whose just an incredible actor hands down. He must have been around or lived with people like that because its spot on.
Benny said was named after the Crystal Castles song.
This was boring trash
If the idea was to give an anxiety attack it failed miserably because every single time Pattinson got into some fucked up situation I thought "Well, it wouldn't be me. I'm not a criminal" and felt completely disconnected to the character. Also he's pedophile.

This on the other hand, this is literally me.
Uncut Gems was better than Good trash too but I'm not Jewish

As someone who played all the games, this show is actually good
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It was but Fallout 2 even more so, games were never serious
>this show is actually good
lol no
>chud who speaks in 4chan lingo
>The /pol/thetic man
Little fucker's a hypocritical basement dweller incel who tries too hard to cater to 4chan chuds. He also doesn't understand Fallout and the concept of malleable fiction at all + he's a racist POS who'll never breed with his shriveled up excuse for a cock. I'm not watching an hour's worth of bitching and moaning from this scrawny little asshole and his horrendous takes. Referencing him should be a bannable offense.
the person you're replying to is actually him.

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>Visual novels can't be ki-
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chaos;head is way better
Not seeing this issue with this being a plot point.
>it wasn't schizophrenia it was actually science
If weebs were a little more self aware they'd see through the bullshit and realize how fucking reddit their favorite games are.
>Visual novels

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chuds BTFO
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What if they just refuse to explain a scene like based lynch
But he was already killing without consideration or mercy. This isn't a Batman about to go over the edge, it's a Batman that already has. And Superman wasn't an innocent man to Batman either, not as setup in this universe.
>you saw how retarded and poorly written something is, so you were filtered
Why do people use terms they dont know the meaning of? Snyder, is that you?
The name is irrelevant. At the core, it is a man pleading for his mother's life. That is the link between them. They both have mothers, they were both born to this world and he isn't a soulless monster as Bruce thought. Having him call her Martha and then Snyder telling us that the reason he stopped is because his dead mother has the same name? Just reeks of cope and trying to give some type of inside information to make the scene seem more deep. Yet another problem that Snyder has, the only way he knows how to add depth to anything is by giving derivative hints to other media or lesser known information about a character. The scene would have been better if both character's mothers had a different name because then Snyder wouldn't have needed to add his sense of "depth" in to the scene.

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If this movie ended about 10 minutes earlier it could've been a 8/10
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How can he have spun a guys head around and melted another? It was obviously the demon.
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>He'd be getting a fucking award ceremony as a hero who put down a literal demon on TV

Best case, life in prison.
yea i fail to see how he gets arrested when there are dozens of people and tape that shows a literal child getting her head split open and snapping necks. its silly that people think henis going to jail.
There's this moment during the possession segment where she freaks out and her face turns into this gnashing distorted creature for a few frames. It's easy to miss but it's there.
Yeah. The ending was absolutely retarded.

*knock knock* oh hey Peter have you seen Mary Ja-...
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what an incredibly gay thing to say lmao.
looks likethe average pajeet street shitter working at a scam center
you sound like a giant faggot
Loan was never hot.

100% guarantee Zendaya will Age better

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What movies do people commonly fail the "media literacy" test on?
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This. The movie basically boils down to "women are heartless harpies who bring good men to ruin."
Yes, the hero gets defeated by the villain. Do "lefties" think you're not supposed to feel bad for the hero at the end?
And soon you'll have neither.
that doesn't make any sense bot
You will be spiritually and physically dead.

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This is America
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People made a third as much back then.
Niggers are around 13% of the population, and if you want to cut it down more that gun violence is predominantly commited by males aged 13-35. Want to try that hand wave of facts again?
If you want to cut it down even more, that gun violence is committed by people engaging in felonies.
>A small minority of the population are murderers
Damn I never thought of it that way.
Libs prefer Japan because their city is walkable. But I've lived in LA and everyone considers a 15 min walk "driving distance" and then they pay to go to a gym.

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A Japanese stage play adaptation of the Bond novel by an all-female troupe. With English subs.
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Well op, your thread has already been ruined. Better luck next time
Woke slop
yes, literally
>japs: now you get more attractive (bug)women to look at!
>west: screw the main audience. we changed your male hero for an ugly she-mutt to smash the patriarchy!
Also here's a torrent.
Explain. Have you never heard of stage actors playing the opposite gender?

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Post your favourite Chuck Norris moments.

>Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did.

>When Chuck Norris stares at the sun, it hurts the sun's eyes.
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From Bruce Lee.
Early viral marketing campaign in the lead up The Expendables.
It predates The Expendables by about 10-15 years.
duh the internet
Chuck Norris is gay and I'm glad this stupid meme died out quickly over a decade ago.

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Remember when everyone collectively decided that a random, forgotten mediocre comedian from the 90s was actually a genius and shilled him everywhere for a couple years? And then he died and it was like a spell was broken and nobody cared anymore? Weird stuff.
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I hardly hear anything from norm anymore. it's just like he stopped caring
Yeah, he's moved on
>he finally got some kind of recognition on this board by the time he did the podcast although it wasn't his best stuff
he was famous before the Podcast among millennials mostly from Youtube clips of Conan and other Late Night shows, the youtube podcast just was fun because it was weird and unhinged, same way that Bill Burr got famous, and then ruined it by spilling too much of his personal life online instead of just telling jokes
Remember when you were a faggot? I don't actually, but thats because nobody will remember you for anything.

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explain the movie to me
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Bad movie is actually good because it's supposed to be bad. Apparently.
It proved that Lily was the talented one.
What's worse is that only the first third is being meta and shitting on WB, the rest of the movie is an actual sincere attempt at continuing the story and it's just complete dog shit.

>explain the movie to me

>somehow Neo returned

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