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Full disclosure on the true elite in this thread. I'm invisible to them so it's not a threat to me, and most of what i'm going to tell you is deniable/doesn't expose anyone or anything that isn't generally known already. This is the explanation you're looking for as to why some people get away with insane things and don't get talked about, why hunter bidens actions have been swept under the rug, and why the current US government is entirely run by jews.

The true name of the illuminati/antichrist is the Order of Menerva(OM). OM are the original atheists, seeing god and the spiritual realm as merely forces to be understood and manipulated. You could say they are the original secular religion. OM dates from the dawn of civilization itself with a well established core elite by the time of the etruscans. For a long time, Rome was the center of their organization.

OM is part mystical cult, part political cult. They dabble in every form of occultism and ritual magic you can imagine. Entrail divination(mixed results), The rite of water(christians know a diluted form of this as baptism, jews wear a red string and say a prayer, but it all dates back to a pre-assyrian ritual for warding off bad energies, does not work on murderers), the rite of blood(members cut themselves while doing certain deeds/saying certain acts), and other stuff. For example, when bill clinton went to haiti, it was to engage in voodoo. For some reason, when they publically perform a work but conceal their motive and action(demonstrating only presence) it is more powerful. They also use media to telegraph certain stuff and collect energy. For example, organizing antisemitism and hatred of jews(carefully, so as not to actually be harmed) to collect karmatic debt for rituals.

more parts to come
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And another giveaway...
You know what your are.
I know what you are.
Just abandon the thread and make and new one, like you're suppose too.
I would have liked to answer more questions about OM before concluding the thread but I have things to do so I'm going to recap and call it a night.

To recap: yes, Hillary and her friends are part of a cult. It is essentially a crack lab of occultism. Divinations are usually on a Tuesday. Some of it works, some of it doesn't, some of it is to get people killed in mysterious ways. Focus is on word "friends" since they use shame, blackmail, and evil things as part of both their magic and also to force people to obey them. Yes, they have built a kleptocratic power cult which presently is infesting America and is globalist in nature. Schwab and others are, of course, members. This organization has roots and core principles which have been refined for thousands of years and used to be at the heart of Rome.

You, and most average people, are entirely irrelevant to them, and OM doesn't really have an agenda, but it's members are all loons who have agendas. Yes, they will keep coming for your gas stoves. No, we can't really get rid of OM. Yes, people can do hexing, cursing, crap like that against you.

It will all wash off if you practice the lord's prayer, don't dilute your faith with a false representation of some kind of divine bureaucracy such as saints, angels, or various name/power invocations, build your connection to the absolute, and take some time off from your constant hustle to disconnect from life, and it will help to take a shower once in a while anons. Staying out of politics is usually best. Avoid being associated with nazis or other movements, at this time, there's a lot of magic being used against them. Keep your head down. It is possible to win.

For reasons that are purely logical, OM's influence will one day wane, and there's a sort of revolution going on right now in terms of faction politics internally. However, a lot of the people epstein blackmailed are still alive and have enough power and are afraid of exposure, so it will take time.
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Revelation 3:9
You already lost.
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You are an american, so you tend to not think too much about the concept of Rome and the role that this concept occupies in the order of all things. Even Jesus refused to oppose Rome, and he told Peter to found his church there, as only romans could spread his gospel. There was a very valid reason for that: romans weren't (and aren't) special in any way, but their culture, the worldview Romolus and his worthy successors (Aurelian, Stilicho, and other such heroes) had, was. That's the reason why Rome eventually fell, the romans had stopped behaving like true romans, the lombards had more in common with Romulus than the romans at that point, and that's why they managed to wrestle the italian peninsula from the Ostrogoths. But even they soon stopped channeling the power of Rome, as the Holy See did when they conspired with the demonic sons of Charlemagne, and they suffered for it. Most people eventually learn to trust gold or magic more than they trust blood and steel, and that ruins them, because blood and steel are supreme, reality (as in materium) is invincible and can't be denied, and even objectively inferior subhumans (such as the slavs) can conquer and become masters if they become instruments of reality, no matter how accidentally. The Duce and Gheddafi knew this very well, but, unfortunately, so did their opponents. They knew that you had to remove the P from SPQR to stop Rome... for a few years, at least. But Rome is eternal, and can't be denied, only slowed down, and there's no amount of bullshit rituals that can stop the gladius and the pilum from restoring order.
wisdom, this. rome is ancient civilization and power beyond time. But rome isn't eternal.. tokyo is. All hail the chrysanthemum throne.

blah blah
*points to holy book*
my holy book says it's right, okay?
since my holy book says it's right, it must be right, because if it wasn't, it would say so, okay?

totes not about trying to retcon a quasi-mystical supernatural figure that appeared in roman-controlled galilee during a period of judean decline into pharisaic messiah-figurehood which in turn was totally not retconned by yet another guy into a love and forgiveness world peace kind of thing by a pharisaic inquisitor general who had a change of heart and decided the best way to make his name known in history was to wholly embrace this new religion and expand it with his own authority at the center of divine licensing for goyim(tm), and my religion totes didn't contrive and edit the text https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_and_the_woman_taken_in_adultery and put things in it 3 and 4 centuries after the messiac figure even walked the earth and i swear on my honor we totally didn't leave out roughly half of what he said and create three or even four different not entirely harmonious characters who seem to contradict each other when one of them calls for total forgiveness and another says that there will be no forgiveness and we totes didnt have nearly 1500 years of faction infighting and highly political leadership offering indulgances and the like which even to this day is not in total communion with all other factions, most of which were spawned because some priest, some guy who totes wasn't into watching other dudes have sex didn't write a manifesto and declare it should be open and everyone should be reading the book for themselves

christ is king, alright?

but you dont even know the truth you only know this book thing and you are stupid, ok boomer?

What was your personal journey to/back to Christianity like? I was a Christmas Catholic my entire life, abandoned it entirely in my teens and having made a lot of strides in my personal and professional life, abandoned a lot of hedonistic tendencies and am considering returning back to faith but I'm struggling with where to start.
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> Metaphysical light
Exactly. Suffix to mend the noncense told.
Good thing scripture says God is one, and the doctrine of the trinity is extra-Biblical.
Math vs scruptures of ancient jewish hederders, which learn, that 3 = 1.
A choose math.
God has always existed beyond time and space. Even if they used to say "the heavens" that was God's way of communicating with an ancient culture in a way they would understand. Now that we are more scientifically knowledgeable we can understand that God is beyond material reality.
Yet you are three persons in soul, body, and spirit. Again, if you have any actual refutations from the text, please present them. If not, I'll be going. I suggest to consider the replies I've left you.
Even if God addresses the angels, He created man per Genesis 1:26 in Their "image" and in "Their likeness" and in 27 it says that it is in "His image"

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Previous >>466300093

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>#Yemen: Rapid: Naval forces of the #Yemeni Armed Forces targeted a British oil ship
>BREAKING: China has rejected the US request to suspend the purchase of Iranian oil
>Urgent || Reuters on US Central Command: The Houthis fired 3 anti-ship ballistic missiles at two ships in the Red Sea
>BREAKING: US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced a new $6 billion emergency aid package for Ukraine. This comes after $61 + $1 billion from the other day.
>United Nations: The organization’s investigators closed the case file related to #Israeli allegations regarding UNRWA employees due to lack of evidence


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>spoonfeed me
it's only been said about 1000 fucking times. is it your goal to bore us to death with your ignorance ?
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another poor american jewish girl got assaulted by aggressive palestinian protesters
wishing overwhelming success to both sides.
still operating and pumping out videos of rekt kikes
seething and malding
If the Houthis were wining then this spam woulldnt be necessary

A chud youtuber was going to the movies with his gf to see puss and boots. When he was buying food his gf bought two tickets to Mgaic Mike instead (some naked stripper guy movie). The cinema was just women a faggot and himself. During the movie the Women were literally all Masterbating.

He later investigated his gfs phone and on tik tok one of the biggest categories is called "book tok" which is where women share erotic books, talk about erotic books and masterbate together. He saw some of the porn books and realised most of the time he sees a woman in public reading a book such as on the train it is one of those porn books. Women are literally doing female version of looking at porn in public.
There are also groups where women meet up and masterbate together attractive trannies/femboys are seen as highly valued and brought along. The women use the trannies like a dildo and they thinl it's not cheating because they are a "woman".

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looks like jim sterling
>be a nigger
>"ayy where duh white women at?!"

Kys mooncricket
I don't think that's actually a woman
Smells like a dead nigger storage
I took my gf to a movie theatre for our first date, I never asked her about it and thought I might just be imaging things. Like maybe her hands were cold or something and it just looked bad. But I swear she was rubbing herself, during the movie. It was weird as fuck looking back. She ended up being heavily damaged goods, she wanted me to do some crazy shit to her because her grandpa messed up normal sex with her or something. Actually 2 of my exs had this problem but in different ways. I haven't dated a ton of women either and they weren't similar looking or acting, not even the same race either.

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>american education
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Kek i did it all the time when using cash, rounding change, every cashier understood, must be soviet education standards lingering
it's 3
oh shit, you're right
No one, cats dont like citrus

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No. They would be literally fellating Israeli Jews during the State of the Union.
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Thats true, its only one part of our ancient religion
We're more than that, which is what made us strong
However, a vital component of our conquest were our fearless warriors which we still need
Also stop using meme terms like "aryan". So called "Indo-Europeans" is a PSYOP.
>it was all 4D chess goy!
What a cope, if they could they'd have converted everyone to judaism like the khazars.
Stop falling for the meme that we were some ruthless, ultraviolent genocidal conquerors. Its "civilized" judeo-roman projection.
How is it a cope? Ravage was boasting. And was right to do so.
The ones pretending they oppose the same people they cucked themselves to are the copers. Antisemitic Christians (oxymoron) are the self deceiving copers.

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This is a problem that needs to be solved. Or it'll overflow and bury all of us in shit.
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Here is the local police by indian anon. I wonder if 4chan complies with authorities
Wah wah wah cry more incel
I know your kind is too stupid to feel shame.
It's ok, I'll sleep tight knowing that you seethe just by realizing your existence.
You won't be saying this when Japanese police are knocking on your door will you
These white incel losers only hate Indians because that's what they are told to do by their government . Divide and rule

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Similarly how the Germanic tribes saw Rome 1600 years ago

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Thats because you are mexican
>attempting to subversively drain them
This would have worked, but you forget that Rome still thrived for 150 years under that system of pay, and back then they did so under a flesh and blood emperor, now it can be run by a machine one. An Ai overlord of "freedom and democracy", and it doesn't get tired. It doesn't have ministers. It only has an agenda, a goal if you will, that the programmer set for it. If you get uppity they'll nuke you.
People in this country in general kept fucking with me (particularly whites and Jews)
No I’m white
white trash maybe

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Is race mixing a sin?
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Beautiful Hapas
No, it is NOT a sin. Not that 99% of the degenerates here engaged in endless sin care about actual sin.
>taking 4chins seriously
Kill yourself, retard.
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So sad. Many such cases.

Stupid chads!
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then call me Hitler because I'm going to genocide an entire generation of Whites for the master race (WMAF)
>.t virgin who will never even produce a child of her own race

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I guess the first amendment goes POOF if you are protesting Jews?
I wonder if they had been having pro-Israel protests if the cops would have been called.
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NAP isn't real
who is paying them?
Kek, a Russian commenting on free speech and protest rights. You can’t even say the word “war” without getting arrested. Stand in public with a blank peice of paper and Putin’s henchmen send you to the gulag or front. Get novchock’d for being political opposition.

You should be concerned about your own country’s dictatorship and repression and war crimes first
Kek, a Memeflag commenting on free speech and protest rights. You can’t even say the word “nigger” without getting arrested. Stand in public with a peice of paper thats says "trans women are men" and Biden’s henchmen send you to federal prison. Get Hillary'd for being political opposition.

You should be concerned about your own country’s dictatorship and repression and war crimes first
Hell, I'd donate to help fund it

There are no laws for the sandnigger invaders, they can do whatever they want under any lame excuse.

Also I signed something here but I'm so sure about it (if it was about the mental sanity of someone). I was tricked into signing it for another bullshit reason.

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A nigger tomcat from my neighbor raped my kot. What do I do now?

Pic related is my pregnant kot
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She asked for it
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>Raising another man's children within your household
That's make you a cuckold
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Doesnt this qualify as "kitty porn"?


I bet all black cats in Israel are neutered
Post kittens once they're born

1. She is the hottest potential candidate, and sex sells. Trump likes to surround himself with beautiful women. She is a female, a minority, well-educated, served in the military, political experience, WEF young leader. Ticks all the boxes.

2. She quit the democrats recently proving to democratic voters that abandoning a party due to failed policies and trying something new is the new normal. If she can, so can they. Shows bravery.

3. She is pro-life and anti-woke. Two hot topics going into the election.

4. Her two biggest rivals, Noem and Scott are both wingclipped. Noem just confessed to killing her dog. Tim Scott is black and the MAGA movement is a white nationalist at it's base.

5. She'll expose Kamala Harris in the VP-debates showing not only how garbage Harris is, but also what a VP-upgrade america could get should Trump die in the office.
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Ben Shapiru
I have a feeling he’s going to pick that subway sandwich pedo dude. Not sure why, just a hunch so I could be wrong
Hawaiianon here. Tulsi is absolutely based, her dad (state rep) was a closet Republican anyway
No one cares, Styx
goobbard is a niggerfaggot WEF plant
she is not based
she is not even American anymore
she is a fucking manchurian candidate from a Soros funded program

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Trans people are self-hating homosexuals who castrate themselves so their gay sexuality is less threatening to the straight majority.
Trans rights are still human rights, chud. Get used to it.
Most trannies are actually straight men with cross dressing fetishes

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dragon hohol teeth in Zaporojie.
Do you think these will stop Russian army?
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You're as stupid as the smooth brained mouth breathers that these are designed to fool.

They don't have to stop Russian vehicles, they just have to redirect them straight into a trap.
toblerone defense
Trucks and civilian cars perhaps. Once you get a decent tank or anything with a dozer blade, then it's not much of an obstacle.
In the right place you can probably slow the enemy down enough to shoot him up.
Just drive around it in an unstoppable shed tank. Simple as.

minefields around..

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Asians having larger brains, higher IQ’s, and no wisdom teeth is proof that they’re the most evolved race.
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It’s true perhaps but they lack cromagnon abundance dna like whites which lends to much higher creativity and conquest vigor. They have slightly more neanderthal which is good, and whites and asians share most lineages together, both races have nothing alike with blacks which is great! They are acceptable to mix with - everyone knows asian wombs have been eternally claimed and conquered by BWC
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>Have fun finding an actual Aryan woman in fucking muttland.


There's actually quite a lot, but I know that's hard to believe with all the amerimutt memes on /pol/.

My blonde hair blue eyed children will be so beautiful. I wish the best of luck to you as well.

based tight pussy enjoyer.
to you, the only 10/10 asian woman is a chinlet pedobait, so you're confused
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Oh you are the bong that first agreed with me then started to seethe and call me a homo because i told you that the bug in your webm didn't look good. Also, it's funny because lookwise it's literally the opposite.

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I saw this mosque on one of my recent bike rides. I couldn't believe it. What's going on Nippon bros?
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Nigger literal pajeets are starting to get into Japanese politics. In 40 years the Japanese prime minister will be a poo named Rashek Punjab
Holy fuck. I hadn't seen those numbers.
>>These people will not be citizens.
>You are far beyond delusional it's unreal.
They do become citizens. Pajeets and muslims are becoming citizens all the time here. Even 1st generation pajeets who come to Japan for school get citizenship after a few years. You can even meet them working in 7-11.
And so it begins...
What's the appeal of Islam for the few jap native converts?

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But Russians supposedly have free speech, according to the illiterate, ignorant /pol/ subhumans who have never traveled abroad.
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Men age like milk. Almost nobody wants non-settled moid
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This. I can’t now abandon who I am for the sake of getting a nut. The solitude is now so familiar it is a defining characteristic.
at some point you realize it's unfulfilling, and you want love, you want kids, and you want a real life
most people don't get to be giga anything and never even reach the point where they get to have such an epiphany, many just plateau and slowly spiral downwards for the rest of their lives always being pieces of shit

i have lived experiences casually that most people live their whole lives to experience just once, and they still don't listen, they think they know better and are willing to throw it all away only to get back to step 1 when it's far too late
Every man that's alone means there's a woman in the same situation. Men can handle being alone better than women, so it's really just women suffering.
He’s even how vapid and shallow many women are. To base one’s life around them lowers the man to their level. Look what so often happens when a man loses his looks or wealth or status. Bye bye wifey.
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AI fembots soon. Keep the faith.

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