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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

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Creating garment assets for game environments.

Seems it's a bit niche?

Pivoting from a Rhino + SolidWorks / Blender (to render) background.

What should I know?
Do you have tutorial/ resource recommendations?
**yes i have checked the intro guide**
program is simple. you can learn 100% of it in a few days.
pattern cutting, depending on what you want to do, is not. you can learn 30% of it in a 3 year university degree.
Does it make more sense to texture in CLO or bring it to blender and texture it there?

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Previous thread: >>973562
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idk tho. i figured youd make one good strand, duplicate it, then make minor adjustmants. As for adding volume, duplicate again, move it under it then merge edge verts to make it a fat strand. laying it out on a uv editor you can just plop them all on top pf each other since theyll all unwrap to a similar shape.
Retarded question, how do I give MB models clothing?
Yeah, what other anon said. Strands are thin, but they're not all bad, its just that they are all the same size. Like a womans hair who just got out of the shower. Get rid of a few of them in the back by making one or two larger. In essence, you're missing the forest for the trees. Look at the object as a whole.
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I made it using the hair tool addon. It looks good from the front, but odd from the back. Idk how to make good looking puffy fur. I works very well if the fur is combed against the mesh.
>detailed anus
Anon, we need to talk.

A thread dedicated to CAD, the chad's choice and the working man's choice in 3D production.

What projects have you been working on lately? What kind of work do you do?




>Tutorials and Guidebooks

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well, that settles it
I have been putting off giving this a go. I might have to just nut up and try it.
>don't use FreeCAD until you have at least 5 years experience in CAD (this is for your own sake, you will quit if you try to start with FreeCAD)
I started by using FreeCAD because I am on linux and I don't want to pay or have all of my models uploaded to someone else's server. It is very buggy, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I have a project that I made currently printing on my 3d printer.
I've also been following the development of FreeCAD and it is currently on the brink of being downright usable. The next release looks like it's going to be pretty decent, thanks to the development that has been upstreamed from the Ondsel project.
>using files with lots of solids
Admittedly, I haven't gotten this far yet. My project only has 8 parts. The new assembly workbench is pretty nice, though.
The next release will be significantly improved. It's worth checking out as I believe it will see a lot of improvements in the near future.
in autocad how can I use the current position of the mouse as the relative coordinate instead of the last clicked position?
when i paste something, can i set it to automatically drag by a certain point, like at the center instead of the corner, without of having to reselect it all over again?
What websites do you guys use for selling CAD files?

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Why do we have to go through a pointless process as westerners while nips get a freepass?
they just 3d paint their textures and the uv can be any crazy nonsense as long as it's optimized.
You're most likely looking at a ripped model that some poor soul had to piece together themselves after ripping it.
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japs often use anime cartoon shading
the texture is essentially just an atlas
with various color gradients and some small details
but there are examples of them doing outstanding UVs e.g. FF XII

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I am now much stronger, and now have mastered AI as well as 3D and 2D.
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It took me a day to make this.
Pls rate.

forgot to add my link.
If you are beginner i think it's okay but if you already did some programming it's way too long but still cool keep working on it.
Cris, check out this Godot tutorial:
i coom

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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
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When I started 3d i learned to box model, which definitely was low poly.
just hit the retopo button in zbrush a bunch of times you fucking monogloids it's not even an arform

oooo I did it I'm yellow now I'm a little japanese man I'm a SAVANT i'm a genus. eat my shit trump 2024
Are you ok anon? You seem in distress
Do it with this model: https://3d.si.edu/object/3d/1903-wright-flyer%3Ad8c62e5e-4ebc-11ea-b77f-2e728ce88125

I know you can’t because the scanner messed it up and become impossible to use it.
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same way they mastered pixel art:
by being a country of obsessed pedos

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blender idiot here

I'm making a model for a vrchat avatar and for some reason some bones are moving around on their own after I export as an FBX then reimport. I've searched all over the internet for a solution and a lot of the threads on various websites talk about animations and making sure that the armature is set to the correct frame of the animation, but I've never touched any of that. I may have fatfingered some hotkey during the whole process, but I have no idea if this is a bug or if I'm just retarded. I've applied all the scales and rotations etc too, so I don't think it's that.
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this is the one i bought, it had a bunch of shit on it that i didnt like so ive been going through the process of learning blender and unity to "fix" all of it


the weights arent the problem, the issue im having is that some of the bones in the armature keep moving on their own after i export as fbx then reimport, and i have no idea why. pixeldrain wouldnt let me upload for some reason so i put it here: https://file.io/fcwsu4eq03h2




I need information not vague posts.

Can you give me a step by step of what you have done?
I have zero issue?

I opened the clean .blend exported just the base mesh with the stuff with bones and armature and re-imported it.
if you mean the bone length that doesn't mean anything.

FBX doesn't keep the length of the bones, so blender just guesses the size you can click the armature, go to edit mode hit A to select all then S to scale, then G to move it, then go back to object mode Ctrl + A Apply All Transforms.

You really need to work on communicating your issues.

as when you say the bones are moving that could be anything.

Finally you don't need to export out of blender until your done editing? why would you export if you haven't finished?

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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I like how it's bad enough to net get sued.
Just the right amount of mediocre.
I'm looking fort suggestions for content creators that do behind the scenes stuff. I love seeing WIPs and the UI and tools involved. Please advise, as I love seeing people's workflows.
I like how it's bad enough to net get sued.
Just the right amount of mediocre.
yeah, its my custom
would it kill you to use the post denoiser? all you need is 10 frames at the end.

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We have this over in /ic. I'd like to see anons portfolios and works. Post your socials.
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boomers need to know if you have experience in windows 7, windows 8, AND Mac OSX

anything else is secondary and for dumb goyim who will continue to pay rent to boomer while boomer mows lawn

Reminder that I'm actually part of an Antifa eradication group in my city and still have good clients.
This is my favorite so far:
Reminder that I'm a hobbyist and I will post my work if I fucking feel like it.
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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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looks like you're jumping the gun a bit.
why haven't you retopologised your mesh yet?
may i ask if you've created character model ready for animation in the past?
actually, i've just come back and my head hurts. you have multiple subdivision levels but you're exporting a decimated mesh? what
OP, respect what youre trying to do. I'm in a similiar boat, trying to make a story driven episodic adapatation of a popular shooter atm.

but it looks like what you're trying to start with is making a perfect model of guts as your start, which is not really the best way to go about it.

you'll improve massively with each day you work on this project, and your artstyle will change. so don't get bogged down with one model out how hundreds youre likely gonna have to create down the line.

i'd suggest focusing on ideas, concepts and motifs at the start. create one of your favorite scenes, your favorite encounter, using whatever shitty models, sounds and textures you can find. see if you can achieve your vision with it, or see what exactly is missing.

especially if youre going for an arcane look then textures is 60% of what matters, with the rest being animation. spending weeks sculpting 1 guy when youd have to do the same for so many other characters is not sustainable.

get results fast and improve on them, rather than going for perfection immediately.
It's the first time that i try to create a character ready for animation.

There is a little misunderstanding. I never intended to animate the current decimated mesh. The current mesh only serves to figure out the right texture, shader, light and render settings.
Actually, i have a model of Guts with decent topology, but i use the decimated mesh out of CPU-performance sake. Right now i am trying to figure out the artstyle for the model. For that, i don't need to torture myself by importing everytime a 5 mio poly mesh in Substance or Maya.

Respect to you too for working on such a Behemoth. Good luck, i hope you will succeed.
I understand your sentiment, but i don't think i should change my course. In the last 16 days i reached some decent milestones and my goal is to create a 5-10 sec teaser.
The project lives or dies with the teaser. The task is to create a scene with the 3D Model of Guts with the desired artstyle, in harmony with a 2D Canvas background. Should i come to the conclusion that the teaser doesn't do Berserk justice (doesn't matter what reason) - i will admit defeat and stop the project.
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This is far from being perfect, but i think it delivers a glimpse of potential.
Background and 3D model are clearly missing harmony.
Any thoughts on reasonable adjustments?

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le donut of blender. based!
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Hm...i like the donut texture (not the icing), it looks like old stone.
How can i get an effect like this? Was it some texture OP used?
Looks like basic anisotropic noise fed into normal and/or roughness maps.
Basically take some perlin noise and scale it along one axis to get the long lines
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congratulations! you've nailed it!

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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
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I made low poly version.
this makes sense never thought of it before but yeah imo checks out.
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Gothic is awesome..
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I bet you were a swamp schizo in Gothic

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Previous >>959310

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
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Curves with geometry is one way, you want it to be polygon efficient? you will probably need to account for subdiv.
i know about the curve tech, but i still don't know the right way to do the circled part
Start with reducing the circle's subdivs to 2-4 max, then edit the circle's vertices, change its handles to vector type if needed.
What's this supposed to be a tutorial for? I don't really understand what the result is supposed to be?
cloth fold

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I bought a 4090 to do 3D but apparently physics simulations use processor exclusively. What the hell man...
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Physics has nothing to do with graphics. What did you expect?
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Look mommy, I'm in the screenshot!
SAME! But instead of physics, it just viewport playback. That uses exclusively processor to track objects (Makes sense when you take in consideration the processing tree)
Is this a shitpost thread? The GPU has its own processors you can just make it compute with the GPU

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