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- All artists welcome!
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Do not request drawings of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- To make the new drawthread, wait until page 10 at the bump limit so that our awesome booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.

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Requesting Megmillia (left) and Irybelda (right) standing side by side, hyper pregnant and gushing breastmilk. They're both lifting their arms to hold hands as their gravid bellies press together, hearts in their eyes as they rub their massive broods with their free hands.
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What's the best character to go behind him? Or is it better solo?
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Oh wow, that's looking fantastic so far. As for who could be behind him, I think Harvest would be the perfect fit.
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Requesting Mudrock from Arknights with a huge, hard cock cumming out extremely thick cum.
Nice (not OR)

Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day.
How anal changed your life? Have your diet improved? Have you stopped doing penile/vaginal masturbation entirely? Something else? Tell us.

Previous thread >>10996247

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

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Just stuff the shower head up your ass
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>mfw I am now hanging upside down by my ass on a shower head
It's a fixed one so that's impossible (and would be too big if it wasn't)
That's how I do it, the extra blood flow to my head is like natural poppers
Every time I use my fuck machine I lube up heavily and always end up with a puddle of lube on the floor under my ass

How do I keep it slick in my ass without needing to create a lube puddle cause it keeps coming out

The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>10984972
Belt Thread: >>10973434


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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Oh well, a medical professional identified a condition, that's what it is. You didn't think that might be the case? Pinching is weird though, maybe make sure there's no sharp edges where mold lines are. Some come with tiny sandpaper to take burrs off.
I haven’t had any pain related to the cyst in a while so I figured it was gone but I guess not. It’s kinda hard to feel at this point but yeah it’s definitely still there. Chastity can wait I guess
Wish I could do this with no balls (and no piercings)
Kinda sad, i think my cock is just to big for the kinda cage i want (nub). Ive tried three different cages so far and they are just way to uncomfortable and my dick ends up sticking way far out of any holes in the cage. Rip the dream
Just do banding, it's safe and can numb your clitty for days to weeks at a time depending on how tight you do it

Climb edition

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holy shit, this is golden
Do any of you use spicychat? Most of the time I use normal bots then have them redo the prompt with a size diff. Any reccomendations?
There's this NEET one 'Dawn' that works really well.
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there was a thread like this up ages ago that never got a sequel. post stuffed sloshy guts that are loud enough to warrant noise complaints. bonus points for visibly rumbling tummies!
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Teasing Edition
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The best we can hope for is that Ahmed is in a better place, like in a Jewess’s stomach being digested alive. I imagine Yael Shelbia in a bikini on Gaza beach lazily snacking on a bowl of Arabs. She’s dipping them into hummus and swallowing them down. Our Ahmed is in that bowl. Lucky bastard.
Is this the only image in this set? Also, he's the ONE refugee I'd agree to let in. I mean, most twitter artists (non-japanese) are hyper annoying about social issues, this guy lives (lived?) in a war zone and had like two one sentence tweets about it.
Raceplay can be weird sometimes but fuck me if havent fantasized about being shrunken and bought by some elite chinese or iranian chick to be her little white boy slave or snack
As a sandnigger I’m very attracted to Israeli Jews in particular they are like warrior goddesses and there isn’t one who would hesitate to eat me if I was shrunken.
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He is a member of the PFLP (google image it), he is quite literally living in the social issues.

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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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Wish bump
Granted, everyone now becomes part-plant in some way. The most common mutation would be your skin turning green and growing leaves and petals alongside your hair; but there will also be more monstrous forms like alraunes, tree girls, and "bush girls" that vaguely look like sheep girls (possibly a relative of Barometz). You'll belong in the "mostly human" category, with bright poppy-red hair that nicely contrast your green skin, and a cute "country bumpkin" tomboyish appearance.
All plantpeople will share a few characteristics, such as being capable of surviving with way less food, but requiring regular sunlight intake, otherwise you'll be left lethargic and tired. Another thing is that people will adopt a more "natural" look when it comes to stuff like body hair or body shapes, except that these things will innately become... Cuter? Sexier? It will be a mixture of "people's opinion on these things become far more favorable" and "these things will physically change to LOOK better". So yes, people will trim and shave way less often, but they'll still look good.
And of course... Just like plants can just be pollinated wherever and whenever, plantpeople will feel a lot more open to casual low-key sex, even with strangers and in public. It helps that your physical mutations also involve some sexual improvements, like better sexual stamina and, of course, auto-cleaning. Any waste is just teleported away and reintroduced into the environment, so for all intent and purposes your holes will always be clean and sweet-tasting.

Overall, society will become a lot more slow-paced (especially at night), moving away from hyper-technology in favor of simpler farm-like lives; but also, as I already said, far more open to sex.

>I wish to be reborn as a hyper-dicked tanuki in an incestuous family of hyper-dicked tanukis.
Granted. However be aware that being reborn to an incestuous family of tanukis of all things did take a lot of time. Humanity is long gone, at least in a form that's recognizable to you if you were to keep your memories. The world could be best described now as one big yiff paradise. If you thought your hyper-dicked tanukis are the biggest sexual danger to the world? Oh no no no.

Rapy obsessed nekomatas, kappas stalking the night, murky waters, centaurs seeking a relief after their hunts and many more. You are but a drop in the ocean of the perverse, vulgar landscape that is now Earth.

Now. Some of the "Humans" have great interest in creatures like you. Either for throphy hunting with their advanced technology compared to y'all, or for other, more depraved reasons. Your genetic mess of a family left you with an unspeakaple sex drive and your cock LEAKS pretty much all the time. Have fun not humping something for more than a minute. You WONT make it.

Sex is your instinct now. Not even in a very hot way, at least not for long. You need it as much as food and water. You will die without it and you damn wish you didn't have to at some point. But you have to top to satisfy your needs. Sure, you might think that allowing yourself to be caught and raped by centaurs will relief you for some time. Not a chance. It will only frustrate you more. Build up your desires. Add fuel to the fire. Sex HAS to happen on YOUR terms. It's the only way to quiet down the urges. And considering that you chose to be a meek tanuki, hyper-cock or not, instead of a more powerful creature. Dictating your terms will be harder than your cock after five rounds of centaur ball-broth left in your guts. Have fun.

>I wish for my body to adapt extremely fast to my workout routines. I wanna be able to pick and switch between being a slim femboy, a muscled hunk, a ripped athlete and everything in between in a matter of weeks tops.
Granted! Your body is now highly adaptable to just about any sort of workout. Pick the routine you'd like, and not only will you see results quite literally immediately (a few days of modest effort complete the "transformation"), but you'll look supernaturally idealistic for whatever the workouts aimed to achieve. So say, you go from a muscled hunk to a femboy. Your facial structure will soften and your figure, hair, and facial features will grow more feminine, as your voice will also sound cuter. Become a hunk and you'll grow more "chad" like.

But do be warned, once you start a routine, you'll be locked into it until you finish it. You will have a "cooldown" where your body resists any change, for better or for worse (good news is you won't get out of shape) for a few days to a week after the workout, depending on how drastic the change was, or how much you got "setttled" into a certain bodytype. If you embraced being a femboy, wearing cute clothes and being a cardio bunny, the "grace period" will last longer. Same with being buff if you lift stuff regularly or show off and flex.

This isn't a bad thing though... because when I say you're adaptable, I mean it, and "workouts" can start without you meaning them too... and like I said... you're stuck with the regime until you finish your current transformation. The 2-3 days of exercise can be MUCH longer if you procrastinate, but you won't LOSE progress at least. So say you start turning into an athlete, but try to quit halfway through. You'll just stay at the halfway point until you finish the workout, and you won't be able to start another until your grace period is over. And as you've probably gathered... these workouts are more supernatural in nature than grounded in science. Yes, workouts used to get certain REAL bodytypes will work as expected, but in addition to this, your body will "adapt" to other things if you make them habits.

Have you been enjoying anal play a bit more often than usual?
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That just might count as a routine for becoming a "butt slut", one that, like all others? Can't be backed out of. Now it can be a "side routine" of a bodytype you already have. You could be a himbo hunk or a femboy buttslut, but it'll make you look more submissive and slutty, and you'll need to train anal more to finish the routine so you can start another. Using larger insertions, riding them, practicing squats for practical applications... the good news is that these come with benefits, like being waste free and always ready for anal, as well as being a pro at it. Bad news is you'll PROBABLY look like a slut after you finish the routine.

Other, less predictable "routines" can happen as well. Nofap might count and straight up make you a girl, and while there ARE exercises to make you a guy again, the other part of this paw is that you have to figure out what they are yourself (outside of exercises that are documented and make sense). Might be celibacy as a girl to be a guy again, might be pegging, might be tribbing. Who knows? You'll just have to experiment. You won't ever end up with "ugly" bodies, so you can laze around and not worry about turning into some kind of slob (unless you'd be into it), but you can easily and unintentionally start unpredictable routines that only make sense in hindsight, like masturbation giving you a bigger dick, to the point of it being hard to hide (which is especially fun if you have a twinkish or "female" body).

My advice? Keep a notebook of what does what to your body, and abuse extended grace periods from embracing a new body after achieving it to enjoy it longer.

On the other hand... who knows what you might just be able to achieve if you look for MORE "unorthodox" routines...? You could reach shapeshifter levels of adaptability... given you're ready to accept the risk...

>I wish I had the power to merge lewd dreams and fantasies with reality... with a blacklist of fetishes I'd hate (ex. waste, gore), please.

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Post Pent Up Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls.
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>By the time the second month gets to its halfway point she's finally realized that she's on the wrong supplements.
>She also realizes she doesn't care, and wants to pack more nut into her still-swelling balls before she can cum.
>She's spending lunch break at work in a restroom stall, fucking her cock on a fat set of beads, bloated nuts reaching past the middle of her thighs.
>Kneading the pudge her prostate has created in her stomach while holding her beads in place, feeling an entire orgasm rush up from her overstuffed testicles and fail to push any of its hypervirile load past the beads.
>Standing over the toilet and feeling her unplugged dick spew pre right inro it like a full-blown ejaculation, a single pump being enough stimulation to make her tremble and shoot out even more.
>Squeezing her balls with her legs is enough to get her to edge.
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Geez anon that's hot
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The prostate expansion thing is so fucking good

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last one got smushed
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That Porno is canon now
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yeah do you have any copies of any if all the animations he did? lol
stunning and brave, here is your (you)

Girls being used as livestock.

Whether that be for breeding, for milk, or something else entirely, post your human farm animals here!
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I never read it but there is manga "Human Ranch" where bus is kidnaped with magic by elves that rise humans like a livestock.
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I'll Loan You My Body - Gyaru Edition edition.

Previous thread: >>10990604
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Yuri is cute.
Guys turning into girls and getting flustered over guys is cuter.
Really it just kinda goes against what I like about the fetish. I prefer to keep the two separate, but what you like you like.
Other way around, I'm only interested in combinations of girls, traps and futa.
There's a doujin where some guy with a phone turns his enemy into a girl from a MMO game and then fucks her, then after a while he turns back. He continues to do this until he mind breaks him by levelling her up. It's because the guy deleted one of his characters or something...

Does anyone remember it?

I love it when a guy is turned into a girl and then gets taken by an enemy. Who then turns into a lover.

The sharp contrasts against both the alignment and sex is extra diamonds.
>There's a doujin where some guy with a phone turns his enemy into a girl from a MMO game
I'm pretty sure it's this one? (S)he turns into a character from a gacha game though.

Genjitsu Douki Gacha Nekura Otaku no Yome Chara ni Saserareta Ore | Reality-Synch Gacha How I got Turned Into The Waifu of a Gloomy Nerd

Thread for huge and gigantic breasts, at least the size of the character's head each, up to the size of the torso/reaching the thighs

No hyper/floor reaching/room filling breasts, no futa, no AI images.

Previous Thread:
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Previous: >>10935858
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Ask her how to get a woman that looks like her
Military/Government related muscle growth stories rarely have a happy ending don't they?
>bimbo girl's girl accidentaly gains mutation that makes her regular morning calisthenics routine make her turn hypermuscular
>same personality but she has to deal with rapid muscle growth in a comedic manner
>has struggle with her boyfriend due to her muscle growth but love conquers all
honneslty all you need
do any anons here have the art of aokai (who made an animated fmg page for his comic Let’s Grow) saved or archived?
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Benevolent edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10935183
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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Hundreds of thousands are dead.
Yes, yes, but before we can prosecute we need to see her guns!
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And that's a good thing!
I will not stand idly by as an omnipotent goddess destroys countless innocent... wait, none of those innocent people care about me and she's naked. That's more than fine.
I have seen this pic like 20 times and just now noticed the giant condom

From centaur horsecock to lamia hemipenes, we got it all.
No NTR, Mpreg, or MGE girl yuri. Everything else is fair game.

Previous thread>>10902767
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Can you make one of her filling a condom then please?
Thanks so much so much anon, I'll blow a load once just for you
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>The power of the Grail is truly magnificent...fufu.
>It's only fitting it would grant the strongest Master the strongest dick.
>Right now...I feel that I'm a stallion who wouldn't lose even to Berserker.
>Forget those other women and submit yourself to me.
>I'll train your body so well, Shiro.
>My cum is so much more virile than yours, you'll have no choice but to become my woman.
>I'll breed you again and again with Einzbern homunculi...
>And each of them will be a stallion, just like me. They'll grow fast, and before long I'll have you service their dicks as well.
>Fufu. Imagine it, Shiro. Shall I make ten daughters? Fifteen?
>And each of them will want children too...I wonder how much of our sperm your body can accept.
>Well, Shiro? Shall we begin?

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