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Why does it matter?
Cause you said posting here is bad for your mental health and you mentioned doing better and thinking about him less. I was wondering if they were connected
the parable of the golden bear that encounters the hunter would be more fitting here.
He might look at these threads but it doesn’t matter
i hate that im supposed to feel bad for everything that i do and every facet of who i am.

i hate that they do it to abuse me and make a spectacle out of me when i crack.

i hate that youre all okay with this and that im not

i can never be enough and nothing i will do will ever matter

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We all know women have too much power in the current dating market, what are some psychological warfare things men can do to fight back? Theorycraft:

>tell girls their pussy is too tight or too loose
Rough equivalent to shaming penis size. The trick though is you have to not get off to sell the illusion. If you tell her this and cum anyways she'll know you're full of shit. This is effective because it demonstrates a double standard; lots of women are totally fine with selecting for penis size especially when it comes to casual dating

>normalize male sex toy use as comparable or better than pussy
This works because it devalues pussy and makes women compete with toys. Once again this is effective because female sex toys are already commonplace and some women don't even try to hide the fact they prefer their vibrators to actual penis. If the same were true for men, women would feel threatened and more likely to need validation
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Idk, but just keep a diary and after like 10 years once you are 26 release it as a dating book called
>Mein modern dating Kampf: Know thine enemy
or something like that.
Why not get fucked by other men? That'll show em.
It is interesting that you brought up the concept of psychological warfare in dating, because that is essentially what dating has become.
War usually occurs when parties cannot resolve a conflict of interests (political or self-interests) through a peaceful means because there is absolutely no room for a compromise or a common interest.
You are right in that women have too much power in the current dating market, and as a matter of fact, they have so much power that they do not have to compromise or pursue a common interest. It only costs them several swipes of a finger to find another dating opportunity.
Think about who gave them the power, because females certainly didn't gain it by overpowering men.
If you are going to engage in a psychological warfare, target those who are really responsible for creating the conflict.
One women lose their source of power over men in dating, they will have no choice but to negotiate and seek a common interest.
If you engage in a psychological warfare against women, you might win a lot of tactical victories, but you will never win a strategic victory.
Jewish Andrew Tate already wrote a book about it like 20 years ago

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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You have no way of knowing that until she rejects you
Yeah you're normal, don't worry about it too much
Anon you have to get rid of that mindset. Also, think about what anon is suggesting you say a bit more critically. Asking for a recommendation or directions will not get you rejected, because you aren't even showing romantic interest. Nobody is mean enough to shame you for asking where a place is, and if they are, 95% of people will agree that person is being a dick. Doing these simple things will get rid of your feat of approaching and talking to women, because your goal isn't to get their number or sleep with them, it's to get directions. Then you associate it with success and build from there to condos, then getting numbers from girls who show interest. It's in your head. Take a deep breath anon, it'll be fine.
>Yeah you're normal, don't worry about it too much
Wtf? Alright then, thank you anon I feel a little better
220 fucking generals just for retards to realize:
1. Be attractive
2. Don't be unattractive
Yeah, but it's all so obvious. I don't know where you're from, but over here people don't generally walk up to random strangers and ask for recommendations, especially not in a grocery store. Unless she's extremely naive, she would know straight away that I'm only approaching her because I find her attractive.

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22 year old. I'm so, so scared of reaching my 30s. That happens in 2032, a year that's neither terribly close nor terribly far.

At age 20

>1 percent of men are balding
>0.2 percent of people are obese
>1 in 7000 have diabetes
>1 in 4000 have high blood pressure
>1 in 150,000 have heart disease
>1 in 12 million have dementia
>1 in 4 million have arthritis
>1 in 13000 have cancer

At age 35...

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all the things you mentioned are partially under your control. just be healthy, exercise, sleep well, eat healthy food (most important part), meditate if you enjoy it, etc
bruh these stats don't seem legit, personally i feel much better at 32 than i did at 20, but yes you will age and your body will fall apart at some point but you can be in good shape/health for many many years if you don't let yourself go.
>those stats don't seem legit
They aren't, OP is a faggot. The stats are a fairly close fit for 65 year olds, not 35.
If you don't want to be obsese then don't fucking over eat.
A lot of older people have told me that your metabolism crashes at 25 and maintaining a healthy weight becomes impossible.

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Is it wrong to be easy going and content in life? I have my own small place, a secure job I like that pays good money, my own car, a few hobbies, I really don't want for much at all.
Yet I feel that its wrong that am not ambitious. My ex used to get angry at me for not being more ambitious. I do try to improve myself regularly such as going to the gym for example, but I don't feel any need to go crazy. Is this wrong? I just like a simple life without too many moving parts.
I now have a gf who seems to want the same as me out of life so that helps, but I'm just wondering if I'm somehow wrong for being like this?
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No. Contentment is the goal of life.
>Is it wrong to live my life the way I want to?
No, you dumb fuck.
Know what you mean, sometimes when I see people "grinding" and going mental on social media I wonder "Am I supposed to be doing the that? Am I doing something wrong?"
Nothing wrong with a minimalist lifestyle. If I could survive on welfare and never have to work again I would. There are some jobs/careers that are fulfilling but there are others that are just soul draining and are made to break human beings. Not worth it desu senpai. Nothing wrong with having a stree free job that you can tolerate but not really care about.
*stress free job

Sorry about that.

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Is this picture real? Does that bitch, who I love so much for her glare, have such sophisticated sense of humor?
Slap ass, snap fingers, walk out the door.
>can i go down on you?
This is also assuming you're already somewhat intimate with said girl, guy, girl(male)
Spit in her face then kick her in the cunt.

Steal her dad's car but first shit in her living room.
For me there was this girl who kept messaging me on gchat and making a point to meet up whenever our friends groups were together, but the atmosphere of our friends groups was too "chummy" to make a move. One day I just sent her "so why haven't we banged yet" and then we banged a few days later.

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I have autism because my whore mother listened to a bunch of quacks. It basically destroyed my childhood and now my adulthood. How do I cure it?
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>now they're everywhere.
Probably because the air is toxic now.
And who paid for that? Do you think that everyone else is as stupid as you?
I would say because in America, kids are spending more time inside with their electronics and not learning to socialize. But in your poor country, kids have no choice but to go outside or stare at a wall.
“Trust the science.”
>faggot can't into quoting

I'm terrible driver. I got my license a couple of years back and it was a miracle. I still don't know how to do parallel parking, every time I get on the car I'm a sweaty nervous wreck, I hate every second of it and it never gets better. Not a woman, btw, I just fucking hate driving and it makes me hate myself. I'm not even American, if I had to drive everywhere I'd use the second amendment to kill myself. Any other anons with a similar problem?
Ask someone to teach you. Get one of the cones if you can afford it and practice putting them as if they were cars.
They will laugh at me for being such a fuck up at 26.

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How can I fall asleep inside my GF?
Me and my GF love to "couple". She lays on top of me, us facing eachother, and I stay like this inside her for 30-90 minutes, but eventually her hips give out and start cramping so we stop. We've tried other positions, but frankly I'm just too small to stay inside her comfortably other than the position with her on top. (spooning/scizzors don't work)
Are there any methods to try, and/or, sex furniture like picel? I don't wanna spend $800 just to test it out and leave it in a corner of the room. Plus if we manage to fall asleep on picrel often enough, it will just collapse right?
Help please.
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This is the pose we lay in. If we do it on the bed, she can last for 30 mins, but if we put pillows below us (so her legs can sorta drop down), she can last for longer, like 90mins or so.

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How do I stop wanting to kill myself for starting late?
starting what late
who cares, dumb nigger can't even be arsed to write more than one sentence.

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Topic related. Of ocurse I'm talking about sex and relationships. I have to give up yet my body/mind don't let me.
I can't go out, whenever I see a couple I get infuriated, sad, hopeless and I think about them for weeks.
I can't have it, how do I stop craving it so badly, are there some techniques to it or anything?
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Relationships are mostly about mental compatibility. If you were extroverted and socially capable, you'd easily find women. If it's not in your cards, then accept that whatever you had was just dumb luck and not easily repeatable. Don't torture yourself over unusual good fortune in the past. You are living your reality now. What was before was an aberration from what really should be.
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You could also try developing a distaste for monogamy. I thought long and hard about how people rarely stick to one partner and how it seems that marriage mostly happens when they realize that youth isn't forever and then settle down in panic. Monogamy is really not all that natural for mammals, and I've seen enough to disbelieve that it has anything to do with humans.
You basically set yourself a null hypothesis: "There is no way I can get what I don't have"
The only way to really stop have your craving is to test the hypothesis to the point that you have no choice but to accept the outcome with dignity because you have done everything you could possibly do in your power.
I figure at that point you wouldn't even notice the craving, because you've gotten so used to it, and you will be able to override it with the reason that you are 100% convinced that it is an irrational thought.
Why you cant have it?
>"and I think about them for weeks."
>implying you see no other couple for weeks
Do you expect your mommy and daddy to bring you home a stray girlfriend? Leave your house and touch grass!

I have rheumatoid arthritis i am 20 but it runs in my family so it's normal for me to have it i am always fatigued and tired i usually take painkillers to stop my hand joints from hurting but it makes me tired i have exams coming up and i need to study but i am very exhausted what should i do? And is there any medicine that can help? my doctor just prescribed painkillers
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Go carnivore
What does this mean?
Yeah i don't think i will do that
It means you eat a carnivore diet and are suddenly cured of many diseases that had you on eternal jewish medicine
Could you not brainwash impressionable kids with your alt-right conspiracy theory shit

I have a lot of panic attacks and intrusive thoughts and the only way I can cope with them is by being drunk, especially going to sleep drunk. I was an alcoholic even before this but now I feel like I am way more dependent on alcohol since I fear that if I stop being drunk, I will collapse due to my panic attacks and intrusive thoughts. I have no idea what to do, I know that drinking will only make my sober times worse but I feel like I have no hope, even when I manage to stay sober for a few days and try to avoid the panic attacks and intrusive thoughts, I feel like I have no reason to even try getting better, my life seems meaningless, the only thing which I constantly do apart from drinking is wagecucking, it just feels like I have no goals in life and if I start thinking of some, they seem meaningless, I have no desire to become rich or get a girlfriend or whatever normie goals are out there.
>le normies xD
Aren't you special? Cringe sperg.
I'm not insulting them, I just feel no desire for that kind of life

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Sometimes I cry in the bed before sleep or in my office and I need to close the door.
I'm already taking 4 sleeping pills to fall asleep.

I've never had sex, never had a gf, never hugged a girl, never held a hand, never kissed a girl and I'm already 26. I have low paying government job and because my autism, I can't get anything better. I don't even know how can I find someone, who would want to be with loser like me. I don't drink/smoke, I work out, but I'm slightly overweight and have teeth problems, I'm very clumsy, I have problems with talking and writing, because part of my brain is smooth.
Even if I had someone, I live in a small room (75 sqft) and I don't know where would we live.

No hookers, no drugs. Thank you for your help.
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You're welcome
you need to build immense mental strength and will have to accept working harder than others that's the only way bro no shortcuts or any tricks. I will be hard but you are stronger than you think. read can't hurt me by david goggins.
You won't. You can't imagine how many normal people are doing drugs. Both my parents trip and do things like ecstacy, they're both in their 50's now, nobody knows they do drugs, they are both upstanding citizens, my mum even has her own business. You've bought into propaganda, drugs are not what you think they are, and pretty much everyone who has ever done them understands that. If every single substance user was to stand up and admit they take illicit drugs you'd find it would be most people.
your brain is already damaged like you said
Autist here. You CAN get a girlfriend. I did. However, once you do, you will realize you are as empty as always. Yeah, being loved is nice, but it changes nothing.

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What can you do to make whiners stop whining?

I can't fucking stand the sound of somebody bitching about problems they're not doing anything about, don't WANT to do anything about, that I didn't cause nor could help with, just for the sake of whining. I hate it just the same way as I hate the sound of people chewing with their mouths open. It makes me want to do whatever it would have to take to make them fucking stop making that annoying noise coming out of their mouth.

In reality, if politely verbally telling them to stop doing that won't make them stop doing it, I'll just accept my fate and endure it, while simultaneously daydreaming about beating this person to death with a wrench to make it stop.

How do I make them stop, for real and for good, in a way that won't get me fired or arrested?
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I've tried offering solutions, but unfortunately it doesn't make them stop, nor make ME feel any better about it. It feels like peeling an onion, every excuse has another excuse underneath it when you suggest what they could do about the previous excuse for why they can't do anything about the problem they're whining about.

I tried indirectly explaining that I did not grow up in a culture where people complain about things, and I find it unsettling to witness a 50-year-old acting in a way that I would've been smacked for when I was five. He didn't pick up that I was talking about him, specifically.
>I've tried offering solutions
Don't fall into that trap. As I mentioned these people do NOT want actual solutions, they're using you as an emotional trashcan.
You're wasting time and effort actually thinking of solutions for them.
I have a feeling you're at the nuclear stage and should flat out say
>I don't care.
Or something to that effect, you need to make it clear and direct.
You CANNOT make him stop whining (especially since he's a 50 year old bitch-baby), but you can make him stop whining to YOU.
Just to add - if you don't want to be openly assertive/confrontational (even though you should learn to be) simply avoid the guy as much as possible, and cut off conversations by saying you have to go do x or y.
If he keeps talking , just repeat that 2 or 3 times. He'll stop.
I'm guessing this is a coworker?
I don't think this one was whining I think she was compliment fishing. But what you said still works in that context.
Hey I've known a few of those

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