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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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What would be the advantages of the A-7K in combat?
pure sovl
big dick energy

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Russian losses for the past 48 hours. Why is the T-62 becoming so prominent for them?
Sauce: https://nitter.poast.org/Rebel44CZ/status/1786699722763194786
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Its really fantastic that Czech can support Islamists instead of secular government only because it fits interests of US glowniggers
About 2/3 of ground equipment in service before war + reserves gone.
At the current pace, Russia will no longer be able to perform mechanized offensive operations by end of this year. Probably not able to perform any decent defense same time next year.
Of course, we might start just seeing (more of) North Korean and Chinese vehicles...
>Russia has obviously done the math
Nothing less obvious. The was is nothing but a horrendous miscalculation from Putin.
>these are quite significant in the case of killed and logistics vehicles in above average numbers
I suspect the further Russia gets from railways the more vehicles and convoys it needs to supply
The SAA did run out of tanks Russia had to give Syria parts for thousands of tanks and APcs as well as vehicles and open a Russian run workshop. It is probably hurting Russia right now.

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>France; 4 Aircraft carriers
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>Yes. Russia is in direct conflict with NATO, but NATO is not in direct conflict with Russia.
>This is the best way of putting it. The average Russian thinks they're in some existential war with NATO and their whole life has changed, the average NATO citizen's life hasn't changed at all and they probably don't even think about Russia on a daily basis.
Yeah, this says it exactly. Russia is undeniably and objectively on the war economy treadmill at this point, even if it's not technically quite WW2 or whatever yet they're spending a lot and demanding major sacrifices from the population (I mean, more then the usual for that shithole), even putting aside dealing with some genuinely pretty heavy duty sanctions. And while it's not massive yet, Ukraine starting to actually hit real stuff inside Russia is also having some effect. Russia is fullbore on the anti-NATO thing straight down to brainwashing children and having them draw and celebrate war gore and war crimes.

Agree with other anons though: the asymmetry is pretty wild in America. It's not a total nothingburger issue, I'd say Americans at least around here certainly know more about Ukraine now then Americans know about most foreign countries on the planet, and many maybe even most could point to it on a map, again unlike like most foreign countries on the planet. Granted, this isn't exactly the highest bar, but it has gotten some real attention and unlike the last pile of shitty wars the feelings aren't all negative, Ukraine is likeable and admirable which is a refreshing feeling Americans haven't gotten to experience much of since WW2. Still, it barely figures in every day life vs a million other things. Nobody thinks about Russia itself very much beyond general dislike, not as any sort of actual threat just as shitty assholes. Basically the same way we feel about rando middle east or african authoritarian shitholes.
>said as a joke
Sigh, if only he knew.
A very good question
my hunch is that they mistook the french having 4 embarked air groups for 4 carriers
the only other option would be them counting Mistrals as carriers but those are naval assault ships and the french have 5 of them so then they'd have to list 6 carriers

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let me guess, you NEED more
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>Some nerd playing dressup in all of his airshit
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all his builds are shit
I hope you changed the filter because the old Soviet ones will give you cancer
Bopita boopitynigger
I've got MORE, thanks.

It's for the vibes, standard issue side arms should be abolished so I can carry a C96 for the LoLz and Metal Queer larp into battle.

This is such a weird viewing angle so I can't tell if that scope clears high enough above the suppressor, I hope it does?

>get cancer in Chernobyl
>get cancer if you use gas mask in Chernobyl
Dang, god really did create Slavs to be the funny irony race.


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What is the gun you want to get the most, your Holy Grail? Have you already got it? For me it's the F2000. I just love how it looks but I doubt I'll ever find one of sale that I can afford.
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shot all these

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>but I'd rather have an HK PSG1.
These things are really overrated and horrendously overpriced.
Sauce: Know a guy that has one, it really is just a slightly upgraded G3.
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Made of solid unobtanium.

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Post some good ones
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Why doesnt the west pour money into beauties like these?

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Challenger 3 completes test firing
The UK Ministry of Defense has announced that the British Army's future tank – the Challenger 3 – has completed its fire testing phase. I will be including all media from this week = 23 files.
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>This turret in the future will be seen on the challenger 3(as a test bed) and will likely look completely different looking than the one in Ukraine currently
I'd seen CG mockups of AEI's 30mm Venom gun on a Midgard 300 turret. MSI's Terrahawk seems too heavy for that application
The whole thread acceoted yours ten posts back
Didn't Rheinmetal unfuck the chally?
With the UK trying to play worldpower in the Pacific again they need a robust army, which also includes tanks and artillery, to be able to enforce military power.

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Do take note my friends, these pensioners received humanitarian aid from the West in the 90s and their children were allowed into western societies, let Russia rot this time, expel back into that hellhole anyone talking for Putin, block them from western goods and markets and once they finally succumb to their own contradictions let them destriy each other.
May the fireworks for the Moscow May 9th parade be particularly spicy and indiscriminate.
What did the smoker get now?
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peaльный вaтник пpипёpcя или гдe-тo нa двaчe кapтинкy cпиздил paди (you)'s?

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Had the EMALS from USS Ford been DC instead of AC have fixed most of Its operational issues?
I think not, because you're going to need a giga capacitor to feed the catapult, anyway.
What are you drivelling on about now Chang ?
nigger OP thinks he is Thomas Edison

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Steve1989MREInfobros… I don’t feel so good…
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>What's with Chinese mre's and noodles?
Rice only grows in certain parts of the country. In other parts (particularly the north with a colder climate) you see more noodles or bread as the staple food since wheat, millet, barley, etc. grow better.
>poltard doesn't know what gmo is
How the fuck is salt unhealthy? Nigga just drink some water. Literally just maintain homeostasis.
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If you watch the entire thing you'll realize why he won't, at least not from Chinese ones anymore, probably, unless their quality somehow drops even lower.

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Terrorism Deterrence edition

Previous: >>61464388

Lying about criminal history = BAD
Lying about medical history = GOOD
Marine Corps = BASED
Intel/Cyber = POZZED

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (Short version)

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Whats the criteria for doing helicopter dunker training? Say if you are a supply reservist then they don’t do it cuz its more of a high-speed mos thing right?
>Whats the criteria for doing helicopter dunker training?
The helo dunker is unit and MOS dependent. In my unit, it's a deployment requirement or everyone and we have to do it once every two years. You get a little card certifying you've done it. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think a supply reservist will ever have to do it unless he deploys.
Wat? They can just change your job on you after you sign the contract? What's the point then?
Easy and chill MOS in the army that will get you stationed in Germany?
Will any mercenary groups accept oldfags? I'm 41 years old and by every metric, I've "made it" but I am finding it to be...unfulfilling. Call it a mid life crisis, the last chance to slake a lifelong thirst for adventure, the need to conquer an obstacle for the joy of the struggle, or a homeric wish for a beautiful death. Whatever.
I'm in outstanding physical shape, athletic, and excellent shooter, but I have no military training.
Will any PMC give me a second look?
Where do I go to get training, and will I need to lie about my age? Nobody has ever guessed my age fwiw, they all say early 30's.
Serious question, not a passing fancy.

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Reloading of RGB-60 naval rocket/depth charges to be fired from RBU-6000 anti-submarine launcher, that is installed on T-80 tank chassis, using commonly available tools: hammer to break TNT into small pieces and a wood log to squeeze/press the pieces together. And also use RDX from TM62 mine to top it up.

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Close up image of the M1150 ABV armour array released by the Russians. After all these years, it's still NERA.
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>open up western tank
>steel - rubber - steel
where the ceramics?
If someone were to put ceramics in a NERA array, would it cease to be NERA?
What did you think all armor was?

You didn't fall for the ceramic honeycomb disinfo, did you?
Clearly you havent a clue what you are talking about and its evident you are a fan of Binkovs Battlegrounds. Stick to the Youtube comment section.

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