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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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How does /o/ feel about Drake crushing a perfectly good Dodge Caravan just to intimidate Kendrick?

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What classic cars (pre 90s) do you know to be reliable and cheap to get?

Ford should make a luxury Mustang to compete with Cadillac, Audi, BMW, Lexus, etc...
Call it the Lincoln Cougar or something
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I've been saying for a long time it would be cool if they took a version of the ecoboost mustang and rebodied it as a turbo coupe. It also avoids the massive stigma because it's its own car as opposed to just a poverty fleet trim/unit mover.
I doubt it would be good in 2025 or even sell well, but would be nice to see.
ironically I didn't like my tbird but I blame most of that on being a fox chassis car.
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Bay shot for the hell of it
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They could make it like the Maverick. Offer it with the 4 cylinder hybrid; but have it be lighter with a larger bed and it could take the place of the old light truck market the Ranger used to fill.

Then maybe offer a GT version with a big engine that you could tow with and haul ass in.
The target isn't Mustang buyers. It's luxury sports buyers who would otherwise buy a Cadillac or an Audi or something.
People buying Audi are 0% cross shopping a Mustang. People who buy Audi and BMW and such pay attention to the brand logo first and everything else second.

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I mean let's be honest...
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Limiting freedom of movement is communist bullshit.
The key choice in the end is not to play, by not changing one's life one iota based on the ramblings of the daft.
If you’re a kike living in the NYC metro area, or a jeet living in NOVA, they’re probably right. If you live in say, Idaho, they’re very wrong.
It's hilarious because most of these retards haven't driven more than 60 miles from their parent's basement
That doesn't matter, we shouldn't go backward in technological advancement, ever. We should expect to get a range in an EV that is equivalent to a gas car or superior.

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Medieval Edition!

>Motorcycle discussion
>Carb cleaning tips
>EFI cleaning tips
>Steel Horses
>Mirror Removal Services
>Top Speed Runs
>Kings, Queens, Knights, Princesses, Princes

The Links:

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>tfw can't milk it
gun it
if you're fast enough you can pull a Jesus and reach the other side
hotdogs fit
is that a 230 or 300?
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It’s a 300

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>Nürburgring and its consequences have been a disaster for the car-making race
Do you agree with him?
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Checked after market throttle body injection isn't worth it.
it isn't
it's from The Seven Ups. nothing in that car chase was sped up at all
there's one point where the bad guy in the pontiac blows off a door and in the next scene you can actually see one of the camera crew diving for cover. the behind the scenes for the movie is pretty wild.
checked and based
No, I just know way too many people exactly like you
and your projecting them onto me

Do your friends know that you're a car enthusiast?
Personally I avoid discussions about cars lol.
In today's world genuine passion about something is mocked and ridiculed, everything needs to be ironic and sarcastic. So I try not to let anyone know that I'm interested in cars, lest people make fun of me for it.
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All of my friends are into cars and have their own shops.
Why exactly do you even care about what other people think of you?
Watch out guys we got a sigma male here
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>doesnt do any racing activities
>doesn't wrench
>drives an economy shifbox thats not modded to hell
you're not a "car enthusiast" you're just slightly interested in cars.

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What car do you drive?

How tall are you?
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Mercedes E63 AMG
69", BMW E30 325i turbo, Cadillac CTS-V wagon
God bless.
I'm 6'5" and have been admiring the new Z but I fear that I'm too tall. Might need to settle for a 4 series.
2022 Civic Hatchback, 5"5'
>even the other cars are taller than my car
you fit fine? I'm 5'10 in a G37 and my 6'3+ friends are cramped enough as is in the passenger seat

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>price of hydrogen tripled in a couple years
>massive hydrogen shortages
>stations would only dispense 1/3 or 1/2 a tank
>some refueling sessions could take an hour
>cars would literally freeze to the pump requiring a tech to come out and unstick them
>line for single hydrogen pump can get so long that it would block access to the gas pumps
>Mirai owners waiting there for literal hours just to refuel
>hydrogen stations are almost entirely all in California
>Shell is closing all of its hydrogen stations
>some people are left with no hydrogen stations in their city and have to take a road trip just to
>older stations can only fill a new Mirai half way because they can't deliver hydrogen with enough pressure for a full tank
>Toyota dealerships sold Mirais to boomers who had no idea what the fuck they were buying
>lied to them and claimed that hydrogen stations were everywhere like gas stations

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Funny if you changed a few words here an there it would still ring true of EV's

Hybrids and trad gas cars are still the future folks.
>1000 new DC fast charging stations were opened in America in 2023
You can't even do that because the Mirai uses a 10k PSI fuel system. Nobody is refueling these things at home because they would need industrial equipment worth several times more than their house
Those points apply more to gas cars than EVs. EVs don't even need stations, they can charge at home.
Reality is he didn't even read the post

Is this a good post divorce mid life crisis car?
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post pics of the thiccexwife
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love me 924S
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>i can't see my kids anymore and have to pay $2k a month
>i got off light
holy shit what the fuck did you do? is that normal in americanistan or did you molest the kids?
Wasn't able to, I bought the parts early in the year and didn't inbox them and do the work until the summer. My bank only allows 60 days for chargebacks and told me I should have checked the product sooner, so $1300 down the drain thanks to my own inattentiveness.
In the end I was able to reuse the header, tailpipe, and muffler while making a new exhaust, but I had to modify the hanger mounts on the tailpipe because the ones Lindsey welded on weren't even remotely close. Wrong shape, wrong direction, and located over a foot away from where the mounting points on the body were.

It's Friday. What are you guys working on this weekend? Blog posting encouraged. Wrenchlets need not apply.

Previous Thread:>>27534353
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Silicon pipes are more expensive than rubber, especially back in 1995. Rubber is "good enough" and gud enuff is the motto when mass producing something.
I say go for it and use different colors too, why not? Ask a seasoned mechanic if'n you're concerned. Post pics if you use different colors
My Grand Marquis blower motor made a clunk sound and died a while ago. It's easy to swap because the motor is by itself on the left side of the firewall. I installed the autozone version but swapped for the Motorcraft because the former had weak output.
I went to take the front end off an old f350 at the scrapper, 27mm lug nut crossthreaded. Next!

Got quoted $430 to put a side window on the van. Politely educated the gentleman on how i would like my testicles gargled.

13.5 in the van going 70 with the 18'er, towing the f150 to the field tomorrow, excited to see milage, probably no time to install injectors in box truck, they're ready now though
Got a cheap 12t press from hazard fraught, mostly to try and straighten stamped steel plates n shiet on my bird. Idk wtf im doing, but im having a good time.

Scored a cool 1g from the neighbor guy for doing brakes on his caddy and an oil change on his missus' armada. Easiest money ive made.

Hoping to get my body nicer looking and do a little autox next week, never been and i bet ill learn something if i get to run or not.
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Neighbor asked me to have a look at their 2012 Volvo XC90, as it suddenly had the "Anti-skid service required" message show up, aswell as the same message for the rear parking sensors. Only fault-code I could find related to this was a communication failure with the DEM (differential electronic module).

After some googling I found people having had the same issue, with the culprit being the rear electronic module (essentially just a glorified fusebox). After some multimetering I found that there indeed is no power to the fuses going to the DEM & rear parking sensors. With the module itself being damned expensive & the fuses having constant power I opted to put a fuse jumper in each of the two and connect those straight to the positive point going into the module. The anti-skid & parking sensors now work fine, but I expect further failure of the rear module at some later point

>1000 for a shade-tree brake job & oil change
Hell, for the owners sake I hope that then includes pads, rotors, complete bleeding, and oil + filter

What car to choose for 3-5 thousand euros?
Late aughts corolla with the 1.6 or the 1.4 petrol engine and less than 250k on the odo.
How's the climate? I'm going to shill for the convertibles anyway
cold,rain,sometimes sun
Any good?

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Goddamn /o/, I went off the deep end. I made a financially stupid purchase and I don't even care. I bought the best damned daily driver/grand tourer I've ever owned. Yes, it's a modern BMW, which I know is frowned upon here, but fuck, it's just so good to cruise around in it's not even funny. Even the wife loves it, and she's completely "meh" about cars. The B58 is a badass engine, and the ZF8 slushbox is great. I traded in my Manuel Mk7 Golf R and I don't miss it one bit, as 90% of my driving is highway commuting anyway. The difference in quality is substantial to say the least, the m240i is comfier and more compliant on roads than the R ever hoped to be. It's also nice to not have understeer-happy Haldex AWD anymore. Fucking thing even gets north of 30mpg on the highway despite weighing a gorillion pounds, it just doesn't make sense.

Keep your heads up, work hard, get paid, and buy fun toys. Whether it's a beat to shit Miata or a 911 Turbo, get something that makes you happy every time you go for a drive.
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it should be fatter. The other day I saw one of these on the freeway and it looked like it would tumble over if an suv sneezed on it
Some people have said that the G series BMWs have better steering feel than the previous gen F series (like your 235i) but I'm kind of dubious. Did your car have normal steering or variable ratio steering ("m sport steering")? Supposedly the variable ratio makes the numb, unnatural feeling worse.
I was looking at one of those and ended up settling for an 07 Audi A5 coupe instead, the miles are a bit higher than I'd like but I'm used to small petrols that don't last as long so here's hoping it'll be fine.
Literally the best torque converter automatic you can get
>literally the best tasting shit-sandwich money can buy
mine was a fully optioned out m235i with the msport package or whatever it’s called (LSD, etc). It was a great car let down by its steering. Other minor annoyances:
1.) clutch has a delay valve to help noobs shift smoother, but adds an annoying delay (unfixable afaik)
2.) Car is nose heavy, so not that fun to drive in the mountains. The i4 is probably a better but desu if you’re not wedded to the horsepower.

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polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish german
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it beats the evsister/icesister truckold/truckchad spam
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I'm polish and i never polish my flagship
I love that gran prix, my next car is going to be pontiac but i have only 2 options here.
7-8 gen W body or 4 gen F body, both V6.
How reliable are those W bodies, they rust much ? Parts are not problem for me, rockauto ships to poland faster then some shops ships inside the Poland.
Polish like Poland?
Or polish like turtle wax
Not that anon, but the only V6 worth a shit is the 3.8 buick, the 3.1 and 3.4 litre ones are kinda dogshit.
They're not unreliable per se, but they drink a lot without really doing much in return.
Rust is the biggest issue in those W bodies, they're not made for yuropoor saltshithole roads.
Also do remember that despite rockauto shipping to europe, you'll have to tax the items and that could get really expensive. If possible, order through amazon instead because they skip taxes by first shipping the item to an European warehouse and then sending it to you, thus the item was bought "from europe" and you don't have to pay VAT
i have '89 caprice wagon as my second car I help with restoring some old us iron like '72 rivera so parst are not a problem for me.
I mean many GM cars like f body or even dustbuster vans take slavland abuse better then many europoor cars.
Even northstar cadillacs still somehow spawns here.
Only down side in W bodies i see is that rear single leaf spring. But desu i never have problems with "GM junk" or even some chrysler cars. They are much more robust then many eu cars thats why i want one as daily. That e39 is grate but rear nivo suspension pretty much colapsed.
What's wrong with 60° v6 ? I know they are low on power, odls 307 in my caprice make like 140hp now sooo is not deal breaker for me.
Desu i wanted northstar seville but you can't convert those fuckers to run on LPG and gas is like 1,7$ per liter and lpg is more then half of that.

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