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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

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Official Website:



Livestream Tuesday, AS Yakumo and $A Bertrand incoming.
Previous Thread
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I doubt she'll ever get powercrept. Yakumo can get countered by Shade Null/Absorb, while Xianhua is only stopped by Magic immunity/absorb.
She also has one of the strongest battle starts ever, with +300 INT for free, basically permanent 100% Magic Crit, partywide Mental Focus that she innately maxes out on, and +50% Staff Damage for the party.
Horizon and Deletion are about equal, being MDef ignoring skills but Horizon has the higher ceiling with INT buffs and the extra hit from Trinity since it adds INT to EACH hit rather than to the final multiplier, being a potentially 7280% attack without even triggering the copy effect. Also she can't just run out of gas for her attack like Yakumo can if he spams Deletion too much without recovering MP. And Tesseract is an amazing finisher post-HP stopper.
Yakumo AS being a Prayer/Singer/other form of support unit is probably the best way for him to be strong, because Despair is still good enough to be relevant as a main damage skill.
Part II of what?
Probably Part 2 of the main story (which would be the Eastern arc) compared to part 3, the Hollow Arc.
In my opinion nothing has beaten the Western Mythos.
The Western Mythos was the best because they were willing to take their time with it. They had 10 chapters, which was long enough to give all of the characters time to shine, and plenty of time to let the plot roll out. It also gave the players enough time to make many of the locations (like Winged folk town, Atlantica, the Church) memorable. Future Mythos was just too rushed. It only had 7 chapters and just felt like they were throwing plot and characters at you as fast as they could. I think if it'd had another 3 chapters to help pad things out it would have ended up being more enjoyable.

Funny enough, I feel like AE tends to excel at the smaller individual Episodes rather than longer storylines. When the stories are short they tend to be fun. When they try to write longer storylines, they tend to fall apart because they don't pace themselves well. They need to either stick to shorter Episode length stories, or give themselves a lot more room like they did with the Western Mythos. Apocrypha ended up being a close second to the Western Mythos for me. It benefited from being composed of a bunch of individual Episodes, which were all solid.
Should I just break down all my weapon-specific resistance grastas? I farmed up the weaker grastas, and the enhanced versions say they're applicable to the entire party. Since I can put those on backrow characters like Uquaji, the rest can just be broken down to clean up my inventory, right?

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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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>power crept units with Bejita, Buu and SS3
Right, but those are worse than the 9th years. If you're skipping then skip it all, but if you are summoning for gameplay, anni hasn't been topped.
This is only assuming that you managed to pull Vegeta Buu or Goku. If you don't have any of the new DFEs, you'll be fucked for 9th anni content and will need the new units.
EZAs with anni friends can generally handle it. Luckily red zone has unlimited tries, haha...
>They will come back in 5 months
how is this different from any other anni? they always come back on tanabata. and that nigga takes 9 months to come back now.
Because the Tanabata banner is horrible due to it having 1000 garbage units on them. This time, they'll come back in January in banners with 10th anniversary units, which will obviously be broken, not on banners with PHY Broly and TEQ SS4 Gogeta.

>That Feel When:
-you didn't fall for the ACR meme. Nobody gives a shit about some badge you got for all that time you wasted grinding for.
-you didn't fall for the "Mii Meta" meme. Just a waste of rubies and an obvious scam to get you to buy more rubies.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mii Suit is good meme, that shit stayed at level 1 for me ever since I got because it never covered any tracks I didn't already have a driver for.
-you didn't fall for the LARGE HITBOX meme. You can do perfectly fine in rank without buying big karts.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mario is the best Driver meme. Game was already Over when he released, So he's useless, no need for investment in him.

Anyone who spent money on Karts & Gliders was a fool.
Anyone who spent money on Premium Challenge Cards was just straight up retarded.
Anyone who still continues to buy the Gold Pass for a game that's not getting any new content anymore, just...what in the fuck is wrong with you???

In my opinion: F2P games should stay what they are- Free-2-Play. I had my fun with Mario Kart Tour and will continue to do so until its eventual shutdown and glad I was able to do so without needing to empty my wallet on it.
I'll also always miss the Gacha aspect of it, felt good not being a Lucklet!
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I know who that is but what does ER* mean?
emergency room :^)
>so it’s very unlikely she is actually available in Mii Tour,
you say that but don't mobile games usually do stupid stuff like that?
>here is a character you can't use now but if you don't get them now you won't be able to get them much later in the future when they're actually needed so buy buy buy while you can now!
best tracks to grind tokens for?
I used one of the kalimari desert tracks where gold mario is top shelf for my autoclicker, but neo bowser city R is good for manual farming

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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He's a retard and a racist he doesn't read how the characters' skills work kekw
Is it true it's better to deal with arena later on the day rather than during reset?
Higher ranks farming you lower your rank anyway
Before reset is just the same shit as at reset
Just full on gamble silvina and reiner+tank into their side
Add mythic eiron to the chucklefuck cluster
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>Gain 100+ points, check a few hours later and I'm almost back to where I started today
>Accepted I will be eternally stuck in Legend 2
Welp I was hoping I'd be able to get the last set of gold essences but idk now.
I was hoping the "convert xp to meth" was gonna unlock once you get one unit to 240, not the whole reso hand

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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>I think those designs you posted look bland AF
Anon I just gave an example of what a 2024 game should be like. Forget about the design for a sec and focus on the graphics.

In Wuwa, where's the ambient occlusion? Where are the soft shadows and global illumination? Wuwa is missing all that.
>if i never heard of it it doesnt exist!!!!!
Because you are an EOP who never got the memo thay all the exclusive nip gacha like horse girls and heaven burns red have been the biggest ips theyve ever made since fgo
Holy cope, your country is completely irrelevant in the gacha scene. As soon as the horse money dries up nips will have nothing lmao.
You're talking to a 13 year old
The last 2 weeks is the rush period before launch, but to answer your question, most CCs are not finding interesting content to talk about from being lazy. They have access to CBT and a CC Server and they still can barely find any topics to discuss.
There are some CCs already making guide content. A guide for prelaunch to capitalize on hype and then another one updated during launch that will take barely any effort while retaining and building an audience. Honestly, you could start a channel today and be really successful if you have any intuitive sense.

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

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Always a treat to see new Dumpling art! It's pretty cool to see other types of food get a different Cookie OC interpretation like pic related.
>overall secretary work's tedious as it is routinary
Yup, almost always love a modest reference to Blueberry Pie keeping to herself in the Wizard City archives, holding pretty potent magic! Also that time with a stylish teacher fit for Blackberry during the halloween of a year before last year ago both are plenty strict! Kinda surprised you went with a Nastasia ref, heh heh! Anyways, looking forward to what you'll do with Crowned Cupcake, Dumpling, and Salsa plus wishing you the best!
>Abyss is supposed to be a burn meta
Thought it relied on the likes of Space Donut, Milky Way, Captain Caviar, Squid Ink, and Cotton to have a decent clear (but I was only able to manage reaching less than 100M HP damage, and went 9-9 on the dragon and avatar, yeah.
Hopefully it doesn't become either a convoluted system or something that is akin to a non-repeatable limited event! Too much artificial scarcity is one hell of a fomo, takes me back to being grateful to just nab the Sonic, the Disney, and the BTS lads in Kingdom, since they're not gonna reappear ever. Also noticed the audios for the crossover-exclusive structures stopped playing their audio, like with Disney's leitmotifs of their princesses, and the BTS music. Anyways, mighty glad those are optional content, and the last Town Square update, none of the Sonic, Disney, and BTS are available as avatars at all
Burst Abyss is just hard to land, forcing players to have just enough damage to not kill blobs is tiring...
in all honesty, abyss should be a giant fucking hp shield and injury thing
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Yep, quite a hassle to max him now, wished I got the mean grind on during the guild token days (maxed out only longan dragon and lychee dragon out of all the dragon cookies) They're quite a mean gem sink, heh. At least the storymode update got purple yam cookie as choice playables. The legendary sword pet I got for pitaya dragon is just at a meek level 2 so far
where is his wings

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>Guides and resources


>4/23 (Tue) Update Notice

>Dev Notes #7

The Reaper and the Gangster (Permanent)
Joint Challenge Deep Sea Guardian

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You lost?
is this here because the /vg/ bread finally died at page 10?
we'll be back in a few days...
join netori we are a top 20 guild

Nikke thread.
My daughterfu finally got some love.
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Does Crown's attack damage buff on skill 2 trigger on heals on any member of the team or only on heals to herself?
>every template ever
>unit I don't have + other unit I don't have + unit I don't use so underpowered + unit I don't have
Events don't improve mold rates though
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The logic behind it, is that you'll have a higher chance to not feel dejected from getting duds even if it's just 3 out of 10.
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where do people go to meet egg shaped women? where do they hangout?

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Did you summon for Mythic Loki?
Didn't need to. Got her on free roll. My Hortensia is happy.
deato gaimu
No but i did get nerpuz and veyle with ample orbs to spare for the banner
Would've preferred a Lapis, honestly.

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The New Year's event story's Epilogue is now available! Clearing it will unlock this event's Special Bonus Quests!
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fat boyfriends
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We need MORE fat boyfriends in vidya games.
I know Willie was released earlier than usual, was that also the case for toilet demon?

News when
When the cunny models are ready

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So, how does your favorite game stack up? https://www.darkpattern.games/

Is there any reason to get invested in mobile games vs normal games or emulation when the vast majority use any tactic to suck money out of players for a dopamine hit?
Thats easy. Modern gacha is just another live service game with constant content updates that you wont get on a single player game. I can progress during idle times and get to enjoy the content (mostly non-gameplay) it provides.
My fav game is not on the list

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>2 characters per patch
>They're both powercreep
Every time
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Xueyi is definitely the best remaining choice for you then since she uses break effect stats to deal massive follow up attack damage so she pairs nicely with Ratio
If you're pulling for Topaz in the next patch Xueyi works well with her too

Yukong isn't worth rushing in this case because you get a free copy of her already from the Memory of Xianzhou stages after you complete the story there
Herta lets you breeze one gamemode's early stages but that's it.
Plenty of elites being weak to imaginary so if you want to have a stable progression first, then yeah, ratio's a good pick.
Other autistic option would be to go all in on jingliu's banner before it ends.
I have started playing this game in late 1.3. I take breaks from the game now and then ranging from 3 days to a week.
Have Fu Xuan, Seele, Ruan Mei, Kafka, Ratio, DHIL, Swan, Sparkle and Acheron, Bronya, Himeko, Yanqing all E0, and finally Gepard E3.
Still F2P
No limited 5 star cones btw, only 5 star cones i have are Bronya LC and Yanqing LC.

I have realized that im not completing the last floors of MoC and Pure Fiction for at least 6 more months due to mainly one reason : the relic system of this game is pure ass and my luck isnt any better.
I waste all my fuel on this shit and it still doesnt give me even usable relics, especially on the crit DPSs.
Forget about SPD substat artifacts for supports, ive been camping the Longevous/Hackerspace calyx since January and I still only get shitty Effect Res and flat DEF on most pieces.
They need to fix this shit game's relic system or give us more fuel each patch. A weekly game mode like SU to get more fuel would be even better.
a few hours ago I tried to get Jingliu but after two Lynx I decided to give up since I don't have any of the support characters she needs. I'll focus on what I have since for now I'm much more interested in completing the numerous quests rather than the endgame modes.
Top kek

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Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
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Path to Nowhere collaboration will be happening in CoDM Garena according to Reddit.

Here is the new Lucky drop.
I dont know what Path to nowhere is. But its Chink only?
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>Garena is getting another collab after GFL
>Console duty datamine shows they're getting a fallout and motherfucking Gundam collab
>global has gotten dog shit after the GitS collab
This game makes a shit load of money we could use some global love
>This week tourney is to choose between big head blizzard or tpp isolated Blitz
Fucking kill me

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