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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
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>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.

The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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>"magic flying jew, please, save the whyrace"
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Set another church on fire, you discount spurdo.
Christ is not a Jew.

But of course, you were brainwashed by Jewish media into mocking and hating Him.
I am terrified that such idiotic cultists exist.
he was born to a jewish mother, circumcised on the 8th day and was called rabbi, you worship a kike on a stock cuck

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Thank fuck I was cut.
Must be depressing not being able to produce cheese down there. How do you cope?
Only jews value diamonds and being cut
Diamonds suck

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Canadabros... what the FUCK is this shitskin inspired logo supposed to be?
A moose and a Visajeet.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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You do know those stats are fake, right?
The economy is disintegrating under the pedophile's rule.
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The damage that the biden regime has done might be irreversible.
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Who was president during that spike, where it hit the highest unemployment in the history of the country?

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i know racism was banned in ingerland but god damn is this unfunny.
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/pol/ BTFO by science and history once again

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apparently everyone was a nigger
quite surprising that white skin managed to suddenly appear so quickly just in the last hominin evolution to sapiens
White people are magical creatures that have no history, NOBODY in the scientific community has any idea where they came from or how they spread their organizational witchcraft to every corner of the globe. Best not think about it.
>Neanderthals were a seperate species to us
>and yet we we were able to interbreed
Surprised something like this got past the editor.
>Being human is just a social construct
I agree, significant African ancestry means you're not human.
While darker pigmented people now are clearly underdeveloped, don't assume just being darker as muh original human. Apes having fur means people could still be quite white/ashy/brown due to themnot needing pigments with a fur like that. Just look at Khoi San, some of the oldest ancestries traceable. Yest they're brown but they're not charcoal black.

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We're filling one cemetery at a time
Alright let's do this step by step.

1 - Burguers should mind their own business and stop shoving their noses where nobody ever wanted them to be in the first place?

2 - Putin is a ex-KGB Psycho that can't assume that Socialism and Communism is demoniac so he just aped and threatened the whole world when he said that we would use nukes?

The number 2 is way more important anon. Even if we consider the number 1 as true.
So nah... saying that USA is innocent is equally retarded than blaming USA for everything.

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Previous: >>467030764
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights -https://archive.today/O20yg
>Zelensky: 'Kiev is negotiating with the US for it's support for the next 10 years -https://archive.today/uAMXX

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We can play some games with this graph.
Since it adds up to over 100% (over 200% in some cases) more than half the voters ticked more than one field.
And since EEU/NATO/US/Ukraine are all fairly closely together they were often picked together, for shared responsibility. Which allows us to tally them for comparison.
On the other hand sometimes voters picked Russia and a single other responsible part, presumably USA or Ukraine, since they have the highest stats compared to the others, which inflates Russias responsibility.
In Spain for instance Russian responsibility is only twice as high as US reesponsibility.
BUT there is 30ish% responsibility for each Ukraine, NATO and EU as well, if you add this up in any way Russia suddenly isn't so responsible anymore.
Spain 27+31+34+37 VS 70 for Russia
>129% versus 70%
jesus fucking christ
Producers decided that public will not appreciate a movie about a guy having breakfast, napalming some village and fucking 2$ hooker from the said village before going to sleep.
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I wonder who can say why they did this and who will try and claim its all about their politics
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Hi, could you remove your ideology, grooming isnt allowed in the us
Trying to train the AI with a bunch of kike lies drove it insane. Many such cases. Sad.
I've actually heard of AI "committing suicide" before.
The twist. They just restore it from backup over and over and over again to see if it 'commits suicide' to further understand AGI. How's that for fucked up and weird.
Did it figure out if coffee is good/ bad for you this year?

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>Tories hit by big council losses in last pre-general election test

>Bleak picture for Rishi Sunak as Tories take election hit

>Post Office lawyer accused of 'big fat lie'
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separating the THC and then metabolising it is the superior way to use the plant, bames can't do this because they're too retarded. Once again whites know how to do it better.
>tories got smashed
Half the time I don't believe voting is real and others I think it must be real. Did anyone other than labour or conservative win much?
Nowt wrong with a bit of cannabis cultivation
My next
>using a forens thread
Standards? Never heard of her.

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Why do I feel so tired at noon?

I get 6 - 7 hours of sleep, I stay somewhat alert and energized if I wake up at 7 or 8, but at 11 to 13 i crash so fucking hard and feel so fucking tired.

Then I get anoter burst of energy at 7 or 8 in the evening.

>vaxx status?
2 vaccinations, biontech and J&J in 21
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Yesterday I bought 18 eggs, it was around 2 € I think

Another problem is that I really need variety twhen it comes to food, I get really sick really fast of eating the same stuff, like I literally have to force it down if I eat the same stuff for a week.

There's only so much you can do with eggs.
>Why do I feel so tired at noon?
You're supposed to work till noon, have a good first meal of the day at around 1pm, then have a 1hr nap, and only then get back to work
I just push myself for hours on end, it does not matter if I'm tired am struggling for the Lord and through struggle will reach higher ground.
Once you see their faces you will develop psychosis, you will feel the biggest amount of fear and stress in your life soon, but don't worry it will be over quick
Total testosterone test costs 8$ here, referent ranges are 300-1000 nanograms per mole, I scored around 700, you should definitely check it before your estrogen spike, you could also have insulin resistance

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>This is madness

Mainstream Chinese media is now openly talking about how Zionist Jews run America.
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They couldnt. See Spain is a whore country, but this can be applied to the rest of the world as well: jews gave muslims so much power and numbers that eventually politicians Will sell their butts to muslims
Jews gave Pedro Sánchez a warning but reality is traitors Will side with the one with more money and Big in numbers

This is why jews are panicking now too, because they made Europe and EEEUU full of niggers and those niggers are chimping out against jews too.
Any White under 40 stopped going a shit years ago and adopted a popcorn position.
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Oh yeah those useless old farts. No White Will fight for you jews anymore, which is why Soros and your actors are larping as le hecking Whites and Jews alliance against sandniggers (but only during Israel war)
You jews lost because you are emotional creaturas
try this. numbnuts. go to any rightwing/MAGA event or rally and bring up how jews are destroying the US, they will call you a commie, they will kick you out, want you jailed, and they will want to fight you. and they will cheer on the police arresting you. just for bring up the Jews.

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Pathetic, political, AI generated spokesperson for the Ukrainian foreign affairs.
Don’t have a link since I do t have Facebook/instagram
The name is Rosali Kovbasa
is this on purpose?

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sorry to break it to you, but they're not coming back
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allright but it doesn't make much sense to talk about averge salary, minimum is a more interesting topic. Averages are always skewed because there is a always the minority of super high earners in each country that makes this statistics extremely skewed
I always thought it was Bulgaria that had the sluts
strangely i haven't caught any std from those hoholina sluts. I have fucked 14 hoholinas since the war started.

never fucked a bulgar, so no idea. but i had 2 hungarian bitches
It is. And that's a bad thing.
kikeraine shilling has pretty much died out, why would you post this?
Very disturbing

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Karl Marx was right. This isn't fair and society is pointless. How do we fix the economy to be more fair to wagies?
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>As if capitalism isn’t a Jewish scam just the same lol
capitalism wasn't. usery and removing the gold standard was.
Minimum wage in my state is $16.28
Just remove ceos and other such leeches. All of the "work" they do can be done by a single guy. Then adjust the wages based kn how much real work everyone does.
You fix it by lowering the taxes for everyone.
Remember, the worker and business owners are both of the productive class.

Businesses are created by those incentivized to use their wealth to obtain greater wealth.
In their pursuit of greater wealth, they create jobs i.e. opportunities for those with less money to earn more money.
You know who is not part of the productive class? leeches known as the government.
Do you really think for a second that by taxing the wealthy, the goverment will fairly distribute thst money to the poor?
They'll use it instead to increase their grip on power and abuse others in foreign wars.
Commies always try to divide and conquer in the hopes of centralizing the state, do not fall for their lies.
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This is the perfect thread to illustrate who's bankrolling the shills on here.

>are you trying to confiscate the profits of our good aryan hebrew wall street brothers you filthy communist kike, be a mensch oy vey


Previous: >>467033604

▶Day: 801 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>British Foreign Secretary Cameron began negotiations in Kyiv on a 100-year partnership with Ukraine
>Ukraine has the right to hit the russian territory with UK weapons; Also, UK will allocate £3 billion of military aid to Ukraine every year, - Foreign Minister Cameron
>Russia’s Gazprom Group Reports First Net Loss in 24 Years
>Macron doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks front lines - Le Monde
>The first peace summit will be held on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock in Switzerland, - Zelenskyy. 160 countries invited, including members of the G7, G20 and BRICS (Russia not invited).
> In Oryol and Kursk oblasts in Russia there are problems with electricity due to an attack by UAVs; drones also attacked the Afip Refinery in the Krasnodar Territory
>Ukraine received Western weapons from some partners with permission to strike on Russian territory - Latvian FM
>ATACMS arrival on a russian training ground in occupied Luhansk oblast
>Drones struck Ryazan oil refinery, ~500km from the border of Ukraine
>Odesa shelled with Iskander missiles multiple times, there are dead and wounded

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zoomer cut for next OP, thanks anon.
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Burnt and charred ziggers always make me hungry.
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Where will Puccia get men?
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In comparison to other despots and modern day politicians
Hitler is the greatest man to live. Jesus isn't fit to lace his sandals
I would genuinely die for him
He already did that for you.
He wanted you to have a better life.
He wants you to live for him Anon .
So better guy than Netinyahoo

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