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Are you feeling it now
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family bonding like this is illegal in joe biden's america
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Opinion discarded.
>outdated memes are muh culture
Is the cake also a lie zomg XDD?
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The comic book genius Ed Piskor (left) took his own life after being cancelled for flirting with the girl on the right. Why? Why would he do such a stupid thing? We are very, very close to major breakthroughs in human longevity, courtesy of AI. This man will miss out on potentially many centuries of comic-book making (maybe even far longer than that) just because he made a stupid mistake. Now we've lost one of the brightest lights in alternative comics, forever.
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>We are very, very close to major breakthroughs in human longevity, courtesy of AI.
If someone kills themselves, they are responsible, no one else. Anyone who kills themselves is clearly too weak to live in this world and so they do not deserve it. Let the people who can live with the consequences of their actions continue to do so, and those who can't deserve to die.
He spent his entire life wanting to make comics and then lost it all. He could have made a come back but he probably felt that he would have to start all over again.
Its tragic and should never have happened
This is obviously absurd. Mobs can 'break' people's minds easily and you've never been canceled if you think otherwise.
Ed's story is kind of sad.

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Dear God in Heaven, I want Blue Diamond.

I want her to find me while I’m on earth minding my own business and take interest in me, eventually scooping me up and taking me to the human zoo where I slowly become her favorite human. After this, the interest in me slowly grows, she becomes jealous when other women take interest, so much so she removes me from said human zoo and allows me to stay with her. One day she invites me to her bath, she’s completely naked, her large blue tits exposed. She sees me strip down and becomes interested in my male anatomy and starts to ask questions, which leads into questions about human mating. She wants to perform this with me when I tell her it can be for more than just reproduction, but can also be for fun. I learn then the Diamond is quite kinky in her ways.

After various shapeshifting, the giant blue woman pics me up and inserts me inside her newly shifted vagina, demanding I lick the inside, moaning in pleasure as she places me in and out, and like Blue herself is a rock….I’m also a rock.

Im Rock hard.

Please God, please. This is what I want.
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post her feet
This is the only worthwhile post on /co/ desu.
>Not fantasizing about Blue Diamond looking for ways to make humans feel good to make up for her past deeds, so you describe sex to her and she's completely into it, shrinking herself down to roughly human size but still tall, like somewhere between 2 and 2.5 meters or so, and then being utterly overwhelmed by how good it feels, getting addicted to sex almost immediately and wanting to fuck whenever you do.
What are you gay
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Blue Diamond is my favorite gem, by far

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enjoy getting raped by a skilled social manipulator.
That's not cynical. Recognizing that other characters have flaws and maybe aren't good people at all isn't cynical. Cynical would have Pomni be a piece of shit too, which she isn't.
Pomni is kind of a piece of shit given Episode 1 and abandoning Ragatha to visibly suffer for an extended period of time.
I really thought that Pomni was gonna see Kaufmo’s funeral and then request they have a funeral for Gummigoo. Maybe she wanted to hold off on mourning him because he might come back.

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Is there something in western animation similar to Strike Witches?
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Pomni was just a regular guy before he got trapped in the game..
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cool, get the rope
So terrifying and a hellish, clownish fate you can’t escape from?
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same here sis ^_^
i thought it was pretty nice that they acknowledged kaufmo in the next episode rather then forgetting about him entirely
this is literally exactly what its like anon

In an effort to expand his empire, Annihilus led an invasion army from the Negative Zone into the positive matter universe.
Avengers Disassembled
House of M
Secret War

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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This show is aging like milk left in a roach-infested attic.
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If you want non furry futa, check out Nyl.
God tier work.
Hooves-Art is the bomb, good lord.
They left their target audience.
Neat, but out of those only Screw does futa on male regularly. Futa on futa/female or male on futa does nothing for me.
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>futa on male
Why are you gay?

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What is the /co/nsesus of Vandal Savage?
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The boomer joke writes itself.
Iirc, ras was overwhelmed by vandals presence when they first met during I think the Napoleonic wars
>muh accordion tuh plan
Biggest cope from literally the biggest loser in human history
It feels like so far, Young Justice is the only piece of DC material that's properly done him justice, and even then, the excessive villain wank ends up ruining it. But its still probably the best example of what his character should be.
That but more inportantly do the flooding of the world thing Ras wants to do

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How woke is this show?
absolutely not
>Verification not required.
Define "show"
creator is trans, make your own guesses

Why is he so natty despite being just an old guy with powers that don't demand physical stress?
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Comic answer: Magneto was old then turned into a baby by a cosmic being then an alien used technology to turn him into the peek version of himself. This was also the justification for his turn to good as the old Magneto was evil from advanced age and ptsd.
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... You know, it's so hard to tell this show was made by gay man with an only fans account, I sure can't see any indication of that in the show at all...
Why does this feel so unnecessary and gay asf
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It's not xmen without some magneto eye candy
>self-loathing normie human hands typed this, craving his own extermination at the hands of the mutant he wishes he was

Jap mom with a ghost sword and a tight bod.
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>Mike W. Barr
Good old Mike, glad to see he still gives a shit.
>cultist garbling a Japanese spell
>disapproving language book waifu: you don't even know english
Takeo looking a lot more handsome here than they usually render him. Though Katana didn't used to be much of a looker herself, really.
Has there been any scenario were her husband just tells Tatsu to let him go & find happiness? There have been other versions were her husband isn't involved, but somewhere on the line it would just be odd that he's still in the sword, with the other spirits inside with him
The n52 Takeo in the Katana series basically tellls Tatsu she needs to get laid, but it's n52 Katana and Takeo, who are basically different characters.
Their thing is that they can't let go of each other, and the only way for them to be together is with something horrifying happening.

enjoy this is a snapshot from some stupid pbs leak groupchat im in they think im their friend but im just there to troll, they think they are elite hackers for guessing an employees password
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>enjoy this is a snapshot from some stupid pbs leak groupchat im in they think im their friend but im just there to troll, they think they are elite hackers for guessing an employees password
> Scissors sextape
okay fred or whoever the fuck you are, what makes you so cool to impersonate me with a fucking nothingburger leak, actually get real shit from PBS you absolute bitchshitter, also ps stop fucking posting degen furry shit you fucking neckbeard
>So many namefags in one thread
>Probably all the same person
and while im here, i may as well mention because you got me kicked out the groupchat, there's nothing interesting in that shit anyway, it is JUST PBS, no vncp, no coyote vs acme, no fucking wonderland, you're only doing this shit for no literal reason, like i said, go fucking get some real shit, no one gives a fuck about what you're trying to pull off, and by the way, i dont say snapshot you old ass hag, if youre going to impersonate someone do it right you fucking chronic masturbator

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How would he fair in the DCU and Marvel U?
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Gay doctor from AHS: Asylum and gay ghost guy from AHS: Murder House?
He's a biological Amazo or even a convoluted Rogue.

They will handle him fine since his way of absorbing powers is too bothersome.

Batman or Spider-Man could handle him, nip it in the bud with either no powers or ranged incapacitating attacks.

His tk is no match to comic book tk'ers, though J'onn has to break down in pain while probing Sylar's mind at least once in the story, during the exposition, it's in his contract.

He was only dangerous in a world with so few and so pedestrian heroes. His way of absorbing new powers is too cumbersome and his base set of stolen ones isn't as useful in either universe.
Shit, right now there's a multiversal Sylar roaming Marvel and he is much more dangerous: Carnage.

DC had Batkek.

Basically much bigger, smarter and more ambitious Sylars.
plus you gotta be really lucky to chop his head off to kill him (if you'll lucky enough to get close)

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Which one?
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Every Minus8 thread inevitably devolves into people arguing about pedophilia.
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Yes, but not as often as you'd assume.
Whether genuine or fake outrage, it's such low-hanging fruit so it's no surprise. I really wish that dumbass hadn't announced that to the world.
That Goombella is cuuuute
That's more of a worldwide problen that everyone posts everything about their life on the internet.

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