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what is Diora Baird's best kino ?
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so not the goods? who cares about such a thing
shows tits a lot and sometimes puss and ass but I think in all her years posting lewds she has just 1 video of her masturbating
and here it is:
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ok, what do I win?
The movie version of Captain Marvel is an irresponsible, violent, borderline sadistic space cop who goes around the universe blowing up planets and destabilizing entire civilizations. She is so ridiculously overpowered she almost serves as a metaphor for God himself acting as an absentee landlord. By a stroke of good fortune for the studio, the actress playing the part is an unlikable, narcissistic hag with big boobs. Had they embraced all this and leaned on it, they could have made a meta supehero flick with a rogue antihero that subverts the usual cookie cutter morality of this kind of goyslop and thus end up lending some semblance of depth to stuff that is literally written for children
The guardians movies are not really super hero films though. Marvel had a lot of genres that were in its universe that aren't necessarily superhero focused.
it is superheroes, they are just "le hecking wholesome mercenaries" that just decide to do the right thing while complaining about it but still do the same that a normal superhero would do, it's like an anti-hero but even more gay
>Firefly is a superhero movie
>Rebel Moon is ackshually a super hero movie
>Star wars is super heroes
Your brain is fried because you see Marvel on the logo and you automatically start cumming
Guardians is not a superhero movie, is action/adventure in space

Gossbros I'm starting to worry...
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You can't invent something that already exists.
your existence is a farce you low iq gremlin
make a good post i dare you moron
white people do that all the time
keep up
No we actually don't.
liberals lost the privilege of speaking for whites, sorry

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Excalibur drags here and there, but my god does it look amazing.
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I can't relate to a movie where every problem is caused by fucking.
I only remember the sex scene
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Captain Picard, Julius Caesar, and Richard Bucket.
Meaningless without Wagner

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pitch me a movie set here
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>luckily I'm immune to women. Doc calls it "homosexuality", some kind of mental illness. More like a super power.
i thought liberals were the ones who wanted to make 'walkable cities' though?
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human centipede 4.

what you're looking at is a single organism.

the warden's experiment was a breakout success.

the federal government is repurposing entire neighborhoods into single organisms.

warden is elected president of the USA and shouts insane things over loudspeakers installed in every neighborhood in the USA and then eventually nukes and destroys all other countries and turns them into centipedes too

outro with some soft music as he kicks back and smokes a cigar with the whole world as centipedes behind him
of course, it must be horror movie like this one.
is that... is that a society designed after a specific mode of transportation??!?!?!?!?!?!? AAAAA HELP ME MARX

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Is /tv/ looking forward to Apekino?
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needs full body hair removal
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she must have a hairy muff
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Great back.
Gay faggot homosexual
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she was cute in Baghead

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How is it possible that one tiny block of land in a peninsula make some of the best kinos known to man?
These little squinted eye devils give Hollywood a run for its money, honestly
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memories of murder
>dishonest filmmaking: the country
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i would choose irene at 24.
anyone who followed her back then knows she she looked better back then
castaway on the moon
Yeah, they lack the honesty of the MCU and movies with stronk black wymmin with ultra high IQs and super duper fighting skills.

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Series 3 out
Only 4 episodes?
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I don't care that it was outside the scope of a "car show", that terrorist assault skit was funny as fuck.
M chick and I watched last night but we had to turn it off when Caleb and Jeremy were bickering about building the dam.
There's a reason people take farming as a profession and not foraging as a profession. Clarkson will lose the competition.
>is why it's so heavily subsidized.
Its not subsidized because equipment or upkeep is expensive, its subsidized because industrialization means a minority group is now responsible to keep the country from avoiding food riots during SHTF.
As we much as we like to pretend its not like that.... supermarkets is one smaller event disrupting sea trade away from being completely barren from basic shit like importing banans. Or out of season fruits, or even trade wheat/rice vs maize and diary.

Its subsidized in such a manner to avoid a lot of the problems the competing state farming theory of plan economy. And each most countries tend to have unique solutions, its meaningless to compare them. What can be compared is what the subsidy intend, vs how it works.
A lot of the US way of doing it, is to ensure overproduction isn't stopped at any cost. Which ensures there is actually a market economy to handle the surplus. A lot of the policies are built on what happens when farmers during great depression had to forcefully hold back production to maintain normal prices of goods, to counteract that happening.
So that people watch half the season then forget about it
I legitimately forget to watch shows that have weekly episode releases, I think I saw 3 episodes of the last of us before just forgetting to turn it back on the following week, same with house of the dragon (I binged it not too long ago tho and it was alright I guess).
I didn’t see the last episode of stranger things season 4 until a year after it released because I forgot I was watching it.

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Miserable orientalism that makes me think less of the rest of his films.
All his movies are slop for basic millennial women that think liking Japan and The Beatles makes them alternative and unique.
I reject your claim, no woman has ever watched the life aquatic.
Yeah and Fantastic Mr. Fox is some overrated garbage too
Now I've been meaning to ask - what's the difference between overrated and annoyingly hyped by a very vocal minority?
I feel like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are overhyped. Most people will gush about how good they are and not be able to explain why.
Anderson movies aren't seen by everyone, but the 1/3rd of people who actually DID see Isle of Dogs were VERY loud about how great it was.
Is there a difference? Is it all just semantics?
much much better than Isle of Dogs

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I'm having a Japanese and Korean movie marathon this weekend. What are some good ones I should watch?
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Thanks man I got Inugami Family already, I'll put that on the list.
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Memories of murder
Pure kino
Spoiler for handmaiden, it looks like a period pice dram, but is actually a comedic like caper movie. Imagine like oceans 11 type of movie.
bad genius (2017) was supreme kino.
Great recs, I love both films.

Just downloaded but gotta find subs.
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If anime counts, this is a very good movie, and this comes from someone who isn’t really an anime fan. Feels like a classic samurai/western movie. Great main theme song too

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So how about making a movie about Tarkin and the rest of admirals in the Nuremberg trials, recounting their deeds, war crimes and the establishment of the empire?
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What made the Republic stable? The New Republic and Galactic Alliance didn't even last that long.
No, that's why I am asking. I remember seeing people complain about an episode that seems something like what OP is describing.
>The New Republic and Galactic Alliance didn't even last that long.
100+ years isn't long? Also they were fighting against the invaders (vong and sith)
If I was forced to come up with an explanation I would say that it was the perception that the Republic was stable that kept it stable. Without Palps orchestrating things do you even get the Separatists as they were? By the time of the New Republic people could look at how short a time the Empire lasted and how the Republic before it had collapsed.
in the Bane novels it's explained that the Sith were working behind the scenes to improve galactic stability by dissolving some nascent rebel groups, encouraging others to attack before they had gained enough strength. The entire goal of Bane's master plan was to take control of the Republic so he wanted it to be strong. So things were intentionally kept pretty chill for a thousand years. The pre-Ruusan Republic was anything but stable but it only really controlled the core worlds and some of the mid-rim, it was a much more humanocentric affair.

Why didn’t he let Tom Holland kill Green Goblin even though he’s also killed him?
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Garfield didn't have a bad first run, pretty much nobody has anything bad to say about his performances in those movie and focus is nearly all on how badly the studio fucked him over.
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He played it too quiet and gay instead of too awkward but masculine like Toby played it. But that can be down to writing too, I haven't seen them in years.
Otherwise I think he was a decent Spiderman but Toby is the current champ still.
Tobey played the best Peter. But his Spider-Man was too rigid and inflexible.
Garfield Spider-Man was very flexible and moved like an arachnid. Plus his web swinging was on point. Garfield was superior.
He was the best actor when he was in the suit as spiderman he was superior to Toby and Holland in that aspect, his Peter Parker was hit or miss, but that was more do to them writing him as some kinda cool rebellious teenager instead of a dorky kid.

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Simply some of the best camera work I’ve ever seen. Truly the best robbery
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staged, and would be even more believable if they were chinese instead of indian
Based minorities
cool baby!
hehehe it also suffocated

why did He do it?
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>For me,
I love when believers try to justify their beliefs with logic, they always refuse to follow that logic to the end. well then god exists, and everything that exists has a cause so there has to be mega god
jews always must play the victim card, imagine a """god""" who died crucified, there can't be anything more pathetic
>special properties that we don't understand".
Human history is filled with people presuming to be the most intelligent in their lifetime thinking they have the universe figured out. And time and time again they are proven complete and utter retards.
>bro the earth is flat trust me -smartest guys on earth at the time
>dude you cant fly thats dumb no one can fly -smartest guys on earth at the time
>hah you say theres invisible to the eye organisms that cause us to get ill? this guy is an idiot -smartest guys on earth at the time
so how would it be so obsurd that you dont know anything at all about our creation and purpose?

lastly, if you truly thing there is no purpose in life, theres no mind other than the human mind, then that would mean there is no inheritely evil or good in the world. evil and good is only what we as humans define, so its all relative, so therefore there is no ihnerit evil, so if someone were to kill rape murder etc its all fine, it doesnt matter. so if you want to be consistent with your views then accept that its fine to do all sorts of unspeacable things to people and it is not evil.
Except he begged that the burden be lifted from him if there were any other way and had a moment of doubt upon the cross (i.e. it's a suffering outside of time itself and not your mother telling you she'll take you to McDonald's after the dentist). He bore the weight of all human sin and was tortured by those he was doing it to protect.

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Here's one from bad boys for life

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