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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

>People that don't read at all are on average smarter than people whose favorite book is Fahrenheit 451
>Pedofags and incestfags fighting for the top spot
>"dumb" people are more virtuous
>He correlates top books on FaceBook by school and the corresponding schools’ average SAT scores.
Really useless chart. Also, incidentally:
>Griffith was arrested in 2019 and in 2021 pleaded guilty to conspiring to violate U.S. laws relating to money laundering using cryptocurrency and sanctions related to North Korea. On April 12, 2022, Griffith was sentenced to 63 months imprisonment for assisting North Korea with evading sanctions and is currently in a federal low-security prison in Pennsylvania.
Fucking based

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Is it wrong that I agree with this?
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>You can sin, but only if you fool God by exploit this small technicality
This is such a Jewish way of thinking.
Homo Faber by Max Frisch has F/D as its main theme. Can’t remember how graphic it was though
>as long as you are not producing children
In some game theoretical contexts, inbreeding can be considered the preferred breeding strategy. Suppose you have some harmful dominant trait, which results in a 50% chance of your child having the harmful trait. For some, a 50% risk is so high that NO risks worth internalizing any longer, and therefore the only things left to internalize are potential positive outcomes. In this case, inbreeding would be the preferred strategy as it enables the possibility of beneficial recessive traits, which are essentially unavailable when outbreeding. Simultaneously, the already small % risk associated with inbreeding ceases to even be a significant multiplier of risk when the baseline is 50%.

In cases like these, gambling on incest is statistically sound.
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I've yet to see a single romance book between a mother and her son that doesn't have cheating or NTR, them splitting apart at the end, or isn't pure pornographic smut. Please help me brahs, I just want a good wholesome biological mom-son romance, I can't find one anywhere.
>writes a 20 hour opera cycle about an aunt knowingly fucking her nephew

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bodies by the smashing pumpkins edition

previous >>23347157
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I’m not sure where I land I know I’m a cosmological dualist of some kind and abhor determinism which has been stated, other than God being only the determinant, I’m against materialism except for mathematic reasons.
I highlight passages I guess
Not usually but sometimes i make exceptions. Recently i started reading Water Margin and it helped with keeping track of who's who.
I'm not sure it would even be one of the major world religions. Maybe it would be a mildly popular gnostic religion mostly concentrated in the middle east and parts of north Africa, particularly egypt.
I just don't think Marcionism had the right kind of material to be co-opted/integrated by the Roman state.
Maybe it wouldn't be that because gnostic faiths were usually self-destructive.
Isn’t Marcionism distinct from Gnosticism though?

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Genuinely curious about you guy’s opinion.
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Pretty decent. 7/10 based off of quality of content and diversity of content, granted, I don't read manga much, so I can't rate what manga you have there on quality.
It got worse and worse the closer I looked.
NF/NP detected. Nearly every single author on your shelf is either INFP, ENFP, or ENFJ. One thing's for certain, no NT can stomach that much feels on one shelf. They'd need to have their stomach pumped.
>Did you find any interesting reads?
Pre-Sargon I would recommend the Kesh Temple Hymn and the Hymn to Enlil. Both profound and beautiful. Enlil and Ninlil is afaik the first fully extant true narrative, but it's pretty abstruse as to the specific meanings of some of the events, which may be due to the fact that their significance was merely local. Still interesting for the seduction and banishment elements though, and for the sexual encounters mediated by human participation, which is certainly open to all sorts of interpretation.
Aww, you get the +1 anyway.
...so, Ezra Pound. Any recommendations on where to start on his work?

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It's kinda hard to take him seriously when you realise how unoriginal he is. Literally every thought he has is just stolen from Jung or Dostoevsky. You could just read their works instead and you'd miss nothing.
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Trivializing the suffering of children because you have half-baked hatred toward a public figure is a sign of narcissism and your reflexive lunge toward unearned condescension is a defense mechanism. It's common in people who overemphasize their supposed intelligence to make up for lack of personality.
>give em hell, Netanyahu!
This is a thread about someone you seem to admire. *I'm* trivializing their deaths? Maybe I need to look up the definition of "trivializing" again. Stupid is, as stupid does.
>does it again
Yeah, anon. You're trivializing the pain of Palestinian children in order to abstract away from real world suffering and make an impotent attack on a media figure. Notice how I haven't bothered to contextualize it? That's because there's no point with someone like you. The pain and suffering of others is an abstraction you can attach to imaginary enemies that only live in your head.
So a man's contradictions have nothing to bear on the value of his other words? Peterson is a moralizer, and backs up what seems highly immoral. You're telling me I should separate the two things when appraising the value behind his words, and if I dont do this, I'm a projecting narcissist who's fighting with imaginary enemies in his head and using the plight of children to do it?
That is truly something else. Damn
>I'm a better person than Jordan Peterson because he supported Israeli leadership after a terror attack
>In order to prove this I'll trivialize the suffering of Palestinian children by pretending Peterson supports their destruction
Gross, anon.

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I've realized that this is completely true.
Every female character that people praise as being realistic is exactly like this.
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Based. The funny part is a lot of these good female characters it can only either go in two ways for women

>OMG le literally me!!
>muh soggy knees much?
Soggy knees?
>Libertarnism thinking in a nutshell
That movie was fucking shit btw. The female love interest should have fallen for him, not him for her. Just didn't make sense considering his character.
Also she was an unlikeable feminist jew the entire way

For people who didn't watch it: no, I'm not talking about the girl in OP's pic. That's a different character.

i'm starting a new degree and want to get ahead in the summer. How do I retain information? Or should I just read without annotating, noting elsewhere etc. What do (you) do?
Notes, highlighting and rereading are proven to be less effective than little quizzes with spaced repetition. The sweet Spot is when you struggle a Bit to remember, which means long term memory formation is activated instead of short term. Most PPL do the quiz too early and develop false Sense of security. everyone has different optimal Intervals.
t. most recent self Help books

Why do people like the Greeks more than the Romans nowadays? Normies still read the Iliad and Sophocles but not really the Aeneid, and especially not Cicero or Horace or whoever else. 100, 200 years ago, the Romans were definitely way more popular. I read an anon on here who claimed:
>I have heard that the opposite of this phenomenon is why Pindar is such a niche poet nowadays despite being universally seen as the greatest of all ancient greek lyric poets until very recently. In general the greeks seem to resonate far better with your average upper-middle class urban western liberal than the decidedly rural, puritanic and practical romans.
Do you agree?
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Outside of a few poets, Greek thought outstrips it by a vast margin. And what is of interest in Latin from post-Rome is peregrinating around what was already there in the hermetic/alchemichal et. al. source materials from the Greek.
You pose an interesting question. I would even say that the Romans are not necessarily overlooked. The Romans more or less copy and pasted most of their ideas from the Greeks, and this is not intended with any barbs since a considerable amount of post-Greek western material has sought to do the same thing. Looking at the what is emphasized on this board there is mostly interest in the Roman Stoics, and even the often here beloved Epictetus could not avoid gushing over Socrates and responding to Epicurus in nearly all of his works. Some Roman material is also more on the dry side, which is not to say the Greeks are bereft of some boring or obsolete texts but rather the nature of the Roman empire made it a necessity to integrate successful operational aspects of other cultures which was always seemingly at odds with its own agrarian diehards, you can look at how Gratian came to power for instance and this is just one example. The foundational myth of the Romans was sort of plain by comparison to the Greeks, Romulus and Remus were tit fed by a female wolf and launched it off, a fair amount of their earliest societal influences show considerable Etruscan presence. The golden age shows considerable Greek influence and once you get into the years of decline the influences become more varied and convoluted. As far as Cicero goes he could honestly be the apex of Roman thought, and I mean this in a transcendental way, some of the most influential politicians, revolutionaries, and statesmen in history have all used Ciceronian thought to considerable benefit. Even the Catholic church in the heyday of its kill or assimilate all pagan thought phase deemed him to be a pagan of such high esteem that he was above reproach. His influence on the movements that have led to the peak of Western civilization is frankly stunning and there may not actually be any other single individual who can be pointed to that has had this much influence. I am not opposed to a Pompeiian approach in this regard and if you like we can flog the people who do not like Cicero.
Doubt it. Cicero was the Ben Shapiro of his age.
I would also add to my post that the current mood and climate of the countries that have benefitted from him the most has taken a decidedly anti-Ciceronian turn, which is likely why he is no longer as widely esteemed. For now.
The problem with Cicero is that he was an apologist for a republic that by his time neither existed anymore nor was worth saving from most people's perspective. Aside from his own social class, of course.

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we got archived where are you guys at edition

dead: >>23318368
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But that is John Jos. Miller anon, not GRRM
same phenotype, no one can tell the difference
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arya was talking about sansa here
which of the starks do YOU think are going to reunite first?

How to write a story?
You just do it. Tension, tension, denouement. Don't be a fucking idiot.

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How did she do it?
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He is an old man. Everyone's entitled to going a little nuts toward the end of their life.
I'm mainly concerned about the doll. But whatever, if we discount him for that then poof to half the great artists in history.
She got high on Shakespeare and the KJV and stayed high for over 20 years; she seemed to have an innate understanding of, and talent for, verse and poetic thinking, the former of which she was able to cultivate rather quickly entirely untutored.
When I first read this poem of hers, I thought it was describing an actual battle. I only realised later that it's a metaphor for a very red evening sky. Honestly, I think my misinterpretation made it a better poem:

>Whole Gulfs—of Red, and Fleets—of Red—
>And Crews—of solid Blood—
>Did place upon the West—Tonight—
>As 'twere specific Ground—

>And They—appointed Creatures—
>In Authorized Arrays—
>Due—promptly—as a Drama—
>That bows—and disappears—

Any recommendations on that account:
I picked up Princess of Mars - hot damn a planet where women don't wear clothes? sure I will read that.
Except the girl is barely in it. Nice action, but I've read so much fantasy action, it doesn't move me anymore. I checked out in middle of second book.

Tried out Gor - that's supposed to have ton of sexy stuff. It kind of does, I like the world building and I like the action and it has a nice amount of lewd... but the author just keeps repeating himself so much with the maledom fetish. Every dialogue between a man and a woman is the same. 3 books in I am at a point of "oh god, MC is talking to a woman again... skip." And than i remembered - aren't I slogging through this series for the lewd, and now I am at a point where I am skipping every scene involving a woman? Dropped it somewhere near end of third book.

Had fun with some modern harem stuff - Good Intentions series by Elliott Kay, Daniel Black by E. Williams Brown.

About than started getting fed up with OP MC trope which soured me on every other harem I found.
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Have never really seen anything in that lane. Closest ones I know of

Sarah Hawke's Amazon Pledge series.
Its not femdom literature, its a harem of 2 girls and one guy, but one of the girls is domineering in a teasing way. The main antagonist in the series is a cult of women assassins that empower themselves by capturing male sorcerers and draining the magic from them by bleeding them. One of those assassins decided that she prefers getting her magic via more humane ways that happen to be pleasant for men.

Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind has 2 or 3 episodes were things go heavily into femdom. In general it has a lot of coomer fanservice.

There is also smut works like The Easily Defeated Hero’s Monster Girl Adventure by Clover Amanda
That's femdom, but its the kind of literature that probably started on literotica or a similar site
porn is gay.
Why would I want to watch some other dude fuck girls? I prefer books where I can self insert into the hero that goes around fucking girls.
>Sarah Hawke's Amazon Pledge series
This sounds awesome. Thanks, anon.

self published online series
I've only read half way into the first book, I don't remember any explicit femdom, but the series is built on a very femdom premise.

An alien empire shows up on earth, and its an empire of blue skinned hot babes called Faye. They give Earth an ultimatum: "surrender or get conquered", the planet governments chicken out at fighting against a space faring empire and surrender. The Faye come down and establish feudal control over the planet they are psychic and can read human thoughts so they are able to quickly filter through the population and pick out every cell of resistance and opposition and turn the planet into a agricultural and resource extraction world, with all humans under the boot with no hope. No way to organize any resistance against a technological superior overlords that can scan the thoughts of any human they see at leisure.

And the story is about a guy who is able to resist the scans and he goes from zero to don't-want-to-spoil-it.

The bits I remember - the Faye are very into public nudity. They don't quite go naked in public, but they strip at the drop of a hat. Also sexually aggressive and no problem picking out human guys to use as their playthings.

That all said, I don't remember anything very explicit aside from mention of naked blue alien girls.
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What are the best mysoginistic fantasy/sci fi books? Books where women are submissive and docile?

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"Grandpa's story time" edition

Previous: >>23338313

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fuck you
>The thirty foot wide canal became a blinding white sheet as the sun reflected across the water's surface.
>The sun reflecting across the water's surface turned the thirty foot wide canal into a blinding white sheet.

Which one do you pros prefer?
Finished writing my story, got 100k words but now not too sure on the editing process. I've completely deleted 4 chapters/12k words to rewrite but other than that don't know what else to look out for
Make the sentences sleek and sexy by taking out fluff words.
Second. But I guess it depends if you want to focus more on the canal itself than the weather.

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Some people laugh at things we're not supposed to. That is the difference between heaven and hell. I laughed HARD when I came to 4chan, such as Sammy classic sonic fan, Nazi Germany, reddit memes, funny macro images, fedora boy gets the girl, tails gets trolled, and Nietzsche philosophical trolling. In fact the only reason I am not a Christian is because 4chan got in the way and there was no religion board. I enjoyed shit posting and saying what I felt stupid shit comes out of my mouth. People don't even laugh when they come here they get a snide smirk and that's about it.

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