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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Too many scoops edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For tubs of lard who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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>Most fat people I've seen drink soda and eat potato chips
Which proves him right, like 95% of the calories in potato chips is oil, potatoes themselves are pretty good calorie wise and a relatively good thing to eat while losing weight
last couple weeks were shit but this week was great, 1.8 kg down
based anon
Yeah but he specifically brought up potato chips as something people are typically not getting fat from lol
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6 kilos in 2 months, part of it water weight obviously.
This time it will stay off

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How the fuck did they look like this before roids were invented?
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There were no efficacious steroids available for bodybuilders until the mid 50s and they did not become normative untill the 60s.
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Lmao at this sperg. That hercules statue is clearly meant to protray a +6ft4 dude, look at the head to body ratio. You can't just resize him to fit 5ft6 Sandow. That's like saying Randy Orton is dyel compared to Greg Doucette
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>How the fuck did they look like this before roids were invented
>posts the image from when roids were invented
Are you fucking retarded, cocksucker? Roids were invented shortly after WW2, retard.
Fuck, you're so fucking stupid, I want to cave your nigger skull in.

For the rest of you: this is what the peak natural phisque of a genetically blessed man looks like. This is what was considered the literal god level of phisque and strength. It's just that you have to dedicate your whole life to lifting and eating clean to look like that, haha, no big deal. And then every roidhead is going to mog you anyway after two years of casual lifting and blasting tren
He didn't know what a bench press was btw
It wasn't a popular exercise at all actually and his pecs are pretty evident of that
both protocols in that study were multi set training
>The CON protocol consisted of 8 sets (4 sets
of unilateral leg press followed by 4 sets of unilateral leg extension exercise) of 9 –12 repetitions of resistance exercise to concentric failure with a 2-min interset rest interval.

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if you have this DO NOT GET TRT you can double your testosterone just by fixing your balls
>inb4 i don't have it
70% Of the male population has it you probably have it too
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How big are y'alls balls? According to the lambert formula I'm sitting at about 42cc a nut. Kind of wish they were a little bigger, desu.
Just don't get on TRT anyway. Big balls, small balls, high test, low test. Doesn't matter. Either be a natty or fucking blast. HRT is midwit, mid-tier, midway between based and based, bullshit.
my left ball is a huge bag of worms and my right ball gets sucked into my abdomen when I jerk off, there's no fucking way I haven't lost out on test as a developing man because of this shit
is it even worth fixing now at 29 or does it not matter anymore. I remember reading that the most effective surgery for it where they put a little stent in one of the veins by your kidneys is effective but then you can't ever really stress your heartrate afterwards with hard running or high intensity squats/deadlifts, which sucks because I mostly do maratroon training now
>I jerk off, there's no fucking way I haven't lost out on test as a developing man because of this shit
Yeah, stop jerking off
Man I've got a cyst there, need to see a doctor

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No source talk
Read the Reddit wiki
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To be honest doctors don't know much about anything. If you ever have an issue that's more intense than a headache you are just fucked until you find the right specialist. Even then the specialists sorta just go through the motions and do whatever copy/paste surgery or treatment they always do. Like if you have a rare symptom that only happens in 2% of people with your affliction they will short circuit. You basically have to research and diagnose yourself, then haggle with your doctors for the correct referrals. The most annoying part is bringing it up in a way that allows your doctors to preserve their ego. If you're upfront about it they will shut down and try to diagnose you with something else to prove they are the doctor and not you. I don't know what these stupid faggots do in medical school for 9 years but it doesn't work.
I paid 100 € for 1 hour and a maximum of 2 ejaculations. 10 minutes were lost due to negotiating and she took a little break inbetween. It was a waste of money, but i plan on going there again soon.
Not a sourcing question!

Is the *brand* driada medical legit? I'm not asking about where to buy from them, just if their products are good quality.
Their shit is overpriced, their support are brain dead fucking shitskins who barely speak english and they use scam sites for payment. Do not order anything from them.
I thought it varied based on resellers. I'm paying with crypto, so I don't see how the payment processor matters. I don't need any support anyway, and I don't really care about price.

Which "brand" is the best quality, if I'm not concerned with these facts and are paying with crypto?

Gomad edition
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lovebombing much? cringe and manipulative. maybe you really do have woman brain
low key i used to be really hostile @autism but it's honestly not that bad if they're aware and acceptant of it
they're punching bags that don't go down
Is this the power of angle that femoids abuse constantly?
At some point you have to admit that mindless scrolling half naked muscular men is a little bit gay to say the least.

What is the most important life lesson your /fit/ journey has taught you?
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women were meant to have massive, meaty thighs and it's a shame they all don't realize this
Squats and oats
I hear a British man say it when I read it lol
The most important life lesson is that being "vulnerable" with women is always a mistake.

The fundamental truth of human beings is that this is all one meta narrative war. Our brains literally were not wired to give a shit about truth. Who you are doesn't matter; who she believes you are does.

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New research is in!

Well /fit/, how do you spend your days? Are you scientifically healthy?
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Sleep- 9 hrs
Lift- 3 hrs
LDAR- 12 hrs
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>4 hours of activity required
>2 of which need to be intense
9to5 office job really is designed to fucking kill you
8 hours work (your getting 8hrs right?)
8 hours sleep
8 hours free
if you cannot manage those 8 hours to achieve your goals in you're a subhuman IQlet, i suggest spending less time on 4chan
You're retarded and clearly have never worked in your life. Do you just teleport to work exactly at the beginning of your shift? Do you teleport home exactly at 8 hours being on the job? Technically 9, since companies give you an hour of unpaid lunch. Then you have to cook your meals, shower, all the other little things. Not sure if trolling or actually double digit IQ.

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Is getting a dog as a running buddy a good idea? I heard alot of breeds have really good endurance and speed when it comes to sprints.
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Yeah but shitbulls are the niggers of the dog breeds

In my high school there was this weird 4channer kid me and my friends used to bully and mock. He was really weird, but not necessarily a bad kid, just a bit of a jerk to some people and some kind of oddball. But me and my friends were just assholes and took out whatever we felt on him and never thought of him as a real person. We would annoy him by pretending to be black, I remember he showed me a 4chan screencap saying that bullying is brown people behavior and he was struggling with suicidal thoughts. And I would call him a "faggot" and "retarded", along with me and my friends pretending to be black when we would act like he was being racist when he said something like "shut the fuck up, nigger". But at that point he wasn't really a nigger or a faggot, those words just sounded funny to us.
After high school we all kind of matured and moved on with our lives, except for him. Now I look back and see that this was a very mean thing to do and I feel very bad about it. I'm not sure if he knew that we were just assholes or not, we just saw him as a target. Maybe this has been hard on him and I feel bad for it. I don't really want to contact him now because I know it will bring up a lot of shit that happened and I don't want to hurt him more. I still kind of feel like an asshole for it and I still look back to that time.
But I do want to tell him I'm sorry. I think about him and I wish I didn't do those things to him, I hope he can forgive me for it. I hope this hasn't been hard on him, even if it was he probably deserved it but it's still my fault. I just say, if you happen to see this, I am sorry.

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You know the drill
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fuck you nigger
I met a guy at my gym that lives in an old van he bought for 2k. He only uses it to sleep and to store his stuff (mostly clothes). Our gym is open 24/7, every time he needs to shit or shower or shave he does it at the gym. He charges his phone/power banks and a laptop while he works out. Most of the time he's parked at the gym parking lot to use free WiFi. Our membership is only 15$ a month. He works at a restaurant, so he doesn't really have to spend much on food, and they let him use the kitchen after hours if he really needs to cook something for himself.

I hate myself for being a neet when I was 18-30, I really would have liked living like that and retiring early, or at least building some capital.
Oh no
I’m almost exactly as fat as left
And I fear having loose skin like right
Big sad
Not to be mean but using jormal and not modern western stanadrs giu are definitely overwheight. Not fat, ut overweight. I can tell just from your cheeks, neck and upper chest in that photo. Try to eat less and you'll live longer and be a positive role model for your patients.
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Female nurses ARE ridiculously easy, and some are hot and still easy, but an alarming amount are fat and very very few are totally sane. The sexiest nurse I ever worked with had a tiny waist, big DD tits, and only lifted for lower body. She also only fucked black men or her superiors for favors. Her sister looked exactly like her- but easily 100lbs heavier. Still, most architects would happily.

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Why aren't you leanmaxxing you fucking retard?
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I've been lean my whole life. Trying to get some muscles now. Bulking scares me tho

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Should we be allowing it? What does /fit/ think?
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she could weigh less.
like 40lbs at least, less.
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>Should we be allowing it?
>What does /fit/ think?
I don't like girls that lift weights.
Cardio bunnies are my jam.
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Id call u gay

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
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The saddest part is hes the only non fat poster
Didn't he hit 8:30 shortly after? Almost like cardio can be improved rapidly from an untrained state. Inb4 cope
Here, an analogy will help. If he failed a sub10 mile and the next week hit an 830 mile, that's equivalent to failing a 2pl8 bench and next week hitting a 2.5pl8 bench. Understand now?

He told the truth about failing. He got made fun of for being an out of shape fat fuck, and then lied about his number. Evidence? The rate of alleged improvement coupled with his history of exaggerated progress (often in contradiction to his own video evidence). Remember when he claimed a 500 lb squat?
At last I truly see
not really, thats equivalent to failing 20kg bench and then hitting 30kg which is easily possible

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>see a youtube short of a father working out with his young son then cutting to them a few years later and his son is a ripped teenager, still working out with his dad in the garage
>realize I'm 35 and my gf wont marry me and even if I had a kid right now I'll be 50 before he's a teenager
>start crying
anyone had a similar feel? I imagined seeing my shredded son pressing more than I ever did and even fantasizing about that made me feel fuzzy and delighted... I guess it really is all for nothing if you don't have kids, huh
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Having a kid very young is often a sign of either religion or bad decisions or both but having a kid in your late 20s sounds ideal. If I have one much after 30 my own parents will be 80 by the time a kid would be 20, aka barely any time of being an adult and knowing them which sucks
My dad was ~50 when I was born and things are pretty good. He'll be ~70 this year and he's still got it. Still damn strong, goes on long hikes with me and the rest of the family. Saved my ass plenty of times. Most people don't even realize his age. I wouldn't stress about it too much.
>Girlfriend should be desperate for marriage at this age and she still won't marry you

Dude at best your relationship is over, at worst she's actively fucking other guys and waiting till she finds the Goldilocks cock to jump ship.
If she's a 7/10 or better, this is what's happening.
If she's a 6/10 or under, she's trying to make that happen or she's delusional.

Does she have alot of activity on social media? If so, she's been corrupted after being bombarded for years with the message she is strong, powerful and bold and she thinks she can do better.
Statistically, it's unlikely your kid would give a shit about getting shredded.
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early 20s is ideal people live too long nowadays and get too complacent

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