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Would The Master make a compelling villain if he were to feature in a Fallout game in 2024?

And then one day… For no reason at all…
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My money? What money?
>Every main girl in HI3 has a Yuri pairing.
You are trippin or must've dropped the game early. The only yuri pairing is Kiana and Mei.
>pure mental illness on display here
Dude, you want playing a game just because you hate a the other retarded fanbase.
That's pure definition of insanity.
gacha tribalism has to be one of the most retarded things you can spend your time on
>if you like the game - play it
>if you don't like the game - ignore it
ever thought about that?
Masochism and a mind that is predisposed to sexual satisfaction via the concept of hot things rather than actual sexual acts

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What's your favorite city from vidya, /v/?
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it's literally in the filename nigga
Novigrad. First time entering the city and getting lost in its streets was one of the biggest "holy shit" moments I've had with videogames ever
Also Dunwall from Dishonored, maybe it doesn't count since it's not an open world city, but still.
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>maybe it doesn't count since it's not an open world city
Why wouldn't it count? It's a city from a video game, there's no "has to be open world / completely unrestricted for exploration" goalpost here, anon.
Cool as shit setting, unfathomably boring non-game
Unity's Paris

I don't get it the praise for this. I forced my way to episode 6 and still don't get it. The cowbow dude is the only good part honestly
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90's popculture>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>modern "culture"
you do understand that

>there are many stories that you can tell in a post-post nuclear apocalypse setting
>you can choose any other place that is still a wasteland as a setting for the story
>you can set the story near the bombs and not 220 years in the future

but they are too lazy and retarded and so they ruined 3 games of the series
>original game, singular
>immediately starts nitpicking the dumb sequel
>yao means onions sauce, want, and demon in chinese
tf is wrong with chinks
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>it's not for me
It's not the end of the world and no one really cares, just watch this

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>right click starts double clicking
So what is the current status of gaming mice?
I haven't bought one in 5 years. Is the Logitech G series still good?
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If you bought it off aliexpress, its not a logitech mouse lol
What mouse? Most only have 1 or 2 on the shell and maybe another 1 to hold the board.
> Razor doesn't double click.
Bitch plz.
>spray water into it to stop it corroding
at least use a drop of 3 in 1 instead
Im still using wired mouse and I will use it into my deadbed.

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Freeze! Put your fat cocks where I can see them!
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faggots here can't even figure out what to do even with the yellow paint so I guess it's necessary
I thank the Mother Sphere for her guidance
>Raven suit increases booba size
i don't care
that's like complaining about red barrels
You are so smart can I suck your dick for how smart and good you are at games?

>western fps game
>enemies are communists or heavily coded to be communist
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It was always good it's just easy to bash popular thing for being popular
Black Ops 1 is peak
Call of Duty developers has contractors working for the Pentagon.
For me it's Cold War
Don't you have some faggy pro Palestine protest to smoke weed at OP

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>just watch porn
has anyone refuted this yet?
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simple as

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or live long enough to be the villain.
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congratulation with assuming so many random things. Never play? Masturbating all day? NEET? Reddit?
You are a special boy, aint you?
So the rootkit botnet can harvest your data at the kernel level.
Made an account to do that like once years ago and never bothered after that.
I don’t see many people defending Sony, I mostly see people calling anons angry retards or saying who cares, so I assume the people actually are defending Sony are just shitposters

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Come home, former Helldivers.
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Right but if it was cheaper it would be much easier to get people to give it a chance and realise that it's great fun.
like anon said, $60 for 200-400 hours of gameplay is good value
EDF6 is a direct sequel to the events of EDF5 so. The rest are all different timelines
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You need to SHUT UP and smell the coffee, anon, no one cares about your garbage ass nipslop.

Here's the reality of the situation: NO ONE IS LEAVING HELLDIVERS. The player numbers right now are higher than last weekend at the same time. Fags will leave a bad review and still play because it's an amazing and polished experience, not that unoptimized PS2 era crap in your picture, which btw, doesn't release until late next month.
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>that base price
They STILL haven't lowered it after seven years.

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Turn-based JRPGS are fundamentally not good games. They are repetitive. It feels like hours sometimes to advance the storyline, you forget you even had a storyline with some of the interminable grinding sometimes only to remember "oh yeah some guy needs a crystal crown" or whatever the goofy shit is when you finally reach town. After you heal up and buy a bunch of new, higher-ranked gear of course.

Then you get a couple text bubbles from the mayor or whoever telling you where to go next, and a little boulder shimmies out of the way so the previously closed path is open now.

This isn't fun.
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It being one of the biggest doesn't change that's is a laughable RPG.
>that it is
So no argument? Thanks for the concession then. Might as well as don't reply at all. By the way, the following are the JRPGs that I've played for the past 10 years, before realizing the genre is beyond salvation and ditching it for good in favour of CRPGs, isometric turn based and action games:
>Pokémon Red to Pokémon XY
>SMT Strange Journey
>FE:A & FE:F Conquest
>Hoshigami Remix
Don't expect effort if your argument is a shitpost, or if you are unable to reply properly in the first place.
>don't have argument
>move goalpost
>bitch and moan
I thought my prev post was pretty clear? I'm not giving you anymore (You).

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Your lord and savior for this format
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>playing braindead easy decks with the same combo line over and over every game gets boring fast, and same with stun
>combo decks are too hard for me and i dont like memorizing a ton of different combo routes or keeping track of stuff 10 steps ahead so cards end up exactly where they need to be at specific points to work or else the entire combo comes apart
>playing stuff like furniture lab with 30 different effects going off every 3 seconds is annoying and unsatisfying

i think i might be retarded. i need a deck that isnt overly complicated, but also isnt really repetitive and one-note, preferably one that isnt carried by an outside engine
The monsters are the best part of this archetype. It's such a waste to add humans to it.
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This is a fair and fun deck
Ghoti is kinda that way, it's basically a synchro toolbox deck where most of your plays happen during the opponents turn.
Not great but can pull some wins even on meta decks now and then, and hopefully we will see the newer support soon.
Do you have any examples of what you think is your upper limit for a combo deck is? Like if Snake-Eyes, Rikka or Adamancipators are too combo heavy for you, but something like Resonators or Unchained are fine.
It's kinda hard to recommend decks based on info like this since it's more based on your personal feel.
I guess my initial rec would be Vanquish Soul.
This also seems like a good time to remind people of the offline mod for Master Duel and that EDOpro and other sims exist if you want to try decks without spending resources.

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Why didn't they just jump out of the cart and run away?
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I need to play this. Please.
What I liked in Morrowind is that the faction quests forced you to choose a side in many cases that would often result in the death of some NPCs. Like the Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild are at war with each other and it's difficult to advance along both of them without very high sneak to steal the code book. And in the Fighter's Guild line you can side with Percius against the leadership or not. Skyrim's faction quests didn't really have any decisions like this. I thought in Riften you'd eventually be able to overthrow Maven or choose to align/not align with her in the guild that could result in her dying and Ingun taking over. Not much replay value without this.
Kek well have fun, dude
Yeah, Morrowind you feel like a character in the world - in skyrim it's like the characters are all in your world
I think this is a fair criticism, it's always more interesting to have a world that's reactive to your choices

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bridget being a girl is the best retcon in all of vidya history
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More for me.

You can't get them from topping with a condom on. Rope and sneed.
Bridget was always a girl. I’ve always been attracted to Bridget, and I’ve always been straight, so therefore Bridget has always been a girl.
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i wouldn't give a shit unless (s)he got a rot pocket and stunk the house up something awful
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sure anon, we believe you.

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Which is better? Resident Evil 1,2,3, or 4,5,6?
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2, 3, 4 and 8 are the best
7 is good too probably, I just don't want to play it

Playing RE3 rn after RE2 and having fun even though the game looks less thought out
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Absolute shit taste lmao
RE8 is objectively one of the best RE games ever, clown, and you put it below 6, HAHAHAHAHAHA, what a nigger
>and sci-fi cheesyness
Oh yes, as if there wes no retarded out of place sci-fi before
I don't think you know what objectively or best means. and why are you fake laughing like a child?
I played RE5 singleplayer and loved it.
I tried coop aswell,I prefered singleplayer.
I loved online mercenaries and Versus tho.
My point is I dont see the need for coop even if Sheva is dumb.

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What games would they suggest to play /v/?
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Ratopia! I wish I had the attention span to try the new robot stuff.
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a daring synthesis
Sexo con ratones
>gap moe
>100% rate
Anon, the entire concept is ruined if it's not the exception, ffs.

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I can't fucking stop laughing at claptrap and the sausage rolls being super-imposed jpegs
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Cry about it elf boy.

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Valorant anticheat and Helldivers PSN happened just because you were sucking corporate cock instead of fighting for freedom
you can remove advertisements and telemetry from Windows, but you should not have to do it in the first place
anyway, what video games have you been playing on your freedom-respecting Linux machine recently?
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>anti-consumer corporations like sony and ubisoft are going to get absolutely fucked by the EU
Thank you EU for protecting my rights
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First they say you can’t have children because the world can’t take it and muh womyn dick carrousel rights.
Then they say because you didn’t have children, you gotta let half dindus in. While they still procreate like roaches.
Makes you understand why so many people believe the happy merchantmen are behind it all.
now that CO2 tax fucked industry in entire eu and middleclass is poorer than ever enjoy ur new water taxes soon, somebody has to pay for sand niggers welfare
>claims to hate jews
>but defends the thought of a jew-controlled transnational army coming to his hometown to do devil knows what
I don't believe you. You're lying, being paid to post here, or both.
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Fuck off /pol/
My friend once dated a tall girl who insisted she was celtic of something because her family was from northwest Spain or something.
She was pale as a ghost. And hot. I wish I had the balls to bang her when she showed up crying at my apartment once.
Could not get over the bro code.

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play snowbreak
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Dumb question - i bought the interaction scene for Enya, but how do i activate it?
put her on your main screen and there's a heart button that appears
Is it me or are the bosses in the new raid event really hard?

I canm pass 23 stages, but bosses seem either invul or HP bloated and eventually one shot my chars. Cherno skill and smg does absolutely zero against them.
just press ALT+number to actiate her ult on whatever character you are now.
>Wife and children
Lol lmao

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