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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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I played a woman who fucked everyone that moved. I fucked Big Nose Jenny. I fluffed at New Reno. I Became a Porn Star. I even fucked Metzger to save 500 caps before I killed him.
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you can't actually fuck Metzger as a male character.
okay but how does that relate to the girl in your OP picture?
Your problem is assuming Myron doesn't self insert as the black.
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>Well, IQ is a meme to begin with
Funny how it only started to be a meme when people started calling you midwits.
the only ones who defend it are the midwits

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>hello, future-man who's wearing cloths I've never seen before in my life, I have an indian accent for some reason despite living in the bombed out hellscape of the United States over a century after the apocalypse!

Behold, a game that many gamers hold to be the best RPG of all time.
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>Never seen before
Shady Sands was founded by vault dwellers you fucking retard.
Imagine how quickly it would fill up with shit, it would be a bigger threat than the super mutants
>Bombed-out irradiated ruin of a pre-war big city infested with crime groups known as 'gangs' that loot everything is called...
I thought it was called Baltimore
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>adapt to toilets

They'd have designated shitting halls.

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>drops four defender shields (0.2%)
>drops no bright crystals (2%)
Not an RPG

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>Can't wait for DRH!
Been saying that for two years.
Hopefully we get at the end of this year
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>some of us might not be here to see the end of it.

The average poster here is not that old, and EMMM isn't pulling an Ray K on us. It's better to wait, he'll deliver something great.
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thinking about how one day the (larger following) video essayists will touch black souls like they did with fear and hunger, leading to a massive tumblrization of the fanbase (and yes, even with black souls' content, they won't care. look at the mogeko/deep-sea prisoner fanbase for example, it's filled with edgy kids)
>Fairy tales, classic literature and theatre
>Gothic / Victorian aesthetic
>Multiple strong female characters to self insert into
>Tragic romance
>Sexual violence
>"I can fix him" rapist with a heart of gold
Surprised tumblr isn't all over it yet. Shit's peak tumblrcore.
I loathe the day when Sseth makes a video and the game gets flooded by SEAniggers.

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For games like Ultima, Might and Magic, Gold Box stuff, etc. what's the best title for someone who hasn't played older CRPGs?

I tried Might and Magic III and it's not super brutal but still overwhelming as I'm not used to games in this style/from this particular era (specifically looking for something from the early 90s. I suppose; not incredibly retro but certainly not from the genre's beginnings).
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It didn't seem slower to me. The DOS version has choppy walking and feels like shit to play. The SNES version has smooth walking.
>It's kinda like a proto-Fallout in a D&D setting.
I'd say it's more like a much smaller, fully-turn-based, pixel art Baldur's Gate. Black Isle lifted a lot of stuff from Dark Sun to implement in their game.
Warriors of the Eternal Sun has a blend of top down and first person grid. It's for the Genesis/Megadrive so you'll need to emulate but I think it's worth it, it's also an early Westwood RPG with interesting vibes.
I think I remember playing this. Aren't ranged weapons busted as hell in it?
Usually in these games you want ranged weapons on everyone. But it's not like that isn't also the case in the Infinity Engine games too.

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All that money for such a shitty game, huh?
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>, it lacks the gritty soul
sounds like the game for me then
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It's so retarded that the same backer dies like 5 times in the same battle. They really haven't spend a single minute thinking about a single thing in this game.
God, that long winded animation to roll this backer log is one of the stupidest things in the game.
The war battles are in generally awful.

They were never amazing in suikoden, but you could be optimal and they were snappy with far less interference
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>can't use hp recovery items in battle
fine whatever
>turns out you can't use other items either
Am I missing something?
Of course you can.
Like, not sure how this is possible to miss. It's easier than suikoden since you have a bag for the whoe party

Any game genre or series infographics?
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>i see the red boot
my sides
I wish there was a Smash Bros rpg.
Starting at Hajimari is the correct answer. You don't need to know anything, even how to read, to understand what is going on.
I thought you had to play them in release order like Kingdom Hearts in order to understand what's going on?
It's a troll post lol.

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Was thinking of getting NWN2 just to play Mask of the Betrayer (given its reputation). I've never played a NWN game though. Should I be fine to skip the OC? I watched an hour or two of both on YT and the OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock, whereas the opening section of MotB was kino as fuck. Also, more importantly, the modules for these games are a big selling point, so are there any that you guys like?

Basically discussion both NWN games, which expansions you like, and which modules. I'm open to trying out both games
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Risenholm was always doomed due to a flawed design based on dumb untested forum mechanics theorizing. It unironically copied the joke about D&D 6e dumbing the game down to the same mechanics for everything just different descriptions. It turns out that everything being the same doesn't make for a fun RPG. Balancetards will never learn.
I'm playing the Nether Scrolls bridge module between SoU and HotU. Currently at the Ligth ans Shadow quest, I'm supposed to recover a reluc for tge Amaunator followers but the reluc is nowhere to be found. Apparently there used to be a walkthrough but can't find it anywhere, can someone help? I know this is a long shot, but just in case.
I will! I didn't know such a thing existed.
I wonder how TDN is going to fare considering the developers are cracking down on powergaming and magic especially.
It doesn't matter. As long as their system is fun and interesting it should do well. If they're dumb and too heavy handed every imbecile will figure out the one or two good options or only viable option. Many servers also address powergaming by shifting the meta, requiring certain levels in classes or capping the enchant bonus on weapons. It never solves anything and sometimes just makes it worse. All that really matters is if it is at least slightly fun and interesting after they mess around with the mechanics.

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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>He became an unironic glowie in my country, so we aren't on speaking terms anymore.
That's not the same thing as FORGETTING THEY EVER EXISTED.
Is there something I'm missing when it comes to FF8 fags? because they seem to love everything about the game, except for what actually happens in the game.
>Is there something I'm missing when it comes to FF8 fags?
Not really, it stems from an interview with Kitase.

FF8 is quite nuanced in its storytelling. A good example being 90% of players didn't realize the 'interference from space' was Adel even though it's practically spelt out on the big screen during the Timber mission. The problem is if you don't like the game you're not going to give it your full attention and you're going to miss these subtleties, even if you do like the game you're going to miss some of them. So while there's plenty of content to imply R=U, most players will miss it the first time round.

When Kitase was put on the spot and said "no, that's not true" haters jumped on it and used it as ammo to debunk R=U. The irony being that Kitase himself retracted that statement and said that it's very possible and wouldn't be unusual if the other two writers who wrote the script had that in mind. So R=U exists in a funny place where there's a strong possibility it's true but it hasn't been confirmed. Kinda like how Laguna is Squalls father, nowhere in the game is it confirmed, only implied.
I should probably add that there's still plenty of people who use Kitase's "No, that's not true" line to try debunk R=U even after he publicly retracted the statement. If you ever see it used the person is usually arguing in bad faith and can safely be ignored.
How are you retards still getting filtered by this plot point 30 years later? They're reunited according to Cid and Edea's plans. Edea L I T E R A L L Y tells you so after her final battle.

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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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Awesome, I recognized myself in some posts there
>Capcom is posting a lo of monster hunter stories content in their sites
Its probably because of the ports and not because of an announcement coming soon right? I shouldn't get my hopes up.
I'm surprised disney never thought to do a lilo and stitch mongger, I'm not even much of a disney guy and I think that was a big missed opportunity
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It would encroach on the actual disney monger

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How the hell do you beat the dark aeons? Do the sphere grids even have enough stats for you to survive one or two of their attacks? I have everyone's celestial weapon except Tidus, and Dark Bahamut is blocking the way. Also Dark Valefor is blocking the last primer and jecht sphere I need. What is the best order to do Omega Ruins, Monster Arena, and Dark Aeons? I beat a few arena bosses mainly by spamming overdrive aeons. I read about a trick to farm AP from a tonberry, what's a good point to do that without making the rest of the game too easy?
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>Huffing your own farts this much
Something about rpgs seems to attract the kind of person that enjoys the smell of their own farts.
Probably something about grinding a jrpg 100% being their only accomplishment in life propping up their inflated self-worth lol
>Does something that literally takes 300 hours
>Retards comment why it was a waste of time
>It must be their only accomplishment

Nah I just expected more autism from this board. kind of a letdown. At least there are some real autists in the mon thread.
I frankly think FFXII had better endgame.

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Come share your tales
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I'm done with my second Siugnas run and got an alternate ending out of it too, so I guess I'll go back to Ameya and try to focus on spells this time around.
Hopefully I find more cool shit and loot around the worlds.
Martial arts all flow really well into each other and I love looking at THE CHAMP beating the shit out of things, all of the Brighthome boys are great but THE CHAMP, Hero and Lifetaker are best homies.
I don't doubt that, Heaven's Thunder and Combustion alone are pretty strong
Heres a shitty cell phone pic of it because the hoops i have to jump through to get a screenshot off my ps5 is too annoying
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Can you learn the spell a piece of equipment has on it while you have it still equipped?
Doesnt seem like it

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What would be a good vault concept for a fallout game?
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Are we basing our ideas off the Interplay social experiements for a colony ship or the Bethesda we're just corpos testing out different management/consumer engineering strategies?
The first one.
A vault that is actually going to keep people alive so they can rebuild an economy in the future so VaultTec has somewhere to put into practice all the experiments they did turning people into dogs or giving them AIDS or whatever the fuck.
The Vaults all having some secret mission that massively compromised their primary purpose degrades the setting as a whole.
I have a hard time taking the vaults serious since it appears vault tec decided 95% of the vaults are to be made to kill and destroy the last few survivors of the world. odd choices and thus the games are massively flawed. but thats not getting into the tons of people above ground that survived and thrived. its just a wacky setting with zany wacky nuke guns and other wacky zany things. taking it serious is a bad idea especially when you look at and breakdown the world the vaults and the excess amount of people above ground. badly designed all around. 4/10 series needs to stop being wacky zany reddit faggot tier
The plan was never to reinhabit the post-nuclear wasteland, the colony ship can only crew ~1000 people the vaults purpose was to test all the various things that could go wrong during the centuries long trip to the nearest habitable world. So all the vaults and their inhabitants are expendable test subjects.

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Give me ONE reason this "isn't an RPG" that doesn't boil down to:
>You can't kill things in it
Because its an adventure game.
I know your zoomerbrain cant fathom this but those used to be fairly popular.

And yet this one still has less gameplay than Curse of Monkey Island, Full Throttle or Day of the Tentacle.
It's barely a videogame.

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