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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

Gothic Edition:

Previously on /slop/:>>92683893

▶ Thread Task: Gothic characters, settings, landscapes, and horror.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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It's a reference to "https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22753-gum-recession"
imagine being a filthy ESL and thinking you know it better than native speakers
the nerve
based post
lmao, even

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Mox Diamond edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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i know it's been a few weeks, but i never posted my winnings from prerelease. these were the best cards both in pools and in my prize packs, went 3-0 in two events. geralf was my promo card in one event. felt great.
>Stronghold Altered Foil Real Mox Diamond
Morons don't actually fall for this, do they?
Sakura Arms
it blows my mind that oko isn't good anywhere, he loots, makes blockers, doubles as a creatures and his ult should win the game most of the time
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>recs munchkin unironically

Shields Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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Energy being a side deck is already an improvement honestly. The additional mechanic of being able to use your bench at the same time as your center opens things up strategy wise too.
That sounds very much not like Pokemon.
Stop deflecting, the fact that Bandai went with cheating memory now is a disgrace
Digimon used to be fun
Magic is slipping, but Yugioh is slipping faster. We're going to see Pokemon as the undisputed king, with One Piece, Lorcana, Star Wars, and Magic fighting it out for the remainder of the top 5 in the US until one or more falls off. And in Japan, it'll be Yugioh, Duelma, One Piece, and Weiss doing the same.

Rather than Japanese dominance, the countries are just moving further apart.
I mean it's bandai. you know what you're getting with them. their games only ever run a few years, and if your job is just to milk as much money out before the game implodes then this kind of design only makes sense.

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>setting is supposedly a European medieval fantasy world
>town guards
>snobbish, arrogant nobility
>bastards are not acknowledged, shunned and disinherited
>nobles who marry commoners automatically forfeit all titles and become commoners, even royal heirs
>there is a town jail
>certain crimes require a time in jail, but not execution, simply paying a fine isn’t enough
>there is a magic shop anyone can enter and buy things from
>feuds don’t exist between nobles, only wars and duels
>there is an eternal inner peace in the kingdom
>the king has legal dictatorial powers over everyone in his kingdom and even nobles are at least de jure required to do everything he says
>every single commoner has to be polite and submissive to every single noble
>no real identifiable national identities, only different accents
>civilians usually aren’t armed and are harmless
>mercenaries are individuals and not part of a company

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I am not here to educate people. I am here to give them ideas to simulate their world in a more historically authentic way.
The historically authetnic way being something you misundertood about a pop-his youtube video
See: le town guards didn't exist meme
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>I am not here to educate people.
Correct. Because educating someone would require some actual knowledge about the thing you are talking about. All your doing is parroting some shallow talkingpoints on the level of pic related while not even specifying the period or country you are talking about. You sound like a child that just learned a new word or a teenager who thinks he's deep for whatever the fuck reason.
The town guard meme of fully-kitted out anonymous soldiers being employees of the town and being paid to patrol or stand watch the entire day to catch criminals is historically inaccurate as fuck and even worse than that it‘s really boring.

If you actually know more about this topic and like how Ancient Romans had a patron, who was in a kinda of mafia-like relationship with them, so basically they had their own gangs, who would protect their own turf or merchant guards or the bailiff being able to sort of „draft“ men in the town as needed to catch criminals or all of the other ideas in this thread. If you already know about that, then I am happy for you. We are on the same side.

Do you expect me to actually give you university-level lectures about history? Of course I am not going to put such an amount of effort into my posts. And no one should expect this in a 4chan thread. The very topic itself necessitates that you paint with very broad strokes. Because we are not discussing a specific era in history in a a certain cultural region. We are doing the reverse. We are talking about a vaguely medieval-inspired fantasy world with and criticizing it for it‘s shallow portrayal of that world, while giving better ideas from many different places and times in history.

That‘s all I am going to say to this kind of criticism.
>Do you expect me to actually give you university-level lectures about history?
No. That would be far beyond your abilities.
You also ridiculously overestimate the quality of most such "university-level lectures".
This just goes to show that you've never seen a university from the inside.

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It's always the elves!
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God I wish that piss was poured on me
>Half-elf half cute
Who could be attracted to a girl with ears that fat?
Boiling oil?
No, SOP dictates that you piss on elves, not the other way around.
Based elven renter

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Previously: >>92683939

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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>*fateseals you*
>and now for my next magic trick... 10 copies of booby trap
do you dare draw your next card?
so you would denounce the entire African and Asian continents as mentally ill? that's pretty racist
there are enough karnstruct producers now that i would love to build him.
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I went to my third FNM, was pretty fun except one of the dudes was literally a meme and got mad at us for focusing him when he was running infinites and won 2 games in a row. One of the guys kept apologizing for playing counter spells on me I think because that dude was malding, but I think interaction is way better.

>Dwarven society is essentially quasi-communist
>Living in mines encourages communal quartering, everyone sleeps in the same big hall
>Lack of resources means that everything has to be rationed
>Children are brought up and educated in the mine creche
>"Our mine > our society > our selves"
>Organise themselves based on which area of the mine they work so you have three basic groups, Miners, Administrators and Security. Administration covers quite a lot of ground from cooks to healers to cleaners to traders
>It can't be an anarchy and you can't trust people to know which is the best way to do things so society is very highly regimented, adherence to "mine rules" (the rules governing how the mine operates, safety and security) is expected to be total and instantaneous. Adherence to "social rules" is a little more lax.
>Personal freedoms are low, personal property is low
>Administrators are the most powerful group, since they control people's assignments
>Religion is banned but flourishes underground
>Anyone can join the mine, from any race but you can never leave
>PCs are most likely to come from groups that leave the mine, prospecting groups, warriors, traders and the like
Disclaimer and I can't believe i have to say this but this is Current Year /tg/ this is in no way and endorsement of communism, I'm just trying to think up ways to make my fantasy races different
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What the fuck did you expect when immediately, and I mean immediately mentioning communism in the first post? Clearly just (You)s and nothing else, so why are you bitching about getting them?
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>autistic flashing of wealth
>arbitrarily hard to acquire social status
>kings and queens and high nobility
>Gigantic fortresses of unparalleled craft in order to achieve glory

I mean dwarves as they exist in the vast majority of things is basically antithetical to your situation. If you really want to make them interesting, don't make them communist, make it so there's just dwarven settlements and such with radically different ideologies still working together for a greater dwarven good.

>fascist or highly authoritative dwarven holds with militaristic might as their major focus in areas of extremely high war
>more relaxed but still productive enclaves of fairly greedy unregulated waukeem worshipers in major cities, cooperating with other highly effective craftsmen to achieve high levels of monetary wealth (basically mega capitalists)
>anarcho agrarian communes of basically halfling tier dwarves farming in the hills and fields to make sure food deliveries to their brothers in the mineshafts and fortresses can never go without a bite to eat, and more importantly, a bite worth eating
>beyond mega hippies who travel across the world and commune with nature in its many forms in order to atone for the exploration of the land their kind do, bringing balance to the injustices their kind do as a penance they willingly take upon themselves
>some civilizations like your own, where interspecies cooperation is natural, if not exactly super effective at times

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It's a quick description to put people in the picture as fast as possible.
Look, maybe we can try and salvage this. There's aspects of communism you clearly dislike, how do you think they would apply to this society and how would they play out?
To me communism is a stifling and claustrophobic system, so it can work as a metaphor for the mines themselves.
>but you can never leave
>PCs are most likely to come from groups that leave
Something doesn't add up here
>It can't be an anarchy and you can't trust people to know which is the best way to do things so society is very highly regimented
Wouldn't magic solve that issue?
Like have a core structure in society be the guild of divination.

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magic isn't different from any other power source
Some systems have magic or sorcery as a separate power, in particular FASERIP and a couple others. Basically you spend a turn to "cast a spell" which temporarily gives you whatever power you want, then you use the power during the next turn.
I used to be in denial about this but all you need is to look at the likes of Flash to see all the ways in which it can be broken. Higher end speedsters can time travel and move between dimensions and travel the multiverse and that IS broken.
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>Higher end speedsters can time travel and move between dimensions and travel the multiverse and that IS broken.
Only if you read shit by retarded writers.
Why do writers wank death stroke? Is it because he fucks kids and writers like self inserting as him so they can live out their dreams?
of course, we're talking about games, so whether it's retarded in authored fiction irrelevant.

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Thread title.
This is a Lancer campaign, No Room For a Wildflower. Our group is basically in space Vietnam, fighting against guerillas who cosplay as aliens.
We've finally turned the tide and got the upper hand on the enemy, but people are arguing on whether to accept a surrender or to finish them off. In true mecha-cliche style, the lead enemy machine comes forward and the enemy ace (a girl) reveals herself and says:
>"If you still want revenge, if you still hate and fear us, you can kill me. Just spare the others."
It's a big martyr moment and the other players are all for it, but one PC goes:
>"I march my (flamethrower-wielding) mech forward and burn her alive."
So the group started arguing that it's not in the spirit of reconciliation of this story, but the PC refuses to do anything else and one of the other guys sided with him.

How do I go like, "This isn't the mood the campaign is going for, you can't think like that" is what I'm saying, I guess. It feels like everything is going off the rails because half the group consistently wants to kill the enemy and treat them like Viet Cong
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Also if its like a 2v2 with the GM leaning towards one side they you need to come to a group consensus.
If its a 3v2 then you need to have a table wide discussion about it and keep those two on a short leash.
If its a 4v2 then you give the offending player a personal talking to and a warning, optionally walking back the action if the majority want you to, and then if he or his buddy steps out of line to the same extent again remove them and continue on with the 3 other players who you clearly gel with better. They will be better off with a different group and your group will be happier.
The key is to listen to the players since as the GM you have a tone of power over the game itself mechanically. If push comes to shove and your not having fun with those guys take a good look at how many more sessions the campaign is going to take, truncate it down if your not having fun and just don't invite those players back next time.
The "I am a total dickwad but feel kinda bad about it now that I'm about to die, pretty please don't kill me" swing that fucking plagues media these days needs to die.
If you want to railroad your players into playing ball with your OC, cool, I just know from the snippets I've picked up, it absolutely makes sense to fucking glass this asshole and be the voice of reason who doesn't feel like listening to a mass murderer and war criminal who is, by all common sense, trying to weasel their way through to tomorrow. Friends don't let friends get into the car with the wanted kidnapper, no matter how yummy the candy looks, and whatnot.

If you or the other players are more upset that a villain who just killed a few hundred people died than you are in listening to another player who did something that absolutely makes sense, that sounds like a table dynamic problem. If your tone is such that a mass murdering war criminal is given more respect than hundreds of bystanders, or a player, to the point you're considering throwing a fiat tantrum over it, then yeah, you need to do a better job establishing fucking tone and minding table dynamic, otherwise your games are going to keep breaking like this.
Lesson for the future: Do not invite your players to take an action if you will turn around and complain about it immediately if they do it. They will do it. Every time.
And, colloroy lesson. NEVER threaten players with movie cliches on why the villain shouldn't die, unless you want the players to kill them immediately.
>How do i stop other PCs from ruining the moment
Write a book.
Played it a bit and it seemed like 4th ed dnd with the build variety filed off. There were a lot of mechs but each one basically had a single 'build' that was optimal. Some mechs had reasonable combos like 4e characters (The star player in our group was a mech that performed better while at high heat, meaning the player had to work to keep the temperature high) but not all of them did and so they were kind of dull as a result.

The pilot combat was also nonexistent, I had to import equipment and rules from other systems to make up for that gap. Should have gone full titanfall I'd they wanted to be that kind of thing and had the pilots able to jet around and mount mechs.

>go to wizard tower
>he dosent have stairs for you to get up
>you need to get teleported up but can't
>be a smug fighter and decide to rope climb up
>the wizard sees you climbing up from his window
>he fucking wind kicks you in the balls throwing you off the rope to your death

what now fightan xhes chuds?
I merely punch the tower until it's nothing but rubble.
I'll see you at the bottom with the rest of the debris wizcuck
Provoke a tribe of hill giants into attacking you. Then lead them on a marry chase to the dick wizards tower so the can tear it down. If that does not work and the hill giants all get blasted with fire balls and lighting bolts then you try for Stone giants tunneling in the underdark. You have the stone giants sap and undermine the tower so it falls into the underdark and then have the stone giants bash the bastard wizards tower to pebbles. If that does not work somehow then you just keep going up the ranks of giant kind until you win. First you go after the frost giants of the far north and drag them and there ice dragon mounts to the tower to freeze the stupid mage to death in his own home. Or at the least force him to burn his own spell books for warmth. Then you get the fire giants from there burning hell like realms and have them wage there hell fire war on the wizard with there monstrous war engines to burn him out of this world. then you get the cloud giants to attack him and see if there cloud castles and other magics can counter the wiz master in his piss tower. Your last chance at this point with the giants is to hope you have gotten so many giants killed at this point that the storm giants get pissed off that so many of there kin have been killed that they get up off there lazy assess and smite the evil warlock themselves. If that does not work then i do not know? Maybe try the dragons next see if they work out better?
lmao get rekt idiot you should've used a trampoline and jumped up

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I hope this thread is more accurately named. I'm assuming that's why my last thread got nuked
I'm pretty sure I've seen that thing reading to kids at the local library.

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>Order Confederate Generals box from Warlord because I am a Southern man who loves his birthplace's side of history, despite its many, many, many, many, many, many, many flaws.
>Package arrives.
>Get Generals.
>Surprised with a free sprue of Epic soldiers with a set of bases for them.
>Remember all the Black Library books I bought as a teen with the "Free Space Marine mini" offer in the back.
>Remember how I walked in with 1o of the books and asked for a free Space Marine kit and the GW employee laughed at me and told me to get out.
>Still gave GW money for years afterwards before I came to my senses and looked at other games, hence my above purchase.

Why is it so hard to escape Games Workshop when they don't deserve it?
Did any of you try redeeming the free mini offer and get an SM or anything?
Do you feel you get treated better by other miniature companies?
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>>Sure enough, that store's ebay page selling that miniature for $25

The shyster who owns my LGS would always do this shit. Any kind of demo/promo supplies or tournament prize pack just got priced and put on the shelves.
I currently work at a game store that my friend owns, just to have something to do in the evenings.
We're not super huge, but we have a good enough crowd and do fine- but we get a lot of prize/promo goods that we actually can't use for events...
...so my friend, the owner, his policy is basically:
>"If it's for [INSERT GAME], when those guys come in on their game night- just start handing those things out to everyone. Leave the rest in a basket on the counter."
I seriously handed out the Warhammer promo minis to people who just had an interest in the game but hadn't bought into it yet- "Here's a model you can practice painting on, and get an idea of what they're like".
Noble Knight is a bad company, too?
I didn't call them by name, but yes. Absolute shit. They've done this stuff for years.
Started happening a lot more during COVID, apparently? Not sure why.

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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I mean, its a basic concept: a mortal hero that would have qualified for any Exaltation from an unused destiny becomes a new dude with a Getimian Exaltation. I don't know where the confusion stems from other than a refusal to actually read the relevant material on how the Loom works in 3e Sidereals.
Getimians never existed in the first place, nothing was stolen from them.
>The bit regarding Nirvishesha does not imply in any way that it affects anything within Creation.
It does though. Nirvisesha and many other Shinma define exactly how Creation work - because they define how the concepts work -, and it's only in the Wyld that they're mutable (because there's more than one Shinma and they're not equally powerful across the universe). That's why Nirupadhika can allow people to be in a location before arriving, because it's mutable.
>Sure but not Creation.
In 1e, the only thing beyond the Wyld is Creation. Yu-Shan, Underworld, Heaven, Autochthonia are considered 'Creation' within that book. Oramus' 'Beyond' was not defined in the same way 2e did it too, so it's not talking about that location either.
>barring the application of Essence and sorcery.
This is what Shinma are, patterns of Essence.
>The idea of things being different from one another is part of Nirvishesha.
The fact Creation has this, for example, means that Nirvishesha is part of Creation.
>The shinma Nirakara defines shapes. He is the gateway between world and Wyld — between the place of defined form and the place without. To take on shape, or to change one’s shape with Wyld energy, is to “pass through Nirakara.” For creatures of Creation, this means acquiring Wyld mutations. For raksha, it means acquiring both shape and form.
This once more furthers the idea the book presents that the Shinma are indeed part of Creation, because they're part of everywhere - it's just a matter of how strong their presence is, and it's only in the Wyld where we see the six main Shinma get stated to have limitations that make certain events transpire to reflect themselves rather than reflect what they define.
>sure but not Creation
lil bro thinks that it's referring to World of Darkness. get real.
I think I'd be a little mad if I was going to have what seems like a pretty cool and fulfilling life until the most corrupt bureaucracy ever decided that it'd be better off if none of the cool shit I did ever happened (via making it so I was never born) so they could do more corrupt shit instead.
Again, you seem to be misinterpreting things because you want to arrive at the conclusion that the shinma are provably the laws of Creation. You have not provided anything that definitively states such. Creation having identity does not necessarily correlate to its foundation of identity stemming from Nirvishesha; its like saying chickens are humans because we both have two legs. Likewise, you appear to be interpreting the sidebar on what entails being Creation-born for the mechanical purposes of charms that use that keyword very liberally; the Underworld, Autochthonia, and Malfeas are always described as different planes of existence. They are separate from the Wyld and stem from the same source (the Primordials), but Creation obviously differs radically from Malfeas and likewise the Underworld is not close to Malfeas. Nirakara is a gate into Creation, but where does this imply that Nirakara is also of Creation? The space outside my house is not part of my house simply because there is a door connecting the two.

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