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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

Prove the Pythagorean theorem without using a circular argument.

That means no trigonometry, brainlets.
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C O P E holy shit you faggots love to cope hard.
there's a pretty simple one given in Lang's Basic Mathematics (would recommend btw) that avoid trigonometry. The proof, iirc, is done by connecting four right-triangles such that they form two squares, and then using previously proven properties of squares to prove that the length of the sides of the inner-square is equal to the square root of the outer lengths. it's actually a really fun proof.
Is there a scientific term to describe that kind of chin deformity? Does science know what causes it?
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The youtube algorithm decided to show me this the other day. Watched 5 mins, whats going wrong at oxford?
Look up the guy to see what his qualifications are, just incomplete degrees and lies about a Phd.
Start looking at his paper, utter dogshit
Is this some sort of performance art, i dont get it.
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N factor overdose
>1 x 1 = 2
yall need to edjewcate yourself on mathematics

This is gold. He needs to focus and develop his theories so we can have another timecube lol
Oxford Union is just a place where they invite celebrities to come speak on students' invitation. Most universities, even shitty ones, have some guest speakers who come every now and then. It's really not that different from salesmen and motivational speakers you probably got to see back when you were in middle school or high school. The only difference between people invited to speak at the SJW Club meetings at John T. Glockenspiel High School and the ones at Oxford Union is that some people (namely /pol/trannies) are dumb enough to think that the latter actually matter because uhhmmm...Oxford University is famous and important or something.
If you think that Oxford Union guest speakers are an indicator of Oxford University's academic standards, then you're just as dumb as people who think that Pizza Hut is healthy because there's a Pizza Hut inside their local hospital.

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Which hypnotic medications causes sleep walking? I've had an anon on /fit/ tell me that all of them do. Ambien will definitely make you sleep walk (and do batshit insane shit while doing so), and lunesta will also make you sleep walk. A lot of unrelated sleep medications will also apparently make you sleep walk, like belsomra; although I find this highly unlikely. GHB is known for literally knocking people out. People will literally pass out in the middle of standing and just fucking drop if they take enough of it. There's a reason why it's such a popular date rape drug. I find it unlikely that this hypnotic would cause anyone to sleep walk. It essentially turns you into a stone at a high enough dose (3.5 ml or higher).
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And you only die from overdose if you're retarded and don't taper down. Quitting GABAergic medications cold turkey has the potential to kill you, but not necessarily. That typically only happens in particularly bad cases where the person was taking tons of the shit on a daily basis.
Why are you even talking about this?
In more ways than one.
My elder sister (RIP) was stabbed by her fresh off the boat benzombie hubby.
While he was still technically not a criminal, he was very diverse and vibrant, though.
Ambien was the best, till I lit my phone on fire in the center of my bedroom and scarred my hands tryin to salvage it
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Why can't we have cities that float on water?
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Only when compared with the technical old definition of ruralism, which is an isolated country house. Wyoming is 65% urban according to the Census.
The evil lied in the major mega-cities. In those areas, stuff is consumed, but not produced.
sea water is extremely corrosive and there are next to no functional advantages big enough to living on water vs. land to justify the maintenance cost. Also niggers.
well I wanted to fight you on it but indeed thinking about it the purpose was for people to be closer to work and shit. but with the job loss to AI and remote work, I guess super dense mega-cities are not as required, functionally speaking. I'll think about it.
It's always been like this. Cities in general have enabled genuine growth, but mega-metros are sinkholes that rely on constant migration. The effect has been exacerbated by financialization, digitalization, industry offshoring, and the shift to a service economy.
Its called Mexico Venice and Chingchong latenight TV on the discovery Channel S.E.A.

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Why couldn't you prove the pythagorean theorem anon?
>intellectually mogged by a high schooler
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"Yes, we just discovered triangles, as you can see here"
Its entirely not outside the realm of possibility that two black school girls discovered a ground breaking and important alternative proof. Or whatever the big deal is about. It is possible that two teenage geniuses collaborated to achieve something of intellectual genius. Tbh I cant be fucked looking it up.
But what is it that makes me doubt that the significance or actual substance of this? Because without looking at the details of this story my first thoughts are to suspect:
1) Its insignificant. Like making a big deal about some kid "building" a computer from existing parts.
2) They were coached by some agent for some motivation unknown, that they are smart enough to understand whatever this is supposed to be about but did not actually do any original work.
3) That the story is actually insignificant to anyone who works in mathematics, akin perhaps to those girls who created electricity from urine using already existing science and technology. Commendable for just doing it, yes, but not significant either in a practical sense or as intellectual genius.
Is it me being racist? Well no actually, I would think the same if it were two teenagers of any race or gender.
So is it me just doubting the veracity or significance of any news media after years of misinformation and unsubstantiated hype? Possibly.
So is it jut cynical me wondering if the political climate is just putting out these stories to bait doubters into making racist or misogynistic comments so they can point the finger and scream and then gather validation points? Possibly government funding of some sort? "Look what these girls achieved!" If only we had more funding we could achieve so much more." ( And take a large part of that funding as "administrative costs"). Maybe. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so cynical.

I just doubt the veracity and significance of this story as not having some other motivation. Maybe I need to get off the internet for a good while.
>sin^2(x)+cos^2(x) = 1
>The maths board suddenly doesn't like maths any more
wonder why that is
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trivial via pythagorean theorem

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Stainless Steel Edition

Previous - >>16156420
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Next starship launch when?
stupid slow loading frogposter
Forgot fairy award
Starship will put Japanese on the Moon before Chinese. Starship will make Elon Musk God-Emperor of Mars.

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>1kg wood = 4 kW/h
>1 kg coal = 8 kW/h
>1l fuel oil = 11,5 kW/h
>1l Diesel = 10 kW/h
>1l Hydrogen = 33 kW/h
>1kg of Uranium = 22 700 000 kW/h
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>He typed it out six times by mistake!
wrong, factorio taught me the correct values are 2MJ for wood, 4MJ for coal, 12MJ for solid petroleum fuel, 80GJ for U-235
Always seemed retarded that we actually use "watt-hours" as a unit rather than megajoules or whatever
[math] \displaystyle

\left \{
P~power \\
U~voltage \\
I~current \\
W~work,energy \\
t~time \\
F~force \\
s~distance \\
m~mass \\
a~acceleration \\
v~speed \\
P= \dfrac{W}{t}= \dfrac{F \cdot s}{t}= \dfrac{ma \cdot s}{t}
= \dfrac{m \dfrac{v}{t} \cdot s}{t}= \dfrac{m \dfrac{s/t}{t} \cdot s}{t}
= \dfrac{m \cdot s^2}{t^3}

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Is it real?
Feel like "outside reasons" may be doing a lot of heavy lifting here

why haven't we been back to the moon in such a long time?
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and why do you think Star Wars is more "realistic"?
no one wanted to pony up the money, not even the US government, they pulled to plug on the blank check to NASA in the early 70s and cut the last few Apollo missions, that's why
Can't profit (((Pfizerstein))) with fission plants and actual science exploration instead of fake hollywood shots based ''''moon landings'''''.
>building a dozen new fission plants
you don't need only the tech to have cheaper energy, you need to shake off the leaches, which is the actual hardest part of the equation. they'll rather die than lose the money you now pay.
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Conspiracy Theorists you have a problem.

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What is the ACTUAL /sc/erdict on modern and upcoming anti-aging tech? Scam or real? Every generation since like the 1800s was sure it was right around the corner so I'm not convinced this new stem cell/CRISPR stuff is gonna work.
If you are posting this on 4 chan then you are certainly poor enough to not afford any anti-aging so it's kinda moot point is it now.

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why is it that whenever someone says something slightly stupid or makes an absent minded mistake some anons will go "stfu jew" or dismiss them as "jewish science"
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They manipulate the uninitiated and naive for personal benefit.
It's just cruel and inhumane.
Just because you can doest mean you should.
Jews are fine you retards.
They don't consider you human, they think you're a "goyim".
"goyims" means cattle in their language.
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jews are basically mentally ill white people who inherited a religion from a dead people. Why would I trust a white person who was born insane?

Why is this happening?
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>there is massive amounts of evidence
Why are studies and experts valued more than your own blood test and how you look in the mirror?
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>your own blood test and how you look in the mirror?
Those constitute evidence
Japanese people are much smaller and lighter than euros and Americans. Simply having less mass on you makes the odds of contracting cancer lower.
That's because Americans eat too much stuff with artificial seasonings, preservatives, coloring agents, and other kinds of shit that food does not need but that food companies add in so they make it last longer in shelves without rotting.
It's the HFCS and hydrogenated vegetable oil, I tell you.

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How can you believe in evolution when it's only a theory (a guess)?
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>it's known each gene contributes under 0.1% of IQ
“It looks like a really small number so it couldn’t possibly be true” again. You should link it because it sounds like bullshit
>Even if all 154 PSG's were related to the brain that wouldn't work
How do you know that? Did you test it or did you find a paper that reached this conclusion?
>it's a really simple claim you seem unable to honestly challenge
Because the claim is entirely baseless. Notice how that paper says nothing about this making human evolution impossible? Demonstrate that the number of mutations can’t result in that change or shut the fuck up, “it small number tho” is not proof
>it's not in the paper
You can't use your brain to follow a simple claim, you have to have it spelled out by the paper? 154 PSG's, if all were related to intelligence, which they are not, could contribute a maximum of 15% of IQ that's not enough of a difference to get from pre-chimp to human intelligence.
And of course the paper doesn't explicitly say this basically rules out human evolution, firstly it wouldn't get published, and secondly that level of wrongthink would probably not even be conceivable for the authors.
>You can't use your brain to follow a simple claim, you have to have it spelled out by the paper
I’m saying that you’re misrepresenting the paper’s findings moron. The paper is specifically about differences observed in the genes selected for during the evolution of chimps and humans, to imply that means the authors think that means evolution doesn’t exist is mind bogglingly retarded, especially when all three authors are evolutionary biologists
>154 PSG's, if all were related to intelligence, which they are not
That’s only the genes in this study. They specifically say that they aren’t (and can’t) examine every single one in this study. To say that’s all there is would be retarded
>could contribute a maximum of 15% of IQ that's not enough of a difference to get from pre-chimp to human intelligence
You still haven’t shown where you got these numbers. A single gene is responsible for a major role in the developmental difference of the forebrain between humans and all other apes, to say a couple hundred couldn’t give us a massively different brain is just wrong. You can’t read one paper, misinterpret the findings and then pretend like you know anything about the brain and genetics
Maybe that’s because it would be pseudoscience, and the fact that the authors wouldn’t agree with the shit you’re spewing
I gave the reasons why the authors wouldn't make that claim despite it being a clear and obvious implication of their research. Interpretation is not misrepresentation. You seem angry and that's possibly why you're incapable of basic reasoning. An intelligent view isn't just blindly trusting published research. The other studies about genes not included mentioned a small handful. Several, not the thousands needed to meaningfully impact intelligence. Here's the link:
>Despite the statistical significance of the novel GWAS loci identified in the current report, it is important to emphasize that the effect sizes for individual SNPs are very small; each of our top two SNPs individually account for ~0.1% of the variance in cognitive performance. For context, these effect sizes are considerably smaller than those observed for the top individual loci associated with other quantitative anthropometric traits such as height and weight,1, 2 This difference may reflect the complexity of the underlying genetic architecture of cognition, as >80% of all genes are expressed in brain;

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Sheldon Axler released the 4th edition of Linear Algebra Done Right for free a couple days ago.

How is his idea of linear algebra any different than the guy that taught me in sophomore year? Reduce it and find the Eigenvector if it's trivial, otherwise feed it to the computer.
>How is vageen any better than cock? Just unzip some pants and start sucking.

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