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What’s your order?
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one day massaposter will return. i know it. i feel it in my bones.
He is the only person that can make /mu/ usable again but unfortunately I think the janny actually won
three double decker taco supreme.
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Their drinks tasted better when they came in these cups

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What was his best recipe?
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y’all tryna colonize barbecue now?
>facts don't care about YOUR feelings
No one said anything about my feelings.
damn lil bro looking kind of drippy fr

You think the footlong fries will hit on in the west?
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they look like long pretzels
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how do you eat it
What are they made of?

Didn't see a thread in the catalog.
I'm making plans to go out to eat for dinner at McDonald's tonight.
What do I want to order?
dubs and you get one of everything
double quarter pounder with cheese
10 piece nuggets
large fry
frozen coke
and a finger on the monkeys paw curled
you deserve all the diabetes you stupid fucking shill op
It's all slop. Steak, bacon, eggs are the primary fuel sources for the human body.

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I haven't pooped in 10 days. Am I in trouble? Should I see the doctor? I don't want to go because I'm an amerimutt and it will cost me money.
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Kek, I do this if I ever get past 3 days of nopoop. Usually does the trick
>>most Americans go to the emergency room for a cold

only a certain type of people who get medicaid and thus free healthcare. and they don't care about who they inconvenience.
What have you been eating, and are you at home or in an unfamiliar place?
Just get a Fleet enema at the drug store, retard. Stick it up your butt and squeeze the bottle, then prepare for blastoff.

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>Fogle changed his eating habits upon the switch to eating at Subway, replacing his 10,000-calorie-per-day food consumption with one small turkey sub and one large veggie sub along with some baked potato chips and diet soda, totalling about 2,000 calories
Have you ever tried the Fogle diet?
Did you lose weight on it?
Did it change your taste in women?
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coomerism is a hell of a drug
>10,000 cal/day
how does one even accomplish this? On my fattest days I might hit 3500, I can't imagine getting to 5 digits. did he have cake frosting injected intravenously?
this, 10k is inhuman
well, as with people winning the lottery, seems like jared was a moron because he got so much money in proportion to how little he worked, didn't really appreciate what he had, ya dig
Hard to find info on it since everything about him is the pedo shit now and even the pre-conviction articles focused mostly just on his Subway diet rather than what he ate before.
They do consistently mention he haf 15 cans of full sugar soda daily. For Coke that'd be 2070 calories alone daily.
They also mention he made frequent trips to McDonald's. So probably he compulsively got the supersize fries (don't exist anymore but back then they were 610 calories a pop) plus a big mac (560 calories) each time..That's 1170 calories each trip, so he was probably doing 6 or 7 trips a day (fewer if he ate other shit not from McDonald's).

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Hello, /ck/ I return to warn you guys about iodized salt. It's been... (checks file creation date) a year since I last posted about this. Jesus. Time really flies.

Anyway, here's the deal: You may want to consider swapping to kosher salt. Why? Most other salts have iodine added to it. Companies put iodine in salt, because they think it's healthy for you. However, I discovered that iodine is linked to *odor*. If you're experiencing trouble getting rid of body odor, then the problem could be what's in your salt.

Last year, I made the switch to kosher salt, and the body odor issue I had went away. Recently however, I ran out of kosher salt because I've been actually cooking a lot. And so I reached for the old iodized salt that was still sitting in the back of the cabinet. Immediately, after ingesting the iodized dish, the odor returned. Big mistake.

So while I sit here, stinky, I figured it would be a good time to readdress the matter.
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>kosher salt
Also known as "coarse salt" everywhere except America (for "some reason"). Anyway, are we still allowed to eat sea salt, or is it now considered unhealthy because of the microplastic discoveries? Is pink salt still a thing, or did Karen stop buying it once she realized it came from Pakistan? Should I just be synthesizing my own salt in a meth lab?
>I don't participate in society.
>Posting here
At least we don't have to look at you.
But your abrasive shitpoasting belies a deeply insecure fucktard.
Diamond dozen
I saw a turkish foodtuber who buys salt in big pieces and then grinds it herself into fine salt with a spice grinder
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it's an easy wat to make popcorn salt.
I just made a batch 2 weeks ago from kosher salt.
2 half batches in an electric coffee/herb grinder does me for the year.
>kosher salt
oy vey

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If it was a roti wrap it would make sense as that's basically a sandwich, but curry and rice is sauce and little grains, in addition to the mess it would just take so much time.
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>dude indian cows' milk is a miracle cure
Then why do indians have one of the highest hear disease rates in the world?
>why do Indians have so many health problems
Here ya go, feel free to scroll down as much as you like
fucking lmao this doesn't even seem possible
Basmati rice and lentil goop are probably two of the most difficult foods to eat with hands. You don’t even have to be rich, just carve a spoon from a stick or use a piece of skull from all the dead bodies lying around.
You're telling me a flavor of steel/plastic is going to take away the flavor of their turmeric sloppa? Most of their food is a cup of some kind of veggie mixed in with ten pounds of spices boiled until it looks like something that came out of you after a night of binge drinking.

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Is it safe to just live off McDonald's cheeseburgers and eat nothing else?
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I'm 37 and don't even eat much fast food normally. Seethe. I'm gonna start posting fast food threads myself because that's how much I hate you retard schizos for not understanding where these threads come from (it's from anons realizing you're dumb and easy to annoy, not from McDonald's marketing execs FYI).
Nice blog. And aren't you macabre. Nyah ha ha ha haaa
I don't think you know what that word means. I only mentioned age and not really even eating much fast food normally because it was a reply to some claim I'm an edgy zoomer behind these threads.
OK, thanks for letting me know. You're admirable.
if you exercise and aren't an alcoholic charlatan then sure

>bro wines sometimes taste like marmalade!
>thats bullshit
>bro I swear try this wine
>it was true
Boy I was a fucking retard, I think my fault was always been drinking cabernet sauvignon, that shit taste like diluted nothing
sounds like you're still being a retard desu
it's what retards do
>I are a fucking retard
ftfy anon, no need to thank me
marmalade tastes like bitter bullshit so why wouldnt you believe it

Food, obviously....
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dennys* my bad young buck
Isn't sushi the easiest thing in the world? Cut some fish and set it on a ball of vinegary rice. No cooking involved at all.
Try making it
like once a week, always go out to eat sushi cause it makes the bitches excited, that’s how low the dating bar is
That reminds me. It's America week at Lidl here in Denmark right now. Gotta go buy some briskets.

>£18 for a mediocre cheeseburger and fries
Are they taking the piss? For the same money I can get a tastier takeaway meal from a middle-grade restaurant, eg charcoal grilled lamb shish kebab, various curries, rendang, szechuan prawns, etc or even a frou-frou burger from Gordon Ramsay's restaurant chain, etc. A burger is something you cook on your own or outside barbequing, or is an affordable fast food item that something that's decent enough for the money and convenience, it's not something you're supposed to spend good money on.
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nta, but I'm guessing that pudgy trans fingers typed this post
nta, but you probably shouldn't be fantasizing about fat people and trans people every time someone calls you a faggot on the internet. Seems like kind of an obsession. Don't you foreigners have enough of those?
I'm ta, you're a typical edgelord with a superiority complex. Not particularly worth any effort.
>Not particularly worth any effort
pip pip cheerio, m8. Looks like we got an authentic foreign tourist, innit?
no every corporation is trying to rape the middle and lower classes of every dime they have before economic collapse.

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>retards spend $500+ on a blender
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They weakened the eggshells. I can pull them apart with my fingers without having to crack them. Why?
ive been using a plastic nutribullet. is it over for me?
Sometimes you need to blend 190 pounds of meat and bones and pour it down the sink because of reasons.
i do this all the time.
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It's worth it to blend things that should not be blended

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can't get the Mulan song out of my head now fuck you cunt
it's 1
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Very depressing. The absolute state of millennials and zoomers.

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Why does /ck/ freak out about normal ketchup usage?
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when i was really poor I used to eat spaghetti with ketchup and steak spice quite often
kid's got the 'chup sweats
and his dad is tony soprano lol
what is this image and where did you obtain it?
In college I had a roommate who would make burgers for dinner with nothing on them other than ketchup, then he would put about a pint of ketchup on his plate and sop it up with the burger between each bite. He'd get it all over his face and hands and it repulsed me endlessly. He's still one of my best friends but I have never recovered my taste for ketchup since.

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