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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Is it possible for glass to be modular?

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found this epic fan in the trash what should i do with it? i have a feeling i wont find this much voltage coming out my pc motherboard but maybe i could make it work somehow.
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how though
Those are spade terminals. If you can’t figure it out from there you’re probably too dumb to do it without zapping yourself.
You need a line cord. Keep in mind it won't have any problems with ripping nails out or cutting your fingertips off.
>ripping nails out or cutting your fingertips off.
my friend died when he got too close to a 14 watt plastic fan. it looked like someone blew up 50 gallons of beefaroni.

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I'm not an engineer, I just like to make stuff. Naturally, lots of the content I watch often happens to be made by engineers (or engineering students), and seeing them go about making things sometimes makes me wanna kms. You've got a team of 5 dudes making a rc car, each bro i would assume assigned with his own task, trying to calculate every single thing that could possibly be calculated around said rc car before they ever dare to assemble the real thing. Listen I get why the methodology exist and I'm grateful for it, I don't want our buildings or bridges or commercial airliners to be eye balled, but following this workflow whilst trying to create something new is grating to watch. What happened to trying shit out? That's what the OGs did in the early 1900s and it looks a lot more fun than how we're going about it today.
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I strongly encourage investigating Industrial Design courses if you want to get into stuff like product design. Ideally a certificate in it could open some doors, but again if you show a flair for it in your personal projects that might be enough.
my ambitions have long gone lol. there was a job interview when i was still green where i expressed my interests in aviation but that was torpedoed immediately
i'm also a passive twat. initiative too spicey
and design, did you miss the part where i said i'm dumb? i even refused a phd partially because of this reason. the teacher said it was an oppurtinity and if i refused the position would be filled by yet another chick or a pajeet
LES, they can have it
>I wanna be an inventor so bad man
Can you reasonably come up with a new idea on how to make something more efficient/streamlined? Most "inventors" just have a eureka moment. If you are good at connecting the dots this should come naturally.
>Now the wright brothers weren't engineers, they weren't scientists. They were bicycle repairmen.
To be fair its not like they woke up one day and started building a 737, but they did get the initial idea 'off the ground'.
the chad rule of thumb vs the virgin "my calculations say..."

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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I have this playhouse in the backyard. Previous owners built it. There's a slide on it, and that's the only reason the kids go near it. The other 99.999% of the time all it does is attract ungodly amounts of wasps and bird crap. What advice would you have for how I can dismantle this playhouse piece by piece and what tools will I need?
one of my coworkers gave me a dude wipe. He has the newest apple watch despite being horribly in debt. I dont think he has a hoverboard, but I know hes got an electric skateboard. so I actually know the type of person who buys this bullshit
put it for salr on cuckbook. there's garden shed moving services that'll haul it away for them
I don't build them, I deploy them. The fucks in the design team couldn't be bothered with one client's shitty supply when they could spend their time inventing fake tasks to justify their salary.
>, I deploy them. The fucks in the design team couldn't be bothered with one client's shitty supply when they could spend their time inventing fake tasks to justify their salary.

slow minded installation tech cope and seethe cuz he too stupid to do creative work.

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Thread thermally drifted: >>2787618

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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oh, Sedra Smith lol. i thought it was "signals and systems" which is what my school called control therory.
just start bro, youll learn with your hands.
I knew none of that when i made my first blinker lol just quit being a bitch
I made my first electronics project when I was a little kid, with a few nails, some wire, a board, and a piece of steel strapping, a home made capacitor out of tinfoil and wax paper I got from my mom. To flash a light bulb. LEDs were not invented yet.
I remember my dad giving me a relay about a year after that. I’m like “holy crap… someone already thought of this and did a way better job”

Of course, I did not amount to very much despite such early promise.


You didn’t mention what the project was, practical advice cannot be offered. Are you going to hit us up for project ideas? I just gave you one.
I’d agree with you a lot of the time, but this circuit uses series pass JFETs, and I refuse to believe someone can do that without at least some clue.

CD4007s are the best way to get 4-terminal MOSFETs, they’re great.

To design custom circuits for a given category, you need both an understanding of theory, and experience building and troubleshooting existing circuits. Just one or the other won’t be enough. Get your hands dirty with some simple projects, the OP has a few in its GitHub repo. I made an elektrosluch for my first project, it was fun.
>fix my 3d printer with a new rotary encoder and a bodge wire to repair a trace that i mistakenly cut like a retard
>fix a smps i had laying around
i am unstoppable

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how do i make my room better?

also male living space thread
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Computers ruined civilization more than the jew thought possible.
I would start looking on pinterest or google images, take note of the rooms that you think look nice. Then try and find affordable ways to make your space look similar. If you like having minimal stuff, that's cool but I think when you start filling out your home a little more it will feel more inviting. Just start will small stuff and figure it out as you go.
this. this is all true
i bought on old house. the previous owners had big dogs living with them. eveyfucking thing is broken and scratched to fuck, from the dogs.
windows broken
window screens torn to shreds
window blinds, all wrecked
window trim, mauled to shit
wood floors scratched and mauled to shit
walls, wall trim scratched and torn to shit
door knobs on screen doors broken, torn off
big holes dug everywhere in back yard

dogs, especially big dogs, absolutley destroy a house. the belong outside as a a farm animal, work dog, guard dog, whatever. they dotn fucking belong inside the house.
Nah, I grew up with big dogs. (Went through three of them.) Our yard was nice, and our house was nice. Things weren't broken or damaged. You bought a house from dumbshits who let their dogs run wild.
jesus christ how fucking slow is DIY? i made this thread like two months ago as a joke and its still up

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But the Shitposting Must Go On edition

Previous thread drowned out by contesters: >>2785963

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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that's true
not gonna lie though a little apprehensive about drilling a hole in the case for an sma connector

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Lads I'm a clueless shitposter boomer that through sheer persistence managed to pull a job interview next week for a plumber assistant position. How do I increase my chances of getting hired?
I'm a /fit/izen so I'm in pretty good shape and have a tiny bit of diy experience but that's it. Really shitty memory btw.
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Nah, you're just illiterate and unable to value precise meaning, but public school is to blame for that.
>it doesn't mean that because I say so
okay boomer
Bigger than you
lurk more
Payday's Thursday.
The plumbing trifecta of knowledge.

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3D Printed Breakfast Edition

Last Thread: >>2787167

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

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Do you need your parts to be particularly strong? If so I'd recommend a printer that can do ABS out of the box. Also 400 euros seems kinda steep for a KE, that's more Ender V3 price (not the KE).

>organic shapes
Learning blender might not be a terrible idea. It isn't parametric (for the most part), but it's good for more organic shapes, and IIRC it has a plugin that makes it passable for mechanical CAD work. Though most people I've seen use it also learn a proper parametric CAD program, and import the sculpted shape into that once it's refined. If you're not a Freetard like me, go for the free version of Fusion360 or Onshape, that or pirate Solidworks.
>3d scanning and AI
It's getting there, but the landscape is awash with tech demos and expensive scanning hardware, it's not really consumer ready yet. Though maybe there's a youtuber keeping his finger on the pulse of the 3D scanning field that's done the dirty work for you and can tell you the latest cost effective setup. I still think we're a while off being able to scan something in and have it be good enough without any hand finishing though.

Casting is absolutely the way to go, there's lots of custom rubber or composite things that you can't buy, and being the guy who can 3D print a mould and cast one will set you apart. Both things like silicone and urethane, but also forged carbon. Though stocking all the different resins is expensive if you want any sort of variety (e.g. a range of shore hardnesses).
A router isn't as useful unless you can do aluminium, but custom wooden parts might be a good market if you know where to look.
A diode laser can do business cards and engraved art, but I don't think its potential is that great by itself. I use one for PCB making.

>I'd at least mention ASA in that regard

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Thank you for the reply, so would Bambu Lab X1 Carbon priced at 1900euros be worth it? And yes, I would like to print some parts for car aswell for tabletop cnc machine and other household items
X1C is maybe overkill, you can get a P1S and add a hardened nozzle. Without the botnet, a K1C or SV08+enclosure is probably good enough if you don't mind tinkering a bit. Watch some reviews to see what's worth getting and what isn't, spending 2k on a printer deserves a few hours of research at the least. I recommend Aurora Tech's reviews.
Thank you once again, I will look into them, but what are some things to look out for and recommended upgrades? What about enclosures, cameras, sensors, upgradable steppers, linear rails etc...
Nice results anon

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I have unlimited sand where I live. I want to make it into Silicon for fun, and maybe if I’m retarded enough I will become a silicon mogul and oust Taiwan. What do I do if I want to purify silica from sand and turn silica in to silicon?
I imagine I could use a panning method with water and a rotating pan maybe? Then add crushed charcoal and put it in a furnace to make CO2 and Si?
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You can't beat Taiwan. There is a special quartz cave in North Carolina that you don't have access to
1. purification of sand/dirt into SiO2 https://youtu.be/y-fdunvzC_g
2. SiO2 into elemental Si https://youtu.be/TCM-9XWu9gk
3. ???
4. fuck ton of processors coming our of your garage. chinks roping
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I hope you like spending a hojillion dollars on natural gas, because it takes between 170,000 and 341,000 BTUs to refine a kg of quartz into a kg of semiconductor grade silicon.
blech, fucked up the math, 50-100kWh per kg.
>silicon mogul and oust Taiwan
You really need to read up on the value chain here, it is huge and long but money os not where you think it is.
It starts by mining quartz sand, most is from Norway. That sand is sold in huge bags, and is shipped to Switzerland or Japan, where they melt, refine and grow monocrystalline boules, which then are zone refined and turned into wafers. Each wafer is 200 mm in diameter - and sells for a few dollars.
Value comes when these are shipped to places like Taiwan and these are patterned and turned into chips.
Then the wafers are sliced and packaged (often Indonesia) and shipped to customers.

Lower grade silicon is melted for use with amorphous photovoltaic cells, but that doesn't make you rich either.

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Dear anon,
can you please help me by telling my what type of screw this is?
i tried to switch the doorhinges from left to right on an old IKEA refrigerator.
Unfortunatly the thread on one screw failed. i assume that the nut thread inside the body is formed sheet metal
i tried looking for sheet metal screws, fine-threaded screws et. al. to find a replacement.
i think i dont need the guiding top, since the holes are already made into the outer plastic of the body
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Or if it's stripped, either go with a size larger or fill the hole with JB weld
>JB weld
i hate faggots like you like you wouldn't believe
like you like you like you ha
Dude, it's for a fridge door, not the space shuttle
Cram in a fuckin wood screw, it's greasy but gets her done. Otherwise it looks like 10mm M3x1.0 dome head machine screw with additional BS, might want to add locking and plain washers. Or threadlocker. Unthreaded pin at the end could be to make it look more like a dick or maybe for alignment/locating of components but purchased by the engineers since they were cheaper but with extra crap..err....features...not really needed. Likely what anon said already, easier for assembly liners.

Does anyone know of a fair priced powerstation that can run one of those portable tent A/C units or a swamp cooler? It's got to be expandable and last at least 7 hours. I'd like to DIY a whole solar powerstation rig at some point... it's just... what fucking powerstation do I get
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> prices out a SEER 21 9k minisplit
$800 is a little low.for a quality unit. I was referring to the cost of power, or how much energy even the most efficient model will draw in a poorly insulated camper/trailer.

You thought I was referring to the price of the unit. No.

I think he should get a mini-freezer, make popsicles, and stick one up his ass. A lot of blood flows through that sphincter.

Like above anon says, running aircon or a heater will suck away all your power, requiring a system 3x the original size - for Aircon - and so much bigger than that again, for electric heat, that in the case of regular full-electric heat, you'll never fit it in a mobile application. Maybe a small electric heating pad.

One of the issues as I pointed out, is trailers etc are poorly insulated. It's more of a problem with heat than aircon, hypothetically, because basically what you are usually doing with aircon is dehumidifying, first. And trailers can be more airtight than they can have a good R value. But because your trailer or van etc must be parked in the sun for it's rooftop panels to work, typically the cabin is absorbing more heat, than if you simply parked in the shade and used a fan.

Small scale swamp coolers only work well in low humidity. That, therefore is highly dependent on where you are using and building your system. The amount of water needed, can cause issues, too.

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>get an inverter generator that can do 1500W and get some sort of A/C unit that can vent out the heat.
>Heat, just use a propane/diesel heater
Would be more efficient, but I was partially hoping to set up a climate controlled storage space that I could just leave alone for a few days at a time. I'd be a bit too nervious leaving a gas generator or a propane heater running unsupervised for a few days. Maybe I'll look into beefier systems

>you'll never fit it in a mobile application.
>trailers etc are poorly insulated
clearly stated it was for a shed. the RV pic was just something i grabbed off the amazon listing. I was even considering splurging a bit on 2x6 framing, so i could fit more insulation
If it's a shed, for the price of anything you'd want to do solar, just getting an electrical line out there would be infinitely cheaper. You get a window unit and bam, climate and humidity controlled and you just don't have to worry about it.
Heating and cooling are extremely power-intensive. There's no way around it.
To generate enough solar reliably, you'd need an easy 4kw of panels. This by itself could run you $2k if you got them at bargain bin prices and 50x25ft of space.
Then you need battery capacity like mad. We'll assume it runs hat half-power during the less-cool, less-hot parts of the day (though this is underselling things).
You'd need nearly 10kwh to 12kwh of battery storage to adequately. in case of shady days where you aren't getting 4kw from your panels.
This is another 5-8k cost.
And this isn't counting the inverter and solar charge controller. Throw in another thousand or two for one that won't burn your shed down or be inefficient, because cheap ones will suck away hundreds of watts just by being on.
So for way over $10k.... You can get an electrician to just run you some lectric for you climate control.

However if you can do without climate control, cost goes down dramatically. If you just want some lights and to charge your power tools and booster, a single 200W panel into something like an ecoflow delta 2 would be plenty. $150 for a panel, plugged into a refurbished delta 2 that goes for $600 after taxes. EZPZ.
Got a semi-chink made box with a 12.8V 100Ah LFPO battery and a 1000W sinewave inverter.
Apparently the inverter wastes up to 15 watts when running.
The fans engage when the inverter outputs more than 50-60 watts.
So I bought 12V lights and other accessories to save on the inverter usage (and fans noise).

I also experimented at home, running stuff, taking note of usual and peak power.
Noticed that the claimed "1000W nominal, 1600W peak for 2 seconds" is bullshit.
It seems to sustain 800-900W (enough for a microwave), barely keeps up with 1200-1300W peak for half a second.

No solar panel, yet at least 80% of the claimed 1280 watt/hours are there, so I can camp at least three days without charging.
It sports a couple USB ports; phone charging will be slow but hey, it saves me an extra powerbank.
Clearly I won't park the car in full sun.

I wouldn't go for homemade shit. I'm not fond of aborting a mission because some component was way too chink.
Hard to follow who is who, in a thread, but if that's your only contribution, here is my criticism&advice (you posted publicly so that's what happens):

You always derate chinese ratings by 25%. If it says 2000w on an inverter, you never load more than 1500. Unless it has a very strong track record, supported by other reasons (GroWatt, and the newer EG4s, only for examples, there are some others). Signature Solar / EG4 (technically different corporations) 6000w units (and I think the 18k) are OEM'd by Luxpower. Whereas an earlier 6k (I think the 6500 something) had a bad history of lemon-itis.

A lot of chinese producers, have no conscious, at all - will cut all kinds of corners. To the point of you scratching your head, why would they in such a self-destructive way? There is word of mouth, and you are going to tell everyone on these boards that it's a lemon. Censorship? I know every company has a CCP rep, maybe like the funny handshake club - you can't say anything bad about member's companies.

Usually if someone is doing a 12v system, the minimum advised inverter is 2000w, pure sine wave, like an WZRELB. 2000w because the assumption on a U.S. 120v outlet is it can handle 1500. Once you add in surges from motors (like power tools) it's easily up in the 2000+ watt range. 12v systems max out around 3kw.

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Do they literally just blow warm air over the food?
some of them cost over £500. I already have metal boxes and hot wind isn't exactly hard to attain.
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>I found some of the light bulbs at a supermarket of all places
pretty sure people buy them to make crackpipes
pretty sure you need to stop watching breaking bad and go outside, jesus christ. I am really sick of everyone bringing that up every time you mention light bulbs.
it's a normie bullshit thing that they say to try and sound smart and cool, like
>yeah, i know this edgy thing, heh, illegal things r cool and i am smart
shut up and fuck off you druggie normie.
Here's some better uses for incandescent light bulbs:
>nice lighting that is not cold white or actually strobe (fucks with your eyes, gives headaches)
>low level heating
>heat source for incubators
>indicator lights for cool oldschool control panels
>a weird resistor that changes resistance dependent on voltage
>carefully remove the metal cap and break into the glass part, put in moss and soil and replace the cap to make a cool little terrarium
>a fucking dehydrator
I agree
+the sell those crack pipe flower vases fucking everywhere why would anyone bother getting cut up by some overpriced light bulb?
>pretty sure you need to stop watching breaking bad and go outside, jesus christ
my chinese friend who worked at a dairy in a shitty part of town told me, i trust him, not in america though so our crackheads aren't as experienced
>changes resistance dependent on voltage
isn't that just the tempco talking? it's tungsten, i see no reason why it would be non-ohmic.

never seen these lmao
I have a room dehumidifier, if I just put it on lowest humidity setting and then a cheap oven element and small fan it should work right? I don’t know the capacity of the dehumidifier but it makes about a gallon of water in 5 hours when I put it in the shower room

Suppose you have rooftop solar panels, but without storage batteries. That way you are supposed to just use the energy in the moment it's produced, or it gets sent back to the grid.
Basically I don't want to send anything back to the grid because fuck grid operators. I can already monitor the solar production and the current house electricity usage, so I know when I am "wasting" solar energy. When that happens I can setup an automation that trigger a relay to turn on something that uses that energy (which ideally also saves/generates money)
So anons have ideas about what the load can be?

>turn on the hot water tank
I already have a solar tank
>bitcoin miner
Initial cost is too high
>Charge stuff
But what. I don't have an EV
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YES thank you. this encompasses every thread on diy.
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AI art kills artist.

Many artists take commisions for as little as $10 a piece. Consider that the next time you need cheap art quickly.
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you throw them in the ocean, fucking duh

based and artist pilled. you want to tip my patreon?
The correct answer is to install solar panels and also bypass your meter, so you can explain to the power company why your usage is so low

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