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Previous Thread: >>22608160

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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you're actually faceblind
Alisa's just got a big head.
I did an Americanized version of Pigtail Cosplay’s Gotchard eyes by getting a quilting canvas from Joann’s for 99 cents and then contact cementing it to tinted visor from harbor freight. Since the plastic is ABS, it’s pretty flexible already. It was then secured in with hotglue after contact cement on its sides.


The Japanese are extremely good at toku shit, and he has ways to do things like Geats as well.

Thanks, the helmet also includes two fans inside of the ears so I don’t fog up or die and has a breathable hole where the knight grail is.

Romeo and 4 Juliets.

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Anyone here read the manga?
So far I definitely prefer it over the TV series.
>Action scenes that don't consist of the same drawn-out attack animations, featuring some surprisingly visceral violence at times (Umi getting spiked, Hikaru's dog biting her in the throat)
>More confident in it's sense of humor, Hikaru's spontaneous cat ears and the super-deformed characters never coming across as an afterthought
>Story is more concise than the TV series, though I still appreciate Nova and a couple of the MOTW capers
Between this and the Sega Saturn game I've found a new appreciation for the characters and their interactions, a prime example of how a good cast can turn a fairly banal or juvenile work into something truly special.
>Hikaru is both a fierce warrior and the friendliest person you'll ever meet
>Fuu is wise, but too dense to understand jokes or hyperbole
>Umi is a snotty rich girl thrust into a world of monsters and warlocks
It's been a couple years since I watched the anime adaptations and I've still got about 3,5 volumes left to go, but I will probably stand by most of these words long after I've finished.
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>it had to do with some arbitrary studio mandate and the like
This. One of the adventages of the OVA format is that you just can do those "fanservice" takes and get away with a surprising number of things. It must have been one of those typical bad studio takes that keep them from going all the way through.

Rayearth OVA was literally my first time i saw ''forbidden anime'' with nudity, they even show them uncensored on TV at the time, and i am latino, this and renting a bootleg tape of Ghost in the Shell with the HBO dubbed broadcast.
This comment will never not be funny in context of the OAV existing...
White Knight Chronicles would work well with Rayearth stylistically.
>its a fucking Working Designs localization, so its BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD, makes 4kids and current Funi look like Intertrack in latin america
Nah it's not that bad. I mean, it is bad but there's none of the infuriating stuff you see these days like lame political rewrites at least. Iirc all the main stuff is mostly the same and all the really stupid shit like the infamous condom joke are for unimportant stuff.

IMO Working Designs might have taken their jokes way too far and their translations way to liberal (lets not get into the gameplay changes which ultimately boils to whatever you prefer) but at least they cared about the material unlike localization teams these days. Rayearth probably being the best example given they were willing to wait as long as they did to release it burning money in the process.

Minmay sex
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No I just agreed with his statement and genuinely believe Macross is better.
imho, of course.
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Fare enough. I just can't stand his vs console war faggatry bait.
Gentle consensual baby making.
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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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To be honest I really like the Beyond Global's proportions. It lends itself well to extreme poses and really dynamic photography. That being said, you can add about 2mm of plasticard to the shins to make the proportions more "standard."
it just has more human leg proportions. most mecha has really short thighs for some reason. you can get away with just sticking the entirety of a normal gundam thigh onto the top half of a 30ms thigh and it looks fine because the gundam's thighs are proportionally about half the length of a human's
You could by 7 GMs with that money
All black would make better space camo than a cluster of stars that's rapidly moving
They both have them. Bandai is just 50x bigger than koto, have more designers/engineers and have their own factory. Koto has to make all their shit in China factories.

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I finally managed to get this piece of shit game working on an emulator after six months with no advice other than "switch the rendering" (which did nothing, until today where a fresh download of PCSX seemed to fix the issue. Holy fuck this game is awful. I can forgive the clunky controls, but it's next to impossible when every enemy both out ranges you and out damages you. I couldn't the first mission because there's no indication as to when the enemy tanks see you, where they spawn or what their patrol patterns are. All the sensors seem next to useless, and the squad controls are confusing as hell. When the "boss fight" started, my Zaku I team mate one-shot it, ending the mission before I could even really start to fight it. Is this how the game is supposed to work? Is my copy fucked? If so, there some setting in PCSX that makes this game run properly? I can't believe this game was this hard, and I remember breezing through the first few missions with little to no difficulty.
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>the hold up meme
Games don't change, you just stopped playing the same ones.
>Nightly: 1.7.57xx
>Stable: 1.6.0, released years ago
That anon is right. You. Are. A. Moron.
It's just a ripoff of Duckstation.
yes, anon
two emulators that use a similar GUI, Qt, look similar
Standards evolve however

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Outsourced Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return

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Anybody else see this?


Normally I wouldn't give clout chasers like these the signal boost, but getting footage from the original Bio-Man pilot is pretty huge.
>we need our own Shredder's Revenge, or something similar
A MMPR "Shredder's Revenge" would be amazing, if done right. Even the same pixelated, cartoony (but accurate) art style would fit. Go through a bunch of stages swarming with Putties, Z-Putties, and Tengas. Fight some of the more notable monsters of the week (King Sphinx, Eye Guy, Pudgy Pig, Pumpkin Rapper, Pirantis Head, Nimrod, Lipsyncher, Silver Horns) as bosses, then the last few levels' bosses are Goldar, Scorpina, Rito, Rita, and Zedd, maybe Master Vile. Start the roster off with the five Rangers, with Green and White as the obvious unlockables. Then have Ninjor, Bulk, and Skull (maybe with the last two as the Purple and Orange Rangers) as the secret unlockables you have to work at getting. Maybe even Alpha, too. I admit, I don't know how the Zords would work in this game, but I'd almost rather have no Zords than just reduce them to QTEs.
You largely described Mega Battle. It's weird how no one seemed to care about it at the time, yet it seems to line up with what people want from an MMPR game today.
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>I admit, I don't know how the Zords would work in this game, but I'd almost rather have no Zords than just reduce them to QTEs.
Having 3 - 6 players is where things get dodgy with Zords. The Genesis movie game was only 2 players, but because of that they were able to have Megazord levels for each stage with Thunder Megazord/Tigerzord and Ninja Megazord/Falconzord. I consider that to be the most satisfying Power Rangers game ever made, and the Zord levels play a big part in that.
The only way to make 6 players work is with individual Zords. If the Genesis movie game was able to make the Falconzord a playable character, I don't see why other non-humanoid Zords couldn't be.

Have a mechanic where doing damage as an individual Zord earns you Megazord energy, and when a player maxes out their energy they can form the Megazord until it takes a hit. Have QTEs for the other players so they have something to do. Completing the QTEs would continue to fill their own energy. If the player controlling the Megazord takes a hit, and another player has max energy, control will shift to them. Order will be determined by the order in which people hit max energy. If the Megazord takes a hit and no one else has max energy, the Zords separate into their individual components. The mechanic could also be given to Dragonzord to enable fighting mode.

I would only have the individual Zords for 4 - 6 players though. If there are 1 - 3 players it would be Megazord/Dragonzord/Titanus by default. If tackling season 2, Thunder Megazord/Tigerzord Tor for 3 players, Red Dragon/Assault Team/Tigerzord/Tor for 4 players. The same combination mechanics would apply for Red Dragon, the Assault Team, and Tigerzord. The Assault Team would have the option to choose Thunder Megazord or Mega Tigerzord when maxing their energy. The same could be applied to individual Zords in 5 - 6 player mode. Someone playing as the Firebird for instance could choose which one to form, while someone playing Red Dragon could only form Thunder Megazord.

Season 3 has the most options to accommodate multiple players without needing the individual Zord mechanic. Ninja Megazord, Falconzord, Titanus, and Shogun Megazord only gets you to 4, but adding Ninjor as a playable character ups it to 5. Individual Shogunzords make the most sense for rounding things out to 6 players.

So is the Gundam Mark II superior to the 0083 Gundams?
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People don't seem to understand something

Gp01-FB is like a 1983 Ferrari Twin Turbo Charged GTS.

Gundam Mark 2 is like a 1987 Toyota Pickup Truck with some new suspension system for the tires.

Gp01-FB was the absolute best Anaheim Electronics could do for its era. The absolute cutting edge and loaded with luxury. Even the seats had extra nice cushioning with leather imported from Italy.

Gundam Mark 2 was absolutely NOT the best the Titans could make. It was simply a "no frills" suit they made to test some new technology. It was serviceable, and did its job well for testing purposes. But Nothing more. The seats were a little stiff and cushioning was basic cheap stuff the military always uses.
7 episodes later and the Titans already have suits that can match it in performance (Marasai).


The GP suits could contest the Mk-II, but the GP suits also had no growth potential in their design.

A more apt comparison would be the last piston engine fighters versus early jet fighters. They weren't *that* much better, but those piston fighters were the absolute best of the best, refined by war, and the jets were just the beginning of what they were capable of.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think anon just means that one suit is a top end luxury model and the other was a mid-range model. A Ferrari from the 80s can still outperform a modern budget Toyota Corolla in speed and performance
Yeah, I got the comparison, though the Mk-II was less of a budget platform and more of an unspecialized next-gen machine.
>7 episodes later and the Titans already have suits that can match it in performance (Marasai).
That's not really the case in the show. It's just an improved Hi-Zack, that's literally what the Sunrise show profile says. But over the years databooks kept adding stuff to its lore until it got to look better than it actually is in the show. Like having movable frame is a fairly modern addition. I think it originates from Zeta Gundam Historica which started in 2005

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New AoZ thread, let's hope MS Girls pics turn out to be a good luck charm for new content.
--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries
>scans of some of the earlier entires
>samples of the ongoing manga
>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.
>another page with their stuff
>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one
>last thread

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I wonder why they haven't converted that Barzam into Bar-GM, considering that at first it was AEUG that was making them, before Feds adopted it.
Anyway, it's kinda interesting to me, because I want to see some fun stuff with Nemos 1-2, Rick Diases and Methuss' extended family, as potential is there.
Since by all accounts it's only a test machine for verifying how the bloody thing works I suppose they didn't bother tweaking it up for PR or didn't want to mess with internals till they had the design down to pat.
Meanwhile the BR-GMs that were deployed in combat may or may not have been based on the "scaled down" mass production version that was seen in the anime, rather than the TR Plan variant.
Super Barzam yay ;D!
Is the kehaar II just THAT expensive? I can only ever find it at a 5x markup from rrp but I have a friend in japan so I was wondering if he might be able to find it cheaper and ship it over
charms of p-bandai, anon. I think it has been a while since it was reprinted so your only options are scalped to hell kits

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What were they thinking releasing this crap?
The only pleasant thing is the credits music
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Nobody watches Nadesico for the plot.
They were thinking they were going to get two more movies.

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What's everyone watching or reading or building? Looking forward to anything this year?
Let's keep it /m/-related.
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Really cool looking robot.
Just completed episode 13 myself. So far, Kaga's only appeared in two episodes, but he's been a good bro to Hayato.

Alot of late 80s/early 90s VCRs had that look. Solid button feel, comfy leds in multiple warm colors.
Then the mid-late 90s soulless chinese rounded edges corporate grey junk showed up.
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>next ep is the Jun one
How sad will this be and will it be "hated my mixed-raceness and tried to scrub my skin off" tier depressing
>remembering that the cartoon played the depressing Lorelei arc completely straight
I'm going to assume the show won't pull any of its Atomic Punches either
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I'm on episode 14 of Gundam ZZ.

Why did he smack everyone around in Zeta over nothing, but he lets everyone get away with everything now? Is he afraid of Judau?
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> Is he afraid of Judau?
On the contrary he was afraid of Amuro as Ryu stated because he didn't know how to deal with him. Kamiille mellowed out quite quickly in comparison and he didn't have nearly as much trouble as the other two. With Judau and his gang he didn't really have to try hard because they were just a bunch of dumbass kids and they were pretty easy to fool given he tricked them with the prospects of money (of course Leina helped with this as well) so its more or less that he was self aware enough through his experience with Amuro and Kamille that he didn't take Judau NEARLY as seriously.
because anime ja nai
The Shangri-La kids have spines that Kamille, Katz and the engineers didn't.
Bright was beyond done with it all by ZZ.
>thrust into a position he wasn't ready for and in command of mostly civilians that don't know military protocol
>constantly contradicted and in conflict with hormonal teenagerds
>brought back into combat a few years later in charge of a more competent crew but at odds with hot headed retard aces
>watches one get killed and another become braindead
>crew reduced to a skeleton with only a few reliable dudes
>has to bargain with mildly competent street rats to survive
>does not have the energy to get angry
>just wants to see his wife and kids again
>leaves at the flimsiest excuse
He's pretty shaken up over what happened to Kamille in particular. Even after following his gut and defecting to AEUG he still tried to be the 'proper' officer that got him through the OYW. Look where it got him. He's so fucking done, halfway convinced he'd be on the first shuttle out if not for the fact he can't abandon the fight against Neo-Zeon in good conscience.

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Post your continuity breaking cash gra- I mean, obscure prototype and limited deployment mobile suits from MSV
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Yeah this right here, my personal favorite mass production zeta. It actually feels like a simplified MP unit unlike the Re-GZ or especially the zeta plus.
It's so simplified it misses the point. It's a failure of a mobile suit that was just plain inferior to the Hyaku Shiki Kai.
the hyaku shiki kai has a hard time developing it's own identity. I end up just looking at it as a hyaku shiki with a retarded alien head
>It's so simplified it misses the point.
Absolutely. It's not fit for ace pilots like Zeta Plus and Re-GZ, nor it is cost-effective enough for mass production like ReZEL. Still, it's decent and looks really cool.
>It's a failure of a mobile suit that was just plain inferior to the Hyaku Shiki Kai.
Uh, kinda? Saying this is kinda missing the point, as regular HSK is more of a competitor to Zeta Plus as an ace suit. HSKMPT on other hand, while slightly better than MP Zeta, is also way more expensive.
For me it's the Full Armor variant.
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It'll always be my beautiful baby boy

We are currently in Golden Week for GBO2 for console. A good time to enhance any of your favorite MS with bonus hanger and banners which grant you extra mechanic tokens and mod kits.

The new MS for the week is one handmade by Scirocco which is part of the Valpurgis Plan and is has the power of the Curse of Gryps which ended Scirocco's life, Over.on has arrived as the next 4-star MS.

On stream we are in the 1st Anniversary Celebration pre-event with special step ups and an MS request campaign event. The new 4-star MS is Perfect Gundam Perfect Gundam [TB] with Zeta Gundam 3A Type as the next MS.

GBO days will also arrive for the usual first week of the month.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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Way to out yourself as the douche that does his own thing
kill yourself you chinese faggot
You should kys.
>wanted to do cost 700 ground QM
>cost 700 Arctic in rated in current rotation
>5 lose streaks there
Yeah fuck this shit, I'll back to Arctic 400 for rated

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>Hopefully he sponsored more mecha show
https://youtu.be/I9AyVYTqZC0 it will be Torkaizers time to fight, inshallah...
Yeah, if they're dead they probably have no mailing address
the Emperor of Darkness was never actually defeated in the TV series. Ota's manga fixes that
How does Z and Great defeat him there?
they don't. he retreats after the Great General of Darkness is killed just like in the TV series, tries to ally his remnant forces with the Vegans and is later betrayed

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"運命か・・・" Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3
>models for all the gen 1 parts

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