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This board is for:
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WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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requesting song sauce for >>>/wsg/5535210
Can't tell, anon. But you have the uploader there. He should know.
Adding onto what the previous anon said, had you gone to the TikTok with the username thats clearly in sight, you would've been able to see that it literally cites the song name (JUMPING IS NOT A CRIME). The tiktok version seems slightly altered, but I cba to scour the depths of soundcloud for the exact match.
>go to tiktok
your first mistake
thank you for finding it though

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i am not underage, i'm just inept at probability

we have a pin code made up of 4 *distinct* numbers, guessing the first digit has a probability of 1/10, guessing the next should have a probability of 1/9 and so on (because the numbers are distinct), therefore the probability of someone guessing the code by inputting random digits is 1/(10*9*8*7), is this correct?

moreover the probability of someone guessing all digits but not necessarily in the correct position should be the previous probability multiplied by 4! because that's all the possible combinations of the digits one can try, correct?

finally someone guessing at least 2 numbers in the correct position should be (1/(10*9) * (1/8*7)*2!) because it's the probability of guessing 2 digits in 2 correct positions * all possible combinations of the remaining digits, is this correct?
7 replies omitted. Click here to view.
i think i get what you're saying
so let's take the event "someone guesses the first digit correctly and in the correct position"
theres a probability of 1/10 to guess it because since its the first position it means we havent chosen any other digits yet (if it was second position it would be 1/9), however once guessed the other digits are bound by that choice, for example if the first digit is correctly guessed and it is 9 it means every combination WOULD need to be calculated as 1/9*8*7 however since they're bound by the first choice i only have to consider the groups that start with 9 and those groups are all of size 3 so 4 choose 3 multiplied by however many digits i can choose from (9*8*7 in this case), does this make sense?
also when i normally write 4 choose 3 i'd be considering combinations that contain another 9 in it but since im dividing by 9*8*7 i am, in a way, only considering the probability of every other combination not counting the probability of the first digit, also simplifying the fraction only leaves me with 4 choose 3

if an event were "someone guesses one digit" without specifying in which position and which digit it is does that make the problem incomplete or do i have to add up the probability of every possible correct guess? (so 1/10 + 1/9 + 1/8 + 1/7)
1. Yes that's correct.
2. No that's incorrect. The probability of such a thing is 24/5040.
3. 365/5040
Hmm, I think I didn't explain myself clearly.
>if it was second position it would be 1/9
The event "someone guesses the first digit correctly" has the same probability as the event "someone guesses the second digit correctly".

I'll try to explain the ideas of event and sample space in more detail that makes it easier to see why this is not true. So like I said earlier, sample space is the set of all possibilities we are considering (in this case all of the valid guesses for passcodes). Events have to be subsets of that sample space. In the case of this problem, this means that events are sets containing valid passcode guesses, so the event you describe at the bottom is not actually well defined. Thinking about the event "someone guesses the first digit correctly" can be rephrases as "all passcodes that share the first digit with the correct passcode". In most cases where you deal with discrete events, the probability is defined as # of things in event / # of things in sample space. The probability of the event mentioned above is thus (1*9*8*7)/(10*9*8*7) = 1/10, which is what you would expect.

Now, intuitively, the number of passcodes that have the second digit as the correct passcode should be equal to the number of passcodes that have the same first digit. This suggests that the event "someone guesses the first digit correctly" has the same probability as the event "someone guesses the second digit correctly". To actually calculate this, you have to be a bit careful. Let's say the correct passcode 1 2 3 4. Then any passcode that has the same second digit can't start with 2. So the event has a size of (9*1*8*7), which is the same as the size of the event "someone guesses the first digit correctly". I think this is why thinking systematically in terms of events is helpful because it can help you catch subtleties like this.

Sorry, I had to split the post up.

n choose k and n permute k are kind of like shortcuts you can use in calculating the size of events. For the third question in your OP, this question is tricky because the position of the two correct digits aren't specified. However, it's easy to reason that if I give you two correct digits and their positions, then there are 8*7 (8 permute 2) possible passcodes. Note that we use the permute operation because the position of the digits matter (1 X 2 X is not the same as 2 X 1 X). So now all we need to know is the number of possibilities for what the positions of the correct digits are. Naively, we might guess 4*3 (4 permute 2), reasoning that there are 4 possible positions for the first correct digit and 3 for the second. But first correct digit and second correct digit are completely arbitrary, as this adds an order to a situation where one doesn't exist, so we should divide by 4!, which gives 4 choose 2. The size of this event is thus 4 choose 2 * 8 permute 2. This might be super redundant, but a lot of people use this terminology, which could help when looking at other people's explanations.

Also, I realized this example is kind of misleading. The event "the color of the two balls I drew are different" is a situation where the fact that the order doesnt matter actually increases the size of the event, because the different orderings are individual elements of this event (this is called undercounting). In the passcode scenario, it's not valid to consider first and second digits are correct as distinct from second and first digits are correct. This is why 4*3 would not give the correct answer (we overcounted the number of possibilities by using 4 permute 2).
where do 24 and 365 come from?
i'm still having a bit of trouble understanding, like i understand where you say given 2 correct digits there are 8*7 possibilities left, but i dont get where the 4*3 comes from (im ESL so i may have just misunderstood what you mean)
my professor does write all the events in a rather verbose way in assignments so maybe if i do that it will help me think about problems the correct way
i will try some easy excercises and work my way up to harder ones, thank you for the explanations

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Any anime for this vibe?
Sonic X
Boku no Pico

Need some help finding a specific music track. In FF7 Rebirth, every big region has two "versions" of its theme. When you first enter the region, it will play the first version of the theme. After your do so many overworld quests (not sure but I think maybe the Towers quests will drive it), the theme will change to a different version. Usually more instruments added, more vocals, more bombastic, etc.

The Corel region has this happen. No matter what "Corel theme" music I find, I can only find the second version of its theme. Even the official OST that I found seems to only have the second version. I found several YouTube videos of the Corel theme, but they've all been the second version. I can find the first version of so many others, like the Grasslands and Junon, but not the first version of the Corel theme.

Can anyone help? You'll know the first version by comparing it to the second version. The first version is more low key, has less instruments and key notes, etc. Please, someone help me track this particular track down.

For the love of all, does anyone have a link to the video of the meme that has this scene in loop with space or technicolor in the background and someone has dubbed a blown out scream into it as well as some 70's game show-esque music?? First saw it about a decade ago. Just spent 2hrs trying to find it, no luck. HELP
Maybe if you told us what movie or show it's from.
Samuel L. Jackson in Die Hard 3: With A Vengeance
Okay, it might be in one of these threads.
A quick filename search found nothing interesting, so we gotta dig another way.

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Hello, can anyone share some techno, DnB, ambient, soundpools for Magix Music Maker? Thank you!

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I am in possession of a component off of a Russian spacecraft, most likely a satellite. It is not dangerous in any regard and is not part of a weapons system. It is in good shape and in my opinion quite neat. I would like to keep it in my possession, not interested in selling it. I would however like to make some money off of it. I am in the PNW area and driving is no object.
Is there any sort of museum I could lease this object to, or some other way to make money off of this while still retaining ownership?
Secondly, while this component would not have any data on it (not an electronic component) it is still Russian aerospace tech, could the fedfags conceivably come in and confiscate it from me?
There's a number of space museums in the US. Determine if any of them have a foreign spaceflight section, or if any are interested in opening such a section.
Any ones in particular you recommend? Also ideally I’d like to make some money off it, is that possible?
Mist likely not, unless it's on the same tier as Sputnik-1.
Damn alright, I’ll probably still contact a few tho, might be interesting at the least lol

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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
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9 anime or zoro tends to have a download button next to the settings button depending on the server that you choose
Gonna be mia for a few days.
Movie 7

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If anyone can sing like Adam from Hazbin Hotel here's a cover you could try

Original version - https://youtu.be/kMy8W0j-Slw?si=IHbwqrz0_pUaqLmw
Instrumental version - https://youtu.be/_rztGoWeQVw?si=InSni1U5ekHNhCVt

>New lyrics
Let me stop you right there
What you're suggesting is strange
If what you're proposing is letting them change
Into a woman, oh they don't wanna be a man?
Sorry sweetie, but that X and Y's name is Dan

Cause trannies aren't women, whether you like it or not
Had their chance to be a man, but now they chopped off their cock
And they can't deny the science

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Can’t sing but maybe u can get ai? Idk what’s out there but the hazbin community is autistic af so I’m sure someone’s made it
Yeah I already asked in the ai thread but I put it here too in case someone wants to do it the old fashioned way
Ah fair enough, this sounds funny af so if u get it done please reply I wanna hear it lol
I ended up finishing the whole thing, here's the other half

Trannies aren't women, and it's not up for debate
They're disgusting perverts who do nothing but masturbate
And their bone structure is male
That's why they will always fail
To pass as female that's why they're killing themselves

FUCKING trannies can't become women and you can't refute
You can't make me fuck their rotting wound made out of poop chute
Now that you're coping and seething
I guess I should now be briefing
You about the nigger problem on hand

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Here's the full thing in one whole piece, made a few changes to the lyrics

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playing on a runescape private server (rsps) and looking to change identity on the server.

does anyone know how I can spoof my MAC address and HWID and IP Address?

seems even after resetting my pc and resetting my router they still know what account mine is previously etc.

thought about using a vpn but that would only solve part of the problem I believe.

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Does anyone have the webm of this music video edit of the movie Taxi Driver?
The image is the first frame. IIRC, it featured a lot of music synchronized cuts that all featured Robert Deniro.

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Who's this girl supposed to represent? I swear I've seen here somewhere
What's the full image?
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at 58:15 and 59:05
Since you saw her here, is it possible that she could be /s4s/-tan?
Thanks for the reply anon, but I don't think it's her.

If you look at the other characters in the full image, they are all much closer to their original versions.

I'd say it's closer to a stylized Chiyo Mihama than to s4s-tan.

Please webm this news clip with the image thumbnail, and with Dark Souls boss music.


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Since i have a small range of fixed ip adresses that came with my internet connection, i wanted to setup a java edition minecraft server using ubuntu server.
Im unfortunately a bit of a noob, and i would like to know if it's safe if i put the server between my router and my firewall.
Do you have any suggestions on seting it up?

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