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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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What is the tried and true bivy. Light/durable/inexpensive etc
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Yea my MSR Hubba Hubba 2 is a true 2 man tent and weighs a little over 3lbs. If an extra pound on my shelter makes or breaks me im already screwed. Its worth it for the room. I also have a Seek Outside Silex, which is one man and floorless and its 1lb 14oz. I love it for winter camping alone when i need a woodstove or just a rain tarp to keep in my pack while hunting bear/early season.
>I wouldn't consider a bivy to be an option
Then there was no need for you to post. Opinion discarded.
Not nearly that much heavier, but if you're a whiny bitch that counts ounces then it's not for you.
There were four options total, and I laid out exactly why you’ve never spent more than a few nights in a bivy.

Please explain what you do when you wake up to rain, or it starts raining right when you get to camp. No hypotheticals, please.
I set up a tarp and chill under it.

>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
Anything potent enough to permanently keep ticks away is probably so toxic it would never get past any kind of approval for human use.

You do the normal thing: long socks, tuck pants into socks, spray the shit out of your shoes and pants with a DEET spray just before setting off. You can even spray your shirt and tuck your shirt into your pants to force the tick to climb even higher. One thing which might work is to stick a ribbon of double-sided tape around your thighs over the pants, that way any tick which makes it that far up might get stuck. I've never tried this personally, but I imagine if you find the right kind of tape it could work quite well.
have you ever heard about winter/fall/spring?
>have you heard about seasons?


The ticks are active spring/summer/autumn, when i go out in the woods with my dogs they always end up with a few on them.
I've seen they make these odd looking gaiters that are a loose weave material chemically treated that essentially traps the ticks within the weave and then the permethrin is supposed to kill them
Permethrin "infusions" aren't as good as spraying the stuff on just before you go out, and the permethrin washes out after a few trips through the laundry anyway. I just get cheap pants from Cabelas or Tractor Supply and spray them down before doing /out/ shit.

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Is there any chinkgear out there that's actually a good value for the money?
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thanks for your thoughtful response
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I am looking at a stainless steel water bottle + cup on aliexpress. Can i trust the Chinese to not use chemically contaminated metal on those bottles? Can i just clean it with soap and water before i use?
Different anon here.
The Sofirn is practically the gold standard where bang for buck is concerned.
I bought my first SP40 in 2019 and it's still going strong. These Sofirn headlamps have only one downside: the flashlight attaches to the head strap via rubber that you need to loop around the flashlight. It doesn't have a quick detach system like the Olight Perun. The Olight Perun 2 is a $70-80 light, however. The Sofirn is only $20-25.

I use my Sofirn all the time in the house and I've taken it to the Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn.

Apparently there is also a slightly larger model, the HS41 which takes a 21700 battery. Haven't used it.
>stealing from a corporation that has bled small towns and their people dry by building just outsidec town limits to avoid tax, work employees right under the threshold for giving them benefits, siphon all money out of the community and to a mansion in Benton Arkansas....shall i go on
Kys you boot licking faggot
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Theyre raising prices because theyre greedy crypto-kikes, just like you. Nice try distracting the public from the real reason though, that shit isnt working anymore

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2718306
Fruit thinning allows your plant to allocate its resources more efficiently. Each leaf is a source, and each fruit is a sink. If you have too many sinks, the sources will not be able to provide.
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Just going to be grass for now, need somewhere to play fetch, plus grapes would be bad for my dog.
I'm putting down 150lbs of metro mix seed for the majority of the lawn, then about 25 lbs of Kentucky 31 tall fescue along the edge of the road to match what's there, and I've got about 10lbs of fine fescue mix for around the compost pile where it's all shade. In the fall I'm going to overseed with pure Kentucky bluegrass, because it takes too long to germinate to plant in the spring.
yeah i think it will look nice there. id say dont get rid of the rest of the trees. provide a nice shade area. should look nice when all settled in by next year.
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Plant shopping on Etsy when
Help. Where do I find logs for my shiitake mushrooms I wanna grow. Online people charging like $80 for a small log which is outrageous.

I heard Europeans find our forests to be woefully underdeveloped, our grasslands astonishingly mundane, our swamps horrifically useless, our plains ridiculously boring, our badlands pitifully impractical, our deserts outlandishly dangerous, our mountains hilariously unusable, and our canyons disgustingly red. Is this true?
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and here, dont mind my camping and fishing hotspots...
so where exactly is the taiga/tundra you claim?
>I heard eurofaggots
I stopped reading there. My country is larger and more diverse than 25 of their rainy cold shithole countries put together.
This is the thing I don't get about Murica. You can go to the suburbs of any mid sized town in Washington (state), Nevada, Florida and Illinois and it will all look exactly the same, despite being in completely different biomes
>my country is larger and more diverse than 25 of their rainy cold shithole countries put together.
>lives in NY
>claims superiority based on nature in alaska
>will never actually go there....
They're right, Europe has more interesting terrain. Not to say USA is all boring, but Europe looks more beautiful imo.

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how hardcore are you?
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imagine being the simp that had to sit up there and pretend to be a cute girl for 738 days to make the story marketable because no one would give a shit about you doing it.
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This is her now .
>ticks can't get under your clothes
>burrs don't stick to your clothes
>all your supplies are hand-delivered to you every day
>just gotta sit in this tree
She's morphing into the vegan cunt from tiktok

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*blocks you path*
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>actually retarded
Not a day goes by that I'm not surprised at the drivel splattered across this board
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That's not what it is. Note that it has blue stars on a white background and that section is oriented horizontally. It's actually a flag that was used by early customs vessels (predecessor of the Coast Guard) and has been adopted by Sovereign Citizen morons who think that the normal US flag is for the military and this vertical stripe one is the civilian version.
Sounds like threeper nonsense. On par for /out/
>take off the signs
I don't know how this would block my path considering I have no reason to go on somebody's property other than using their driveway to turn around.

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Alright wtf are these zoomer talking about
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>why dont men want to discuss my feelings???
>no i dont mean my opinion based on anything
>no i dont mean my feelings in response to something measurable, tangible or realistic
>i mean my feelings completely detached from everything else
Nice bait. I know some people who are like this.
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Post has been edited to add context to the man/bear question.
I have no idea. I frequently walk by myself on trails and always smile and say hello to everybody I pass. Usually people say hi back, sometimes they just ignore me. But I haven't noticed any women glare at me. One time I even had two women approach me while I was taking a water break to help them leave because they were a bit turned around.
Maybe try being friendly and if occasionally you run into a bitch don't let her ruin your day.
didnt read
show tits or btfo
>women feel something
>we should have a discussion as to why
Usually it's because another woman told them to feel it

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The purpose of this general is to encourage people to go /out/ and find cool fossils and artifacts. This thread is also a place to share our own collections and things we find when we are /out/ hunting.

Rules are as follows,
>To just post and discuss fossils and other related geological subjects.
>When you post about a fossil in your collection, please label it with what formation it is from, what it is, and where in the world it is from.
>If you don't know where it originated or the species that is ok, just label it as so
Helpful Links
Geologic maps of US states (usgs.gov)
A Beginner's Guide To Fossil Hunting - Fossil Hunting Trips - The Fossil Forum

classes have finished for the year and work has slowed down so hopefully I can keep this one alive. I've made some amazing fids in the past few months that I have been gone and I hope to see what all you have found since the last thread as well. First fossil of this thread is a Placcticeras sp. about 9.5 to 10 inches in diameter was super stoked when I found it. Upper Britton Formation of the Eagle Ford Group, Denton Co. Texas
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Speaking of breccia, I actually found a pretty classic example from the looks of it.
If those are decorative rocks, then that's ruling out breccia. That's because those are very local in outcrop and quarry would not mine it for sale. Then yeah second one can be rhyolite or dacite.
That's not breccia. It's pegmatite or some large crystalline granite. Those white parts are elongated feldspar crystals and grey stuff is quartz. In breccia everything is crushed and mixed together. Pegmatites can have like couple hundreds possible textures, so i will check later if i can find matching one in literature, but personally i've seen it many times in outer layer of pegmatite veins.
Whatnare some good resources for learning more about geology and mineralogy? Are there any free courses on like youtube or something? Im genuinely interested in learning more but I don't know where to start.
Shawn Willsey and Myron Cook are good YT channels but i'm also looking for book suggestions
When i learned, i didn't used english textbooks, so idk. I will look into it rn and see if something is available on libgen that's looks promising. And btw, it's possible in area when you live to find some outcrops, mine dumps, etc? Practice really helps a lot while learning. Check geological maps for that and https://www.mindat.org/ (it has locality database).

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What temperature is safe and good enough to swim in for like an hour/2 hours? Is 12 celsius ok without a wetsuit?
I was thinking about this last night. The water is gonna still be too fucking cold to swim in in freshwater here (river/creek swimming hole). But, by the end of the month we will be full into swimming hole season, so close.
>an hour
just buy a wetsuit african

What are the best long distance walks in Europe?
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E1 isn't even possible this time of year, übagüfy.
Did bongs really name their famous /out/ areas after pokemon regions?
Bump I want an answer to this

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trees love CO2
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okyouright,,,idont realy wanto hearthereply.,
,,,wasexpecting more ofighthough.,
,,,,,,just slinking away,,,itsnot,the way of paid shills,,guesshes doinit for Free?,
,,ithink were settled onthe science<
I am currently peaking after reading so my question is, how could I realistically, or even theoretically increase CO2 in a grow tent? NO I DO NOT GROW WEED actually I just imported a Euphorbia Labatii 'red leaf's form. pls respond
During the industrial revolution it was noted that tree were growing way more than normal
Yeah, but those problems require money, resources, and manpower to fix and can't be easily turned into a financial instrument to be traded on the market.

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Geocaching is what started making me go /out/side. Does anyone else still do it? I bring a mountain bike and head to trails.
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not at all, if i'm eating a raw oyster i caught or ordered from a restaurant i can be rest assured that what i'm eating hasn't been tampered with in any way. i also wouldn't drink out of a river without filtering it first. you don't know who put those shrooms in the geocache or what they could be laced with. surprised you haven't lost your mind yet from ingesting untested substances off the street
Today I've finished cleaning, oiling and fixing up my bike and went out to find a new geocache someone made recently in my area. It was a really fun trip and I've touched some grass :) I just wish deet would actually work for scaring off mosquitoes.
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>noo, you can't look for cashes you didn't find yet!
>this basic function costs extra!
Ugh. geocaching.com is such a corporate, commercialized trash. Thank God there are geocaching apps that let me do that without relying on their site.
Wonder if those areas are more violent or of the nig problem is uniquely American
I find it boring and constantly underwhelming. I've never encountered a truly challenging cache that is off-trail and hard to reach, nor a cache that actually had anything interesting in it.
Like a cache with a copy of the Protocols or Industrial Society. That would be quite funny.
Then again, there just aren't as many caches here as in the US.

Anon, niggers don't hike and they definitely don't hunt for geocaches in the wild. That's like the least niggerish activity imaginable.

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everyone loves mountains and forests for /out/, but what about the humble grasslands and swamps?
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swamps seem miserable
Well, you have a dilemma there, rattle sneks or water moccasins. While each is highly venomous in its own amazing, lethal way, I give the nod to the water moccasin because it can also swim up to you and attack or drop out of the trees without notice and then murder you horrifically. Rattlers mostly leave you alone in the grasslands ... until they don't. Edge: swamps. Have fun out there anons and watch out for sneks, they're watching you.
I love the prairie. Some see it has barren when in truth its full of life.
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Went hiking in the prairie earlier this week and saw a lot of cool flora and fauna you don't really see often in the area, like these dung beetles pushing bison shit.
That dung would make a great gift for your Indian friends.

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