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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Previous Thread: >>10861021

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

Active Communities:

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Wait for switch online
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Took a short break from other stuff to make a powerpoint presentation.
currently playing through super metroid v e r t i c a l i ty. the amount of custom stuff in it is really amazing.
Better than Sonic CD.

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10892979

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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They both have their use, and I wouldn’t miss them if a wad didn’t use either.
This also makes me more appreciative of all the holes filled in by the Doom 2.
I think it has the greatest roster, but it's still not without flaws.
>twf to intelligent to be a good bossfight
If it's still got it's Hexen support it's not going to be the edited one.
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gzdoom automatically recognizes certain iwads and they will appear in the official launcher, but for pwads I'm afraid you need an external one

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so apparently this game exists solely because a schizo executive at Sunsoft USA decided it should be made
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what did they mean by this?
>enemy mosquito
as opposed to friendly mosquitos?
If you used Reddit spacing in your post, you didn't properly beat the game.
The only people that complain about "reddit spacing" are retarded poltards that were forced to migrate from there during somebody's election campaign.

Do you know why the N word is now a bannable offense?

There was a time when everyobody used it and noone was taking it seriously.

Now it gets your post deleted, it's an excuse to get rid of you.
No. It's obnoxious when there is extra spacing after greentext like that. The rest would have been somewhat acceptable.
As for saying nigger, it actually depends on the board. Some boards it's not only normal, but almost expected to call someone stupid a nigger. But on some hobby boards and the more left leaning boards, you're more at risk.

why did ps2 games look so good?
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they kept throwing in al kinds of shitty thing like overuse of post-processing, TAA, Chromatix Abberation, motion blur, smokey grey lighting/overally bright lightning.
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reminds me of angela anaconda
Not sure why you're so angry, that anon hit the nail on the head. You'd have to be actively in denial of reality to disagree with him

Justin bieber?
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I played Super Mario Bros a lot as a kid and the sound that plays when you picked up a mushroom was so distinct to me as a kid, it was loud and punchy, same with the "CLING!" sound from the coins. When I played the All Stars version years later I was disappointed at how much more plinky and hollow everything sounded.
Are sound effects the most underrated part of a video game? I honestly think its a big reason why I've always liked the AS versions less.
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I love the mario walking sound in the original Donkey Kong. It sounds hilarious. Starts at about 0:25 here
I hated the one in Sonic games because it interrupts the music, same with Invincibility themes, I deliberately dodged invincibility monitors like a plague.
Atari 2600 Missile Command. That console has such weighty sounds. The sound of being defeated in that game is amazing, it's like the world is actually ending. Run this from bout 5:20 to the end (and make sure you catch the end): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJijGLGHRTE&t=322s
>All-Stars brick-breaking bug doesn't matter
dude no, I'm the psycho who goes to bat for Final Fantasy 1 being fine without bugfixes in thread after thread, and even I would not tread on that ground
Mario getting his head sucked into every ceiling, while not the end of the world, is stupid and annoying and will be obvious to, yes, probably only a minority of players, but that will not be a tiny or insignificant minority, and one certainly need not delve deeply into the game's mechanics in search of that last .02-second time savings to discover that the problem exists
please stop making us defenders of buggy old games look bad
this game is just full of good effects such as explosions, bomb sound effect,1up sound and the sounds of bosses shooting big bullets


The AI is actually kinda hard in this game. Wtf, I actually have to learn how to play now instead of mashing.
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It feels like a bunch of ideas they had laying around for Budokai 4 before scrapping production for the next gen Burst Limit. It's a real weird game. It feels like it belongs on the PSP.
All sorts of publishers were squeezing every last drop out of the PS2 in its final days, games like this were quick to produce and could still turn a decent profit. They had already adapted the engine of Z3 to Carddas arcade games by this point.
Is this better than Budokai 3? I mean it has to be for the removal of dragon rush alone, right?
It removes Dragon Rush and replaces it with mini-games.
The huge ass rock paper scissors qte cutscenes are gone.

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Do you like Crash?
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Ask an African.
Not that you'd want an NoGame64 over a CD player with game support.
A four player console for people with no friends.
Now let's see Paul Allen's favourite Crash game.
I beat Crash 1 and 100%'d Crash 2

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>Saturn was a success in Japan
>a ton of good games get released for the system
>SoA lets those games stay Japan exclusive
>even when the system struggled to sell in the west
Why didn't SoA bother with localizing JP games?
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They were retards.
However Sony America were very similar. They refused to localize a lot of games on the ps1 because they were "too gamey" or not cinematic enough.
So you ended up with a lot of games getting Japanese and PAL releases but no US NTSC release at all.
Are you really this new?
It's less JRPG and more a Dating Sim.
Which at the time were still seen as completely autistic pedophile weirdo japanese garbage.
Good list. I'd include Assault Suit Leynos 2, and Keio Flying Squadron 2 which got a PAL/JAP release but no US.
>The Japanese did not understand Americans obsession with sports titles.
Neither do i. Have you seen how many are on the PS2? I checked, it's like 900 and something.
>EA didn't ignore Saturn, idiot.
They absolutely did. EA released FIVE times (5x) the amount of games on PS1 compared to Sega Saturn. Their Sega Saturn games were very small in comparison.
>Neither do i. Have you seen how many are on the PS2? I checked, it's like 900 and something.
The Japanese are just pretending to be dumb. They love their mahjong games and baseball games. Same idea.
>cringe weebshit
At least act like you've been using the Internet for 20+ years and not the last 8 months.
Saturn was discontinued in 98 while ps1 ran well into the 2000s. No suprise there are 5x EA games on ps1

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Playing this game for the first time on PC and while it's great it feels like it was built around savescumming at times. I can't imagine playing this on console
>10-15 minutes of careful stealth
>having a great time, you truly feel like a special agent
>1 fucking mistake
>carefully redo everything again
>oh shit you made a mistake again!
Like... shouldn't they have been a little more generous with the checkpoints?
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First, SC wasn't hard.
And second, in most cases it was pretty fun thus I didn't mind replaying some level sections. Jeez, I must have replayed the police station level from the demo 100 times.
Make sure to get the GOG version since it comes with some console-only exclusive levels

And friendly reminder that CT is overrated, Pandora Tomorrow is the best game in the series
>Pandora Tomorrow is the best game in the series
too many absolutely god awful missions and a bad voicecast.
I admit that Lambert being a different VA is bad but on the other hand he is voiced by Dennis Haysbert here and its a great performance.

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A thread for those using their phones for retro-gaming, from emulation to ports of retro-games.
I have a Poco M4 Pro and I use Retroarch with a Bluetooth controller (one of those cheap ipega controllers) and it works fine outside of N64 emulation giving me stuttering, heard I'm better off using mupen64fz instead.
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Do I have to pay for custom tax when buying straight from the gamesir website, when I'm in europe?
prefer dedicated devices.

not really, i feel just as weird playing on my gameboy on the plane.
what video plugin is better for mupen64fz?
gliden64 beta or 0.4.1?
there's box64 and winlator
nobody asked

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Post games that everyone told you were bad that are actually ok to pretty good when you just gave them a chance
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The best card combination of the game against bosses is Venus + Salamander which is the +25% damage buff.
Both cards are dropped by common early-game enemies (Slimes and Skeleton Bombers) and they have high droprates.
yeah sure that's effective but it's not interesting or fun.
>people only complain about the most surface-level shit like the double tap to run
The thing you have to do every 5 seconds is surface level shit now?
There is a romhack that makes you automatically run if this triggers you so much.
Don't play later Castlevania games tough. There running is locked behind a lategame soul that you have to equip to be able to run.
The walk speed is actually tolerable in other Castlevania games, and you have a normal jump arc while walking.
Circle of the moon has a painfully slow walk speed and that jump arc is borderline useless when walking.

Why doesn't it run on any emulator?
How many have you tried?

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reverse kids
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They should partner with Gaijinworks
TIL Japan was making unlicensed SNES games in the 90s. I thought only the Chinese were doing it.
>reverse kids
Benjamin Button?
Uooohhhh ToT

Why is she so sassy?
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You sure you arnt thinking of the first game? Because that's how i recall all the non Bonne fights going, even the last. 2 i atleast remember having different gimmicks for the bosses.
Only his english VA, and yeah he's dead, also he was a low-level no-list VA who just happened to get scooped up for the project. Unlike Japanese VA's, english ones get replaced all of the time. So it's not like the character is dead.
I played the first game recently and what struck me is how easy it was to circlestrafe everything to death. Just hold the shoulder button, aim and shoot, it killed everything including Juno.

I think the reason they made Circle Strafing an official thing in the second game is specifically so they could design around it, because it beat EVERYTHING in the first game. The second iteration of the formula; Misadventures of Tron, also had circle strafing wrecking every enemy and boss, but they designed arenas to be narrower and more claustrophobic to keep it from being the be-all-end-all. So they were aware it was a problem even before 2 came out and were likely tweaking things so some enemies could at least counter it effectively.
it'st he most popular banner for obvious reasons

but also I'm just going to ooze about how aesthetically amazing Ms. Bonne's design is
top, duh
It's both. It's jank, but pure soul. The sequel is mechanically better, but loses the soul.

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