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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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It's easy to repeat that I want to break my arm than think once that I want it to heal. Like there's lots of energy spend thinking positive things, and otherwise you fall back to thinking retarded stuff. Like gravity.
How do I get rid of this shit? Pretty sure I didn't have it as a kid.
I don't know Bröther but having a will to fight against it is a good start, and this thread proves you have one.
Dyson vacuum?
Check out Swedenborg

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Seriously every FUCKING TIME I'm about to stick my dick in a vagina I wake up, fucking why.

WHY? Why does fate tempt me like this?
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>not fucking that drussy over the STD ridden real thing
0 IQ
it seems i typed it in the wrong field. i suppose that makes me a plant.
I will accept only premium dridussy
I get full blown sex dreams some time. Last one I got an under the blanket blowie from a coworker.
You're probably a virgin and either is anticipating too much that the excitement wakes you, or your brain has no input for what a pussy feels like and blanks out.
>dream police
Absolutely a thing.
>be me
>always have travel dreams
>one time I'm at the airport terminal, taking multiple flights back and forth to China.
>not sure why. Chinese casinos are a common theme.
>believe I forgot something at home
>looking forever for parking lot
>find a help desk
>"hey where is parking?"
>two identical attendants look confused at each other, and back at me silently.
>"where is parking? My car? "
>they start chuckling
>"what you think this is funny?"

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Now that we know Moon landing was fake, were these images of Saturn and other planets real?
If real, how surreal is it that there are uncountable number of planets like this? What is happening out there on these planets?
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Retarded drooling nigger posts belong to b/
>Now that we know Moon landing was fake
You're fucking retarded.
>were these images of Saturn and other planets real?
Buy a decent fucking telescope and look at them for yourself.
>hes never looked at Saturn through a telescope

Astronomy = hobby of patricians
Harvard's calling
I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind~

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I have the craziest story that no one will believe. I think I'm in either a simulation or some kind of bot group that is altering the world around me. Before my eyes, things are imprinted onto my walls. Everywhere I go, white dots cloud my vision and someone told me they're called observers. I'm in and out of a dream world where I'm tortured.

I'll post pics of my walls and door. These images were not put here by me. More detail appears with focus.
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The time travelers have given me their demands. They say they want me to hug everyone and go "hee hee hee" with enthusiasm. It's because they believe I'm the Lord and they want me to fix the timeline.
I do agree but this particular anon is showing that they are not currently able to discern which voices or visions they can trust. They are also not recognizing that others cannot see these things.

Having heightened spiritual senses is a gift, but being unable to think lucidly about your perceptions is not.
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OP, does this image and "a glint of my eye" mean anything to you?
bro is literally posting pics of his asylum cell and is wondering why he feels like he is going crazy?

>Literally everything in my house turns into scary images

Same, but everywhere. Will see faces and full bodies(evil, good, and weird) of creatures. In everything from food, clothing, trees, to even pieces of trash. From dinosaurs to people to even demons. IDK what it means (in b4 you are siktzo).

IDK if this is LARP or not, but thought I would still share regardless. I too have made a post about things on my wall, but it was faces instead of words. It was a demonic grey alien looking thing.

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i would really like to ask this question last time
i asked i wasnt able to get an answer that felt like the truth im a hindu and im from a lower caste i dont if i should stay in this religion because i feel like i dont get any benifits and
it doesn't feel like my relgion since the aryans probably brought it here

christians say we worship demons at first i didnt used to belive that but after looking at the pathetic situation in india and the people that lacls any kind of civic duty and not being egalitarian makes me wonder if they are true

and the hindu lifestyle and spirtual and theological understanding i belive only makes
this worse by people having no motivation to work for betterment and only work for survival
basic principle in hindusim is dharma and karma

dharma is something that is something you are meant to do thats how i understood that in my own language

karma is consequence you recive for doing something good or bad and the consequence depends on something that you did so any problems that we have we blame it on something we did but how do you define bad actions because for a while i thought having vile thoughts and judging someone was bad

i dont know if thats true or because we belive

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>Ok? And look at the shit state of India now kek.
>Look at how shit Pakistan is.
Yep, both countries are completely fucked and have been forever. You can't descend into such squalor and barbarity without religion.

>people and Infrastructure are the issue and not the religion
The more religion a country has, the less infrastructure a country has. This is true even in the West, where America has the worst infrastructure of any country and always comes second-last on every measure of everything for Western or "developed" countries, ahead only of Turkey or Russia (depending on the survey).
>hindusim needs to wiped out
I'll be the first one to help. This hinduism needs to be wiped. We need sanatan dharma back. Only the Varnashrama dharma should exist. I would gladly die to destroy every last one of the ungrateful fags who enjoy their lives because of hinduism but do not bow to the Gods.
There's no escape my boy. I said it before. Brahmins don't believe they know so it's impossible to "convert" us.
Homi bhabha gets the credit boy.
Who cares about their housing crisis it's their shit to clean.

Indians had the most high trust society up until they were taught by the white massas you worship that such habits were baad .
And what pov? Where you're buck broken? Where you become christian of all things and think that will improve your life? Lol
I'm not even trying. I don't care about external validation. Its really bad measure for growth since your enemy can give you blow jobs as long as you benefit them. So should I destroy myself in hopes of blowjobs? Go worship your white massa.
other religion has unit cohession so they could achive those said things and people in tjose religion can be versatile were in hindusim you are locked arent most of the burecrats and polticians are smart but they are corrupt becuase of the culture

cheating lying scamming is a part of indias culture people will cheat on exams and feel proud about it they will scam people and feel good about themselves and think they are smart

smart people in india coudnt rise because they are denied the primary resources in life and due to hindu caste system people mix onky within their caste making people inbred low iq

if you wanna start a business here you have high chance hiring a worker not qulified and just leech of salary smart people are dragged down
isnt this religion brouht here by the white aryans im not worshiping anyone this country is depended on all of the technolgy made by them and we cant seem innovate even with a population of more than one billion

christians and muslims seems to live a better life and they look more human from what i have seen

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I was awake for several days, and when I finally saw a doctor his face terrified me. Very pointy and sharp features. I told him he scared me and I closed my eyes and when I opened them back up his whole face had transfigured. It became round and he looked like an entirely different person.
What race was he?
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> schizophrenic christcuck thread
Not paranormal. Fuck off.
I believe it was on day 8-9 in the psych ward that he shook my hand and said I could leave the next day. I vaguely remember hearing him mention that he transfigures his face all the time. I do believe Jesus Christ is my lord and savior, and have read the bible front to back, but now I have even more questions. The tech who was in charge of giving me medicine was a very overweight man who tried giving me 3x the dose the doctor ordered and I saw him sprout a donkey tail and sweat started pouring out of his head. He was visibly very angry when I pointed this out and he said his back hurt. Another tech was in charge of taking 3 vials of blood from me and I told her she could only have two. After she took the second vial of blood I could see blood on the side of her tongue.

These are just some things that I remember. I don't know if I was being spiritually attacked during my stay or if I was the transgressor. It was a very terrifying experience. I was only given a bible from the Gideons that only had the New Testament followed by Psalms. Jesus in that bible was not annotated in red either. The whole time I remember being in there thinking about Revelations and how some people will be thrown in prison for 10 days and im pretty sure I begged my way out and got out in 9.

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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Been reading Science of Getting Rich. I quit my office job because I could no longer take the bullshit corporate crap. I've just submitted my documents to form and LLC, small residential IT support company. I like in the book the author describes how there is abundance so when you start the business, believe and it will come, or however he said it. Also, I'm not competing for customers I am creating new ones from the ether/consciousness. Also this book that explains it in 15mins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kju5bfjuKvY
This is one of the most important videos Edward Art has ever made. This finally made the entire process click for me. Everything you need to know is in this video. Theory, practice, and what you can expect. He is very clear.
Good idea. Thanks for the tip. If I can get your input, this residential IT thing I plan to do is to specifically cater to senior citizens. Basic stuff like helping them with their smartphone, fixing dumb shit they break on their computer, setup wifi, etc. Charge $150 per visit. I think I can create a niche demand.

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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is the reason because of my rage?
air uery
will there b anything sexual betweenus

it says you might have a tendency to rush and want to deal with stuff quickly and you should try and hold back, take things calmly

also that you will get help, but this is not to be relied on in the long run

you will get your best results by letting things unfold as they will and keep working on any issues that come your way one thing at a time, slowly towards your goals

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Why was human sacrifice something practiced around the entire globe, both by Aztecs and others in the Americas, and by Moloch worshippers in ancient middle east (as referenced in the bible)? It seems like an absolutely insane thing to do unless you really met an actual supernatural force that did wonders and made you think you really should do it because of the wonders that entity was able to do.
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t. Knower
Aztecs just copied the tech from neighbors really.
>Why was human sacrifice something practiced around the entire globe,
Normalfags are utterly inhuman and subhuman under their masks, plus what you said.
They would do it even if there weren't demons rewarding them, just on basis of "its right/good thing to do", muh tardishuns" etc.
For the mesoamericans, they believed that the current sun or era of the world was governed by the evil God Tezcatlipoca. The only way to satisfy his lust for blood would be the sacrifice of humans - this way they would extend the prophesied Armageddon that would engulf the entire world in flames. According to mesoamerican myths, there was a time when the people had no such thing, and instead made sacrifices of flowers and peace governed - as instated by Quetzalcoatl aka Viracocha, which was later driven out by force by Tezcatlipoca bringing in the time of blood sacrifice. When you look at their history, there were moments in time when human sacrifices exploded in number, usually due to certain lords and potentially misuse of psychedelic drugs

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What are the sexual benefits of eating oatmeal every other day?
How are oats good for spirituality & realizing the paranormal?

I like to eat mine with whole milk, iodized salt & maple syrup.
Sometimes cold, in the summer.

Share the mystical knowledge of Oatmeal ITT.
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>they get really mad when you tell them all the vital power is in the fruits, vegetables, grains, mushrooms, spices, and herbs, and that the flesh, blood, and alcohol they've been consuming are spiritually and physically poisonous
there's nothing mystical about it

delicious breakfast though. got me through college
>Clown World has ended

Are you just trying to show off that you've overcome the first world hurdle of eating healthy and getting enough protein ?

I'm sure if you just sleep it off and hydrate yourself you'd feel much better and not crave unhealthy amounts of doughnuts or chocolates.
They're Russian intelligence or useful idiots.
In Norse mythology, the god Thor was said to consume a meal of oatmeal porridge every morning to gain strength and vitality. This association with strength and sustenance elevated oatmeal to a symbol of power and resilience in Norse folklore. Similarly, in Scottish folklore, oatmeal was considered a staple food, and its preparation was often accompanied by rituals and superstitions. It was believed that spilling oatmeal could bring bad luck, and oatmeal was used in rituals to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity to households.

In Irish folklore, oatmeal was associated with hospitality and generosity. It was customary to offer oatmeal-based dishes to guests as a symbol of warmth and welcome. Oatmeal was also used in traditional rituals and ceremonies, such as handfasting ceremonies, where it symbolized fertility and abundance. In Welsh mythology, oatmeal was considered a sacred food and was often used in offerings to deities during harvest festivals and religious ceremonies.

In addition to its symbolic significance, oatmeal also played a role in various myths and legends. In some cultures, oatmeal was believed to have protective properties and was used in rituals to ward off illness and misfortune. In other myths, oatmeal was associated with transformation and renewal, often featuring in stories of magical beings and supernatural creatures.

The cultural significance of oatmeal in folklore and mythology reflects its deep-rooted connection to traditions, beliefs, and values across different societies. Its presence in these narratives highlights the enduring importance of oatmeal as a symbol of strength, nourishment, and communal bonds, enriching the tapestry of cultural heritage and storytelling.

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The champion of red pill humankind is the Antichrist and he'll tell you God, Christ Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, and and His armies are aliens who want to destroy civilization.
They have the red heifers.
The altar is ready.
The Son of Perdition is here.
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>they'll finish the temple soon
>dome of the rock on Temple Mount
>constant rocket fire on non existent construction site
>not to mention the internation spectacle noticeably absent from such an event
>need to bring Ark out of hiding
Christcucks can't stop coping
You fuckers use literally any excuse to sit back and let literal evil consume all the Earth because
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For real gnostics, Jesus did not existed, but the nazareen did, we did not know his name, he hacked the matrix to create a way out by the fusion with the Eon Christos. Jesus is the symbol of all of us, this fictional character represents each of us nailed into the density (wood) of the matrix (cross/cube).
We take upon ourselves the karma of the entities (all the sins of the world) with the added bonus of a crown of thorns (implants) which guarantees our submission and mental control.
Guilt only exists when there is ignorance; he who knows completely frees himself from this act of black magic against him.

Yep. I am an innocent lamb made a plaything for monstrous deities to get their kicks. Liberation
Jesus is not the antichrist. The antichrist will kill everyone and we will have no Captain America. Spider Man will be killed like a fucking worm. Trevor from GTA V will not run the antichrist over.

Developing metaphysical power is a gamble. Following Christ can lead to death. You wouldn't go to war knowing there's hacks involved. Do you really think God is not omnipotent? None of us are the first to wage war against the invisible. Why fight an enemy that you have never seen? This is why we need actual evidence of demonic aliens or non-human threats. Who's to say that we don't all die fighting against a God? The antichrist will be on a similar level and will assuredly kill us all, myself included. Those who are around to be his slaves will be better off dead.

>be you
>pathetic beta virgin
>practice semen retention
>always pissed cuz can't jack off

>be me
>mega alpha chad
>practice semen retention
>jack off all i want cuz i eat my cum

it's simple, bros. when you eat your cum, the amount of semen in your body is the same as it was before you jacked off. ergo, your semen has been retained. you get all the benefits of SR with none of the effort. now you have no excuse to not eat your cum. unless you're a faggot, i guess
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the more this spreads the less power it has
fucking idiot
shut it down!
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Nobody knows
Nigguh... You gay

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Imagine a possibly hypothetical scenario where I live in a Colonial American touristy area that was officially established as a town in the early 1700s. There are ghost tours, very old buildings, creepy cemeteries, and a dense history of historical figures that most of the world is familiar with having once resided here.

A few blocks down the street from the "Historic district" is a modern office complex with a parking lot in the middle that happens to be an unlikely paranormal hotspot after dark when the complex is vacated. I only discovered it because I was walking home from work late at night and needed to take a cigarette break. As soon as you enter the parking lot, the temperature drops an uncomfortable amount and it's eerily silent. There's cloee to no wind or breeze even though the buildings aren't tall + it's right next to the river. You get an intense feeling of dread, like something is angered by your presence, then within minutes you see something.

Every time I've gone here alone or with company, we've seen misty apparitions, shadow figures, orbs (in person, not on camera), disembodied voices, shoves by invisible forces, and one time a freshly dead dove positioned in the same place I'd seen a shadow figure the day before.

After each visit, we had life-ruining bad luck, like the set of the Exorcist is known for. One friend I brought there died unexpectedly, the rest of us don't talk because of end-of-decade-long friendships fights with that led to multiple of us being homeless, almost dead by suicide, disowned by family, fired from jobs, losing everyone and everything, etc.

I stopped going there, tho the dove itches my curiosity. I saw it my 2nd time there. It gave me a bad gut feeling when I saw it, like something was warning me to get out or suffer consequences, but obviously I didn't listen.

Google has no information on what it may symbolize.
Doves are a symbol of peace, friendship, and good luck in many cultures including Christianity. The demon tried to warn you he was going to take that away from you if you fucked around his territory and found out, which your stupid ass did. Nice going, faggot. Now your friend is dead and your family hates you. What a moron.

This year started with aliens in a mall, jews in NY sewers, jellyfish UAP and crazy political discourse all in the first 2 weeks...and then, aside Iran vs Israel (who revealed to be just another pointless war without any MAD possibilities), literally nothing world-breaking happened: we still go to work, to school, pay bills, watch slop and no astral events such as the Eclipse or the Solar storm disrupted our system, every war related event has been an one-off happening.

Leap years have been insane since 2012, expecially 2020, it's a pattern, and huge things were supposed to happen this one, lots of anons felt it, but then...

Is there something or someone blocking big changes coming our way to keep the status quo intact?
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>trying to wait out congress for the UAP caucus time to expire in hopes the newly elected members of congress don't care and it gets swept under the rug
>AARO purposefully being deceitful on everything they release with an obvious Blue Book style agenda
>AARO "debriefing" the UAP caucus in a SCIF, telling them what they already know in an effort to silence them (no longer allowed to speak publicly about what they already knew)
Naw, gotta wait until Oct 19th, as Oct 18th is the timeframe for all departments of government to hand over everything they have on UFO/UAP to be incorporated into the national achieve. If they don't comply (ignore government disclosure) by Oct 18th, then Daniel Sheehan and other whistleblower going to come forward (yes, there will be a hearing this year before Oct 18th) and force a 'chaotic' disclosure. It's their narrative (disclosure compliance) or first hand whistleblower narrative. It's a catch 22 so I'm sure they will mostly comply, even if that narrative gets completely dumbed down.

Oh, and you're right about Jessie Michels. Dudes great, even if he does lean toward the consciousness/spiritual/religious side of things.
Return of eugenics
Return of illiteracy
Return of masculine competition dominating all fields
People (normies) are more honest about sexual economy
Economy based on gene economy
WW3 based on gene economy and sexuality
Collapse of worldwide education system
Collapse of energy system
Collapse of the internet
Remember the biggest cost in war is the innocent and the daring soldier, to die for giants
Return to the age of giants and cycles
>For example, a stroke affecting the right parietal lobe of the brain can lead to neglect for the left side of the visual field, causing a patient with neglect to behave as if the left side of sensory space is nonexistent (although they can still turn left). In an extreme case, a patient with neglect might fail to eat the food on the left half of their plate, even though they complain of being hungry.

Neglect, disease, and death will be used as a crutch for human evolution, as it has since the beginning of life. Evolution is learning how to use disease, neglect, and death intelligently to become physically and spiritually dominant. It is the separation of good materials which become intelligent like this, and the bad materials which are doomed to fall, die, and become inert. Most of the universe will suffer proton decay because of this natural order of evolution. Simultaneously, it exists in spite of a single living consciousness, to create hell for that consciousness while experiencing heaven in itself, and it also exists as a single consciousness, since there cannot exist multiple perfect entities, eventually one will become more perfect than the other and devour it.

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