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/cgl/ is a board for the following:

• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing
• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

Our board rules are simple:

• Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above. Off-topic threads and replies will be deleted.
• Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban. 4chan is not your personal army. The singling out rule applies to vendetta threads and replies being made to attack a specific person, as well as predatory behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

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I figured I'd make one. I only ever come back for cons I'm going to. Any of you men going?

Yeah I know it's expensive. And mostly drunk. But I enjoy the atmosphere and laying by the pool during the day.

I've been serious on the diet and exercise train. Should be looking good enough for my Krauser cosplay in a month.
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Yeah, it's gotten really obvious at this point, at least at the Poconos location for CCE (I haven't been to "Prime").
In all fairness, I can understand some of their staff's point of view, and I'd probably fucking hate con attendees too if I were them.
The thing is, there are parts of every job that people don't like, and in most places you just gotta shut up and deal with it.
But Colossalcon management/staff are content to act like giant cunts about everything and shit on us at every opportunity.
Would be nice if the con head would do SOMETHING about ANYTHING, but it's clear that isn't likely to ever happen.
Colossal con just has to much notoriety. It's known as THEE party con so it's always going to attract those idiots who are just there to party and get fucked up. Lucky there is still enough actual nerds to keep them in check and not have it overrun with drunken fratters.
Its only con that has an actually legit artist alley. And a adult artist alley. I mean that is just amazing.

I think the guest they get for how big they are is just a joke. Like you got the money to pull big names and you keep getting shit.
I mean, you're right about Colossalcon not having many notable guests, but it's just not the type of convention people go to mainly to meet guests.
Honestly the convention as a whole is considered barely "mid" at best. Con management just cares about making the most profit as possible without adding anything of value to the convention.
Some people don't even buy a badge and just barrow one if they want to run through artist's alley or whatever. The real fun at Colossal is parties and the water park.
Buying a badge to their supbar con is kind of a waste.
All that aside any cosplay plans for the ones going? League of legends sylas, pyke and Re4 krauser is my lineup.

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“Shit, only 2 months left?”Edition

65 days to go

Previous thread

>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved?
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?

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>has hotel but not pre-registered
Tickets are non-refundable, Hotels such as RI and JW are close and sell-out quite quickly. I'd rather prioritize where I'm staying over tickets I can get later down the line.
>How did you get past the Showclix requirement
Borrowed a friends.
RIP 7-11 across the street from the South Hall
Yes, I live in the area and they are out there with the vuvuzelas and drums right now
Found a list of the affected hotels.

Looks suspiciously the previous OP pic but with a new account
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Do you genuinely think scalpers pay mods so they can scalp or do you have brain damage
they would all stop scalping if people would stop buying from them. that heinous jap scalper on fril only started scalping after she saw how much people were willing to pay for brand. blame the tiktok trustfund zoomers and shopping addicts.
>inb4 someone calls me a poorfag
supporting scalpers is being looked down upon in every other consoomerism based hobby.
The issue is that a lot of people just don't *know*. You'd be surprised at how many people have never bought an ap dress for less than $100. The amount of scalpers in this community has overinflated these prices and newbies just accept it because they dont know how expensive their expensive dresses should be.
Obviously no one likes scalpers but if you’re that concerned with the rise of prices, you should look at the root of the problem. Most scalpers are Chinese or Americans who are profiting off uneducated people or trendhoppers with daddies money. You know that your none of those things so it’s easier to just wait for good deals. How long you wait depends on your style and how rare/old it is, but contrary to popular belief most jfashion finds are just a matter of time until they appear on the secondhand market.
The problem is these scalpers are basically running a business and can camp out all day waiting for cheap dresses to appear so they can instantly snap them all up to flip. Normal people just buy the items that they personally want, but career scalpers mess up the secondhand market by hoarding large numbers of items.
Unfortunately this happens anywhere that there is limited supply and high demand and it's hard to control. There will always be people who want an item so bad they will just buy it even if they know they are getting ripped off.

I'm going to attend and cosplay at FanExpo Philadelphia this year. I was just wondering if anyone else was going to attend or if anyone's been there before.

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It's almost time

It's a comic con, so more Western oriented. It used to be Wizard World, but rebranded after they were bought out.
Thinking of going since it's close by.
How is the arcade?
MIGHT go on Sunday. Original plans fell through.
Shouldn't have let my fiance con me into waiting in the neil newbon line. It's wayyyu too long

Last thread went sage >>10849072


Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheet:

Agent Shipping Comparison:

Translator Plugins:

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How is buying direct without using a shoping agent now a days? I used to do it all the time years ago, but I haven't touched taobao in in years now. I don't speak any Chinese - have things stayed about the same quality and process wise? Or is it better to have an agent now?
iirc if you can read and communicate with google translate, and you have an alipay account, then you can buy from taobao without a shopping service. However this means no quality control pictures and minimal to no after sales services. It's not that rare for sellers to ship the wrong size or color, and in that case you would be out of luck if you don't use a shopping service.
I buy directly from Taobao and it's overall fine. I speak Chinese though. It's hilarious that sellers will straight up tell you they can't refund because profit margins are raZor-thin and the slogan "Chinese people will never deceive Chinese people!"
i’ve had a small handful of issues here and there like not receiving something in the color i ordered and once i only received one of something when i ordered two but i still wouldn’t pay for an ss again.

there were a few times where i ordered something and the shop messaged me that it was actually sold out and told me to start a refund or if i had to wait bc there was a preorder. but once i did have to get a refund bc the seller never shipped and didn’t reply although that only happened once in like four orders over three years so most sellers won’t leave you completely in the dark.
I forgot just how ass shipping to canada is
I bought small 4 things for about 30 bucks but the shipping cost 70 I'm gonna cry

Less than a month away, time for a general
Anyone going? Got any plans? Any parties planned?
I have the opportunity to go to either Animazement or Momocon, which is the better one to go to?
Going with my girlfriend, and gonna hand out some ribbons and stuff 2bh
Fuckin love the ribbon game.
Tbh, can't go wrong with either. First time I can say that. I'm going to AZ but it always feels like I'm missing out on something by not going to Momo. like that Tard jumping into a wrestling ring and attacking the wrestlers kinda thing.

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post pics of cosplayers interacting with some random breed of comic writer/artist/creator here

(it’s all about the contrast)
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Holy shit Tara has pretty big implants, but she looks pretty normal standing next to those two
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this one's pretty recent:
I know I'm embarrassing myself here, but Hayter's a sweetheart, we ended up shooting the shit for like 15 minutes because I was the only one in line.
>be Asian
>draw boobs
>ignore crybaby virtue warriors
>crush mad puss
It's that simple

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Lolita aprons: practical, decorative, or costumey?
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I fucked up the title of the last thread and put Anime Weekend Atlanta.

Anyone going to Momocon? Dates are Friday, May 24th through Monday, May 27th at the Georgia World Congress Center. Have any cosplay plans? Doing any interesting panels? Selling anything?
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Wish you luck anon, but from what I've seen recently cosplay photographers' pricing is getting ridiculous. $150-250 is bad, but then saying that you can only choose 5 photos to keep is just stupid. I constantly offer to photoshoot friends for free or maybe for lunch/dinner because I don't want them throwing money in a hole.

>I’m an iPhone shitter, good angles , decent location and a good source of light matter more than equipment imho.
This. I know someone who spent serious money on all the fancy toys last year and is trying to ask for at least $100/hr now. Buying the equipment doesn't make you automatically make you a professional. Pic related I took last year because I thought it was cool.
Anyone know if Pokemon card trading is a thing at this convention? I have a bunch of random duplicate promos, EXs, Vs, VMAXd, trainers, etc. that I'm looking to trade. Not really interested in selling, I just like trading. Is that a thing?
If anyone needs a room in the main hotel for Momocon hit me up. I had two dropped out and I need at least two people Drop me a discord if anything
I might be interested. Are you either a femboy or willing to put on cat ears and fishnets?
Are the parking decks pay at the door or do you have to prepay in advance? I want to get on silver deck but I'm not sure if it's full

new larp thread

Now with 87,45% more polearms and a little bit of hydrophobia

previous thread
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I'm not gonna be the most help, as here in europe I can get custom fitted 100% wool stuff made by a polish guy in a shed for a pound. Saying that, I think Burgschneider ships to the US, and despite the fact all their models look about 30 seconds away from ending it all, their stuff is pretty much top of the line as far as off the shelf goes. I know a lot of people who've gotten stuff from their norse line and been very happy with it. Grab a tunic, leg wraps and a hood from that range, throw any old belt or trousers on, and blam, easy ren faire look.
I recommend https://handcraftedhistory.blog/saljes/

They also have some tutorials up if you are interested in making your own items.
Which pole do you mean?
Ive also heard good things about perkele viking store, does anyone have experience with them?
Thanks anons! now for the hardest question, where do I find quality calf length leather boots? I'm willing to spend extra for form and function if possible.
Perkele is really good. They've raised their prices a bit over the last few years, but I've gotten some great bargins off their sales tab. Decent customer service, and I've used the same wool tunic and linen undertunic from them for at least 5 years at this point and they're still good as new.

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Anime North is only a month away, anyone else going but not buying a ticket this year?
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chinks and pajeets are able to get away with it because they have enclaves big enough to support them, japs don't. The racism parts were the point though, and are very true.
Japan is also very racist. Who gives a shit?
I do, because racism is based
I don't get it
I'm a visible immigrant and haven't faced that much racism
I can't even imagine why someone would be racist against a jap who could speak fluent English. If you can't then of course people will not want to deal with you, but that's not really racism imo.
Just take Martin Grove and turn onto the Dosco road entrance if you want to avoid the lines.

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Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year?

My predictions:
>Yor spillover from last year
>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima
>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)
>Vash Stampede for guys
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LOL im probz bringing holo to otakon and katsucon
>Then again, not a lot of people would be willing to openly say how they are a fan of this anime would they?
normies think this is a pedo show so yeah you're not gonna see many cosplays, doesn't help how exposed it is (i wish modesty laws weren't a thing desu)
Many cons have introduced dress codes since the Kill la Kill cosplays and their wardrobe malfunctions. I don't think people would be able to get away with such risque outfits anymore.
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I wonder if monogatari coming back is going to pop some cosplayers
thought the only person that would do monogatari in 2024 are boomers and japaneses
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How am I only hearing about this now? I'm working on a panel and was wondering whether or not to include Monogatari. Looks like I've got my answer, so thanks for the heads up. Also, I saw both a Hachikuji and Shinobu cosplayer pretty recently too so there's that

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Do you agree with this popular cosplay girl's opinions on male cosplays?
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cosplay an utena boy
Looks ok to me
But I'm a man...
i miss the era when men would at least wear shitty half-assed cosplay for fun. feels so rare now. the last con I had fun at was one where I could say "uh yeah I guess you ARE waluigi"
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I only cosplay as guys, but it seems to me that many "typical" male chars in anime/manga have boring or downright ugly as hell outfits even if their personalities are ok. See: Dr. Stone. Great male chars often have clothes so generic (such as a random-ass suit or the same clothes and hair as 600 other characters) that he's not recognizable as a cosplay. Female chars and bishie chars seem, on the whole, to always have more recognizable clothing. Dunno if this plays into anything.
This is always cope
There’s plenty of easily recognizable interesting male outfits, you’re just too gay to watch them.

Literally just pick a random character from any generic fujobait gachagame

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
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He did and he does. He says worse things about you. What's more, because he spies on you he probably laughs at your tiny cock as well.
It depends on what characters you're cosplaying as. Some are strictly meant for attractive people, many however are not.
Accuse them of being eugenicist and ableist every time they mock you for your height. Women can't stand having their progressiveness credentials questioned so it shuts them up almost instantly.
if you're that short just become a femboy crossthot
Sure it might not be ideal but that’s the thing, women are unable to grasp how unwanted the average man is and the effect that has.
I’m friends with some ugly fucking chick, fucking acne land whales with horrible hygiene, they still get hit on regularly and act as if it’s horrible.

Meanwhile even when I’m at my lowest and most depressed, as a fit successful man I’m unable to get even bottom tier pussy like them.
At any moment they could just say yes to a man’s advances. But for me to have a chance I need to win the fucking lottery.

Keep in mind I did eventually get a girl, but it was purely luck after a decade of bullshit, and it’s still me settling hard just because she’s at least thin.

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