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Who was in the wrong here? She isn't even that clocky.

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This is one of the reasons i dont want to be in any of the snake pits known as women spaces
why doesn't she at least wear a wig lol i say that as someone who had hair loss pre-trans and wore one for my first couple of years of girlmoding while waiting for my hair to grow. it's not ideal but it contributes a lot to being read female at a glance. her frame is an issue though.
This sounds like a storyboard for a TERF-themed horror flick.
and it's glorious

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essen und jager edition
previous j*k >>35646201

QOTT: what's the last animu you watched, you nasty fucking weebs? was it any good?
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>conspiracy theory schizo reppers
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Decided looking up tarrot reading because why not
Card1:How you feel about myself; Hanged man(the card knows iwabam), sacrifice or sprituality(i have been feeling spiritual lately i may not look like a woman but i am blessed with divine femininity)
Card2:What you desire most rn; the world(apparently wanting to be a pretty passoid is like wanting the world, some people have the world by default) signifies results of work i put in and being a manmoder is my reward
Card3:My fears; Death, ive been through something catastrophic(terminal manmoder) and now my life will forever change drastically because of it
Card4:What ive got going; The Devil, ive got something driving me and i need to either stop or commit, it doesn't specify if its good or bad just that it it could control me or i could control it. Im gonna commit to manmoding on hrt.
Card5:Whats going against me; Judgment (damn right) signifies i could take chances and make change here. If im afraid i should do it anyway. everyday i wanna wake up and i want to womanmode(honmode) fem with makeup because i think ill look more fem that manmoding but im afraid of how ill be treated and punished.
Card6: Likely outcome; The Moon, im afraid and letting my fears get ahold of me but it will turn out alright, things maybe fucked but i gotta stick to it(hrt, fuck you reppers even my tarrots say i should stick to it). Apparently moon is good omen(god has blessed me) if im in clandestine affair (transition-diy) "new and unexpected possibilities comming my way" (im gonna get shot :))
Fucking mogged once again I'm 20 bmi 38 hips 32 bust and 17.7 bideltoid 6'1.5
cute thanks
Bro you are couple months in. Make your judgement about john 50's validity in 20 years from now. If you kys repping didnt work btw

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old >>35654749
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you look... romanian??
I think the real reason Sissy disappeared was to take down ConBot from the inside.
i just realized you and nils share some facial features
does that mean sissy was conbot all along?
nils doesn't look like a melting neanderthal

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>>35650740 (last episode)
QOTT: which is your fav SW movie
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I feel disgusting when putting myself out there on dating apps presenting as a trans woman, I feel disgusting/gender dysphoria while putting myself out there as a man. Should I try to pretend to be nonbinary instead? I don't know, that would feel kinda slimy.
Try to find some inspiration online.. I'd just look things up until I find something I'd want to do
>don't want to put out details in this cursed place
If you want to tell me we can just talk abt it on private, though I'm unsure if I can help.. currently going through quite a bit and my brain isn't really working well
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read chainsaw man manga

Just stop placing so much value on your appearance. Worked for me. I mean, i probably could have transitioned way earlier if i wasn't so good at it.
i went to a flea market and got a coat that's probably one size too small for me but i was able to squeeze in it, and then i got lunch at a barbecue place and got a pulled pork sandwich and french fries and a peach long island ice tea

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I want to plap Julie and put a ring on her
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nice dub dubs
are you julie?
ab ins bett julie
flasche billo-schnaps kaufen
flasche zerschlagen
mit scherben halsschlagader aufschlitzen
und die welt ist ein besserer ort :)
Ich hab noch eine Stunde bis zu meiner Bettgehzeit :<
Ich habe schon Geschichten von anderen Studenten gehört darüber. Ein Mann hat das gemacht, ist dann stark blutend die Treppe runter getoekelt und hat einen Krankenwagen gerufen. Überlebensinstinkt ist eine bitch

i honestly hate how big my pp is every time in in a sexual situation with a man they stares at it and talks about how big it is a LIKE STFU ITS NOT LIKE I WANT THIS will a cage permanently shrink my pp? ive been on hrt for like 5 months now
i saw a tripfag named "sarah" claim the other day >>35629816 that chastity makes your dick smaller, but it doesn't stop it from working. they claimed that chastity causes damage to the cartilage, and that the atrophy from not getting erections is different >>35629996 >>35630074. i've never seen anyone claim this before, so i believe them until i'm told otherwise
if your levels are good then you just gotta stop using it for as long as possible. the more it’s used the better it’s maintained. it should still shrink a bit, but it would be more noticeable if you can leave it alone. cages might work but you’d need to wear them for longer than would be healthy

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I’m starting hrt soon and wanting to know how much ffs could realistically help me. I'll probably manmode for life because of my face and height (6'1), but if ffs would help feminize me much I would spend the money

I wish I could be content with being a 7.5/10 guy instead of being condemned by god to be a tranny lol
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Yeah as in it would help? I guess its dumb posting face here but I really don’t care. Used to post nudes with face to reddit when I was super depressed, got recognized irl a couple times

How would hair straitening help? I just washed my hair, it's normally curlier and cute. I’m 140lbs which is pretty light for my height. How bad is my body? Sorry if it's gross me posting it
i think u have lots of potential its too bad youre 6'+
you look like me if i hadnt been a youngshit
you're 6+ but I dont think that'd be too much of a problem if you just got FFS. You have alot of potential
if you're pre-hrt it's not even that bad honestly, 6'1" is neverpassing tho

post your art or crafts, even if it's shit. i sometimes post on /i/.
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what are these charcters from

a hit piece sci fi lesbian survival horror
not that anon, but i didn't know it was lesbian. guess that's why i see people post it here
Cheers to that
u really should consider posting them somewhere even if it’s a SoundCloud account
You’re making this in MS paint?

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do video games cause transgenderism?
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no but i feel like i need to say something
mtfs play
>female viera
>femal au'ra
>female miqo'te
>female lalafell
>female roe
ftms play
>male lalafell
>male elezen
>male viera
>male miqo'te
>male hyur (midlander)
t. ftm who plays male lalafell
that’s a femboy he’s not on hrt, but he’s a retard who has 10.000 hours into classic wow so he probably smells terrible too
so true
t. mtf femroe
I play m viera cuz its cool to beat shit up as a twink
She literally looks fine

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Daily reminder that if you dont agree with this you're a malebrained hon
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the man in question is black, all these women are racists
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nah, I think anyone of any gender would choose the bear, especially given how most blacks consider hiking/woods/outdoor activites to be white
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women are retarded drama queens episode #34982346
i would choose a koala bear
not me i hate fatties LOL

Monday Edition
previous: >>35434824

Goal of the thread: At the end of the day, try to write a journal entry listing positive experiences you had throughout the day, cute things you've seen, things that were nice, you get the idea.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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you guys, go make some tzatziki to eat with a baguette, I forgot how good this shit is holy fuck god is real
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the secret to improving is just think 1) what would entj do? 2) do it.

it's literally that simple
>nta but.. let me tell you a secret. Especially if you don't feel like you are worth people's effort.. let yourself be helped. Cause a lot of people who from your pov are far worse off feel the same, and the best you can do to make THOSE speak up is speak up about your own issues. It creates a climate of openness. It is not a zero sum game. You are not taking away someone else's help, you make others willing to let themselves be helped.
nah man, the only person who can help you is yourself, venting to others won't truly help beyond providing temporary emotional catharsis till the next day comes
it's not like I feel I'm not worth it, just that it's not worth reaching out and elaborating

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konbini coffee edition

on the previous episode of /bmg/

QOTT: What's your most obscure hobby/interest?
QOTT2: Are you into witchy/occult stuff, if yes what?
QOTT3: How do you take your coffee?

Bonus QOTT if you're so inclined: What are your plans and hopes for May?
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imo andromoding is a good first step to get yourself comfortable with girlmoding in the future. like if you find clothes and style you feel good in, it boosts your confidence without generally making you feel like a hon.
felt on not starting because you don’t fit the trans label too ;_; labels can be really invasive in your brain even if you recognize they’re bad for you
i think your definition is fair too. mmg is just people who have entirely given up and basically are just on hrt for the effects. i sometimes feel that way but i guess it’s like transitioning has a clear direction for me and provides some sort of purpose of what i know will make me happier in the grand scheme of things so im not completely hopeless even if i get fits of bad dysphoria often
starting to stink like a man again as i switch from cypro to bica. i can feel my t not being suppressed and i hate it
>what’s stopping you from starting to andromode?
Not knowing how to start I guess, I don't know what type of clothes would fit it (I know, I should start researching/looking into it)
I already have shoulder length hair but I usually wear all black, cargos and college.
>imo andromoding is a good first step
I feel like this aswell, it'd probably not out myself constantly but at the same time drop the masc stereotype out of me, not necessarily but could.
women’s cut clothing. basically unisex clothes cut for women. this can be anything from trousers with more room in the hips and meant to sit on your waist, or women’s sweaters meant to have a little more cropped look to them.

basically when it comes to women’s clothing you’re really looking for a 2/3 ratio where your hips and legs are accentuated. basically high waist compared to low waist.
in my experience that plus having a feminine demeanor and some voice training is enough to shred that without clocking you entirely, if anything you’ll probably malefail or cause confusion more often since you’re presenting androgynously and not necessarily girly

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QOTT: What is your favorite piece of Star Wars media?

previous: >>35650806
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lol you've been missing the good stuff bro
where/when has she posted stuff like this?
Here and formerly hornygen pretty steadily idk how you've been missing it unless you're brand new
she's posted full nudes a bunch of different times going back to her hornygen pre trip days
damn guess ive just missed it.

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott 1: are you into feet? if so, what's your favorite thing about them?
qott 2: how would you feel about dating a girl who had a foot fetish?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35642016
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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>/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans
if it's so inclusive why did acorn drive away every cis woman except for lagolarp?
dont give her all the credit
we all helped to purify this place
it's not my fault they don't want to hang around here. it's on them
Because they were transphobic? Imagine if the reverse happened and we invaded a cisles space and kept dropping a bunch of awful lesbophobic takes and jokes. I'm sure the trans people there would be driven out too.
I dont have to imagine I did it by transitioning

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well, is she right?
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why not? what's the harm?
everything you do is your own fault
>wearing a skirt means you HAVE to take pills that give you fake tits and erectile dysfunction!!111
do you see how retarded you sound
EVERY femboy should be on hrt and MOST should transition
the sort of people who are okay with aging as a normal male on T aren't going to spend their teens being a femboy, there's a reason why so many femboys are immediately willing to take E once you explain what it does and give them a reasonable path to accessing it
this is kind of a useless thing to talk about nowadays though, zoomers were fucked over by femboying in their mid-late teens only to transition in their late teens to early twenties, gen alpha is getting to femboy around their early teens and transition in their mid teens or earlier cuz better info and young people being increasingly more okay with lgbt stuff
well the tits are real, but yeah it is stupid. You should transition if you have dysphoria not cause you like skirts

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