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what's the meaning behind this?
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stains of an undisclosed nature
cats do it to look cool and badass.
barbarism. in civilised countries cats are chipped and info is saved on all their shots, family and owner history.
stable is too humid, the horse is getting moldy. try fixing it with a regular bleach bath, if that doesnt work, long term you should get a new one bc mold is super unhealthy for the whole family.
Chipping kind of makes me uncomfortable but I agree this is unnecessary
>owner history
Lol no.
It's for TNR cats, so you can immediately know that a notched cat has been sterilized.

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My moth just hatched. Has anyone here ever reared caterpillars and hatched moths/butterflies?

What would you name him/her? I'm thinking Doolittle after my favorite Pixies album.
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Gorgeous Luna Moth! I’ve raised lots in the past. You have no idea how autistically obsessed I was with butterflies and moths when I was 9-14. Doolittle sounds like a sweet name.
I am thinking of buying a few silkworms from my pet store and letting them grow up, but I honestly don't know how to give them their best chances at successfully hatching and breeding
Not my first thought but ok
Well, do you have a food source? Mulberry leaves or an artificial mulberry diet can keep the caterpillars fed. Make sure to clean their container regularly. Provide space for them for spin cocoons. I typically put the cocoons in one general area so the moths can congregate once they hatch. I have found that putting female moths in a empty toilet paper roll after seeing them mate is a good way to collect the eggs
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what is your favorite critter from the age of slime ?
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She’s mine back the fuck off
Cothurnocystis because of it's odd body plan and (as far as I know) unknown place on the tree of life.
>and (as far as I know) unknown place on the tree of life
It's apparently an echinoderm and that's it. It and the other freaks related to it are grouped under the "Stylophora" and that's about it. There's even whispers that the Stylophora grouping is polyphyletic and not an actual group.
While these things are pretty weird they are from way later than the age of slime.
If I travelled back in time to the pre-Cambrian and took a dump in the sea, would the inflow of new bacteria and viruses change the course of life on earth?

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just how do they learn that? wouldn't it take generations of rats to witness how their predecessors died?
honestly i wish we didn't attribute rats to something malign as disease and pestilence. they are far wiser than we give them credit
owls on the other hand...
Some rats are just smarter.
He trains rats to do that and then releases them, as a joke
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Immensely based.
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Lounging edition.

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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Royal canin

He obviously has the capacity to see beyond the realm of the material
It is a pretty old building it could be either, don't know which is scarier
Probably rats. I hear they will tickle your toes at night. You should consider yourself lucky you have a cat to guard you against such abuses.
My old place had pretty bad mice until I adopted my boy, after that I didn't see a single one there. At my new place I've never seen one but now I know they're in the walls (or ghosts)
>vet did terrible job putting elderly cat down about a year ago
>everyone itt said I should have just let her pass naturally, vowed to not do it again
>the brother cat (16) had been showing the signs for weeks and quickly went downhill
>Yells, seizes and twitches, becomes stiff and sorta immobile around 2pm
>decide to let nature take it's course

It wasn't just "fall asleep in my arms" horse shit. It became a fucking nightmare for 7 hours, the vets were closed. Every time he had an episode where he seemed to be gone, he came back. Not peaceful, not cathartic to be at home with me, just bad.

I cared for both of them from birth for 16 years, I just don't understand how I unwittingly let both of them down when they needed me the most.
I want to jump in front of a bus

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Australian Shepherd Edition

cont. from >>4770582


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull/Sledding Harnesses as They Encourage Pulling Which Can Lead To Death

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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Facts. Throwing ball over fence can be a fun change if you want to make them run a little more and practice their pathfinding and seeking.

I had to stop doing this because he started jumping through the water troughs and got completely soaked. -_-
Is that sped up?
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Yes by 2x. Webm conversion can be annoying. I think all the moving grass makes it very hard to compress efficiently.
>all the moving grass makes it very hard to compress efficiently
I remember a few years ago there was some program that allowed one to highlight the objects that are actually important, so it would use extremely lossy compression on the boring stuff and keep the subject at high quality.
So if it was done to your original video most of the grass would be maximum lossy compression, but the doggo would be at 4K or whatever.
My dog doesn't like balls

I bought a chuckit atlatl launcher thing and the ignoring was so brutal I just left it at the dog park

>cats are actually cleaner than dogs who lick their balls and ass!!
most animals do that, it's how they clean themselves
>uh actually cats are not really clean but you just need to wash your hands every 2 minutes!!!
so you do that?
>uhmmm akshually cats are very clean and you don't need to clean out their litterbox every single time right after they went poopies
but what about their paws who go into their litterbox and then when they walk everywhere
>uhm my heckin cute kitter doesn't climb/play/walk anywhere. he/she is a good kitty and would never do anything bad
>>"mr whiskers! get off the kitchen counter!"
>>"mr whiskers! come give me cuddles!! oooohhh beeeg stretchies!"
you guys are weird
>*visible steam shoots out from ears and nose*

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As I said, cope.
I dont think its that unique
Just the smell of desiccating shit
Which litter does to varying degrees but its always going to have that smell
I think youre probably right about the outside ventilating extraction though, the only time i wasnt disgusted by indoor cat stink was in an industrial setting where i suppose the hvac could keep up with it
>this is what you sound like, you fucking dipshits
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Hijacking your thread, I just want to show off this cute boy I adopted yesterday. I love him so much.
Very cute cat anon, thank you for sharing him.

Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

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Reminder if you're in the PNW to plant devils club in the name of our lord and savior Satan (and because dumb hippies overpay for it if you put it in a cheap capsule and say it cures autism)
>disjunct populations in Lake Superior over a thousand miles away from the PNW
Wtf bros how did they get there
I'm pro post birth abortion with no term limit.
I used to work in a flower shop and plenty of men buy flowers for themselves, they tend to be older and just wanted some colour in their home or something that smells nice, their taste in flowers are usually different, looks more like something you just cut from the garden.
You can eat dandelions, they are delicious.

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Post your favorite picture of an animal right fucking now.
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I approve.

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Realistically most ferals won't be able to get adopted out, especially as adults. Many of them are aggresive and don't like people. The best way to help them would be to build tiny houses in which they'd have beds, scratch posts, toys, etc and be sheltered from the elements. Then volunteers will be tasked to clean the homes periodically as well as feed them, vets will examine them as needed but otherwise they'll live independently in a colony with other ferals.
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>only time cuckholding is ever mentioned is when rightoids bring it up
>"but you're the one obsessed with it"
>The best way to help them would be
forcibly capturing, neutering and returning them and letting nature solve the problem

Killing them unfortunately is the worse option. If you spay them they keep territory and food pressure on other colonies, and they stay centralized ensuring ongoing SNR programs know exactly where to find them. If you kill them they migrate, scatter, have baby booms, it becomes guerilla shit.
How can they migrate if they are dead? They going to go to places with predators? Isn't the reason they are a problem is because of urban environments? Spaying a nutering isn't what got rid of the dodo. Killing them is quick and anyone can do it. You can literally bribe children to do it.
the solution to ferals is to get a bow and arrow/crossbow and take them out. mostly silent weapons so you don't have to deal with fucktards wondering what the sound was. Save your local environment, and end the stay problem.
Ottawa, Canada, used to have a giant cat house that was shaped like the Parliament, it got retired during the Harper era as it was considered inhumane to keep cats outside, but they could have installed heating.

i ordered the rainy blue rose own root (pic related) and i live in zone 6. (canada)
it's a japanese rose (originally german-bred) with hardiness being zones 5~10. it's a small climber. (5 ft)

my goal is to train it to climb over an arbor. i know it's supposedly a smaller climber, but that's why i intend to raise the bed of it higher with a tall planter pot to make it over the arch at least half way.

i need it to stay in a pot because i intend to sell my current house 5 yrs later and want to bring my plants with me, rather than leave it behind with the new owners. i'm also afraid that it won't fare so well in canadian winter, so i was going to store it in my unheated garage after it goes dormant.

some questions:
>sufficient pot size recs for my goal?
>what can i do to ensure it's survival and so it grows vigorously?
>is it fine to plant near the end of may? (when it arrives)
>canadian winter protection tips?
>tips to maximize blooms?
>how to prune canes for better "air circulation"? any tips on what to look out for?

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Roses are nice
Sometimes I wish I was english, living in a countryside cottage with a big wisteria all over the front wall, pink rose bushes all around and a weeping willow in the back of the garden.
you and me both… simply idyllic…
thanks for the tips anon, much appreciated. i started looking into buying some styrofoam insulation as well, i think my rose will make it with some autism kek.

beats me, do tell anon

glad you like them! here is another i've been looking at, new dawn. apparently very hardy to my zone. love the soft pink hues.


me too anons. me too...
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oops forgot my pic

Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Apologies for the shit photo, but my caradinas have FINALLY had babies, looks like mostly blue bolts but some look dark/black on their head. Feelsgoodman.
I'd say about 5, could be more depending on how planted the tank is
Nice. How long did it take?
Native saltwater tank anon fresh out of hell (college) and back in business!!! Heres progress on try #two!
1 year ago this month this tank crashed from copper laced tapwater killing inverts and setting off ammonia spike during a very hot day. This time around I have RO water, my AC ready for the summer, and an improved 1 year old tank growing small macroalgae!
We have the new generation of mummichogs in breeding dress, same old survivor shrimp, new rock gunnels that love to sleep in the hydrometer, and many more critters to come!

I have my hopes up for this tank this summer.
Almost forgot your video!

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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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It's speculative project, in fact it's one that from the very start set out to change some rather significant things regarding the biological baseline, what with including such a massive amount of sulfur in the atmosphere
It ending up with the sapient species having a completely different concept of sex and gender than us due to biological factors was pretty much to be expected

Not like it's the only way in which they differ significantly, what with their more collectivist nature than humans, and critically: even higher degree of racism than us

Frankly, I got pretty sick of a lot of speculative evolution projects ending up with human culture in a different coat of animal, with some fairly inconsequential changes or worse: making them into almost fairytale like morally "superior" humans (looking at you Serina)

The fact the sapient species ended up being matriarchal WITHOUT it being some kind of moral wonderland already elevates it over a ridiculous amount of similar projects
I don't like it nigger, yet it shows up in these threads daily. Shut the fuck up and stop shilling "projects" featuring it.
Seethe more faggot.
Idk who we are talking about here but the problem is enabling trannies at all. 90% of the time putting sex change like that into your media is going to make trannies feel like they own the place and they will take over. Nobody likes being taken over by troons because you can get completely betrayed and ousted by your community if you call them out for their bullshit troon shilling.
If a tranny keeps its mouth shut about its fetish I could care less about them being in a group with me, but that doesn't ever happen because they are so insecure and insufferable that they CANNOT SHUT UP about thier autogeniphilic fetish and will try to shove it down the throats of you and whoever watches the media in question.
We don't hate trannies for existing, we hate them because they are toxic parasites who ruin communities
all you need to do in this particular instance is make it clear that male to female is biologically possible, but any attempts of a female to act or god forbid become male would be treated even worse than humans would treat it and would pretty much guarantee their forced "death by exile" and even seen as an inherently evil act to even think of doing

because that's also the logical end result of biology and culture as presented

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Whatcha doin'?
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I have never agreed with this more in my life. Trully a shit thread.
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>I have never agreed with this more in my life. Trully a shit thread.
Theyre the Ted Bundies of the sea

Qhy don't people like eating gamey meat. As far as I am concerned, gamey meat is meat that has a strong flavor, often a little bloody taste to it.
This is my favorite taste of meat. Normal meat often feels bland to me. So why do most people like bland meat?
This is animals and nature btw because I am discussing the taste of animals
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> This is animals and nature btw because I am discussing the taste of animals
Having to assure everyone like this makes you quite suspicious
your mom gave it to me
To me, “gamey” can taste unpleasantly bitter or rotten. Sometimes it’s fishy, like old spoiled blood, which is also off-putting. Usually these flavors are from the poor handling or bitter diet >>4788536 mentioned. Sometimes it’s just a particularly hormonal animal and too rank and musky smelling/flavored, like trying to eat a used jock strap. I’ve had meats that other people eating the same meal considered gamey, but that I found delicious and savory so I don’t really know what “gamey” is actually supposed to mean.
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Its for jannies. If it's not a "heckin wholesome boop animal" circlejerk thread then janny thinks its off topic. If you make a thread about any debate you run the risk of being banned because janny hallucinates you are some kind of namefag.
I mainly put the disclaimer because people can politicize eating meat and I don't want it getting moved to /ck/ because I want to discuss wild animals not recipes

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