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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

>Release june 2024
Actually, someone care about this game?
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I do, but I cared a lot about FoG Empires and discussion always dies within a few posts.
Looking forward to it, both with and without FoG2:M skirmishing
I really like FoG2:M so I've already wishlisted this. Can't believe it's not a more popular game. What other game realistically simulates medieval battles?
none(including fogs)
>he can't handle traffic
Vic even simplified it for you. What more can you ask of him?
>inb4 you're confusing Vic with VIC

Lmao but also fuck you.
the whole shadow empire game design is like worst ideas done ass backwards in worst possible way
its not even that they are bad(they are), they are also fucking dumb
>Lmao but also fuck you.
you know that I am right

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Thread poisoned within literally 2 posts, thanks for that
>industrialized russia
Just the average 19th century jungle fewer frenchoid

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Something need doing?

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He can do better? :( What happened?
can zerg or protoss do that kind of damage at 4:38 without going all in

>What is your will?
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how many basilisks do you build? i'd normally do 3 basilisks and 2 leman russ (or cut 1 basilisk for THE BANEBLADE!), but then you can only build 1 chimera.
When I get to them (the people I play don't let matches get that far, they are sweaty SC2 players) I usually have two, on hold position at my base. They shell anything that gets too close for comfort and in some maps that can mean my half of the map. I like running around with Chimeras a lot, they really are the workhorse of the army, supported by a lascannon HWT or two.
It works more times than I care to admit, only Necrons give me trouble, everything with morale breaks before it becomes an issue.
The command squad is also important and I've seen players do incredible things with them, especially with psykers, but personally all I can muster is 4 priests and spam their ability that makes the command squad not take losses for a few seconds. My use of psykers is their passive detection and stunning vehicles with Curse, very reduced.
>nobody mentioned hellhounds
literally your best vehicle that melts every single armor type, when in doubt rush vehicles and spam hellhounds
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>commanders without servo-arms
hard pass

File deleted.
Keep the leaks coming.
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Where do you see the Russia branch?
I'm not sifting through the entire KF thread to dig it up for your lazy ass.
There's been leaks on Kiwi Farms? I'll check the thread out, thanks.
Yeah old.
Although now that you're bringing it up like this I'm starting to doubt whether I got these mixed up or not.
Either way the original claim that they put out a teaser tree without effects is probably still true given how often they do that.

Wish we had new Amur leaks that weren't fake and gay.
there hasnt been any leaks from KF lol. theyre still stuck in 2022.

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Anno series is dog shit

>play 1503
>tutorial sucks doesn’t explain anything well enough
>play 2070
>half the features are locked to online mode not even worth playing
>look at 1800
>comes with Ubisoft launcher and uplay

All I could tell in my time was the controls are shit, mechanics are shit, and the overall game is shit.

In short fuck Ubisoft. Shit game. 0/10.
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Steampunk Anno is a great idea for a different game. Like I'd love a full gothic steampunk Anno.
In 1602 and 1503 while you couldn't soft lock you could slow your game to a stand still while the traders refreshed their inventory.
1404 drm free from GOG with the unofficial patch is the golden standard
Anno 2070 was okay. Anno 1800 is one of the best games ever made.
>muh launcher
lol okay kid

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Since there isn't a thread up
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some of them were obviously getting off on it - and similarly some of the rapesector users were as well

the whole thing is extremely gay
There isn't one about the distinction between recovering stuff and scuttling?
I swear there was.
Well I guess you've seen them all. Now I've gotta make sure the increase I saw isn't mental. I make a fuckton more supply recovering/immediate scuttling than I do clicking the scavenge stuff.
Maybe that an exploit or something.
Sometimes I forget Nexelerin is a mod and going back to vanilla playthrough is always so boring because the core systems are so static, no invasion fleets, alliances, etc.
Not that I can find

The only other one that even mentions scuttling talks about things related to story points

If you're gonna run some tests let us know how it went, who knows maybe it is bugged
Well recent updates haven't really added much.
I'd love to have more vanilla discussion but there's only so much you can talk about unless you get into nitty-gritty optimization which I don't think much people are into.

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Please help me find this game's title! It is 3/4 top down view. Plays a little like pinball. A young man and his English Mastiff looking dog bust through a door into a courtyard with bad guys. The dog runs from guy to guy disabling them. Thank you.

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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Putting an annoying Khmer in his place
Hot shit until he gets all his elephants flattened
You now remember the Inca blacksmith feudal rush
Good riddance
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I don't remember nothing, because I play singleplayer campaigns only.
>garbage opinion
>chad image macro

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You can move it
My top strategy to counter Rome was to win them over water, then cripple their economy sacking Latium, Tuscia and Campania until they were fuming mountains of ruins and bodies with quick raids and force Rome to move legions all around their lands by attacking in places far from each other. It's hard to do so if you border with them though, they can really fuck you up fast.
Raiding like that is very successful, but every once in a while the AI goes fuck it and just starts sieging whatever they can. That's when you need the mercs to counter. Also, I think they patched it to where you cannot repeatedly sack cities in a war anymore. Usually it's just once and that's it. At least in my experience, anyway.
Unironically one of the best threads on /vst/
If you don't border them and beat them at sea then you can just land in Sicily and repeatedly trick them into crossing the strait, block it and then stack wipe them. It's insanely cheesy though.

shogun 2
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Incredibly late reply but light cavalry are your friend. Also Uesugi AI is coded to be more aggressive towards you so prepare for a northern invasion. Take gold mine like the other anon said but also take Imagawa's school.
Been playing this a lot lately. Love the setting, art design, map, music. Really like that I can play a short campaign in 2 days so o get to try a lot of factions.

But damn is it slow for action. Seems like a battle or 2 completely breaks a faction.
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Holy shit I've been playing fots legendary choshu for 10 hours straight and keep getting fucked by ai navies
It takes just one or two naval battles and it's fucking over
next theres your billion koku foreing trade port being destroyed alongside your buildings and a naval invasion you can't combat because all your rice went to repairs
Playing for the first time, shimazu, damn those christian niggers are annoying
This is why trade is a trap. The AI sucks at navy in general and will just endlessly stream single gunboat "fleets" at you, bypass your navy's vision through the fow because they cheat and B-line directly for your ports, which they either disable instantly via bombardment or just blockade. Buildings (especially ports) in fots are so expensive and you have so little income at the start that you can easily be go bankrupt or get bled dry trying to keep a port active through the endless gunboat spam.

And because naval autoresolve is fucked, you'll frequently lose ironclad battleships to single gunboats and generally suffer so much attrition autoresolving the endless deluge of meaningless naval battles against inconsequential fleets that nonetheless pose a threat to your port that it literally isn't cost-effective to take those fights, even if you're sinking the enemy ship every time, because repairs and upkeep make your navy so expensive. You either have to suffer the tedium of manually resolving multiple single-gunboat fleet battles every turn and constantly patrolling the coast to catch little fuckers cheating past you, or just ignore ports entirely and focus on building up your domestic income

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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Umm no you won't steal my waifu Rabid Corpse's virginity!
You can, but you really probably shouldn't for obvious reasons. Energy is needed to CQC an adjacent enemy trying to shoot you; if you don't have the energy, they'll automatically succeed in shooting you point blank. And the evasion modifier counts for both dodging melee attacks as well as dodging enemy ranged attacks in CQC.

see >>1746741
Battleflag (as well as battlepipes and the astrocaster) got changed after Gentle Push and the Lokk Commissar were introduced.
>You can send hot babes to tank chryssalids in chainmail+shield?????!??
Don't do this. She MIGHT survive, but it's not the kind of gamble you want to take.
>More of an RPG thing but why not have a damage type that specifically disables enemy units either reducing their stats or TUs or something. I have no idea what kind of pain in the ass it would be to implement status effects into an XCOM game or if it would fit or play good either.
Do the stun rod/freeze bomb type weapons that knock things out in the base games not exist in openxcom?
This isn't a porn game yet anon

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>greatest total war game
>is not even a full total war
>is a dollar store dlc…
>with half the factions
>and a quarter of the units
>and no rome
>and a fraction of the map
I don’t get it, why do people love age of Charlemagne so much?
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Well we know that, the education isn't anything spectacular in America.
>>greatest total war game
You are making up something nobody says to seethe about.
Age of Charlemagne is a good dlc campaign for Attila, which was the last good TW game.
I'd take Age of Charlemagne over Rise of the Samurai any day. That's not the same thing as claiming that it is "the best TW".
>which was the last good TW game.
Attila was complete shit
Worst campaign map mechanics of any TW, battles over too quickly, units having completely arbitrary stats
The only TW I haven't played is Three Kingdoms and the ones before Rome, Attila is easily the worst of them all.
Attila and Rome 2 were both terrible.
retarded faggots, every single one of you

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