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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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The one they hate the most.

Interestingly, I came to the conclusion that the fallen angels created the white race (chosen people) myself by comparing the biblical myths to their counterparts when they also appear in other legends and religions. Then some schizo started calling me a christian identity nut and so I looked into it, and sure enough, the likely sources have already carved out the truth as against the law.

Wild stuff.
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The term kike refers to ashkenazi ethnicity, kikel is a yiddish term
How is the weather in israel?
Lets talk, altough nothing good Will come from it, I suppose I can spare a few keystrokes.

Why do you larp? What will you gain? Do you think religion is about worship and nothing more? How come people don't see your eternal truth? Are they blind or experienced?
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Yes, also they are most likely the gentiles mentioned in both Luke 21:24 and Revelation 11:2.

"And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." (Luke 21)

"But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months." (Revelation 11)

This might actually be referring to the zionists who think they are Jews but aren't. I believe this will be in fulfillment of what it says in Psalm 37.

"Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it." (Psalm 37:34)

So it would seem to be necessary according to our Lord's timetable that zionists (who think they're Jews but are actually not) would occupy the city for a while.

The Revelation 3:9 reference also appears to point back to Isaiah 49:22-23. Again, if we just take the same inference that the synagogue of Satan are actually gentiles, those of the synagogue of satan would never in a million years expect that this prophecy is actually about them being made to worship at the feet of Christians, as it says in Revelation 3:9. Because they always habitually call themselves "Jews" and probably think that's what they are. Even though there is no actual connection historically or otherwise.

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I just thought, I know a lot of religions, including yours. Even something that scared you so much as satanism, has more nuance and complexity, I'm not talking Lavey here. But Christian religion is just a belief and worship. Quite uncomplicated for a true thing.

You may ask particular questions

Is he the most retarded leader of any nation in history?
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Maybe, but it wasn't his problem.

He had swag, and if I was the ruler of some third-world shithole I'd want to milk the country for everything it's worth and spend all my time larping as Napoleon too. He's at least in my top 5 favorite African dictators.
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>You call this retarded? Watch this:
Yeah, too obvious of a choice 2bh, funny that for all the flack South Vietnam gets Cambodia managed to be an even greater shitshow
Nguema and Pol Pot were just crazy, as in mentally ill.
If we're talking about actually stupid leaders, Francisco Solano López is a good example

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He was the original blackcel, literally me fr. Spent his entire life seething that he could never be white. To the point of writing an entire manifesto that was basically the black version of "billions must die"

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Mark 14:51-52
>A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind.

This verse suggests Jesus was followed by twinks who were basically in the nude, who ran off naked when questioned (which makes sense given ancient laws surrounding sodomy). That, paired with the fact Jesus never took a wife, had children or seemed to even desire women would imply that he may have been a homosexual. He also never once denounces homosexuality in the entire New Testament.

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Homophobia is a Jewish invention
>Was Jesus Gay?
It's possible. The Bible is silent on homosexuality. It's just condemned as a mode to worship pagan gods. Which was a popular way to do it back then. Kind of like not knowingly eating meat sacrificed to a pagan god. That doesn't mean you can't eat any meat.
>It makes me le feel good to come up with scenarios where my bullies get their just desserts
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Isn’t desiring others to be permanently cut off from God about as far from Christian as you can get? How are you any different than Satan?

Idk. As a libertarian, I want to be able to point to somewhere
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this is true but it only applies to the Swiss Confederacy, the one that came after the French Revolution is another type of political entity which became oppresive and absolutist
>Taxation isn’t theft
You're right, it's racketeering
>circumcised hands wrote this post
Standard Oil controlled 70% of the market at one point, and then competition drove it down to only 30%, and *then* the government stepped in and broke them up. you also seem completely oblivious to the hundreds of monopolies literally created by the government during that period. why do you bother to come here and just repeat what your high school history textbook (((taught))) you?
If you mean letting capital run rampant with states and supranational institutions as its lapdogs, that's the world you're living in. Apart from the fact that vestigial, hamstrung welfare systems exist in a few places, you've won. Why do you pretend otherwise? Why aren't you content with that?

Is spirituality a real thing?
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Spirituality is gay and effeminate. Being religious is effeminate.
I have yet to hear "spiritual" in any other sense but either "hurr durr I'm more elevated than you in ways I cannot prove" or "not real".
>why is ideology important?
>make unqualified assertions
>revere apparitions
>lead to incoherent vapours
I follow Buddhism and I see it in this way, just like science is the observation and investigation of the external, spirituality is the observation and investigation of the internal.

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1) Are there people here absurd enough to unironically hold the position that opposition to the Catholic Church is evil/satanic
2) If so, do these absurd people masturbate
>1) Are there people here absurd enough to unironically hold the position that opposition to the Catholic Church is evil/satanic
Personally for me I don't see Non-Catholic Christians as satanic/evil but they are misguided. People have to understand that the Catholic Church has the holy spirit guiding it. It has direct revelation from our father on what doctrines are correct. The Catholic Church doesn't deny the fact the doctrines it promotes are not the same doctrines the early Christians promoted. Or that the way we interpret the bible is not the original way the writers of it wanted it to be interpreted. Something being older doesn't make it correct. And this is one of the problems with Protestantism. Protestants think that pointing out the practices of early Christians makes the Catholic Church invalid. Which is wrong. The Catholic Church has the authority from God on how to interpret doctrine. Assuming a primitivist understanding of doctrine will get them right with god is wrong. The Catholic Church is the only way true doctrine can be figured out.

>mr president, Grenada is building an airport
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He literally said he reads Cold War books in that post ..
Thought you were a commie
read The Night Stalkers: Top Secret Missions of the U.S. Army's Special Operations Aviation Regiment
Thanks bro
>Maurice Bishop (President Grenada) had suspended the Grenadan constitution in like 79 and killed a bunch of political prisoners. Coard (forget actual name) who was the PM deposed him, killed him, shot a bunch of govt ministers. Cuba was also heavily fortifying the island
America kills political prisoners all the time at their black sites

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>You can't just let people own stuff and trade with each other. It makes you poor. Or something.

How did millions of people get sucked into this obvious bullshit?
>I wonder the same thing about Marxism or socialism, it all sounds great but it never seems to work.

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Historically what do civilizations that collapse have in common that lead to or were just signs of their downfall?
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A prolonged natural disaster, sometimes weather, earthquakes, volcanos, floods, etc - also affects crops and simply starves out spread-out empires. When that happens, if you don't withdraw and consolidate your power to one major city in a good location, you'll become a statistic.
Failing that, inevitably, priests or shoguns or similar overtake the original "dude it's gonna work better than any before!" government to form their own new government.
Bad monetary policy
Retarded elite, nihilism, lack of any will or direction.
>Historically what do civilizations that collapse have in common that lead to or were just signs of their downfall?

Progressive economic disparity and/or instability of some kind contributing to social unrest, before ultimately getting devastated by some environmental catastrophe.

You just kind of accrue national debt, the money becomes worthless, you accumulate too many renters, unemployed people, and citizens on welfare/social benefits.. And then an earthquake, flood, or drought happens, and the whole thing falls apart. People are gonna say things like 'invasions' or 'moral decay', but those things can have unique monetizing qualities that revitalize a civilization: military invasion can lead to nationalization and the galvanization of a people, moral decay can inspire cultural and technological development leading to innovation and financial revitalization.

Nature on the other hand will just come in and ruin everything for no benefit to anyone. Guided by her own mysterious motives and goals completely alien to us. The 'Horn of Africa' is progressively becoming a place impossible to live in because of their 'unfortunate state of economic development', but primarily because they haven't seen *ANY* rain in 8 consecutive years and no amount of aid is going to fix that. While neighboring Kenya recently went from no water, to too much water, just to add insult to injury- experiencing major catastrophic flooding just this year.
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>naked decadence (by which I mean,degeneracy without even the attempt to hide it behind a veneer of civility)
>economically unsustainable levels of public and private debt and no plan to curtail it, let alone pay it back
>economically unsustainable wars
>wars launched with the explicit intent of reversing economic decline through plunder (and often genocide)
>bureaucracy that is not only crippling, but downright dysfunctional
>social elites who are not only corrupt, but also so profoundly stupid that their schemes wind up working against their own interest and they respond to any failure by simply doubling down and shooting themselves in the foot even more
>leaders who are blatantly leading their people to ruin and no one is willing to risk their own skin engineering a palace coup or simply shooting them to get rid of them (Vladimir Putin, Bob Iger, Joe Biden, etc.)

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>incredibly autistic and excruciating court etiquette
>emperor locked up in the palace
>surrounded by eunuchs and concubines
>hundreds, sometimes thousands of concubines, all violently competing over winning the emperor's favor and getting their son to succeed
>deranged eunuchs openly taking bribes and plotting because in pre-modern china not being able to breed means you are trustworthy

And somehow this system just gets to persevere for centuries with little to no reform?
You would at least expect foreign conquerors like the Mongols or the Manchus to bring change, but they just got assimilated into this corrupt courtly culture
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Yes, up until the Manchu's enforced a hat-like crown
It's all very cruel, but it's an effective system for pre-modern governance in a large empire of distinct peoples and castes. I think Puyi got away from it better than you could have expected.
Didn't puyi keep trying to rape the eunuchs or some shit and the eunuchs made the maids rape the kid so he wouldnt rape them?
Yeah, he was a fucked up manchigga. He later realized the error of his ways in his memoirs, and I seriously doubt there was any clout or monetary motivation behind writing them considering he could have just gotten both if he asked. He just had a change of heart.
>Didn't puyi keep trying to rape the eunuchs or some shit and the eunuchs made the maids rape the kid so he wouldnt rape them?

Different Anon, but if anything on his Wikipedia article is remotely true: his imperial life was an utterly fucked up existence of having, simultaneously; full control over a handful of people's lives, but absolutely no control over his own. It is unsurprising Puyi would become resentful and psychotic towards the Eunuchs.

>I think Puyi got away from it better than you could have expected.

It sounds like the singular humanizing and positive turning point in Puyi's life was that scottish diplomat and tutor they hired for him - Reginald Johnston.

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Is the Western European University system the best system for education in history?
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Phoenician is a Semitic language retard.
>Phoenician (/fəˈniːʃən/ fə-NEE-shən; Phoenician śpt knʿn lit.'language of Canaan'[2]) is an extinct Canaanite Semitic language originally spoken in the region surrounding the cities of Tyre and Sidon.
When do you finish high school?
NATURE paper. Literally the most authoritative journal on Earth, vs. the dribble any idiot able to register a .org website can write.

If you're not gonna bring me a viable recent paper as evidence then I accept your full concession.
I never said Phoenician was not Semitic, stupid primary school level reading comprehension poster.

I literally they were Semites (proto-Kikes) that were butchered and genocided by Indo-European Chads.
>Literally the most authoritative journal on Earth
Appeal to authority fallacy
>I never said Phoenician was not Semitic, stupid primary school level reading comprehension poster.
>It's Indo-European, not Semitic.
Schizo retard chud, go work on a farm or something

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How do muslims feel about all their turkic overlords were homosexual?
It’s sad. Homosexuality was traditional and tolerated in the Muslim world for a thousand years until (((colonialism)))
clearly a bait, but I leave you with a question, why are you treating this as something bad? The catechism says not to judge such things, the way you treat this issue is what they call "injustice"
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>Homosexuality was traditional and tolerated in the Muslim world for a thousand years until (((colonialism)))
You think Western christian colonialist faggots exorcised homosexuality from islamists by bringing them their western values? Muslims practiced pedophilia before the Turks and still practice it, it's not lack of women due to polygamy they fucking little boys as many claim it's their culture and it's enshrined in their Holy book the Quran where Allah promises them little eternal servant boys who are beautiful like pearls.
Bible says death penalty you faggot niggerkike

It is only natural for social creatures to want to conform, and the terminus of conformity is a collective consciousness.
But we're no ants
We're individualists too, we like having an ego. Social interactions are merely a mean to obtain what us alone cannot have.
If we could obtain those things on our own we'd ow longer have anything to gain from others.
>humans are selfish
> want to conform
The nail that sticks out usaually is the first to be hammered. The path of least resistance is conformity.

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