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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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Ignore the security guard edition. Let's get back to discussing your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
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I unironically suggest asking on facebook in a bulacan area expat community group. That's usually how I find workers who are worth a damn, since they made it through the fussy micromanaging boomer filter.
God I hate FB. Why is it so ubiquitous in this shithole? Business won’t have a website or phone number you can call. But they will have a fb page and a messenger account
you've got to roll with it, filipinos and boomers are both addicted hopelessly to fb and if you're ignoring it as a resource you're missing a key tool to get shit done
Facebook bribed Smart and Globe into making traffic to it free. For many Filipinos Facebook was the entire internet, they didn't access anything else.

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Hello, I'll be going to New Orleans for the first time ever for a business trip. I'll be there Friday after (May10th) and will likely be leaving Saturday night.

The place I'm staying at is right next to the Saenger Theatre and also pretty close to Bourbon street.

Just wanted to get advice and see what places I should visit while there. My business meeting is only three hours on Saturday morning, so any other time I'm free to do pretty much anything.
Ghost tour then leave. Food is overrated too
The food is most definitely NOT overrated. Some classic New Orleans institutions are Galatoire's, Antoine's, and Commander's Palace. Also, if you want to "hang out where the locals do" there's MRB's in the French Quarter. You should spend at least an hour walking down Bourbon Street and checking things out. If you're looking for breakfast, I recommend Cafe du Monde. Jackson Square is a must see. If you're into places that you'll recognize from movies set in New Orleans, that is. Also, a stroll down the Rue Royale (Royal Street) is worth it as well. If you only have a day, I'd probably get on your favorite travel website and spend some time doing research to see where you really want to go. Or, you could visit the 9th Ward, or the Garden District. Or even go a little out of the Quarter to Metarie. Or visit one of the above-ground cemeteries. There's always something going on there.
po' boys are fucking garbage. what else do they have? that gargantuan hamburger thing is disgusting. jambalaya is pretty good though

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Hi, where can you stay with some native tribes? Anywhere in the world.. but no cold place
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Bethlehem, West Bank
Reykjavik, Iceland
Southern Chile
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

As for Brazilian injuns, things are a bit complicated.You can certainly visit many of their settlements and have nice day-trips, but I've never heard of a proper traditional indigenous settlement offering commercial lodging. Yanomamis, specifically, certainly don't, as they live in the most remote part of the country and are spread thin (30k of them) in an area the size of Hungary. If you're enrolled on an anthropology program, then you might be able to get something.
But why would you want that? If you're looking for ancestral knowledge and whatever new age shit that whitoids may be looking for these days, you'd are better off reading anthropology books. the (proper, traditional) índios are almost cavemen and not very articulated, as one may imagine.
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North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal has a good travel deal where as long as you find transportation to the island you don't have to pay anything to return.
>Reykjavik, Iceland
The Eskimo are the only natives who would realistically accept you. But life at the North Pole is extremely hard and if you're not born that way, you won't be able to stand it 100%.

Everyone else would probably kill you.

You'd die in the jungle too .

>Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The Mongols would murder you, there are hardly any people who are more racist than Mongols
mongols welcome tourism and will even let you participate in their traditional game and eat traditional foods
hope you like fermented mares milk

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Nikko Bridge edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR is going to adjust the prices for the pass soon, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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dont do that. you will be alone and look like a retard if you cannot speak Japanese
How do I get Japanese residency? I fell in love with the place.

English isnt my native language, dont have any unique skills, just a basic uni degree in CS and I dont even work in the field.Dont suppose theres some gold visa program I can try?
>whats the deal with the look of utter horror when I got from the cashier when I walked in? Is this normal? Did I fuck something up?
nah. its normal. they hate tourists and black people over there
What race are you. What were you wearing
I'm white. I was wearing a simple brown T shirt and black cargo pants

Did you go and what did you think?
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Enjoy it buddy, but just a heads up: for some reason you won't find their ribs either in their online nor the physical menu at the pub, but they DO serve them. Just ask for them and you're set. They have a myriad of beers on tap, too.
I'd also recommend going there for dinner to eat and chill, and during the day visit the IWM which is a mere 15 minute walk up the road. It's huge, it's amazing, and it's free.
Where are you staying?
Oh I'm from London and I've been to the IWM, I meant when I'm specifically around Kennington, lol. Thanks again for the tip
London is hands down the best city to visit in europe, it's just a shame that covid killed the night life there.
>gangs roaming the streets
>trash everywhere
>madly expensive
>pubs close at like 10pm or something retarded
>everywhere's mouldy and stinks
>dirty ugly river
>overrated museums which feel like warehouses
>c-tier countryside nearby
>extremely unfriendly people
>dogshit local culture
>aggressive drunkards with no respect

It's just a bunch of 'lads' all sniffing their own farts thinking they're 'proper geezers' drinking their shit beer and snorting shit coke, pretending they're nothing more than office monkeys contributing zero.

Has anyone done this?

Apparently it's easy for foreigners to do and doesn't require you to actually hold a residence permit or visa, you can just show up to the office and do the test in (broken) English.

It'd be easier to do this than spending months getting it in my euro shithole
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Ok. Now THIS is a thread I'm interested in. I wanted to do this in Korea until those retards changed the rules. How long does it take to get the full license?
As far as I know, about a month for the whole process, that's just from what random anecdotal sources I can find though.
No because of muh migrants you don't need to prove citizenship or residency at least in blue states. You do usually need proof of address such as utility bill from where you're living. Absolute clown country.
abkhazia is georgia

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I've got two weeks in November to go somewhere, and was thinking Portugal. Despite having been around the world a bit, I've never gone to Europe. I'd just stay on the mainland between Lisbon and Porto for time, probably stop in Evora, Coimbra, and Braga too. Just interested in the food, old cities, and such. Don't care so much about beaches as its probably too cold in November.
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november is a dreadful time to come since we have more rain than london or belgium up north (the only place worth visiting)
You could go to Andalucia in Spain.
It's unbearable during summer anyways, due to insane temperatures
Don't bother. The place has been completely ruined by now.
I love Portuguese cities, unapologetically. Lisbon is undeniably quite grungy, and has been approaching Barcelona-levels of foreigner/tourist fatigue for a few years now, ever since a small flood of Americans started to relocate out there, but it’s incredibly atmospheric and in many spots very beautiful. The nearby posh beach suburb of Cascais (under an hour from the main Lisbon station) is also really charming, although it’s not the season, obviously, and is probably best in summer.

Évora has one of the coolest historical centers in Portugal. Probably my personal favorite. It’s also close to some popular wine country destinations, if that’s something you might enjoy. Cute park built around a Roman temple ruin right in the center, but it probably won’t be sit in a park weather in November.

Coimbra is young and lively if you are of student age. Bats in the library, very nice old-school, waiters in white shirts and bow ties-style café right by the cathedral. Cool Roman ruins at Conimbriga, just outside of town.

A lot of people like Porto more than Lisbon; it’s a bit cleaner and arguably friendlier, although I’ve always found people in Lisbon perfectly friendly, probably because I try to speak Portuguese rather than just yelling at them in English or Spanish as so many visitors do. If you do happen to speak Spanish, almost everyone can indeed understand it, and more than a few can sort of speak it, but most people really don’t like it—it offends people to be expected/forced to use the language of their larger neighbor. Personally I like Lisbon more than I like Porto, but you may disagree.
It’s the wrong season for the aforementioned Algarve, but I find the Algarve to be a mixed bag at best. A couple of the towns are actually quite charming—Tavira in particular has a lot of historical and architectural appeal. But there are also a lot of (too many) ugly modern concrete resort developments, British people’s summer homes, and vomiting drunk yobbos (at least in the summer).

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1. Can I do a visa run and re enter Japan after being their for 90 days?

2. Are there any good Japanese foods? These udon noodles were slimy and gross, the broth was good. What are some simple foods that are good, like soups or noodles without stinky fish or fatty meats? What should I try that's easily accessible?

3.what are some other comfy cities like nagasaki ? Similar sized or smaller?
Oh boy wouldn't it be awesome if a general thread existed for japan so people who can't use google wouldn't keep spamming new threads

Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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They unironically, genuinely believe they are the chosen master race to rule the world. Every single Israeli spends 2 years killing children in Palestine as part of their conscription. You are nothing but livestock to them, a filthy animal.
Just seeing them is already enough desu. I remember walking though Jeju-do after a storm. It was quiet, the air was cool and peaceful. I felt like the last man on earth until some fat, white 6' girl in FUCKING YOGA PANTS showed up out of nowhere. After seeing nothing but delicate slender kgf for 2 weeks the whiplash nearly made my throw myself off a cliff.
Go to somewhere other than Italy or Paris and you'll never run into that. You'd know that if you've ever traveled before
Shalom goyim
Seeing 1 Israeli person
Seeing more than 1 Israeli person
Lmao lol kek

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You can make it here. Schools are all privately owned, you don't even need a tefl, just bullshit a resume and dress nice. Felon? Failure? It doesn't matter, you can start fresh here.
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It's clear you don't give a fuck about making factual statements or the topic being discussed either. If you do what I told you others won't think you're a fucking retard all the time.
If you stop sucking dicks, others won't think you're a fucking faggot all the time. Maybe we should just agree that neither of us is likely to change.
Currently in Siem Reap, leaving in 3 days to Battambang, will stay there for 2-3 days, then continue to Kampot for another 2-3 days - will have rented motos in all 3 cities and want to explore any interesting destinations up to 1-hours drive max from the cities. Any suggestions from past experience that are worth driving out to?
I literally stay in leat touristic areas, mutts are truly braindamaged, stay in your mom's basement and pay ur debts goy.
There’s a small Angkorean ruin just outside of Battambang that is worth going to; it’s a nice contrast from Angkor Wat because, at least when I was there a few years back, it was very quiet. My wife and I were the only tourists on site. And it’s barely restored—still mostly ruin.

I also recommend Bokor Hill Station, but I think it’ll be at least a little more than an hour from Kampot on a little moto; takes at least a full hour in a car, or a bit more in traffic. It’s only 40something kilometers, but it’s largely on a winding, narrow hill road.

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I've decided that the most reliable way to tell who is an NPC is to look at who closes the shutters/curtains on planes and buses. Anyone with a soul leaves these open.
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>Have window seat
>Turn on GPS
>Open OSM
>Match the map to what you see down below
>Let your imagination go wild as to what all these places are like, and how they interconnect
Confirmed soul haver.
maybe i want it dimmer so i can read a book or nap nigga leave me alone god damn
>so i can read a book
You need light for that, retard.
>or nap
What kind of little baby manlets are you guys that this is even possible in an airplane seat?
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I'm 5'10 and I sleep like a baba in long flights in the wooden class. I close my window as soon as I sit down, buckle up and sleep until landing. I don't open the windows for anyone and I'm mad at the people sitting next to me if they don't wake me up for dinner.

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Is it strange for a 31 year old man to stay in a hostel? I don't mind sharing my space with 18 year old boys and girls, but will I be looked at askance for it?
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This guy again, what bald guy fucked your girl?
>Is it strange? No. Is it pathetic, yes. At the very least get a private room. I used to stay in hostels all the time when I was in my mid 20s, then I realized not getting proper sleep was way more important than saving a few bucks. Before the dormlets start raging saying they sleep fine, look at how late people in dorms actually get up and moving every morning. It's usually around check out time when the cleaning people come in because they're getting shit interrupted sleep from Israelis being obnoxious, Asians with sleep apnea, or French people fingering each others ass holes all night four feet away.

Is it really that bad? For me, it's all about having a safe place where I can leave my bag and where I can rest every now and then. I usually sleep with the TV on, I think I don't mind if it's noisy and if I want a quiet night I can go camping. I also plan to move into hostels a bit out of season (e.g. Spain in September) so that it is not so crowded.
Are there cheaper places to stay when you're in a foreign country than hostels? I think 20$ per night more is quite a lot, on a monthly basis that's 600$ that you have or don't have
Depends on if you think 600$ a month is a lot of money (it's not). I get the wanting a social atmosphere bit, but also a lot of hostel kids only interact and hang out only with other travelers like the world is an open air theme park.
If you want to meet other travellers, do a free walking tour. Nowadays I just find one through the Guruwalk app
I travel for a few years, so it is a lot. you could rent out hostels for 2 straight months with 600$.

>like the world is an open air theme park.

I like that attitude, as long as you dont disrespect poor people in poor countries. but you end up in jail anyway pretty fast that way overseas.

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I can't think of anything more useless than wanting to go abroad. Since I was a little kid it never made sense to me. Humans are isolationist on principle so it seems like a contradiction to want to encroach upon another tribe's turf in the first place. Even then, it's so much easier and far more fulfilling to just use the Internet to learn about a foreign place instead of spending all the money to physically go there, and inevitably waste more time walking around than having an interesting experience. I hear all the time about how you'll meet unforgettable people, immerse yourself in their culture, yadda yadda, but there's no way this is true. You're still an outsider to the locals, and you still don't know anything about their customs, their language, their landmarks, their food, their government... It just feels so stupid to me.

Maybe I'm the asshole here but I wish we could just appreciate other countries from afar and not infringe upon them. I don't care if it's for school, or business, or sex, it just seems weird. I read up on what an embassy was the other day and it made me genuinely mad, that there are these little pockets all over the world where a foreigner can go and be patronized instead of having to even pretend like they care about the natives. How is that not at least a little fucked up?

Anyways, TL;DR is that I think traveling is inefficient and stupid, maybe even disrespectful, and that you'd be far better off watching travelogues on YouTube or searching for local websites. The context doesn't matter, the whole concept is off to me.
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At least video games give you instant gratification the same can't be said about travel
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Read the first sentence and skipped the rest, yeah bro you're the first one thinking about these things, unique snowflake and philosopher. You're actually the first person ever to post this kind of stuff here.

There are other boards for these kind of self masturbatory texts. Talk about traveling on this board or fuck off
It's just a purely hedonistic pursuit. That's why I only go abroad maybe twice a year now (used to do 4 or more months a year). Realized it's a waste of money and ultimately it's just about eating, fucking, and drinking. Used to buy the "iTs tHe PeOpLe YoU mEeT aLoNg thE WaY" meme, but as the years have gone by I realize I've forgotten 95% or more of the people I met and have on my fb or instagram or don't even remember 80 or more of the chicks I banged. Becoming a RealTravelerTM is realizing you're just running away from maturing and wasting time with every flight you get on.
Honestly this will sound dumb, but it slows down time. Once you get a steady job, home, relationship etc you get into a routine and time goes by super fast. Doing new things like travel is the only thing you can really do to slow down time and just get away from the same shit different day routine.

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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
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What do I do with a few hundred K sitting in a Wise account that's never been taxed anywhere? I'm afraid that if I just start transferring it into my bank they'll start asking questions. I'm not resident of a country where I can apply for a Wise debit card for ATM withdrawals
What do you do
You could of just said
>”i have a few hundred k please give me attention”
>working remote
>HCOL city
>at least I'm not renting
Imagine being this fucking dumb
Stagnant pathetic human beings should be purged from the planet or at least this thread

I have about $150,000, I don't have a home, I don't have a car and only dirt cheap health insurance. I travel with my backpack and laptop and trade my $150000 portfolio on the stock market. If I make a profit, I pay myself a few thousand dollars and continue to live my miserable life in hostels and 3rd world countries
Get started then, hopefully you're an American citizen so you can reap those sweet sweet jones act bucks.

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