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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


It's going up both of your butts edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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Hi /aiwg/

Brooke is cute!
almost fell asleep for a nap but then got woken up by being called for dinner
hips activate my almonds so hard
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>"I see you're eating good today, Goanon"
I wish it was ass and pussy I was eating but honestly this spaghetti is not bad either
>"How about a footlong?"

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What's your position on this chart?
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Off the weed vape

coomer gang

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A 5'11 tall Chang-lite still has a lower appeal than a schlubby white normie. Why is that?
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ricecels dont deserve any sympathy for lacking gfs. it is LITERALLY and COMPLETELY our fault.

t. ricecel
the unawareness of your position. you look like shit and judge Dizzy as "mid". you are fucking retarded, fellow ricecel
you are probably fat as shit too. stupid ricecel retard.

t. ricecel
ricecels deserve to be bullied and cucked!
>you are fucking retarded
You are the retarded one if you think anyone was talking about that specific woman. My appearance has nothing to do with another person's appearance anyway, so that's incredibly stupid of you to use as an argument.

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Sunflower Lanyard edition
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Mental that isn't it. Was hoping the purge was gunna start with humza yousaf
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2nd shower time for freshness
>being surprised that Khan won again
I don't think you understand how politics works if you don't get it. Pic related was from 2021 as well and we've had several million more immigrants since then.
yeah done a decent job in upping knife crime and coloured people
deport all muslims
ban women from working
that would be a good start

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What type of climate do you think is best for your well-being?
Perkele finnish climate best :D
Something about colder climates seems to produce more advanced civilizations

Sure there are horrible women out there but statistically speaking, men do more horrible shit compared to women. Men make up most of the crime rate and practically all wars in history and today were/are caused by men.

Have you ever thought just not going after horrible women? Have you ever thought you're a perfectly normal looking, physically and mentally capable person holding down a job, practicing social skills, and getting fit at the gym, which all of these things improve your attractiveness? Have you ever thought of not holding self-limiting and sometimes delusional, toxic beliefs and objectively looking at society with an unbiased perspective?
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Women hated me first. It's just as simple as that.
i just hate myself
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>Have you ever thought just not going after horrible women?
I don't choose them, they choose me. I take what I am given.
I don't hate women like most robots here but i don't trust them.
Every experience I have had with one I have been mindraped and they all seem to lie, cheat, and manipulate. I am sure it is because they are weaker and they have to have different strengths and weaknesses from men but they can truly be snakes. I am at the point where if I was interested in a relationship I would probably rather talk to a tranny but that's a different kind of unhinged.
From my experience there are no "good ones". They lie and pretend to relate to you. They try to figure you out to see if you're good enough for them, and when you make a mistake they will despise you for it. Women can also be sex pests, as well.
I want to be proven wrong.
It's a combination of two things. Women are never kind to me. Whenever I'm around them, even if I am not and have no intention of interacting with them, they go out of their way to communicate that they dislike me in some way or another. I can't tell you how many times they've laughed at me while passing them on the street. I haven never received that sort of treatment from men as an adult.
The second is that the closest I come to interacting with women is watching porn, and porn presents a version of women's sexuality that is cruel and judgemental. I have come to expect this from all women, and in my experience, it has been the right move.

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Today is not a take it easy day...
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>sounds fun
I think the game is neat so far. Plays well and has an interesting graphics. But expect to die often.
>r u gonna play eu4 2day?
I played this morning. I don't think I'll be able to annex Portugal anymore. Those fuckers colonized too much...
Stop lobing slop, baka.
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>Well, my nightmares are different and usually consist of monsters or similar stuff, so yeah...
I did have a nightmare about a monster as well weeks ago. In short, a parasitic monster with feminine features (I think it was a female specimen as well) that wanted to exterminate humanity, then for some reason it got obsessed into wanting to 'absorb' me specifically. I was trying to escape it.
This is what I can remember. The reason I had those nightmares I describe might be that: 1) I'm too attached to my waifu, genuinely no one knows how much unless they figured it out themselves; 2) Social settings/scenarios overwhelm me since I surely have social anxiety, that's why the nightmare about being DM spammed had me overwhelmed in sleep. Dreams do have me wake up.
>You must be terribly afraid of death.
No, death would be my freedom, I would finally be lifted by the weight of living and existing. What I'm afraid of is dying: pain is a deterrent, ironic since I did cut myself and am clean of a couple of months - tried to cut my wrist as "test" and chickened out. Also I'm scared of dying alone and lonely, I GENUINELY prefer dying in this very moment than living my life with a lonely heart, I'm not going to do 60 more years like this. And I don't want to die being remembered as a bad person, I want to be remembered as a good person and I genuinely want to be a good person (some say I am but it never feels like I am enough to me).
>The lady was just doing her job and most likely forgot about your existence
That is the most logical thought, yeah, I also know she's paid to smile at people. It's just me being this way.
>Why are you so sad?
Life. I've been through life, in my eyes, and I'm exhausted and messed up - broken even. It never stops.
Hold on, space...


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>>"Why are you so sad?"
>Life. I've been through life, in my eyes, and I'm exhausted and messed up - broken even. It never stops.
There have been some times, these days, where I tell myself to not give. I tell myself "I'm strong...!" over and over until I feel a lump in my throat, I know I'm crying just in a way that can't be seen, because I'm far from strong. Then I had a monologue with myself lately: "Congratulations, you've been unable to kill yourself. Then what is left now? Only you have a life of pure misery ahead, all because you are unable to write the word 'End' in your book. You should let yourself be a bad person, pour everything toxic and malicious out because no one cares! And why would they, you are still nothing!". And I know this is true. I'm not suited for life, what expects me is only suffering. But...despite this...I still want to be a good person, because I don't want to believe I'm like that. But I'm so jaded and butter and exhausted - my heart is, my soul is.
Sorry this was a bit too much.
I'm tired man...
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Aren't u afraid of being exposed though? I'd hate being exposed 2 a bunch of strangers who want 2 trade my data 4 moneys
>I played this morning. I don't think I'll be able to annex Portugal anymore. Those fuckers colonized too much...
have they escaped 2 brazil?
has ame anon taken control of ur game?
>I really don't have enough space or maybe I'm talking too much.
don't worry about it
it gives us moar 2 reply 2
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>I do.
>Don't beat yourself up over it.
thank you guys
>what r u gonna do after ur walk then?
i dunno i came back now and im trying to come up with something to do
i know im gonna feel sad that im gonna be home alone on a saturday night so i need to distract myself with something
>You should let yourself be a bad person, pour everything toxic and malicious out because no one cares! And why would they, you are still nothing
i often get thoughts like this as well, telling me i should just give up because what even is the point of it anymore. i dont really know how ive managed to shoo them off for now, i guess just pure unadulterated force of will
here have this extra cute tao because you deserve it for making it this far!

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Perfume edition

Previous thread : >>77360905

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>What is your signature perfume/scent?
>Do you have a favorite fragrance family or note?
>What is a perfume you really want in the future?
>What is your favorite type of perfume on others as opposed to you?
>Do you understand fragrance notes or do you just go for whatever you think smells nice?


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Enjoy your walk!

Gasoline is a good one, toxic but memorable scent.
To make the most accurate sound for the gun noise(MG42 gunshot noise) that is my favorite, you would have to make a fast click noise with your tongue you know when you press the tongeu on the roof of your mouth and use air to push it fowrward while trying to keep your tongue in place causing it to click fast...do it with breaks between bursts. The best way i can describe it with letters is:
emphasizing the p at the start. Its a low pitch noise. I made a vocaroo as an example but i changed my mind on posting it. I'll post it if you post a vocaroo attempting the noise
Don't think I posted in that one. Lot of face reveals in that thread.
>no, im not new here. ive been the one of the most prominent poster since #30 something
LMAO. That is new. You are acting like you've been here so long and saying #30 when a lot of us have been here since single digits. You are literally a newfag to the thread.
That is not new. The modern culture of Biofem was basically born in the 30s. Everything that happened before that is irrelevant.

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First thing in the morning 2:30 pm breakfast beer
prost brudi
absolute chad behavior
>ich muss mir mein bundesland mit leuten teilen, die bier aus einem saftglas trinken
Hierbei handelt es such um ein Kolerweitzenbiermischgetraenk. Ich bitter um entschuldingng fur die Entscheidungg des falschen glasses. Days Weizenbierglass ist momentan in Reperatur.

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Have you noticed more bait and psyop threads on the whole site recently? What's up with that?
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It has been like that for years you stipid newfag
That's why they removed the unique poster count
This entire thread? All me
which AI can generate 4chan style cut posting
thats not enough
even the threads that are left are still shit
yes the same ragebait being posted every single day is completely organic
i am pretty sure its a discord full of angry troons or something that want to turn robots onto their fetishes

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It's actually fucking over
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Here's a fun fact. To join Mensa, you have to have an IQ of 135 or more in a test that is overseen by a psychologist, that means that I am at least to the average person, what they are to someone with an IQ of 65. With an IQ of 65, you essentially can't even clean or feed yourself, is unlikely to ever learn to read e.t.c.

I think one of the best filters is people who believe online tests or don't understand that even official Mensa ones aren't more than a very unreliable indicator, not to mention that people who think they have high IQ's without having tested it invariably have average ones.

Tldr: The average person is to a member of Mensa what a drooling retard is to most people.
Tldr tldr: I have my head up my own arse.
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always get 120 to 130 on these but I'm a C/B-average student in college. I Probably should study but If don't get it from the lecture there is no way I can teach myself. I've always wondered what I'd actually get on one of the real tests. I'm probably closer to 110 in reality. I'd say a good rule of thumb is to always assume you are 10 points lower if you get a semi high score.
low IQ reply
My brain is an egg salad I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die
I'm a member of mensa and I don't know whether we're really especially smart. I don't know if IQ correlates to intelligence as closely as people believe. I am not really some kind of genius.

... I want to fuck my boss.
and that makes you dislike your job?
Sounds like a name for a series.

Last night at his apartment he kept flirting with me, he even leaned in for a kiss but I awkwardly rejected him. When I fell asleep on his couch, I was awoken by him feeling up my thigh with his hand down his pants, I pretended to still be a sleep but he saw that I had a hard on (im on no fap so im super sensitive down there). I left in the morning like nothing happened and hes been texting me like normal. Thing is, it made me feel super uncomfortable, he knows im straight but keeps on acting weird. Anons of /r9k/ Is not normal for guys to behave like this around their friends?
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If you are a heterosexual why did you post (and supposedly save) this video on your computer?
Either come out as gay and let him rail your ass or be a man and cut him off.
Idk anon im super confused about it all cuz hes actually been there for me when nobody else has. But yeah he is starting to get weird on me, a few days ago he wore super tight short shorts and a crop top. I was sitting on his couch and he conveniently spilled his drink right in front of me, before bending slowly down on all fours to pick to clean it up arching his back as much as possible. I could literally see his ass checks because his shorts were so short.
I occasionally jerk off to gay porn. But im straight. I wouldnt id
just let him fuck you who cares

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